Eternal King Chapter 1473: Luo Tian’s survey

Give Supreme Elder a divine artifact, Luo Tian must also give Luo Xiao a divine artifact self-defense.

After that, Luo Tian found patriarch and Great Elder(s) Luo Youlan again.

When Luo Xiao is wanted, Great Elder(s) has been on his side. When Luo Xiao returned to Divine Territory Continent and was searched by Mei Family, Great Elder(s) took the risk of sheltering Luo Xiao.

Not to mention, Great Elder(s) has also helped Luo Tian.

So Luo Tian gave him a Half-Divine Artifact, which is considered to be gracious.

patriarch is also an acquaintance, with a lot of hard work, a piece of Half-Divine Artifact is a reward.

After doing all this.

Luo Tian, with his father Luo Xiao, quietly left Luo Family and left the human race.

Wan Famen.

In the **** mansion of Moonlight God, Mysterious Gold God is also here.

At this time, the human race came out with a third Spiritual God, Iron-clawed Clan and Rotten Elephant Clan confessed their apology, and signed a contract not to violate the human race for ten thousand years. The entire human race is in celebration.

Many people think that the human race will rise.

But Mysterious Gold God and Moonlight God‘s complexion is not so good at the moment, and it is even a bit dull.

“Did you investigate the origin of that God Monarch?” Mysterious Gold God asked.


Moonlight God shook his head slightly.

The faces of the two Spiritual Gods sink again.

Luo Tian offended the strong enemy of God Monarch, they are really hard to rest assured, worrying that the God Monarch will kill again in the future.

You know.

Iron-clawed Clan and Rotten Elephant Clan speculated that God Monarch great expert was severely hit by the human race, and was scared and immediately withdrew the army. Apologizing for losing, it can be seen that God Monarch is terrible!

In the unlikely event that this God Monarch comes from a super power, it may not be just an God Monarch who comes to avenge by that time!

“Don’t think about this matter any more, no matter how you think, it’s not something you and I can solve.”

Moonlight God lightly said.

“That’s right.”

Mysterious Gold God nodded in agreement and gave up investigating the origin of Green Eye grey-robed person.

The super powers have really killed them, and the human resistance has no meaning.

Moonlight God, this God suspect that the treasure that Luo Tian obtained in Human Sovereign’s Treasurehouse is the sword.”

Mysterious Gold God mentioned other things.

The sword of Luo Tian that day, Power shaking heaven and moving earth, reversed the situation and hit God Monarch!

Without that sword, he thought that Luo Tian would definitely lose.

This sword is no ordinary Divine Weapon!

Before Mysterious Gold God, I was still wondering what treasure Luo Tian got in Human Sovereign’s Treasurehouse. Now it seems to be this sword.

“Well, that sword may be the legendary Heavenly Divine Artifact!”

Moonlight God tells his guess.

Luo Tian stayed in Human Sovereign’s Treasurehouse for too long. She had long suspected that Luo Tian might get a great treasure, and now it is almost certain, that is the sword!

“His luck is amazing.”

Mysterious Gold God has a face of envy.

Moonlight God nodded in agreement, somewhat envious.

The two Spiritual Gods do not have any greed and selfishness. They have already recognized Luo Tian in their hearts. Now they only hope that Luo Tian will be stronger. The more cards, the better.

The next time the God Monarch enemy or the forces behind him come to death, the hope for Luo Tian to contend is even greater.

They also hope that Luo Tian can lead the people to glory.


Nine months later.

Luo Tian brought his father to Fire Spirit Clan.

Luo Tian is not worried about his father staying in Luo Family. Although he has calculated that his father will not be in danger, it may be that there is no danger in a short time.

Father Luo Xiao will be incognito here and practice in a low-key manner, much safer than in the human race.

Luo Tian also left a Heavenly Eye’s Imprint on his father’s body. If his father had an accident, he would immediately know.

Before leaving.

Luo Tian also took a lot of time to differentiate the power of some emperors divine source, sealed in the father’s Qi Sea, to help his father become a God as soon as possible.

Tian’er, be careful along the way!”

Luo Xiao waved goodbye to Luo Tian.

He swears that he must work hard to practice as soon as possible become a God. He also has to hide well and communicate less with the outside world, so that Luo Tian can feel at ease.


After saying goodbye to his father, Luo Tian began to wander the world.

Originally, Luo Tian will go somewhere to concentrate on painstaking cultivation, or return to Feather Clan, and wait for Ning Xueyao to return from Divine Feather Clan ancestral land.

But now, he has new missions and new goals!

Luo Tian can’t hide now, he wants to expose the trace from time to time, so that the eyes of the hunter can always be focused on himself.

If the hunter suddenly loses the trace of Luo Tian’s, he has not been able to find it. I am afraid he will take action against the human race and even the father of Luo Tian’s!

As for the new goal.

Luo Tian wants to dig out the mysterious organization where Three Eyes Golden-eyed Clan is located, to find out the Heaven Ancestor, find out the truth of the matter, and get revenge!

He first thought of Skynet Organization!

Martial Town is all over Divine Territory Continent and myriad interfaces. It is said that the strength of Martial Town is better than Divine Territory‘s strongest race, but Martial Town has remained neutral and only deals in business.

Skynet Organization is part of Martial Town and is the most developed intelligence organization!

Luo Tian, wearing a black cloak, came to a Martial Town Skynet Organization and said the intelligence he wanted to investigate: “I want all the intelligence information of Three Eyes Golden-eyed Clan.”

Although Heavenly Book can answer this question, the information of the entire race of Three Eyes Golden-eyed Clan is too huge, with a long history, great difficulty, and great consumption.

Relatively speaking, Skynet Organization has Divine Territory’s top and huge intelligence database, with a large number of intelligence personnel, but it is easier to investigate.

“500,000 yuan spirit crystals, simple basic information, one million spirit crystals, relatively more information, two million spirit crystals…”

Quotations from Skynet Organization members.

The highest price is five million spirit crystals, which can get very complete information, and the content is more than several Divine Rank martial skill(s).

Luo Tian just wanted to know what happened to the surviving Three Eyes Golden-eyed Clan personnel after the Three Eyes Golden-eyed Clan was destroyed by the Nine Heavens Evil Spirit army, and did not need such detailed information, so I chose the two million grade.

A half-million deposit for spirit crystals was paid, and members of Skynet Organization informed Luo Tian that the result would not be available one year later.

In a year’s time, to investigate the annihilated race in Immemorial Era, all the information to the present day, this efficiency has been amazing.


Not long after Luo Tian left Martial Town, there was a sense of uneasiness!

After his cultivation base reaches the peak of First Heavenly Layer, destiny path’s attainments is more profound and more sensitive to fate!

“There is a problem!”

Luo Tian thinks things are not easy~ found a secret place and started to calculate.

After a while, he came to the result: he was stared at by Skynet Organization!

Luo Tian is a little surprised.

Go to Skynet Organization to do business on your own, and investigate the information of Three Eyes Golden-eyed Clan, how can you be targeted by Skynet Organization?

Generally speaking, if someone investigates Luo Tian’s information in Skynet Organization, Luo Tian will be targeted by Skynet Organization, be investigated, and the information will be sold!

But Luo Tian feels that things are not that simple.

It is useless to think too much, Luo Tian should get the result directly.

Heavenly Book, the existing Three Eyes Golden-eyed Clan member, does it collude with Skynet Organization?”

Luo Tian’s consciousness came to Heavenly Book’s World and asked questions.

After consuming hundreds of pages of energy.

A word appeared on the ancient cyan paper: yes!

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