Eternal King Chapter 200: The second assessment

On top of Ascending Clouds Peak, only Luo Tian and Ke Yuxuan.

It’s strange to say that the mountain is surrounded by a terrifying whirlwind, but the top of the mountain is quiet.

Looking into the distance, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, the scenery is beautiful, and the scenery is beautiful.

But Ke Yuxuan didn’t want to appreciate it. Beautiful eyes glanced at Luo Tian, his face was very unsightly.

“You are faster than me!”

She didn’t take Luo Tian in her eyes at first, and thought that Luo Tian and Yan Qing were against each other.

As a result, it was such a person who reached the summit faster than her.

Ke Yuxuan is very unpleasant.

“You are also fast.”

Luo Tian glanced at Ke Yuxuan without thinking too much.

He didn’t even know this woman, he never thought of competing with Ke Yuxuan, and he didn’t sprint it out!

“But the second assessment of Cloudy Sky Sect is the focus.”

“The second assessment, I will definitely beat you!”

Ke Yuxuan looks seriously.

“Um? At random.”

Luo Tian is strange. I never thought of comparing it with Ke Yuxuan, so I don’t have a cold for this sentence at all.

In the eyes of Ke Yuxuan, the indifferent look of Luo Tian is that she didn’t take her seriously at all, thinking she would definitely not win.

“The second test requires you to look good!”

Ke Yuxuan exasperated.

Luo Tian glanced at Ke Yuxuan, feeling a little inexplicable, he didn’t offend this woman.

Suddenly, Luo Tian observes the movement below.

I saw the first Xiao Feng in the Red Dragon Dynasty list, and slowly walked out: “This test is really not interesting!”

Some of the people who were ready to climb the mountain saw Xiao Feng‘s move and immediately backed away.

The second Eighth Prince and the third Feng Qiuling came out at the same time, staring at Xiao Feng with staring eyes, and it was a challenge.


The Xiao Feng three, like straight arrows, shoot straight from the foot of the mountain, straight up!

The three quickly divided.

The first is undoubtedly Xiao Feng, but the second is Feng Qiuling, and the second one is Eighth Prince, but it falls behind.

“Amazing speed, it seems to be completely unaffected by the wind, and it will be flat!”

Yu Wenxuan sighed.

In five breathing rooms, the three geniuses reached a height of more than 100 meters.

It was not until three hundred and fifty meters that the speed of the three people decreased slightly, but without careful observation, it was difficult to detect.

The summit of these three people is like a performance, which makes people gaze and admire them.

Some geniuses crawling up slowly next to them look like waste in contrast.

“What’s going on?”

A man climbing the mountain suddenly felt a strong Spirit Sea Realm breath.

Xiao Feng!”

Looking down, the man screamed suddenly, his voice trembling.


Xiao Feng is like a dark and fierce beast, with an amazing momentum.

When he passed by the man, the latter was lifted directly by the violent momentum.

“Not good! Ah!”

The man fell.

“Go away for this prince!”

Eighth Prince sounds loud.

He and Feng Qiuling both want to compete with Xiao Feng, so he has no worries about others and rushes straight up at the fastest speed.

“No good, the top three in the Red Dragon Dynasty list, and peak at the same time!”

“Flash away!”

On the rock wall, the geniuses were frightened, and they backed away one after another.

But there are also evasion, which was affected by the charge of the three geniuses and fell down the mountain.

“It is worthy of being the top three in the list of Red Dragon Dynasty!”

“I am afraid that no one can compete with them!”



The top of Ascending Clouds Peak suddenly flew a figure, it was Xiao Feng.

After a while, he reached the top.

Next, Feng Qiuling and Eighth Prince arrived.

The speed of the three is obvious, but on the whole, the three are amazingly fast, making other geniuses feel ashamed and willing to dominate.

“No. 1 in the list of people, the real name is well-deserved.”

Eighth Prince laughed.

With the potential of Xiao Feng, there is great hope that it will become Earth Rank martial artist in the future, so Eighth Prince has always wanted to win.

It’s just that Xiao Feng has no interest in the battle between the two.

Feng Qiuling, I didn’t expect you to actually practice “Autumn Cloud Step” to great accomplishment!”

Eighth Prince looks at Feng Qiuling.

“I just realized it not long ago.”

Feng Qiuling smiled.

Eighth Prince doesn’t care. The second prestige of the others list is not the reputation. Even if the speed of Feng Qiuling movement technique is slightly better, he is confident to suppress Feng Qiuling in strength.

Then, Eighth Prince looked at Luo Tian, looking slightly cold.

Luo Tian, the first assessment, you are lucky to pass. But the second assessment is not so simple.”

Eighth Prince looks indifferent, with a hint of warning in his words.

Luo Tian doesn’t want to grow out of the festival, and ignores Eighth Prince.

The first assessment is still in progress.

On Ascending Clouds Peak, there are always thirty-four simultaneous assessments.

Once there are too many people climbing at the same time, they may interfere with each other and reduce the possibility of passing.

Luo Tian!”

With a roar, Yan Qing appeared on the summit.

His dark eyes flashed cold and stern.

All of his men died in the hands of Luo Tian, which caused Yan Qing to suffer severe losses and even make him lose face.

At the moment, Yan Qing hates to kill Luo Tian.

“The second assessment, I will make you regret enemies with me!”

