Eternal King Chapter 244: 4 elephants formation

4th layer Pinnacle!” &1t;/

Liu Yi clearly remembered that when he teamed up with Luo Tian in Heaven’s Top Mountain Range, his cultivation base was still Spirit Sea Realm 3rd layer. . . &1t;/

But in just over a month, Luo Tian’s cultivation base actually broke through to the peak of Spirit Sea Realm 4th layer! &1t;/

How is this practiced? &1t;/

Even if you eat Qi Condensation Pill and Qi Cultivation Pill every day, it will not be so fast! &1t;/

Look at yourself again, cultivation base has not changed. &1t;/

Liu feels that she has been practicing on the dog during this closed time. &1t;/

“It’s hard to do it, it’s Law Enforcement Elder who personally took action to improve Luo Tian’s cultivation base by way of divine initiation?”&1t;/

Liu Yi only thought of this kind of explanation. &1t;/

The cultivation base that can be promoted in this way is not stable, and it will reduce its future potential. &1t;/

And cultivation base, the pinnacle of Luo Tian 4th layer, is also the bottom of these appraisers, there is no hope at all, and it is still empty in the end. &1t;/

Not long. &1t;/

Luo Tian arrived at the examination place of the disciples of Shangzong. &1t;/

There are no other special buildings here, only a high wall, ten feet high. This wall seems to be the dividing line between Lower Sect and Shangzong, blocking everyone. &1t;/

Under the high wall, a lot of people have gathered, all of them came to participate in the assessment. &1t;/

Everyone is looking at each other and observing their opponents. &1t;/

After all, each assessment has a maximum of five places, and the rest are eliminated, waiting for the next month’s assessment. &1t;/

In addition, the assessment is very difficult. &1t;/

In the past, only two or three people passed each assessment, and there have even been cases where no one passed. &1t;/

“Yo? Two new disciples are here!” &1t;/

An old disciple looked down with interest. &1t;/

One of the new disciples is Xiao Feng, and his cultivation base has broken through the Spirit Sea Realm fivefold. &1t;/

He didn’t plan to come, but Xiao Feng didn’t want to miss the opportunity of the four ‘hole’ days, so let’s try it. &1t;/

There is also a new disciple, Eighth Prince. &1t;/

Eighth Prince‘s current cultivation base is also the Spirit Sea Realm five-fold peak, but the breath is much weaker than Xiao Feng. &1t;/

Obviously, the external force of Dan’s medicine was used to forcibly raise cultivation base. The foundation was unstable and the breath was fragile. &1t;/

The Eighth Prince followed several old disciples. He was a strong man with a sharp eye like a sword, and he was “forced” and full of heroic power, and became the focus of the audience. &1t;/

Lower Sect first person Wang Fu!” &1t;/

“Five places, he basically reserved one place, only four places left!”&1t;/

The disciples all around felt invisible pressure, and the competition was too great. &1t;/

“Is Lower Sect the first person? It’s not easy!”&1t;/

Luo Tian observed Wang Fu. &1t;/

At this moment, the eyes of Wang Fu also looked at Luo Tian, ‘shooting’ a very sharp light. &1t;/

“Huh? This kid…”&1t;/

Wang Fu feels familiar. &1t;/

A few days ago, the disciple Ying Feihang of the previous sect came to him and asked him to find a way to annihilate Luo Tian and expel the sect from the door. It would be better if he could die without knowing it. &1t;/

Wang Fu thought he was about to enter the sect soon, so he entrusted the matter to others, and did not intend to personally deal with Luo Tian. &1t;/

Can participate in the assessment today, but actually encountered Luo Tian. &1t;/

This is a godsend! &1t;/

The apprentices of the ancestors are extremely difficult to assess, and there are also casualties. It is fine to kill Luo Tian by yourself. &1t;/

“Hey, come to the peak of Spirit Sea Realm 4th layer, and come to participate in the previous assessment, are you afraid of going back and forth?”&1t;/

Wang Fu snorted. &1t;/

All around saw this scene and couldn’t help but pity Luo Tian. &1t;/

Wang Fu is the first person of Lower Sect. He first targeted Luo Tian. Obviously, Luo Tian is extremely unsightly. &1t;/

Then Luo Tian is hard to confuse. &1t;/

It is absolutely impossible to pass the examination of the disciples of the previous sect. &1t;/

“Huh?” &1t;/

Luo Tian is a little unexpected. Didn’t expect Wang Fu to pay attention to himself so much? Is it because of Eighth Prince, Qi Nan and others? &1t;/

