Eternal King Chapter 1413: Divine Feather Clan

Lu Guangqi originally believed that Luo Tian would lose. Such a result was beyond his expectations.

“Good strength.”

Lu Guangqi said casually and turned away.

He didn’t take action to stop the battle, and he hoped that Luo Tian would lose, but he witnessed the powerful strength of Luo Tian’s. Even he didn’t have absolute certainty over Luo Tian.

Lu Guangqi was planning to challenge Luo Tian after the hidden dangers of Ning Xueyao were eliminated!

On the one hand, he likes to interact with the genius Half-God, and Luo Tian is barely qualified.

On the other hand, he wants to defeat the man of Ning Xueyao to prove that he is better and worthy of Ning Xueyao.


The son of the Lord of divine city, at first sight, Ning Xueyao.

Mountain Clouds City Lord knows this and supports it. Although he commits the following crimes, he thinks that his son Lu Guangqi is excellent and fully loyal to Divine Feather Clan, worthy of his ancestors.

Feather Clan prides itself on being noble, Luo Tian people, what qualifications to combine with Divine Feather Clan ancestor?

“Who is this person? Never seen before, actually defeated Qu Zhuo.”

“And he is still a human race, is the Half-God of the human race so strong?”

Many City Lord’s Mansion people were watching and talking.

Luo Tian became a Mountain Clouds City Lord man from a transparent person.

Young Master Lu, this is your Cloud Wind Pill.”

When Yan Qukang saw Lu Guangqi, he immediately sent the Elixir.

“You can go.”

Lu Guangqi takes spirit pill(s) away, ignoring Yan Qukang and going away.

Yan Qukang was a little embarrassed. He came to deliver the Elixir in person. He wanted to take the opportunity to pay for Lu Guangqi, but Lu Guangqi seemed to be in a bad mood.

Yan Qukang looked at Luo Tian again, and it happened that Luo Tian also found Yan Qukang.

Binocular gaze, Yan Qukang immediately withdrew his gaze, somewhat guilty.

I just saw the horrible strength of Luo Tian’s, and here is not Heavenly Medicine Pavilion. How dare he provoke Luo Tian and leave City Lord’s Mansion in a hurry.

“This Luo Tian seems to live in City Lord’s Mansion, I have to wait until I can get revenge…”

Yan Qukang sigh.

After returning to Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, he told his father about the situation.

“Fool, if Luo Tian has no friendship with City Lord’s Mansion, how could it be possible to live in City Lord’s Mansion all the time!”

Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Lord reprimanded.

Yan Qukang guessed before that Lu Guangqi was only interested in the strength of Luo Tian’s and invited him to compete in City Lord’s Mansion.

It seems that this guess is probably wrong.

There is no news that Luo Tian and Lu Guangqi are fighting.

The biggest possibility is that Luo Tian really has an acquaintance in City Lord’s Mansion, and can be invited by Lu Guangqi in person. The origin of Luo Tian’s is not so simple.

Yan Qukang was really stunned by hatred, not even thinking about it.

“Follow me.”

Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Lord with Yan Qukang, find Grandmaster Ku Mu.

When Grandmaster Ku Mu maintained Luo Tian, the father and son were very angry. Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Lord asked why, but Grandmaster Ku Mu did not say.

This is the second time Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Lord has come.

Grandmaster Ku Mu, you originally maintained Luo Tian, because his origin is not simple?”

Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Lord inquiry.

Grandmaster Ku Mu thought that Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Lord knew the details of Luo Tian’s, so he didn’t hide anymore, and said: “Yes, he is an extraordinary master of refining medicine, and the master behind him is even more unfathomable.”

Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Lord doesn’t know the details of Luo Tian’s at all, and he looks stunned: “Grandmaster Ku Mu? The Alchemy Great Master you said before, is he?”

How is this possible?

Luo Tian actually possesses the same refining skills as Grandmaster Ku Mu!

Such a high-ranking person often has good contacts!

From the perspective of Grandmaster Ku Mu, Luo Tian has a more mysterious and powerful master!

If you really kill Luo Tian, you will definitely cause trouble for Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, and even the disaster of extinction!

Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Lord was relieved, but fortunately he did not kill Luo Tian.

