Eternal King Chapter 1483: Successful breakthrough

The ugly bird doesn’t want Luo Tian to die here, it is going to seek revenge on the human who split himself into this ghost. It feels that its single-handed success rate is not high, so it must bring Luo Tian.

“Retreat obediently and wait for your life!”

The ugly bird flew into the air, with a very proud gesture, exuding the breath of Spiritual God.

“A divine bird?”

Many people were shocked.

With the divine bird law, the identity of the retreat may not be simple.

But this divine bird is too ugly!


The ugly bird is also Spiritual God, able to read the psychological thoughts of cultivator under Spiritual God.

It was suddenly angry!

“You are ugly, you are all ugly, and the whole family is ugly!”

“Ugly monsters, can you not turn on the lights…Ugly monsters, in this era of face-to-face, your existence is very sad…”

The ugly bird sang a song, cursing the enemy with his own good singing.

In this sing, the world seemed to tremble, everyone around me suddenly burst into anger, a splitting headache, felt that both ears were filled with feces, and then stabbed with a sharp weapon!

This ugly bird’s song can arouse everyone’s strong anger and killing intent. It’s unbearable to kill the ugly bird soon after, killing thousands of people!

The ugly bird once relied on this song, but it caused a beast tide!

“Shut up and stop singing!”

“Quick stop!”

Weeping wailing from all around, followed by a screaming voice.


An Half-God attacked with anger, releasing a stormy dark light.

He forgot that the ugly bird is divine bird. He is not an opponent of the ugly bird at all. He was completely stunned by anger and wanted to kill the ugly bird.

Soon after, more attacks came to kill, and the ugly bird was surrounded by the sky attack.

Several Spiritual God also immediately shot, to stop the magic sound of ugly birds!

“A group of ugly monsters who also want to hurt this God? Let’s go dreaming.”

The ugly bird flapped its wings, and its thin body flexibly walked in the siege of many enemies, fortunately avoiding all attacks.

It’s cultivation base is very close to God Monarch, it is very easy to deal with this group of people.

After escaping from the siege of the crowd, the ugly bird headed towards Stygian while singing.


The crowd at the back chased wildly.

Before arriving at the Styx, I saw ghost creature near the Styx and climbed up to the shore, angry to kill ugly birds!

Can bring many Styx ghost creature ashore, the singing of ugly birds is really powerful!

The ugly bird flew over the Styx, constantly singing ugly monsters, and alarmed more and more ghost creature.

Those who want to murder Luo Tian’s cultivator are also chasing and killing. They seem to be in a camp with ghost creature, get along well, and pursue the enemy together.

But the ugly bird suddenly stopped singing, and the anger of all the killers quickly fell back to reason, as did ghost creature.

So, ghost creature in the Styx began to attack all living creatures again, and the scene fell into chaos.

Those who murdered Luo Tian’s cultivator were surrounded by many powerful ghost creatures from Styx.

The ugly bird leaves happily and returns to the temporary cave house of Luo Tian’s.

In a moment.

Six or seven people arrived. They were all injured and made the ugly birds familiar. It was the cultivators who were led by the ugly birds to the Styx.

overwhelming majority people all died in the Styx. These people broke through the ghost creature‘s siege and survived. They hated the ugly birds, so come to revenge!

Other than that.

The amazing vision of Luo Tian cultivation has continuously attracted new cultivator, and the temporary cave house of Luo Tian’s is surrounded by more than a dozen people.

No way, the ugly bird can only sing the ugly monsters again, leading the enemies to the Styx.

At the current cultivation base level of the ugly bird, the ordinary Spiritual God faced with this ugly monster, it is almost unable to resist, the body will continue to hunt down the ugly bird without control.

Although there are many strong people near Styx, Second Heavenly Layer God Monarch is still extremely rare, so there is nothing to fear about ugly birds, and the retreat of Luo Tian’s is also very stable.


Luo Tian is practiced with Emperor divine source, impacting the bottleneck, not relying too much on the external environment, it seems logical that the vision is much smaller.

In fact, it is indeed much smaller, but Luo Tian is still underestimated, otherwise he will find places with few people.

In addition, because the vision impacting Second Heavenly Layer is much smaller, the enemies attracted to it are not clear that Luo Tian’s is really cultivation base, and he is not impacting Second Heavenly Layer!

Fortunately, everything is going well. The ugly bird is powerful, and it will lead the enemies that are coming to the Styx again and again.

It’s just that the ugly bird’s method has no effect of eradication. Some people can survive a few times.

It’s not easy to survive. They united and vowed to wash the shame and chop the ugly bird!

The ugly bird sings continuously, its mouth gradually becomes enlarged, and the effect of the song decreases.

It won’t last long.

“The magic sound effect of this black crow has dropped!”

“That’s right, I’m going to strip all the hair on it and cut off its flesh and blood!”

Four Spiritual Gods and seven Half-Gods have gathered nearby!

Just as they were about to launch an attack to eradicate the ugly bird!

Oh! Whoosh!

In the distance, there are white and red rainbow lights coming rapidly, exuding an amazing divine power breath!

“It’s here!”

One of the white robe elders is staring at the temporary cave house of Luo Tian’s!

He was Spiritual God who was saved by Luo Tian.

When he left, he found that Luo Tian was retreat and thought that Luo Tian was too hasty. How could he practice in the forbidden Stygian River, he would definitely be in danger.

So the old man in white robe didn’t go back. He healed outside the Styx and called another Spiritual God in the clan!

As he expected, Luo Tian was in trouble, and his chance to repay her came!

“Go away!”

The old man in white robe sipped.

“All withdraw, do you want to interfere with my family’s Spiritual God retreat breakthrough?”

Another red robe Spiritual God reprimanded with majesty!

“It is Spiritual God of Nie Family.”

“Two more Spiritual Gods are here, which is not easy!”

Two Spiritual God plus an ugly bird, it is difficult for them to take advantage of the fire. Once the people in the wooden house successfully break through, they will definitely avenge the disturber.

They also think that it is also Nie Family Spiritual God that is closed in the wooden house.

There is no need to offend Nie Family for a trivial matter.

So, all these ill-intentioned cultivator are gone.


Suddenly, connecting Heaven and Earth‘s giant gray-and-white beam of light shines in all directions, illuminating the forbidden Stygian River, which is always dark.

The Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth in a thousand miles trembles and gathers quickly to form a tremendous and amazing spiritual qi vortex!

A powerful and icy supernatural power burst and it is getting stronger and stronger, making all Spiritual God trembling around!

cultivation base is lower than Spiritual God, there is a strong awe and admiration in my heart, I want to kneel down and worship!

“What’s going on here? The breakthrough vision is suddenly so amazing, is this really Spiritual God breaking First Heavenly Layer peak?”

“This vision is extraordinary, the person who breaks through is not simple, he has succeeded, and withdraw quickly!”

Those who wanted to take the opportunity to murder Luo Tian’s cultivator and withdrew in fear!

“Brother Nie Rong, what was the person who saved your life breaking through? This momentum vision is also amazing!”

The red robe Spiritual God of Nie Family took a deep breath and stepped back a distance.

This supernatural power is too large and majestic, as heavy as a hundred thousand mountains, he feels unwell and has difficulty breathing.

“He may be hitting Second Heavenly Layer God Monarch!”

The old man in white is not sure.

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