When Eighth Prince passed by Luo Tian, he smiled provocatively at Luo Tian. &1t;/

He also knows that Ying Feihang has to deal with Luo Tian’s. &1t;/

Although Luo Tian has Law Enforcement Elder support, it can be behind the Ying Feihang, but the three elders of the ‘door’. &1t;/

Cloudy Sky Sect, under the patriarch, is three Great Elder(s), followed by other elders. &1t;/

“Somewhat strange.” Luo Tian secretly said. &1t;/

Some time ago, neither Eighth Prince nor the camp behind it came to provoke Luo Tian. &1t;/

Even if Eighth Prince was encountered on the road, the other party avoided it. &1t;/

But now, Eighth Prince is suddenly bold, even Wang Fu is hostile to Luo Tian. &1t;/

“It seems that behind them, there may be more powerful characters instructing…”&1t;/

Luo Tian thinks back carefully and doesn’t remember what big man he offended. &1t;/

Except… Teacher Lin‘s former enemy! &1t;/

After two hours. &1t;/

“Examination time is up!” &1t;/

An old man fell down, belonging to the atmosphere of Earth Essence Realm, suppressing the audience. &1t;/

Even Lower Sect‘s first person, Wang Fu, bowed his head and converged. &1t;/

“It’s that elder…”&1t;/

Luo Tian looked at the old man, who was the person in charge when he entered the ‘door’ assessment, the elder Fang Qi. &1t;/

The moment the elder Fang Qi arrives. &1t;/

Boom! &1t;/

The high wall in front of everyone suddenly shook, a crack was split in the middle, and it quickly expanded to more than ten meters wide. &1t;/

Behind the wall, there is a huge square channel, dark inside, full of unknowns. &1t;/

“The appraisal of the disciples of the ancestors begins now. I won’t talk too much about the specific situation.”&1t;/

“In Yisixiang, the first five people who passed first become disciples of the ancestor!”&1t;/

It’s easy to give up the elders. &1t;/

The voice just fell. &1t;/

Shoot swoosh! &1t;/

All the disciples participating in the assessment rushed in. &1t;/

Luo Tian is not too urgent, because Wang Fu showed obvious hostility just now. If you rush too fast, it will attract the attention of Wang Fu. &1t;/

He followed the crowd and entered the tunnel. &1t;/

“Huh? That kid!” &1t;/

Elder Fang Qi‘s eyes moved slightly. &1t;/

Isn’t the last one rushing into Luo Tian? &1t;/

When Luo Tian entered the ‘door’ assessment, he was left with the impression of “Heaven Fiend Lonely Star” and “heartbroken”. &1t;/

But Luo Tian only has cultivation base, which is the peak of Spirit Sea Realm 4th layer, and dare to participate in the assessment of the previous disciples? &1t;/

Oh! &1t;/

After everyone entered, Fang Qi flew up and rushed to the end. &1t;/

He is here, waiting for the first five disciples who passed by Yi Gangxiang first. &1t;/

“In this assessment, Four Forms Formation was used. I wonder if five people will pass!”&1t;/

Elder Fang Qi laughed. &1t;/

The assessment location is fixed, but each time it will be integrated into a different formation to form a test. &1t;/

The formation that we incorporated this time is a torn ancient formation. The high-rise inside the ‘gate’ has just been made and it’s here to experiment. &1t;/


In a square channel. &1t;/

“Ah, help!” &1t;/

“Burn me to death!” &1t;/

The screams are endless. &1t;/

A crater-like ‘hole’ will suddenly appear around a dark wall, spraying ‘shot’ out of a hot and terrifying flame, which can easily burn Spirit Sea Realm’s six-fold body true qi. &1t;/

And the test is not only that, on the wall above the head, a 10,000-pound stone pillar will suddenly fall, enough to directly smash Spirit Sea Realm‘s sixfold into’flesh’ foam. &1t;/

And the ground beneath your feet will suddenly become a bottomless waterhole. &1t;/

Even some corners will suddenly grow very tough vines. &1t;/

“The difficulty of this assessment is so great!”&1t;/

Liu Yi’s face was slightly dark, feeling a little bit stressed. &1t;/

He has been here several times, but this time it is undoubtedly the most difficult. There are traps everywhere. &1t;/

Soon, someone dragged the injured body back. &1t;/

Oh! Rub! &1t;/

Luo Tian is in the passage, dodge and move around, avoiding the traps one by one. &1t;/

