Eternal King Chapter 1585: Burial Heaven Ancestor

Luo Tian uses the power of illusion source to break through Eternal Realm and further improve its own destiny path’s attainments.

Now, it is the final battle!

Heaven Ancestor, come to the death!”

The three pupils of Luo Tian shoot out a sharp golden awn containing cold killing intent.

eternal divine power surged out, condensing a nearly 100,000-foot long ice sword, the sword body gleamed with a sharp and gleaming golden light, and the surface covered with a dark and thunderous thunder, instantly penetrated the world and hit Heaven Ancestor!

“Great talk!”

Heaven Ancestor looks cold and majestic, and anger appears!

Originally, everything is under his control!

He will slaughter the entire universe, gaining power far beyond the peak, and then leave this universe to avenge his hatred.

But there is a ants who is out of his control and arrives at Eternal Realm, and he speaks loudly against him.

“Alright, killing you, my power will be more powerful!”

Heaven Ancestor is still the winner.

Eternal Realm also has strengths and weaknesses.

Luo Tian doesn’t know what method to use to break through Eternal Realm, but it is definitely unstable and weak, and its understanding of Eternal Realm is weak, and it cannot fully exert the power of Eternal Realm.

And Luo Tian is still a weak human race.

What qualifications does Luo Tian have on its own.


Heaven Ancestor‘s body is burning monstrous black-golden demonic flame, he seems to turn into a tens of thousands of black gold sun, hanging the sky, burning world’s myriad things.

Heaven Ancestor hit with a palm, a boundless black-gold dragon, carrying a sky of fire, greeted Luo Tian’sPenetrating Heavens Divine Sword“.


The confrontation between Eternal Realm and Eternal Realm has produced unprecedented devastation disasters and ravaged the universe.

Tens of tens of millions of miles are all affected by this battle, and many ethnic creatures are frightened and fled.

Heaven Ancestor has a complexion.

He just tried his best, but he didn’t have much advantage, which is a shame for him!

With his strength, Luo Tian should be crushed!

Demonic Cloud and Heavenly Dragons!”

Heaven Ancestor cast divine ability, the black-golden great sun flame around him boiled, condensed dozens of black-gold dragons, all with fierce claws, two pairs of wings, and nine sharp corners on the head.

Dozens of black and gold dragons, carrying the extinct demon’s prestige, rushed to Luo Tian.

It’s not over yet. The black-golden great sun around Heaven Ancestor is still condensing a black-gold dragon and killing Luo Tian, as if it is endless.

Luo Tian binocular micro-condensation, Good Fortune Secret Art operation.

After a few breaths, he exhibited the new divine ability.


Nether Dragon God Vein exploded with full force, one layer Extreme Yin cold power spread, and turned into a piece of Netherworld Abyss, which rushed out of one by one Nether Cold Thunder Dragon, exuding a world-shaking dragon power, greeted killing move of Heaven Ancestor!

Peng! Punt! Punt!

in the sky, a fierce black-gold dragon, fighting fiercely with the overbearing Nether Cold Thunder Dragon, producing endless roaring explosions!

It is obvious that Nether Cold Thunder Dragon has the upper hand!

Luo Tian’s divine ability gradually suppresses Heaven Ancestor, in the sky already has hundreds of Nether Cold Thunder Dragons, and they are rolling away!

Heaven Ancestor frowned, will his divine ability be at a disadvantage? How can this be?

But this scene really happened in front of us.


The black-golden great sun of the Heaven Ancestor is tens of thousands of feet in size and melts into a chaotic storm, guarding the Heaven Ancestor and resisting the attack of the Nether Cold Thunder Dragon group.

One hundred heads of Nether Cold Thunder Dragon struck away, all blocked by the black gold storm, crushed one by one.

At this time.

The remaining dozens of Nether Cold Thunder Dragon are intertwined and turned into a 100,000 dragon. The surface of the body suddenly blooms with golden awns, and each scale is gleaming with gold, as if it is a sharp blade.

Roar! Punt!

Golden Lightning Thunder Dragon dashed away and broke the black gold storm, hitting Heaven Ancestor!

The figure of Heaven Ancestor hit a chaotic storm and retreated 10,000 meters away, leaving a pit on his chest with a dozen cracks on it!


Heaven Ancestor is furious!

I was lost again and was injured by Luo Tian!

As for the reason, Heaven Ancestor has understood.

In his “Demonic Cloud and Heavenly Dragons“, Luo Tian quickly developed weaknesses and created restrained divine ability methods to gain advantages.

Afterwards, he turned to attack and defended himself, and Luo Tian pushed back to restrain divine ability, breaking the defense in one fell swoop and wounding him!

Suppressing Gods Myriad Demons Mountain!”

The Heaven Ancestor once again displayed the superb divine ability, and the black-golden streams of light converged on the sky dome, condensing a magnificent and magnificent black-gold mountain, imprinted with countless monstrous and evil ancient writing patterns, exuding domineering peerless demon’s prestige.

Luo Tian once again performed the restrained divine abilityNetherworld Sea Vortex“, after dissolving Heaven Ancestor‘s Suppressing Gods Myriad Demons Mountain, launched a counterattack.


Luo Tian and Heaven Ancestor played dozens of tricks, every move of Heaven Ancestor, Luo Tian can use restraint, crush them all, and continue to injure Heaven Ancestor.


Heaven Ancestor howled.

Luo Tian is just one of all his pieces. Against one piece, he played so aggrieved!