Yan Qing‘s voice is chilling.

The first assessment, he was disdainful, let his men go.

As a result, all his men died, and Luo Tian also quickly reached the top. Yan Qing didn’t want to do it himself.

“Waiting anytime!”

Luo Tian laughed lightly and was ready to fight Yan Qing.

“Well, don’t think that movement technique is fast and it’s amazing, you can only fool around if you really fight!”

Yan Qing drink cold.

As the seventh in the list, Spirit Sea Realm 3rd layer peak, he is extremely terrifying, with a record of defeating Spirit Sea Realm 4th layer.

Time passes slowly.

All the personnel have been assessed, and the first assessment will end.

“Number of people who gave up the assessment: 25 people!”

“Number of deaths: 136 people!”

“Number of people passed: 251!”

Cloudy Sky Sect deacon announced the results.

“More than 400 people took part in the assessment, and only 251 were left in the first level. This second level should be more difficult.”

Yu Wenxuan sighed, the pressure was not small.

Cloudy Sky Sect deacon glanced at Luo Tian. This is the first hurdle. There are only about 30 geniuses who died in Luo Tian.

I hope that there will be no such things in the second pass, otherwise this year, there will be few disciples left for Cloudy Sky Sect.

“Master deacon, I don’t know what the second hurdle is?”

Eighth Prince asked with a smile.

The words fell.


A tremendous pressure came from the sky.

Everyone at the scene felt great pressure, and his blood and blood coagulated.

I looked up and saw three Cloudy Sky Sect elders slowly falling.

The old-headed old man headed, the voice is old, very loud: “The second assessment of Cloudy Sky Sect, in Heaven’s Top Mountain Range!”

As soon as this remark came out, many geniuses on the scene turned white.

Heaven’s Top Mountain Range has always been a dangerous endorsement, and here is the source of Heaven’s Top Mountain Range, with many monsters and beasts.

Monsters of the same level are much stronger than other places.

“After a while, you will enter Heaven’s Top Mountain Range to hunt monsters!”

Cangfa elders began to introduce: “Of course, you only entered a peripheral area delineated in advance, where the Earth Rank monster has been cleaned up.”

“Is it just that the Earth Rank monster has been cleared? Even the Spirit Rank mid-level monster, killing me is easy!”

Yu Wenxuan shuddered.

The assessment of Cloudy Sky Sect is really not going to be friendly.

“The assessment rules are simple.”

“The first level of Spirit Sea Realm, hunting 20 Spirit Rank first-level monsters, even if it passes, the result is subject to the number of demon cores!”

“Twenty Spirit Rank monsters?”

Many geniuses were dumbfounded.

The monsters of Heaven’s Top Mountain Range are already powerful, and there are many unknown dangers in the evaluation place. The evaluation standard is not difficult.

“Of course, if you have the strength to hunt monsters that exceed the number of assessments, you can exchange them for Cloudy Sky Sect contribution points.”

“Can it also be converted into contribution points?”

Many geniuses or accidents or surprises.

At Cloudy Sky Sect, the contribution point is more popular than Spirit Essence Coin.

If you want to use many of the conveniences in Sect, you need to consume the contribution points.

The contribution points can only be obtained by completing special tasks or achieving certain achievements. There are very few opportunities.


Under the leadership of the three elders, many geniuses quickly came to the assessment site.

There are more than a dozen Cloudy Sky Sect Lower Sect disciples guarding here.

The dim and desolate mountain jungle is full of primitive and dangerous breath, and occasionally a roar of roar from all directions comes from the depths.

“The area delineated by the yellow line is the assessment location. Once it comes out, it is regarded as giving up the assessment!”

After talking about the last rule, Cangfa Elder calmly announced: “The second assessment, start!”

Luo Tian, this hunting ground is your best burial place!”

Yan Qing stared at Luo Tian with a slightly sneer.

Ke Yuxuan Dai frowned, and looked at Luo Tian worriedly.

The second assessment is basically free to fight, Yan Qing will not miss Luo Tian.

However, the hunting ground is very large, as long as Luo Tian does not encounter Yan Qing, it is okay.

But at this time.

Yan Qing said again: “In the second assessment, who provides clues for Luo Tian’s trails, the boy rewards 500 Spirit Essence Coin! Those who kill Luo Tian, in addition to 500 Spirit Essence Coin, reward a middle-class treasure!”

Obviously Yan Qing also thought of it, in case Luo Tian hides from himself, it is not easy to handle.

However, if you have money, you can solve it perfectly with money.

“What? Zhongpin treasure?”

There was an uproar around.

A middle-class Even if it is the worst kind, it is also inscribed with four inscription, worth more than 1,000 Spirit Essence Coin.

It is indeed the son of a prince.

Luo Tian instantly felt that there were more than a dozen greedy eyes sweeping over himself.

Even though the performance on Luo Tian Ascending Clouds Peak is very amazing, especially the scene that made dozens of geniuses commit suicide collectively, it was shocking.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man!

Yan Qing, your reward is too rich, this prince is a little bit greedy.”

Eighth Prince smiled.

Although this is a joke, everyone can hear it, Eighth Prince really means that.

Eighth Prince is going to fight Luo Tian?

This is the second in the Red Dragon Dynasty list, the horror genius of Spirit Sea Realm 4th layer, whose strength is second only to Xiao Feng!

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