Eternal King Chapter 1422: Heavenly Origin Fruit

Heavenly Feather Divine Tree is shrouded in one layer light-cyan enchantment.

After Luo Tian approached, it successfully penetrated the enclave, and the world in front of it quickly expanded and expanded. From the outside, Heavenly Feather Divine Tree, which was only one hundred feet high, was at least two or three thousand feet high at the moment.

Luo Tian clearly feels that the inner and outer spaces are essentially different.

In the vicinity of Heavenly Feather Divine Tree, Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is the richest, and time-flow speed is also different from the outside world. The past six days inside and the past day outside are the same as Divine Feathers Space.


Luo Tian found that there are many Half-God strongmen, all flying to Heavenly Feather Divine Tree in a hurry, it seems to be fighting for something.

He immediately understood after scanning spiritual consciousness and acted accordingly.


Luo Tian performed “Heavenly Grand Secret Art“, with a figure like a flying feather, and quickly approached Heavenly Feather Divine Tree.

Heavenly Feather Divine Tree has different cultivation effects in different locations. Some Feather Clan Half-God are relatively clear, and Luo Tian has not known it before, only to discover this at the moment.

Except for the difference in concentration of Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth.

Heavenly Feather Divine Tree also has the effect of nourishing half divine body soul, can form a special protective film of one layer on the body surface, and can effectively resist Thunder Tribulation damage when passing the Divine Tribulation day penalty.

Different positions of Heavenly Feather Divine Tree have different tonic effects.

It’s not easy to choose a better practice site. It is definitely an advantage to arrive first.

And except that.

Each Half-God who is qualified to enter Feather transform to God land has a special reward, and this reward is also here.

If you take a closer look, you can see that there are many crystal white fruits on Heavenly Feather Divine Tree.

This fruit is called “Heavenly Origin Fruit“, which can greatly increase the training speed of Half-God and increase the cultivation base heritage. top grade spirit fruit belonging to Half-God Level is priceless on the outside.

Enter Half-God here, each person can pick one, this is the reward.

Feather transform to God land is really a big opportunity, this trip did not come in vain.”

Luo Tian marvels at great generosity of Feather Clan.

Originally he didn’t plan to come, but now he feels lucky, thank vice city lord for reporting his name.


Thirty Half-God geniuses flew around Heavenly Feather Divine Tree, and their first goal was almost always to pick Heavenly Origin Fruit!

Some of the Heavenly Origin Fruit have a long age and higher quality, some are only the size of eyeballs, and others are larger and bleak.

Luo Tian deduced slightly, and flew somewhere in Heavenly Feather Divine Tree, and found a huge Heavenly Origin Fruit in a thick white feather leaf!

Luo Tian’s is not ambitious, you don’t have to pick the biggest Heavenly Origin Fruit here, it’s almost enough

He selected this Heavenly Origin Fruit and was about to pick it up. There was motion on the other side of Heavenly Origin Fruit, and the white feather leaves shook.

Obviously, other people have also discovered this Heavenly Origin Fruit.

“Come on, this Heavenly Origin Fruit boy is going to get it!”

A roar came, and the surging Half-God momentum came.


A sharp golden and white aurora, which penetrates the dense white feather leaves, suddenly kills Luo Tian!

Luo Tian looks a little bit miserable, and the enemy will go all out as soon as he comes, obviously trying to deter himself.

However, none of the Half-God here has the ability to deter Luo Tian’s!


Luo Tian urged Supreme Yin Ice and Lightning Body, slapped away, hit the sharp golden and white aurora, frozen it into a golden and white popsicle, and shattered into ice slag.

Qu Zhuo, roll away quickly, otherwise you will find your teeth all over the ground!”

Luo Tian drink cold.

On the other side of Heavenly Origin Fruit, Qu Zhuo looked surprised. He only knew that there was an enemy to **** this Heavenly Origin Fruit, and he decisively deterred, and did not know that the enemy was Luo Tian!

This is really a narrow road.

“Great talk!”