The perfection level, coupled with spiritual consciousness‘s all-round perception, is not difficult for him. &1t;/

But the real test comes not only from the ubiquitous traps in the passage, but also from the sneak attacks of others. &1t;/

After all, there are only five places. If you solve more people, you will have fewer competitors. &1t;/

“It’s ridiculous, Spirit Sea Realm 4th layer, it’s impossible to pass the assessment, let the brothers send you back soon!”&1t;/

An old disciple of Spirit Sea Realm Liuzhong, who is now following Luo Tian, could not help but raise his mouth. &1t;/

He and Wang Fu are in a camp. Wang Fu once told them that they don’t have to worry about anything, just adjust Luo Tian. &1t;/

Peng! &1t;/

His palms turned crimson, burning with flames, striking Luo Tian, setting off a fierce fiery wind ‘wave’. &1t;/

In his opinion, as long as he distracts Luo Tian and has no time to take care of the traps around him, it is enough to let Luo Tian out. &1t;/

At this time. &1t;/

The wall on the right side of Luo Tian is sprayed with a flame. &1t;/

“Hahaha, it seems that God made you get back!”&1t;/

The old disciple laughed. &1t;/

Shoot! &1t;/

However, in the blazing flames, a blue figure suddenly burst out, it was Luo Tian. &1t;/

cultivation base broke through the peak of Spirit Sea Realm 4th layer, his Return to Essence True Qi is more powerful, and his defense ability is extremely strong. Then, with Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body, he quickly rushed through this layer of flames, no problem at all. &1t;/

“This… what?” &1t;/

This old disciple is dumbfounded and unbelievable. &1t;/

Even if he is, he will definitely be hit hard in the face of the situation just now. &1t;/

And Luo Tian, actually safe and sound. &1t;/

Oh! &1t;/

Luo Tian had this old disciple. &1t;/

“By one’s way, one’s own one!”&1t;/

The Luo Tian face is “cold” indifferently, playing a Return to Essence Cloud Parting Hand, the thick and huge crystal yellow palm light hits away. &1t;/

The space here is not spacious enough, Luo Tian’s palm technique has a huge range, covering almost two-thirds of the passage, stopping the old disciple! &1t;/

“Scary boy, dare to shoot me, you are dead!”&1t;/

The old disciple became furious, and the red palm of the burning flame suddenly smashed away, startling a fire ‘wave’. &1t;/

But Return to Essence Cloud Parting Hand only smashed an charred pit by him, and did not break. &1t;/

The old disciple is ignorant. &1t;/

I actually failed to break the Luo Tian’s method, did you make a mistake, but I am Spirit Sea Realm sixfold! &1t;/

Oh! &1t;/

Suddenly flew three shots of vines around the corner, entangled his right foot. &1t;/

Following this, the flat floor at his feet suddenly disappeared and turned into a pool. &1t;/

Plop! &1t;/

The old disciple fell, and even called for help. &1t;/

Luo Tian does not have multiple tubes, so move on. &1t;/

After “Lu” made a move, finding him was less troublesome. &1t;/

Although Luo Tian was the last to enter, Du Yuan and others drove a famous disciple, and his performance surprised and jealous many people. &1t;/

But Luo Tian has never moved too fast. &1t;/

As the first person of Lower Sect disciple, Wang Fu must be at the forefront. Luo Tian wants to avoid this person as much as possible. &1t;/

At a certain moment, Luo Tian saw Xiao Feng. &1t;/

“I didn’t expect Xiao Feng to be “very fast”!”&1t;/

Luo Tian laughed lightly and quickly approached. &1t;/

Pap! &1t;/

He patted the shoulder of Xiao Feng and said, “Remember to pay back quickly.” &1t;/

Then Luo Tian shook his body, and passed Xiao Feng behind him. &1t;/

Luo Tian!” &1t;/

Xiao Feng teeth bite tightly~ is very annoyed, but it can only pull away from Luo Tian. &1t;/

Time passes slowly. &1t;/

During the assessment, several old disciples shot Luo Tian, all of them were counterattacked by Luo Tian’s, leaving a heavy lesson, and one person died on the spot! &1t;/

The space is getting narrower. &1t;/

Luo Tian gradually became the first group of disciples. &1t;/

Before and after him, there were only a few disciples, all of whom were ‘fine’ heroes in Lower Sect, and cultivation base was all Spirit Sea Realm above six. &1t;/


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