Eternal King Chapter 1493: Cultivating Temple

“Are you all right?”

Qiu Wanwan asked again.

“Well, he asked for the death of Zhuang Yuying, and I am not guilty.” Luo Tian nodded.

Qiu Wanwan‘s face is a bit unnatural, with a pale face, and a faint blush, which is a bit shameful.

Luo Tian is okay, but she panicked and asked grandpa to help.

“This is Spiritual Gods Area, you can’t come here, lest Zhuang Zhengbo use this as a reason to trouble you.”

Qiu Wanwan said again.

She also remembered that Luo Tian is now ineligible to stay in Immortal Clan. After Luo Tian leaves, Zhuang Zhengbo is very likely to retaliate…

Spiritual Gods Area is not a forbidden place, anyway.”

This is, the thin old man next to him squeezed his beard, said indifferently, and looked at Luo Tian slightly.

His granddaughter has never been so worried about strange men. Luo Tian aroused his curiosity.

However, it was found that Luo Tian is a human race, and the thin old man was very disappointed and suddenly disinterested.

Immortal Clan has regulations that prohibit intermarriage with foreigners!

“Granddaughter, this is the person you want to help? He is fine.”

“Come with me, grandpa check your recent cultivation.”

The attitude of the thin old man has changed slightly. He cannot allow his granddaughter to walk too close to this human being. If the granddaughter is deceived and deceived by Luo Tian, he will be punished by Immortal Clan.


Qiu Wanwan glanced at Luo Tian and left with the thin old man.


One day passed.

Luo Tian should have left Immortal Clan!”

Zhuang Zhengbo is prepared to follow up personally to ensure foolproof.

But he came to the foreign aid area and learned that Luo Tian did not leave.

He came to Immortal Transmission Platform again and learned that Luo Tian did not come here.

This puzzles Zhuang Zhengbo.

Except for Immortal Gates and Immortal Transmission Platform, Immortal Clan has no other exports. Is Luo Tian still staying in Immortal Clan?

“This kid guessed that after leaving Immortal Clan, this God would shoot him, so hide in Immortal Clan and leave?”

Zhuang Zhengbo snorted.

Luo Tian does not have the qualifications to stay but refuses to leave. This is a violation of the rules and will be punished and then expelled Immortal Clan.

After Zhuang Zhengbo came to Law Enforcement Hall and told the matter, Law Enforcement Hall immediately dispatched several teams of law enforcement officers to search the trail of Luo Tian’s.

He believes that it won’t take long for Luo Tian to be searched out, and then he will act again, so he will go back.


Half a month later, he inserted in the eyes and ears of Law Enforcement Hall, and there was still no news.

Zhuang Zhengbo frowned, but Luo Tian has not been found yet? Why is the efficiency of Law Enforcement Hall so low?


Zhuang Zhengbo left Immortal Palace, ready to ask for details.

At this time, a familiar figure flew out of a Immortal Palace next to it and quickly went away.

Zhuang Zhengbo has flown away, but suddenly turned to stare at this figure, startled: “Luo Tian!”

Luo Tian was actually hidden in Immortal Clan Spiritual Gods Area. The people of Law Enforcement Hall had never searched Spiritual Gods Area. No wonder Luo Tian was not found.

And **** it, Luo Tian was hiding next to him in Immortal Palace, and he was a neighbor with Zhuang Zhengbo for half a month!

Luo Tian, you dare to dare to sneak into Spiritual Gods Area!”

Zhuang Zhengbo loudly shouted!

Luo Tian turned around and looked at the person, but ignored it, and then went away.

Zhuang Zhengbo looks slightly stiff.

Should a normal person crime be discovered, shouldn’t I panic and flee? Luo Tian is like a okay person, ignoring himself!


Zhuang Zhengbo chases over, he will take down Luo Tian in person and give it to Law Enforcement Hall for disposal!

Luo Tian noticed that Zhuang Zhengbo was catching up, and his face was dull: “Zhuang Zhengbo, don’t you know what happened.”

