Eternal King Chapter 1424: Luo Tian’s found

“He thinks that I must die, so how can I die?”

Lu Guangqi twitched at the corner of his mouth, unhappy.

How Luo Tian acts is his freedom. Lu Guangqi cannot drive away Luo Tian, nor can he be a killer.

Feather transform to God land prohibits fighting, and once found, it will be severely punished.


The two crossed the border of light-cyan and came to a desolate Feather transform to God land.

Compared with the time when I first came in, there are a lot of dark and huge charred pit, and there are still Divine Thunder Tribulation powers on it, exuding the heart-pounding and destroying the spirit of all living things.

These are the traces left by many Two Tribulations Half-God and Great Divine Tribulation in recent years.

In some potholes, you can still faintly see fragments of burnt black limbs.

These add a bit of sadness and desolation to Feather transform to God land.

The Lu Guangqi is far away from here, looking for a place where there is no residual Divine Thunder Tribulation power and flying down.

“What are you doing with me?”

Lu Guangqi smirked.

Luo Tian sees that Lu Guangqi does not want to be nearby, but he came to observe and learn and sum up his experience. He cannot go back without gaining anything.

“When I crossed Lesser Divine Tribulation, your father gave me the law. This time when you crossed Great Divine Tribulation, I gave you the law.”

Luo Tian casually pulled a reason.

Lu Guangqi glanced at Luo Tian. Although Feather transform to God land is very safe, it is not allowed to kill each other. The intentional sabotage of others transcends tribulation is also strictly prohibited, but there are accidents in all things, and it is indeed safer for someone to protect the law.

But the point is, Luo Tian protects the law, he is not at ease.

Lu Guangqi did not continue to dispute, sat down, adjusted the state, and prepared to meet Great Divine Tribulation.

Luo Tian runs Viewing Qi Technique and glances at Lu Guangqi, looking dignified and saying: “Brother Lu this time transcends tribulation is too fierce, and it is absolutely impossible!”

After giving suggestions, Luo Tian and Lu Guangqi are farther away.


The corner of Lu Guangqi‘s mouth twitched again, and there was a nameless anger in his heart.

Is this a curse of transcends tribulation failure?

Luo Tian really came to see how he died, and it was definitely a reason to find that he was protecting himself.

One month later.

The Great Divine Tribulation of Lu Guangqi is coming!

The dark clouds filled the sky with thunder, and they were surrounded by a terrible shadow.

The dark clouds grew thicker, and the thunder became more violent, as if the sky was full of dark clouds, and finally fell from the top of Lu Guangqi.


First Divine Thunder Tribulation came, the thick and huge beam of thunder, exhaling the gloomy momentum of destroying everything, slamming toward Lu Guangqi.

Small, medium and large Three Rounds of Divine Tribulations day penalty, each time will only drop nine divine thunder.

lightning ray is gone, Lu Guangqi was slightly injured!

When Luo Tian crossed Lesser Divine Tribulation, the first divine thunder felt like tickling. He heard that the first divine thunder of Intermediate Divine Tribulation was also relatively easy, and the subsequent power gradually increased.

But for Great Divine Tribulation, the first divine thunder was so powerful that it injured Lu Guangqi.

The second, third, and fourth divine thunder came one after another.

The interval between Great Divine Tribulation nine divine thunder is shorter, which also indirectly increases the difficulty!

The eighth divine thunder will soon be reached.


The eighth divine thunder beam connects the sky and the earth, completely engulfs the Lu Guangqi, and sets off a thunderstorm that sweeps all directions.

When lightning ray dissipated, Lu Guangqi‘s broken clothes were stained with blood, and the whole person was pale, with serious injuries and angry hair.

His left arm is completely black, unable to move.

He has various degrees of burn marks on his body, and there are also lightning ray, and Lu Guangqi can hardly feel the existence of the body.

“It is over…”

Lu Guangqi sighed.

His injury is too serious, to resist the ninth divine thunder at this moment, there is no hope, and the ending is destined to be the same as the first nine Half-God impacting Great Divine Tribulation.

“Father, children are not filial…”

Before dying, some people flashed in Lu Guangqi‘s mind.

Suddenly, Lu Guangqi thought of Luo Tian, it was entirely because Luo Tian was nearby, he could perceive Luo Tian’s breath, subconscious association.

When thinking of Luo Tian, Lu Guangqi erupted strongly in his heart.

He has always felt closer to Luo Tian’s. He didn’t want to be beaten by Luo Tian. If he couldn’t get through the Divine Tribulation punishment, he wiped out the smoke and completely lost to Luo Tian!

What’s more annoying is that Luo Tian believes that he will definitely fail, and specifically sees how he died.

“Damn, I can’t let him get what he wants!”

The Lu Guangqi eyes are bright, and a brand new momentum is brewing!


The ninth divine thunder is like a Thunder Dragon, sending out a scream that shocked Tianyu, and rushed towards Lu Guangqi.

Lu Guangqi also flew at the same time, with the spirit of soaring the fighting spirit and seeing death as the home, actively greeted the ninth track divine thunder!

When the violent thunder roar disappeared.

Luo Tian saw the dark Lu Guangqi with no breath, limbs missing, and fell down.

“Not dead!”

Luo Tian‘s eyes open a ray of fine awn.

The scorched black Lu Guangqi has a brand-new vigorous vitality in the body, and a ray of white divine light is ejected from the cracks of the scorched black skin.

After a dozen or so.

Lu Guangqi‘s burnt black skin shattered and flaked off.

“I succeeded?”

Lu Guangqi himself seemed stunned. After three breaths, he suddenly looked in the direction of Luo Tian’s.

He has to admit.

After successfully passing Great Divine Tribulation, Luo Tian has given him great help, allowing him to get through the last difficulties.


Lu Guangqi immediately returns Heavenly Feather Divine Tree.

Although he has passed Great Divine Tribulation, he is still very weak and needs immediate healing.

Heavenly Feather Divine Tree has the magical effect of healing divine thunder‘s injuries. It is still a rare practice of Holy Land, which can make Lu Guangqi quickly consolidate cultivation base.

“Thank you.”

When flying near Luo Tian, Lu Guangqi said suddenly.


Luo Tian was stunned.

I didn’t do anything, just watched.

He thought that he would look at his unsightly Lu Guangqi. After passing Great Divine Tribulation, he would come to trouble him, but the result was to express gratitude.

Luo Tian didn’t think much about it.

“In the end he can successfully pass the ninth divine thunder, mentality and tenacious will are the key, to live to death, Nirvana rebirth in the desperate situation of death, ascended to God Realm……”

Luo Tian believes that is an important point.

Observing Lu Guangqi crossing Great Divine Tribulation, especially a successful case, has given Luo Tian a lot of experience.

Lu Guangqi transcends tribulation has ended, but Luo Tian has not returned.

In addition to his experience, he has another discovery!

“There are secrets underground…”

Luo Tian just observed Lu Guangqi crossing Divine Tribulation from a distance, spiritual consciousness was hindered, so he used Heavenly Eye to observe.

He accidentally found out.

Under this piece of land, there is a huge boundless formation!

Ordinary spiritual consciousness cannot perceive the existence of formation, Luo Tian speculates that even if it is divine consciousness perception, it may not be found.

After Lu Guangqi left, Luo Tian again urged Heavenly Eye to observe carefully, and found that the huge divine thunder power contained in the earth was absorbed by the hidden giant formation.

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