Qu Zhuo‘s face was furious.

Luo Tian’s did win him, but he thinks the strength of the two sides is not much different. Especially after that defeat, he closed painstaking cultivation, and his strength improved a lot.

At the moment, the Luo Tian’s discourse did not take him seriously.

“Try it out.”

Luo Tian directly sacrifices [Thunderclap Heavenly Blade], draws a dark and gloomy thunder light mark, and bursts into an amazing destruction of thunder’s might, killing Qu Zhuo!

This time it is different from Mountain Clouds Divine City.

Luo Tian is too lazy to get entangled with Qu Zhuo, and also tries his best.

This attack uses Principle of Thunder and the law of ice at the same time, the power is not the same as the original!

Ding Bang! Zizi!

Qu Zhuo defended hurriedly, and the divine power defense layer condensed on the body surface was instantly punctured into a hole by [Thunderclap Heavenly Blade]!

“Not good!”

Qu Zhuo looks panicked, his body retreats, but it is still too late, and a burnt black hole is stabbed on his body.

Qu Zhuo‘s complexion is embarrassed: “His progress is so great!”

He closed down painstaking cultivation after losing to Luo Tian last time. He has made great progress and thought he had a chance to defeat Luo Tian. Fighting with Luo Tian again, he found that instead of narrowing the gap with Luo Tian’s, he was farther away.


Qu Zhuo turned and left, but his face was grim and gritted: “Sword Monarch Tian Luo, you can wait and see for me!”

He will cross Great Divine Tribulation here and become Spiritual God!

Shortly after Luo Tian became One Tribulation Half-God, it was a bit reluctant to go to Intermediate Divine Tribulation in such a short time. Even if you successfully passed Intermediate Divine Tribulation, it was only Two Tribulations Half-God, which is a huge gap from Spiritual God.

When the time comes, Qu Zhuo will have to humiliate Luo Tian, and in the face of many Half-God powerhouses, the sole of the Luo Tian’s will be devastated!

Luo Tian did not control Qu Zhuo, stared at Heavenly Origin Fruit in front of his eyes, and found that there was a formation guard on it, which could not be removed.

Forcibly breaking formation, you will encounter Divine Formation attack, absolutely no good ending.


Luo Tian posted the qualification token on Heavenly Origin Fruit, the white pattern of one layer fluctuated, and the formation barrier covering Heavenly Origin Fruit was cracked!

After cracking formation, Luo Tian got this Heavenly Origin Fruit, but the power of formation contained in the qualification token also completely disappeared, and it is no longer possible to crack the second Heavenly Origin Fruit formation barrier.

Each person can only get one Heavenly Origin Fruit.

After spirit fruit is handed over, it is to find a suitable training site.

Any position of the entire Heavenly Feather Divine Tree can be cultivated, but in some places spiritual qi is thin, and the tonic effect on the half divine body soul is also poor.


The purple Heavenly Eye of the Luo Tian eyebrows condenses, and the magnificent purple mansions fluctuate.

Eyebrow Heavenly Eye carefully observes every inch of Heavenly Feather Divine Tree, which can clearly penetrate the spiritual qi flow in it, and the mysterious energy that can nourish the body.

In the end, Luo Tian locked a tree Whoo!

He flew to the tree trunk shaped like a wing, a soft touch came from his feet, and the pure Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth spewed out.

There is also a halo of light-cyan, which slowly spreads from the soles of Luo Tian’s to the body and nourishes the body.

“It’s here.”

Luo Tian sat down and occupied this place.

Before entering Feather transform to God land, the old man with long hair Feather Clan said that he could stay in it for five years.

Because of the difference in flow rate between inside and outside time, it is thirty years in conversion!

These 30 years are the final Divine Tribulation day penalty for other Two Tribulations Half-God shocks!

Luo Tian is One Tribulation Half-God, so don’t worry about it.

And not long after he became One Tribulation Half-God, he never even thought about crossing Intermediate Divine Tribulation. Just think of this as another Divine Feathers Space, and practiced for 30 years.

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