Eternal King Chapter 1484: You guys look down upon me

“He may be attacking Second Heavenly Layer God Monarch!”

The old man in white felt that Luo Tian could kill Spiritual God with divine ability. His cultivation base might be God Monarch.

But he also thinks that such a young God Monarch is simply impossible. How could the human race have God Monarch?

Adding Luo Tian‘s breakthrough vision at the moment, it seems to be breaking through Second Heavenly Layer.

But Luo Tian closed for only half a year, and it was not so fast to break through Second Heavenly Layer.

The old man in white is completely confused. Not sure.

Second Heavenly Layer?”

Red robe Spiritual God swallowed saliva, his face showing joy and respect.

The two of them helped Luo Tian to get rid of the disturbers, and may have a chance to make this God Monarch.

While the two of them are waiting, the vision of between Heaven and Earth slowly weakens and eventually dissipates.

In a wooden house.

Luo Tian opened its dark and bright eyes, which seemed to have a fierce electric light flashing out, and a terrible and depressed atmosphere enveloped all around!

He successfully broke through. It took only half a year and it was amazingly fast.

This all benefited from the help of King divine source.

Heavenly Book also helped a lot, and solved some problems when Luo Tian hit the bottleneck.

Second Heavenly Layer is now!”

Luo Tian took a deep breath.

Everything in his field of vision is different from before. It is more thoroughly shown in the eyes of Luo Tian. He seems to be able to easily control everything.

Feeling the new divine source in the body, which seems to contain infinite divine power. At this moment, Luo Tian feels that he can hand pluck the sun and moon, his feet are broken, and he feels that he can do everything in heaven and earth!

God Realm 3rd layer days, the gap between each First Heavenly Layer is very large, and the perception is also very different.

“Congratulations to God Luo, cultivation base breakthrough!”

The voice of the old man in white came from outside.

He was a little flustered, not sure what Luo Tian is now cultivation base.


The log cabin withered away and Luo Tian came out.

Nie Family red robe Spiritual God looks slightly surprised, it is really a human race, and it is so young!

“Your cultivation base breakthrough, this is a great event, Nie Family is willing to help you to celebrate the feast.”

Red robe Spiritual God invites Luo Tian to Nie Family!

The breath from Luo Tian made his heart tremble, thinking that Luo Tian is probably God Monarch!

Even if you guess wrong, such a young **** has great hopes of becoming a God Monarch in the future, which is definitely worth Nie Family.

“No need, I still have things.” Luo Tian refused.

He is grateful for the old man in white to bring someone to protect the Fa, but Luo Tian is really important.

“What’s the matter with you, maybe Nie Family can help?”

The old man in white asked.

He wanted to repay his kindness. Now that Luo Tian cultivation base has made breakthroughs and his strength is higher on the one layer floor, he should naturally be treated more friendly.

“You can’t help, it will be dangerous to stay, let’s go.”

Luo Tian is here to fight the killer of the mysterious organization, not want to involve outsiders.

The two Spiritual Gods of Nie Family were not willing to leave, but they did not dare to violate the will of Luo Tian’s. They slowly retreated for a long distance and secretly discussed what to do.

At this time.


A Spiritual God of Three Eyes Golden-eyed Clan came from afar. After seeing Luo Tian, he looked shocked and quickly stopped his body.

Luo Tian is here!”

He hurriedly sent a message and stepped back a distance.

He is just a normal Spiritual God, and Luo Tian has a record of repelling God Monarch, so be careful.

Luo Tian, you can’t escape, just catch it!”

The three-eyed Spiritual God stepped back and said.

More than a year ago, Luo Tian’s trace information was exposed.

Luo Tian is still here. He didn’t run away. He didn’t leave when he saw him. This was abnormal. Perhaps Luo Tian already wanted to open it, tired of the escape career, and decided to surrender.

The three-eyed Spiritual God is the first one to come. If Luo Tian surrenders, he will be the one to do the credit.

“Escape? I am just waiting for you here.”

