Eternal King Chapter 194: Cloudy Sky Sect

Black Spirit Blood Eagle is a Earth Rank monster. It is extremely fast. It rushes into the sky and blinks above the clouds in a blink of an eye.


At high altitude, the temperature is extremely low, coupled with the terrifying speed of Black Spirit Blood Eagle, the wind blows like a blade of ice.

All the geniuses present, all cast True Qi Body Protection, to resist the wind and low temperature.

Despite this, some martial artist of Spirit Sea Realm 1st layer, true qi body is weak and will soon be worn out.

“Adult, can you be a little slower?”

Red Dragon Dynasty, a teenager of Spirit Sea 1st layer, shouted in a low voice after the protective body true qi was worn.

On the head of Black Spirit Blood Eagle, the old-haired old man sat quietly, and his whole body was not the bodyguard true qi, but “True Essence Barrier“, the thickness was several times that of the ordinary bodyguard true qi, and the defense power was not comparable.

“Do you want to slow down? How can the old man leave you Black Spirit Blood Eagle and let you walk slowly?”

Cangfa old man spoke coldly.

The teenager immediately shrunk his neck, not daring to talk.

Luo Tian doesn’t hurt.

Return to Essence Art” originally focused on the foundation, condensing the ancient cultivation mind of true qi. After perfection, “Return to Origin True Art” has reached the middle grade of Earth Rank, especially good at defense.

The bodyguard true qi he condensed at the moment is comparable to Spirit Sea Realm 3rd layer.

Of course, in this case, it is difficult for others to see it without careful observation.

Lin Feifan, don’t you come soon?”

At this moment, a beautiful woman in red shouted.

This woman is one of Shizi Yan Qing‘s men.

“What’s the matter?”

Luo Tian asked.

“Come ahead and block the wind for Yan Qing.”

The beautiful woman said impatiently.

The Luo Tian was slightly unexpected. I saw the beautiful woman and another young man sitting in front of Yan Qing, blocking most of the wind.

As a result, Yan Qing can greatly save true qi consumption.

“Oh? I think the two of you are enough!”

Luo Tian raised her lips and laughed lightly.

With Black Spirit Blood Eagle, he no longer has to disguise Lin Feifan.

“What are you talking about?”

The beautiful woman was surprised, but Lin Feifan refused?

Another young man and Shizi Yan Qing were very puzzled and looked towards Luo Tian.

In the past, Lin Feifan never dared to rebel against the will of Yan Qing, and even tried to please.

“Is Lin Feifan‘s brain pumping or bluffing today, and actually rejected it!”

“I think you think too much. Lin Feifan may just be unhappy with ‘Lin Qiao’er’. After all, they are all under Yan Qing. It is inevitable that there will be disputes.”

The rest of Red Dragon Dynasty talked about it.

At this time, Shizi Yan Qing said indifferently: “Lin Feifan, roll over for the son!”

This morning, Lin Feifan did not meet him, and Yan Qing was a bit unhappy.

Now, Lin Feifan is still playing with his temper in front of him, this is not looking at him at all!

“Come to me if you have something, come here!”

Luo Tian laughed.

This time, all the disciples of Red Dragon Dynasty nearby have their eyes widened.

They are not under Yan Qing, they are polite to talk to Yan Qing, and Lin Feifan, as Yan Qing, dare to talk to their master like this!


Yan Qing‘s eyes narrowed, shining coldly, and said: “Your kid’s wings are hard, don’t you take my master seriously?”

“You just got the assessment qualification of Cloudy Sky Sect, you may not be able to enter Cloudy Sky Sect, and even if you go in, your son can die you!”

In the view of Yan Qing, Lin Feifan pleases itself only for the purpose of assessing eligibility.

Now that everything is done, it shows its true colors.

“These don’t bother you.”

Luo Tian said leisurely.

He is still confident about entering Cloudy Sky Sect.

“Master, let me drive this traitor off Black Spirit Blood Eagle.”

Beautiful girl Lin Qiao’er Road.

She was not happy with Lin Feifan. At this moment, in order to please Yan Qing, she asked for help.

The elders of Cloudy Sky Sect will not stop in the middle. Thousands of kilometers above the ground, Black Spirit Blood Eagle is rushed to death!

Yan Qing nodded slightly in acquiescence.

Lin Feifan, I think you are living impatiently and dare to betray your master!”

Lin Qiao’er walked slowly, and there was a hint of anger between her eyebrows.

She is the 50th person on the list, and cultivation base Spirit Sea Realm is a double.

The gap between the two rankings is obvious, Lin Qiao’er is enough to crush Lin Feifan.

Lin Qiao’er started directly, and the jade hand wrapped around the true qi of light-cyan, which turned into a hazy palm light of sapphire and shot towards the chest of Luo Tian’s.


The Luo Tian’s figure was smashed and smashed when a palm hit.

Of course, this is just an afterimage.

The high-altitude winds are violent and everyone is affected. Luo Tian’sCloud Travel Step” has an advantage. The figure is illusory and the track is difficult to distinguish.


Luo Tian appeared on the left side of Lin Qiao’er, and the a slap fan was on Lin Qiao’er‘s face.

Huge force, the unprepared Lin Qiao’er was directly stunned, and the body fell to the ground.


The violent gang wind hit, Lin Qiao’er rolled out a dozen meters continuously, rolled to the edge of Black Spirit Blood Eagle, and fell.


Lin Qiao’er quickly grabbed Black Spirit Blood Eagle to send feathers, and screamed resoundingly through the sky, alarming everyone.

Thousands of kilometers above the ground, absolutely no dead bodies will fall.


“How does Lin Feifan do it?”

