Eternal King Chapter 1442: Having the ability to cut my tombstone

The figure of Black Mist didn’t expect Luo Tian to come again, and was ready to question, but remembered that he didn’t say that Luo Tian would come again.

At that time, an Divine Feather Clan‘s remnant will moved his hands and feet on the wooden token. When the first person entered the space channel, it would be closed immediately. If a second person forcibly enters the space channel, it will make the channel unstable, twisted and even collapse.

It stands to reason that the Luo Tian’s ability cannot lift the restriction.

Even if it is Spiritual God, it is difficult to do.

But Luo Tian is still here.

Probably, there is a Formation Great Master behind Luo Tian to lift the restriction on the token.

“What is your name?”

The black haze figure ignores Luo Tian and looks at Ning Xueyao.

Ning Xueyao!”

Ning Xueyao, now you are Lord of Divine Feather Clan!”

The Black Mist figure solemnly announced.

The people buried here are all Divine Feather Clan Spiritual God great expert, or have made outstanding contributions to Divine Feather Clan.

The assembly of their will after death is indeed qualified to say this sentence.


Ning Xueyao did not fluctuate much.

The figure of Black Mist doesn’t matter. Ning Xueyao is Divine Feather Clan‘s last hope and can only be pinned on her.

Even if Ning Xueyao has no ambitions in this respect, Feather Clan will not let her go. Even for herself, Ning Xueyao will have to fight against Feather Clan.

“Everything in ancestral land belongs to the Lord of Feathers.”

“There are also the secrets of Divine Feather Clan and great treasure, just be there, go.”


The black mist in ancestral land separates to two sides, forming a road that leads directly to the dark palace in the center of ancestral land.

There is the biggest secret of Divine Feather Clan ancestral land, and Feather Clan Supreme Ruler is also for this purpose. Divine Feather Clan ancestral land is placed in underground of Feather transform to God land, and the power of natural penalty divine thunder is used to reduce the death black mist in ancestral land.

Luo Tian did not enter the dark palace last time.

“Xiaotian, let’s go.”

Ning Xueyao took the hand of Luo Tian’s and took a step.

“Non-Divine Feather Clan, no entry!”

Black haze figure loudly shouted.

“He can’t go, then I won’t go either.”

Ning Xueyao stopped.

Luo Tian is going to persuade Ning Xueyao to enter the palace or not. Besides, this is someone else’s territory, which angers this group of miserable old guys, and they are not sure what crazy things they will do.

After a while, the black mist figure compromised: “Okay, he can enter.”

He knows that Luo Tian and Ning Xueyao are a husband and wife relationship, so they are also part of Divine Feather Clan, so they don’t make demanding requirements.

Luo Tian and Ning Xueyao, step into the dark palace in the center of ancestral land.

Hoo! call!

A flame suddenly ignited on the left and right sides, illuminating the place.

This is actually a Ancestral Temple , there are many cards in front of it, with the names of many ancestors of Divine Feather Clan on it.

In the depths of Ancestral Temple , there is a door on the left and right.

“A door on the left hides the secrets and treasures of Divine Feather Clan, which can only be accessed by Divine Feather Clan, and some can only be owned by Lord of Divine Feather Clan!”

“A door on the right is my cultivation space!”

Feather Clan has been fighting for power for thousands of years. After remnant will in ancestral land knows everything, it is naturally not idle.

All this is for the new master of Divine Feather Clan.

“You can’t enter any door!”

The black haze figure yelled at Luo Tian‘s inquiry.

However, under the soft and hard foam of Luo Tian and Ning Xueyao, the black mist figure has compromised again.

“You can only enter the door on the right, but there is not much left of our power. If one more person enters to practice inside, it will be a burden. You can only practice inside for at least 20 years!”

The black mist figure said again.

“Thank you senior.”

Luo Tian clenched his fists for a week, and after getting up, he smiled and asked: “Is there any other benefits?”

“Don’t be too insidious, kid!”

Black Mist figure roars!

If it were not for Ning Xueyao‘s face, he would have killed Luo Tian.

“Hey, I took such a big risk that I didn’t get paid at all. No wonder there are so few good people this year…”

Luo Tian shook his head and sighed, disappointed.

In fact, Luo Tian doesn’t matter to enter the door on the right, he wants a substantial reward, otherwise this trip is equivalent to a white run.

Black Mist has a slight toothache, although he has no teeth.

“If you can destroy the tombstone of the old man, you will be given a treasure that is of great benefit to you!”

At this moment, a face suddenly appeared on the black mist silhouette, shouting with anger.

The black mist figure is a collection of will, and there are many remnant will in it.


At the same time, a mausoleum outside Ancestral Temple suddenly emits one layer light, which seems to indicate the target for Luo Tian.


Luo Tian felt that this remnant will was very unusual during his lifetime, and it was a ruthless man to let himself destroy his tombstone.

“Of course it is true, if you can’t do it, you will get out of here immediately and don’t let the old man see you again.”

The face on that arm roared.

“That’s embarrassing.”

“It is really difficult to do something like loving the old man and destroying the tombstone of the old senior tomb. But since it is the request of the senior, the kindness is difficult but offended…”

Luo Tian slowly walked towards the tombstone, and then took out Heavenly Divine Artifact [Star Void] from the storage items.

[Star Void] The moment that appeared, the face on his arm solidified, and hurriedly shouted: “Dare you! Do not destroy the tombstone of the old man!”

He was a core senior in Divine Feather Clan during his lifetime. The tombstone after his death was built by divine ore. Generally Half-God is difficult to leave traces on it, even if Spiritual God wants to destroy it, it is difficult.

So he gave Luo Tian this test.

Unexpectedly, Luo Tian has Heavenly Divine Artifact!

All the remnant will were shocked!

Heavenly Divine Artifact is not something that Half-God can have…”

“He can have this treasure, this is his chance.”

“This son, as a fellow of Lord of Divine Feather Clan, is not useless, at least he is lucky!”

After a series of discussions, the will assembly made a decision!

“Stop it!”

Black mist figure opening!

“This is yours.”

With a wave of his hand, the left door inside Ancestral Temple opened a thin slit, and a divine pill shining like a star flew out from inside, exuding rich and amazing energy fluctuations.

“This is…Heavenly Origin Divine Pill!”

Luo Tian recognized at a glance.

Heavenly Origin Divine Pill is based on Heavenly Origin Fruit ~ ~ top grade divine pill prepared for Half-God.

The effect is the same as Heavenly Origin Fruit, which can increase Half-God training speed and cultivation base heritage.

The quality of this Heavenly Origin Divine Pill is extremely high, and its efficacy is several times that of a Heavenly Origin Fruit. It is definitely the most valuable top grade practice treasure of Half-God Level, and even has a certain effect on Spiritual God.

In fact, this Heavenly Origin Divine Pill was prepared for Lord of Divine Feather Clan.

In case Divine Feather Clan, cultivation base is below God Realm, or Half-God, this Heavenly Origin Divine Pill can speed up the cultivation efficiency and increase the probability of breaking through God Realm.

Ning Xueyao is already become a God, and Heavenly Origin Divine Pill is not very useful for her, so she gave it to Luo Tian.

“Thank you.”

Luo Tian looked delighted and got Heavenly Origin Divine Pill.

This is what he really wants. According to the quality of this Heavenly Origin Divine Pill, it can save at least Luo Tian for more than 100 years of retreat painstaking cultivation. If you change to general Two Tribulations Half-God, you can save four or five hundred years of practice.

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