Eternal King Chapter 1372: divine artifact that was accidentally obtained

   “It’s pretty easy to pretend.”

  Luo Tian looked at Optimus phantom, mockingly.

   “Interestingly, even Three Tribulations Half-God and Spiritual God have been deceived. You, a Martial Emperor at the peak of Heaven Connection Realm late stage, can actually see through.”

  Black Armored Foreigner is no longer installed, and the Optimus phantom floating in the air is interested in looking at Luo Tian.

  If Luo Tian is Three Tribulations Half-God, it will definitely attract the attention of Black Armored Foreigner, but the peak of Heaven Connection Realm late stage, Black Armored Foreigner is really difficult to face Luo Tian.

   “But you should know that this God will never be merciful to the unexpected factors out of control.”

  Black Armored Foreigner has a cold tone.

  Luo Tian what happened after he saw through his strategy?

  With his cultivation base, only one trick to kill Luo Tian!

  Black Armored Foreigner is waiting for Luo Tian’s below, I want to see what Luo Tian has to rely on or have a hole card.

   “You are now in the central Divine Formation!”

  Luo Tian lightly said.

  Black Armored Foreigner did not respond, think Luo Tian is nonsense.

   “If you want to kill me, you must leave the central Divine Formation, and there is a distance of forty miles between you and me.” Luo Tian continued.

  Black Armored Foreigner still did not respond, quietly spread out divine consciousness, and calculated his distance from Luo Tian’s, it was indeed about forty miles!

   “How did he know? He knows my location?”

  Black Armored Foreigner was a little surprised, thinking it was impossible.

  His actions are secret and not found by anyone, otherwise he would have difficulty fooling foreign geniuses and monsters to Pagoda of Trials.

  Think about it.

  Luo Tian Even if you know this, what can you do?

  In front of absolute strength, any strategy is nothingness!

   “Before you come to me, I will be able to break the formation barrier of Pagoda of Trials, enter it, and announce the truth!”

   But the sentence Luo Tian makes Black Armored Foreigner look stiff!

  If his strategy is discovered, the genius Half-God and the monster beast must treat him as a common enemy!

  Black Armored Foreigner is confident again, and in the face of more than one hundred Martial Emperor, Half-God, and the two monsters Spiritual God, it will definitely die.

  Black Armored Foreigner‘s face was exasperated. This human at the peak of Heaven Connection Realm late stage is actually threatening himself.

   “Do you think I will believe it?”

  Black Armored Foreigner sneered coldly.

  Luo Tian did not reply, but proved by action!


  He hit somewhere in formation barrier with a palm, and suddenly set off a fierce ripple, and formation barrier, which enveloped Pagoda of Trials, fluctuated violently and seemed to collapse at any time!

   This palm seems to hit the heart of Black Armored Foreigner, let him breathe stagnation, his face is shocked!

  He thought Luo Tian was a bluff, in order to protect himself.

  Unexpectedly, Luo Tian really understands formation and can easily break formation barrier of Pagoda of Trials!

  Once Luo Tian rushes into Pagoda of Trials, the truth will be announced, and Black Armored Foreigner will face the pursuit of more than one hundred powerful enemies.

  He has practiced from a cow to Spiritual God. He has not experienced any storms and waves. Just thinking about the scene, he was sweating coldly.


  Black Armored Foreigner gritted teeth.

   He finally cultivated to such cultivation base, and was trapped for tens of thousands of years. He has not seen the scenery outside and must not die here!

  But Black Armored Foreigner couldn’t think of a way to deal with Luo Tian’s, his handle was still held by Luo Tian.

  Black Armored Foreigner has a dark complexion, with a dark purple and cold light in his eyes, and he hopes that the Luo Tian will be slashed and frustrated.

   “As long as you send out Heart and Soul Blood Oath, within God Monarch Cave Mansion, if you don’t take action against me, I will promise not to announce your trick.”

  Luo Tian’s sound suddenly came.