He has a strong sense of fear, and tells Yan Qukang: “This matter will stop, no more revenge on him!”


Yan Qukang was reluctant to agree and reluctantly agreed.


The battle between Luo Tian and Qu Zhuo made him famous for City Lord’s Mansion.

Luo Tian is facing a strong enemy chase. Although this is Feather Clan Mountain Clouds Divine City, there are really enemies to kill, city lord will never sit idly by, but Luo Tian still wants to have less trouble to avoid accidents.

So he declared himself “Sword Monarch Tian Luo“.

Deputy City Lord’s Mansion mansion.

“Grandpa, I am going to kill Sword Monarch Tian Luo.”

There is strong hatred and killing intent on Qu Zhuo‘s face!

The pride of genius Feather Clan Half-God will never allow him to endure such shame!

“This person can get in and out of the forbidden area and should have some contact with city lord, so it is not convenient to start.”

vice city lord shook his head slightly.

“Grandpa, who do you care for in the forbidden area, don’t you even know? This city lord is too suspicious, don’t you trust it?” Qu Zhuo said.

“I don’t agree with him.”

vice city lord is unwilling to mention this matter.

Actually, he also cares a lot. Mountain Clouds City Lord is so suspicious and makes him feel strange. He will definitely figure out who is hiding in the forbidden ground!

“You don’t need to think about other things for the time being, you will go to ‘Heavenly Feather Divine Palace’ in a short time, but don’t miss this rare opportunity.”

vice city lord advises.

“Grandchildren will seize the opportunity!”

Qu Zhuo looks serious and firm.


Half a year.

Luo Tian showed the strength of Two Tribulations Half-God. Others of City Lord’s Mansion gradually discovered his speciality, and no one came to provoke him, and Qu Zhuo had never appeared.

City Lord’s Mansion top floor forbidden area, in a Jingya courtyard.

Luo Tian looked at Ning Xueyao in the bath, soaked in turbid milky white water, and her whole body was covered with one layer thin white feathers.


Pure brilliance shines through the thin feathers.

The physical transformation of Ning Xueyao is about to be completed!


Mountain Clouds City Lord is suddenly here, solemnly staring at the Ning Xueyao wrapped in feathers, and indifferently said to Luo Tian: “If it fails, I will kill you directly!”

At this time, the feathers wrapped around Ning Xueyao flake off piece by piece.


Suddenly, Ning Xueyao opened her pure white eyes, her figure flew up, floating in mid-air, all the feathers that wrapped her spread out.

Ning Xueyao has white hair and long hair, her skin is smooth and white, and the light golden feather marks appears, a strong and depressive atmosphere, accompanied by the holy halo.

Luo Tian felt a heavy pressure.

The same is true for the Mountain Clouds City Lord on the side, God Monarch of Second Heavenly Layer, which comes from the suppression of Feather Clan by Divine Feather Clan!


The divine soul will of Mountain Clouds City Lord will go to the sky, forming a huge and amazing divine power, isolating the surroundings, hiding the breath of breath released by Ning Xueyao, and strangling the visions of heaven and earth.

In the mansion of vice city lord.

“Um? Was it just now?”

vice city lord awakened from the retreat. Just now he felt a breath of shaking one to the core, his body came out of instinctive awe acknowledge allegiance.

“It’s impossible, that guy cultivation base has a breakthrough?”

vice city lord guessed it and immediately denied it. I don’t think it’s possible~ Xiaotian, you succeeded! “

Ning Xueyao smiled lightly. She felt that the power in her body was very compatible with her body.

There is also the special Innate Divine Ability belonging to the ancestor of Divine Feather Clan, which can exert more power!

Luo Tian exhibited Viewing Qi Technique and observed the clear air pillars above the head of Ning Xueyao. It was huge and amazing, bright and bright, with difficulties and dangers. Once the cloud of death that killed everything, quickly dispersed.

The hidden danger of Ning Xueyao‘s life has been solved!

“Congratulations to the ancestor!”

Mountain Clouds City Lord salutes respectfully.

He took another look at Luo Tian, but he didn’t expect Luo Tian to be done.

Although he doesn’t like Luo Tian, he has always been very grievous. In this matter, Luo Tian’s has established great power.

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