He is already a little annoyed by this old guy. If Spiritual Gods Area is not allowed to fight, Luo Tian already wants to teach Zhuang Zhengbo.


Zhuang Zhengbo is not light.

Luo Tian violates the rules of Immortal Clan. Now he is a criminal. He dared to threaten him with rhetoric!

Spiritual Gods Area prohibits fighting, which is in accordance with the regulations between Immortal Clan Spiritual God. In the eyes of Zhuang Zhengbo, Luo Tian is a foreigner criminal, so he did not take this into account.

Zhuang Zhengbo is preparing to attack Luo Tian.

But Luo Tian suddenly entered a magnificent palace, that is “Cultivating Temple“, Spiritual Gods Area cultivation treasure!

Only Spiritual God living here can enter into cultivation.

Zhuang Zhengbo immediately stopped, in case Cultivating Temple was damaged.


He also flew into Cultivating Temple, but no trace of Luo Tian’s was found.

“What about the human just now?”

Zhuang Zhengbo asked about the management here.

The steward is just a Half-God, telling the truth: “Then humans went in to practice.”

“He is not a member of Immortal Clan, how can you put him in to practice?”

Zhuang Zhengbo reprimanded.

When did Cultivating Temple‘s identity check become so casual?

“The identity token of the man just now is fine, he has the qualification to enter Cultivating Temple practice.” Guan Shidao.

“He doesn’t even have the qualification to stay in Immortal Clan, how could it be okay.”

Zhuang Zhengbo sneered.

The next thing is panic, Zhuang Zhengbo is the pinnacle of Spiritual God of Immortal Clan First Heavenly Layer, and I certainly won’t lie to myself.

Is it true that the human just had a problem?

What can I do?

He put Luo Tian in to practice. This is his dereliction of duty. He will lose this precious job and will be punished.

Elder Zhuang, can’t you say anything about this?” the manager whispered.

Zhuang Zhengbo raised his Tian not only hid Immortal Clan Spiritual Gods Area, but also forged his identity and entered Cultivating Temple to practice. This is a serious violation of the regulations. Zhuang Zhengbo is planning to publicize these immediately.

“This child enters the top layer of Cultivating Temple. According to the rules of Immortal Clan, no matter what the situation is, you are not allowed to disturb the top-level cultivator, so you cannot catch him on Elder Zhuang.” Guan Dao said.

“What? Top layer of Cultivating Temple!”

Zhuang Zhengbo looked shocked and twitched his mouth!

Immortal Clan Spiritual God enters Cultivating Temple at a corresponding price. The top layer of Cultivating Temple, generally Immortal Clan Spiritual God does not qualify for entry.

Zhuang Zhengbo has never been to the top floor in his life, but Luo Tian has enjoyed it!

He deeply thinks that Cultivating Temple‘s manager is a fool, and actually put Luo Tian to practice at the top of Cultivating Temple!

“This child is registered at the top level of Cultivating Temple for three years. Elder Zhuang is not as good as waiting for the child to come out after three years and then take him down.”

“Although this position is not high, there are some powers to help Elder Zhuang get some convenience…”

Management began to bribe Zhuang Zhengbo.

As long as he does not preach the matter and let his boss know, his position can be kept. After three years, Luo Tian comes out, Zhuang Zhengbo can be taken directly, and Immortal Clan can be ejected.

“Then do that!”

Zhuang Zhengbo thought for a moment and agreed.

When Law Enforcement Hall has not caught Luo Tian, and he found Luo Tian, this can complement his ability.

And a series of crimes of Luo Tian is already a capital crime!

When Luo Tian comes out of the top layer of Cultivating Temple, Zhuang Zhengbo will be here, put Luo Tian on the spot, to comfort Zhuang Yuying‘s spirit in heaven.

Elder Zhuang, this is some of the contribution points below, which will be transferred to you.”

Manage said with a laugh.

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