  Black Armored Foreigner is in deep thought.

When    was threatened by Luo Tian, he guessed that he would be killed by Luo Tian in the future, but he did not expect Luo Tian’s to be so simple.

   “I promise you!”

   said phantom in the air, and then swore.

   “Don’t try to lie to me with this little trick.”

  Luo Tian looked sober.

   Mid-air phantom‘s vow is just an illusion!

  Luo Tian‘s eyebrow Heavenly Eye cracked, penetrated through obstacles, and locked the Black Armored Foreigner in the Divine Formation hub!

  Divine Formation‘s Black Armored Foreigner in the center of the stunned heart felt as if he could gaze at himself as if he could see everything in the world, and all his secrets were in glance.

  Through the phantom in the air, Black Armored Foreigner saw Luo Tian eyebrow third eye!

   “What is secret technique?”

  Black Armored Foreigner was terrified and improved the evaluation of Luo Tian’s by a few points.

  Luo Tian is not only resourceful, but also masters mysterious means.

   This time, Black Armored Foreigner really sent Heart and Soul Blood Oath, and in God Monarch Cave Mansion, he didn’t shoot Luo Tian.


  Luo Tian can make more excessive demands, but this may lead to Black Armored Foreigner to take risks, get rid of Luo Tian, and escape from this place.

   Just now, Luo Tian used the power of Heavenly Book to deduce the personal information of Black Armored Foreigner.

  Black Armored Foreigner is the “indigenous” of God Monarch Cave Mansion. I know for sure that as long as the two parties reach a cooperative relationship, Luo Tian can get water in God Monarch Cave Mansion, so there is no need to do too much.

   “Talk about how you plan to deal with that group of people.” Luo Tian said.

   “Remove a part and weaken their strength.”

  Black Armored Foreigner reluctantly, the description is very concise.

  Luo Tian believes that this should only be one of the purposes of Black Armored Foreigner, he certainly has other schemes.

   “Where is good baby at God Monarch Cave Mansion?” Luo Tian then asked.

   “…” Black Armored Foreigner remained silent.

   At this time, Luo Tian remembered one thing.

Before God Monarch Cave Mansion was turned on, Black Armored Foreigner was the master here, and the easy-to-get treasures basically fell into his hands.

   Then, the Luo Tian is in the elegant temple hall. The jade jug and a plate of spirit fruit are definitely items of Black Armored Foreigner.

   So, Luo Tian took out spirit fruit and jade jug.

   “What kind of wine is this?” Luo Tian asked.

   “It’s you…”

  Black Armored Foreigner‘s mouth twitched, angry.

   The person who stole his hip flask and spirit fruit turned out to be the man who threatened him!

  Black Armored Foreigner feels can even play with the monster Spiritual God, but suffer a loss in the hands of a Martial Emperor at the peak of Heaven Connection Realm late stage.

   Luo Tian was keenly aware that Black Armored Foreigner was very angry, and his emotions showed complex changes.

  Luo Tian didn’t care much about these treasures, but Black Armored Foreigner is also a Spiritual God. How can things that make Spiritual God care so much?

  Luo Tian looks closely.

   “You return the spirit fruit to this God, I can provide you with some clues of opportunity.”

  Black Armored Foreigner looks very concerned.

  Luo Tian glanced at him, put away spirit fruit, and lifted a jade jug!

   “This is a divine artifact.”

  Luo Tian The corner of the mouth is raised.

  He just used Viewing Qi Technique and found the treasure of the jug is amazing. After careful investigation, he discovered the secret of the jade jug!

  Black Armored Foreigner asked for spirit fruit, apparently wanting to shift Luo Tian’s‘s attention, but he underestimated Luo Tian appraiser ability.


  Black Armored Foreigner‘s face solidified. He was a bit suspicious of life. Are the people outside so smart and cunning?

  I also say that I am a Spiritual God, who has been repeatedly frustrated in the hands of human Martial Emperor.


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