So far, he has wounds on all parts of divine body. In contrast, Luo Tian only has some minor minor injuries.

This is a shame!

Heaven Ancestor now understands how terrible Destiny Path cultivator is in the same realm!

Heaven Ancestor, you should have died a million years ago. Gouyan has been breathing so far, let me send you to Huangquan!”

Luo Tian spoke indifferently.

On the basis of cultivation base, Luo Tian’s is indeed not as good as Heaven Ancestor, which has lived for more than 10 million years. But he also has advantages, that is, “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” and Good Fortune Heavenly Book, as long as he fully exerts his advantages, he will be invincible.

As for the killing of Heaven Ancestor, it is extremely difficult to kill the strong Eternal Realm level. Luo Tian is not in a hurry, step by step.

However, the suffocation of this battle and the words Luo Tian’s made the volcano erupt at the heart of Heaven Ancestor.

“Since this is the case, try this trick!”

99 Fiendgods World Annihilating Chart!”

Heaven Ancestor released a vast sea like eternal divine power, a strangely twisted patterns, with him as the center, spreading to all directions!

between Heaven and Earth, outline a chaotic and mad world destroyer!

Just looking at it, Luo Tian seemed to see countless demons in revelry, his mind was disturbed, evil thoughts sprang wildly, and divine power was unstable in the body!

Luo Tian immediately closed his eyes, peeping only with eyebrow Heavenly Eye, and running Good Fortune Secret Art for deduction!

“In vain, your death is here!”

Heaven Ancestor is horribly cold.

This divine ability is extremely complicated and unpredictable, it is the killer of Heaven Ancestor, and he has to pay a certain price for his exhibition.

Luo Tian is good at deduction, but want to find out his killer skills in a short period of time, and perform decisive divine ability, this is absolutely impossible!


Heaven Ancestor vomited lightly and turned it into an ancient and strange twisted text, branded somewhere in the Fiendgod world map!


The Fiendgod extinct figure covering the heaven and earth suddenly shines the ultimate black light, engulfing world’s myriad things!

between Heaven and Earth does not have any sound, only the deadly destruction, all the material is silently annihilated, erased from the sky, sky and earth!

“Not enough time!” Luo Tian complexion sank.

This divine ability is indeed very profound, which makes the deduction difficult. Moreover, he has to perform the restrained divine ability, which is even more time-consuming!

So, Luo Tian rushed to condense divine ability in an attempt to fight against Heaven Ancestor.

Heaven Ancestor sneers, how can Luo Tian’s divine ability compare to his killer skills!


The endless annihilation of the black mansions instantly swallowed millions of miles!

All matter within this range disappears out of thin air, in the sky has no trace of dust, Luo Tian is also engulfed, vanished from sight!


Heaven Ancestor smiled relaxed, but his face changed suddenly!

Not right!

If he kills Luo Tian, he can plunder a certain strength, and his cultivation base should be improved.

But he didn’t feel any feedback.


At this moment, behind Heaven Ancestor, a page of ancient azure paper page is outlined, and the screen of Luo Tian is showing divine ability!

It turned out that when the power of “99 Fiendgods World Annihilating Chart” broke out in Heaven Ancestor, Luo Tian used Good Fortune Heavenly Book to collect himself, hiding from the depths of time and space to avoid fatal damage.

In this space, Heaven Path’s supreme treasure Heavenly Book can provide many advantages to Luo Tian.


Luo Tian flew out of Heavenly Book, he condensed to half of divine ability, then condensed, and then released!


A violent divine sword shining with multicolored lights, traversing the world, filled with ice, thunder, water, and golden light, surging the taboo atmosphere of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

This is the Luo Tian integration of five perfection rules, thousands of great accomplishment rules, the strongest divine abilityChaotic Perishing Demon Sword” exhibited!

divine ability is not complicated, simple and rude, only contains pure power!

Ancient Golden Demon Shield!”

Heaven Ancestor‘s complexion changed greatly, black-golden light twisted and twisted in front of it, turned into an black-golden great sun shield, with a fierce demon head patterns on it, and a pair of magic angles extended on the round shield.

Ding! Boom!

But the moment “Chaotic Perishing Demon Sword” stabbed, he broke the defensive divine ability of Heaven Ancestor and penetrated his body!

The left arm of Heaven Ancestor disappeared, his huge body seemed to be eaten by a big bite, and the left half was gone!

This blow will hit Heaven Ancestor!

Heaven Ancestor‘s eyes are fierce and his face is very embarrassed.

He planned for a million years, playing with all the creatures of the universe, but he didn’t want to be destroyed by Luo Tian. He was also hit hard!

Heaven Ancestor was disturbed and dared not carelessly.

Now he has little chance of defeating Luo Tian’s!


Heaven Ancestor turns around and instantly escapes thousands of miles away.

“Um? Didn’t you catch up?”

Heaven Ancestor is a little surprised.

Perhaps Luo Tian just avoided his killer and just displayed such a powerful divine ability, which is very expensive and damages his vitality.

Heaven Ancestor was a little relieved and decided to take care of the injury first, and then slaughtered Universe of Myriad Worlds to further enhance the strength, and then to solve Luo Tian.

Five days later.

Heaven Ancestor left Divine Territory Continent and came to a quiet and secret Outer World Void, ready to open a secret realm, retreat to recuperate the wound.

Heaven Ancestor, this Luo are waiting for you for a long time.”

in the sky, ancient azure paper page outlined, Luo Tian flew out of it, divine ability, which had already been condensed, was suddenly released!

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