Eternal King Chapter 1538: Loot 1 empty

When you enter the Feather Clan treasure trove, everyone’s vision is filled with colorful treasures.

The treasure house of Feather Clan is very broad. All the resources and wealth are neatly listed and divided into spirit crystals area, divine crystal area, spirit materials area, spiritual ores area, etc., all kinds of resource treasures are dazzling.

“A lot of treasures.”

The eyes of the ugly bird were shining, and the first to act, rushed into the treasure trove and disappeared.

Luo Tian, Ning Xueyao and Xue Yan God Monarch are not behind, too lazy to pick and move resource treasures directly into storage props.

Anyway, I want to evacuate the entire treasure trove!

Most of the resource treasures in the treasure trove are somewhat inferior to Luo Tian, and they are rarely useful to him, but they have a lot of wins. The three of them keep moving into storage props, and it takes a while.

Perhaps the treasures harvested this time are more useful for Luo Tian than Luo Tian harvested in Dragon Clan mysterious ancient land.

But the total value is definitely higher.

When looting the Feather Clan treasure trove, Luo Tian will also pay attention to it and pick up the treasures that are useful to him.

His current level is too high, standing in the top ranks of Divine Territory Continent, and no more than thirty useful items in the entire treasure trove.

After a while.

The Feather Clan treasure trove is emptied and nothing is left.

The three didn’t have time to sort out the loot, and the next Heavenly Feather Divine Palace was to be looted!


“What should we do?”

God Luo and Divine Feather Clan‘s remnants are too strong, Elder Bi Tian is dead, we can’t fight!”

“I don’t know what the enemy is outside, Feather Protection Great Formation is turned on, otherwise we can escape from Heavenly Feather Divine Palace…”

Everyone Feather Clan hides in Tibet, I don’t know what to do.

Until now, they thought that Feather Clan had encountered a strong enemy, and then opened Feather Protection Great Formation. I did not expect this to be caused by Luo Tian.

“You guys, hand over all the treasures!”

At this moment, a nightmarish voice came from the sky.

Many Feather Clan hiding in a palace shivered and turned pale.

“Forgive life, forgiveness for adults!”

There are Feather Clan who ran out and kowtowed for mercy, and presented great treasure.

Next, the rest of the Feather Clan did the same.

The Luo Tian trio run wild and unstoppable. All Feather Clans encountered along the way are begging for mercy and presenting treasures.


On the other side, two Feather Clan Spiritual God came to the formation central hall.

“I suspect that Feather Clan did not encounter the enemy. Luo Tian opened Feather Protection Great Formation, trapping us here and searching for resources.”

“I feel the same way.”

These two Feather Clan Spiritual God want to find out the truth.

If the guess is correct, as long as Feather Protection Great Formation is lifted, all Feather Clan will be saved. Can also pass the message out, Luo Tian, Ning Xueyao and Xue Yan God Monarch will pay a painful price for what they do!

“The defensive great formation has been opened in the main hall, and it really is a strange thing.”

“Come and break!”

One of the two Spiritual Gods is good at formation. He once served in the central hall and was driven out after making mistakes.

“I am familiar with this defensive great formation and can break through in half a day!”

This Spiritual God is good at formation.

After half a day.

The formation barrier in the central hall suddenly dissipated!

Two Spiritual Gods are vigilantly entering. If you want to dismiss Feather Protection Great Formation, just destroy the formation hub inside.

However, at this moment!


There was a roar from all directions in Heavenly Feather Divine Palace, and the dark yellow light curtain covering the entire Heavenly Feather Divine Palace dissipated.

“What’s going on? We haven’t destroyed the formation hub, how did Feather Protection Great Formation get rid of it?”

A Spiritual God was shocked.


The three of Luo Tian robbed Heavenly Feather Divine Palace almost, and after gaining incredible wealth, they planned to leave.

After all, this is someone else’s territory. The longer you stay, the greater the risk.

So Luo Tian ordered the men of the central hall to release Feather Protection Great Formation.

“Let’s go.”

The three Luo Tian leave Heavenly Feather Divine Palace.

The harvest this time has been amazing. The glorious Heavenly Feather Divine Palace has been searched from beginning to end. The financial and human resources of Feather Clan have caused huge losses, and the face of the Divine Territory strong family has been lost.

“With such a big noise, Feather Clan will do everything to chase us down, what shall we do next?”

Xue Yan God Monarch is worried.

After all, Feather Clan has God King in town, this time they are too busy, God King Yue Qiong will never let them go.

The speed of God King Yue Qiong is among the best in many God Kings of Divine Territory. It is too difficult to get rid of his pursuit.

“The biggest threat to us from Feather Clan is only God King Yue Qiong, so he can’t deal with us.”

Luo Tian seems to have planned for a long time.

“What do you do?”

Xue Yan God Monarch is very curious.


When Feather Protection Great Formation is released, the Feather Clan Spiritual God still alive in Heavenly Feather Divine Palace will pass the message.

Not long.

Feather Clan various Gods, who was out, learned everything.

When they go out and search for Divine Feather Clan remnants.

The remnants of Divine Feather Clan, together with Luo Tian, infiltrated Heavenly Feather Divine Palace, wreak havoc on plunder, causing inestimable losses!

Xue Yan God Monarch betrayed Feather Clan!

Elder Bi Tian fell!

Treasure looted!

These news made all the Spiritual Gods going out suddenly burst into anger. They wished to return to Heavenly Feather Divine Palace immediately and smash the corpses of Luo Tian and others.

God King Yue Qiong also learned everything that happened at Heavenly Feather Divine Palace.

“A good move to tune the tiger away from the mountain!”

this king wants you to die better than life!”

His face was cold, his whole body was suffocated by suffocation, and there was a burst of roar and explosion!


A cold moon afterglow flashed, God King Yue Qiong vanished from sight.

Ning Xueyao left Heavenly Feather Divine Palace. If the distance between the two parties is not too far away, God King Yue Qiong will be able to perceive it.

Not to mention that Xue Yan God Monarch betrayed Feather Clan, God King Yue Qiong can also be traced according to Xue Yan God Monarch, and with his speed and perception, he is confident to search out enemies!

After three days.

“The breath is more intense, Divine Feather Clan remnants, Xue Yan God Monarch, and a human God Monarch breath…”

The God King Yue Qiong eyes are full of cold light, and the killing intent, which is condensed like a substance, diffuses out. He can’t help but want to kill.

But suddenly.

These breaths are all vanished from sight, God King Yue Qiong is a bit stunned, and the speed is slow for a minute or two.

“The breath suddenly disappeared. Did you escape using teleportation formation or the space channel?”

God King Yue Qiong‘s face sank, and the powerful divine consciousness permeated through the void!

He wants to determine where Luo Tian and others have been sent.


God King Yue Qiong found something wrong, he did not perceive the fluctuation of space!

At this time!

Peng! Roar!

The earth An icy giant dragon carrying a cold storm, soaring into the sky and killing God King Yue Qiong!

God King Yue Qiong stared away, his face stunned, apparently unexpected, he would encounter an ambush.


On the other side, Ning Xueyao exhibited a vast sea of ​​feathers, which was like a doomsday disaster that destroyed the world and swept through.

Behind God King Yue Qiong.

Xue Yan God Monarch keeps a long distance, and the fair-faced cast exhibits divine ability, and a red flame feather bird pounces on God King Yue Qiong!

Xue Yan God Monarch heart beats.

She never thought that the way Luo Tian said to make God King Yue Qiong unable to chase them down was to actively attack God King Yue Qiong!

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