It was shocking all around.

The Lin Qiao’er, the 50th in the Red Dragon Dynasty list, was actually given a slap in the air by the Lin Feifan in the 73rd place, and almost died!

“Then movement technique!”

Yu Wenxuan looked a little surprised. The movement technique that Lin Feifan just exhibited reminded him of someone.

But the wind is so strong that I didn’t see it just now, maybe it’s just an illusion.

Lin Qiao’er!”

Another young man of Yan Qing immediately rushed over and pulled Lin Qiao’er up.

Lin Qiao’er‘s face was pale and her shock was undecided. There was a large wet area on her red dress.

It seems that the scene just made her startled.

“I’m fine, I was careless just now, he was attacked by him…”

Lin Qiao’er stared at Luo Tian with resentment.

“Good for you Lin Feifan! When the sect is assessed, the son will make you regret it!”

Yan Qing‘s eyes are sullen.

Lin Feifan not only betrayed him blatantly, but also almost killed a powerful man!

Luo Tian has a calm face, a look that is not taken seriously.

Offending Yan Qing, this is impossible.

After all, I pretended to be Lin Feifan and mixed in with the identity of Yan Qing, but the true identity is always revealed.

That is to say, Yan Qing was convicted.

“Hey, why is this Lin Feifan so stupid, actually betraying Yan Qing blatantly.”

“In the assessment of Zongmen, Lin Feifan will definitely die.”

Some people nearby sighed and found Lin Feifan very stupid.

The old man sitting on the head of Black Spirit Blood Eagle glanced at Luo Tian slightly.

“It turns out, this kid…”

Cangfa old man saw through Luo Tian’s disguise and guessed that Luo Tian was the one Prince Zheng wanted to catch.

But he is too lazy to take care of it.

Relatively speaking, he is more interested in the performance of Luo Tian just now.

That movement technique is not simple. It can display such a rapid speed under such a strong wind, and the strength of that palm is also very strong.

In summary, almost all aspects completely crushed the double Lin Qiao’er of Spirit Sea Realm.

No one interferes next.

The Luo Tian disk sits down, runs “Return to Origin True Art” slightly, and begins to practice.

In Qi Sea.

one layer‘s hazy Halo cyclone slowly rotates.

His current cultivation base has reached the peak of 1st layer, not far from Spirit Sea Realm.


Three days later.

Black Spirit Blood Eagle began to slow down, approaching the ground.

Luo Tian looked down and saw a vast mountain range.

It is said that this is the source of “Heaven’s Top Mountain Range“.

This mountain range that runs through more than half of the continent is the base camp of the monsters and is known as the dangerous place of Eastern Chen Continent.

Many Martial Mansion and even countries are built near Heaven’s Top Mountain Range for two reasons.

First, it is easy to sharpen oneself, enhance strength, and contain monsters in the mountains.

Second, around Heaven’s Top Mountain Range, Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is abundant.

However, there are only a few who dare to build power directly on Heaven’s Top Mountain Range. Cloudy Sky Sect is built on the most dangerous source of Heaven’s Top Mountain Range.


Black Spirit Blood Eagle fell, and all the geniuses jumped down, looking up at the three giant peaks symbolizing Cloudy Sky Sect.

“This is Cloudy Sky Sect?”

The majestic mystery of the three giant peaks exudes an arrogant and striking momentum, which shocks the spirits of all directions.

For the first time, many geniuses suddenly felt heavy pressure, difficulty breathing, and awe came.

Moreover, these three giant peaks can only see the lower half.

The upper part is completely covered by clouds and mist, leaving behind endless mysteries and longings.

“Let me see what the situation is above!”

Luo Tian is running Good Fortune Secret Art, with a bluish outline of the eyes open.

This is the prototype Heavenly Eye, which is in the void interface and cannot be seen by ordinary people.

After initiating Heavenly Eye, the Luo Tian’s senses became extremely sharp, able to pierce all kinds of illusions and go straight to the essence.

The scenes on the three giant peaks gradually became clearer, and the palace buildings, carved beams and paintings, surrounded by clouds, were fascinating.

Going further up, the originally hidden upper part was also read by Luo Tian.

“What’s going on? The gap between the top and bottom of the three giant peaks is so big…”

Luo Tian inner secret passage.

If the lower part of the mountain is luxurious and beautiful, the upper part completely covered by the clouds can be described as a fairyland.

“It is said that Cloudy Sky Sect is divided into Shangzong and Lower Sect. Lower Sect members can only live below the mountainside, and entering the Zongzong is considered to be inside Cloudy Sky Sect!”

“I must be admitted to Cloudy Sky Sect and then enter the ancestor.”

Some discussions came around.

Luo Tian understands that this is the difference between the previous sect and Lower Sect.

I just prepared to take back Heavenly Eye.

Suddenly, Luo Tian saw that on top of the three giant peaks ~ ~ there was still a fourth small mountain peak floating.

“How come there is Fourth Peak?”

Luo Tian is very surprised.

The sect gate sign of Cloudy Sky Sect is three mountains and a cloud, where is Fourth Peak?

Stare carefully.

Luo Tian saw that the floating Fourth Peak at the top of the three peaks is mysterious and ancient, exuding a desolate atmosphere.

But Luo Tian is very difficult to see the specific scene, everything seems hazy and blurry, as if covering up the endless mystery.

Luo Tian listened carefully to the comments around, and did not hear any words about Fourth Peak.

It seems that this mysterious Fourth Peak can only be seen by Luo Tian’s Heavenly Eye.

“It is worthy of the Four Great Sects that stands on the top of the mainland, it is really not simple…”

Luo Tian is very interested in Cloudy Sky Sect.

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