Luo Tian chuckled, the enemy came really fast, but the first one was just a normal Spiritual God, which made him less interested.

“Waiting for us?”

The three-eyed Spiritual God looked slightly stunned, and did not understand what Luo Tian meant.

“Is the enemy of Sir God Luo!”

The old man in white and the red robe Spiritual God glanced at each other. This was a great opportunity to show Luo Tian a good chance, and the enemy was just ordinary Spiritual God. They could both win it!

“Great talk!”

“It’s up to you and the enemy of Sir God Luo, and you kneel down and apologize!”

Two Nie Family Spiritual God flew over again, majestic loudly shouted!

Three eyes Spiritual God swept the two of them. With the background of his organization, he was not afraid of these two Spiritual God.

“Oh, I advise the two to be less busy, otherwise you will die miserably!”

Three eyes Spiritual God sneered.

The ancestor said that for those who hinder, no matter who they are, they can kill them!

“Are you threatening us?”

The eyes of the old man in white were condensed, and he decided to give this three-eye Spiritual God a lesson.


The old man in white condensed a soaring sword in his body, and instantly cut out three countless brilliant sword lights, which are six or seven kilometers long.

The red robe Spiritual God of Nie Family also shot. After all, the old man in white hasn’t recovered from his injuries, so fighting alone may not be the enemy’s opponent.

The two Nie Family Spiritual God teamed up to suppress the three-eye Spiritual God, and flew it with a few strokes, and the corners of the mouth overflowed with blood!

“Apologize for admitting mistakes.”

Old man in white loudly shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, there were two rainbow lights flying in the distance.

Oh! Whoosh!

Two more Spiritual Gods arrived and flew beside the three-eyed Spiritual God. The three of them were in uniform, obviously a group.

The old man in white has a stiff face.

How can these three eyes Half-God have helpers? It was too timely.

One of the two Spiritual Gods who arrived was exceptionally powerful, obviously the peak of First Heavenly Layer!

Just now they had two hits and one fight. Now there are three enemies, and the situation is reversed.

The two Spiritual Gods of Nie Family looked embarrassed and showed a weak backward distance.


There is still a breath of Spiritual God in the distance.

“Is there any helper?”

The old man in white was completely shocked.

In this short period of time, there have been four consecutive Spiritual God, which proves that the enemy’s power is extraordinary.

In the face of this powerful force, Nie Family does not want to provoke offense.

He finally realized that Luo Tian’s is not so helpful.

“You guys step back.”

Luo Tian shook his head slightly.

He doesn’t want to be involved in Nie Family, but the two Spiritual God of Nie Family insist on helping him, which will bring Nie Family to the top!

After all, others are well-intentioned. Luo Tian doesn’t want to let Nie Family suffer, so forget all the enemies.

Oh! Whoosh!

Nie Family two Spiritual God are no longer brave and retreat quickly.

The three enemies of the enemy Spiritual God showed their solemn expressions in surprise.

After all, Luo Tian has a record of repelling God Monarch, and there are two Spiritual God helpers, which makes them quite afraid, but Luo Tian will chase away the helpers!

Three gray robes Spiritual felt underestimated.

“Look at us?”

The Spiritual God at the peak of First Heavenly Layer is solemnly said.

Luo Tian can repel the organization God Monarch, mainly due to the negligence of adults God Monarch, Luo Tian also set a trap ambush, his true strength has not reached Second Heavenly Layer.

It seems that because of this record, Luo Tian has become very proud and self-righteous.

“Let’s go together!”

First Heavenly Layer‘s pinnacle Spiritual God applauded!

There are three of them, and one member of the organization is coming from behind. Four Spiritual God team up. Why fear Luo Tian?

It doesn’t matter if you can’t kill Luo Tian, as long as you hold Luo Tian and wait for the organization God Monarch to arrive, you will make a big contribution!

“Not that I look down upon you, but you look down upon me!”

Facing the offensive of three Spiritual Gods, Luo Tian indifferently said.

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