Eternal King Chapter 1281: Last step

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Luo Tian suddenly appeared in front of him, the man with a sharp face was scared to pee, thinking that Luo Tian came to kill him.

He still doesn’t want to die, he wants to play more women.

“I don’t kill you”

Luo Tian lightly said.

The sharp-faced man was relieved when he heard this, and he was overjoyed.

It must be Luo Tian who sees his outstanding talent and has a closer look at it, intending to focus on cultivation.

But the next moment, a Lightning Explosion Talisman flew out of Luo Tian‘s hand, and after approaching the man with a sharp face, it exploded

The explosive power of Lightning Explosion Talisman just happened to control the sharp-faced man’s heavy wounds. His limbs were all abolished and weak, but he didn’t die.

The sharp-faced man collapsed.

It turned out that I thought about it just now. The identity of the grandson of Mei Family patriarch still caused him trouble. It was okay for others to surrender, but they had to bear insults.

“Thank you Luo Tian for not killing me”

The sharp-faced man kowtows again and again, and his limbs can be healed if he has lost his limbs.

Great Master Song, you come to kill him.” Luo Tian shouted.

In the rear, Great Master Song quickly flew, eyes staring at the man with a sharp face, shaking hands holding a sledgehammer

Great Master Song

Sharp-faced men do not recognize Great Master Song.

The next moment, Great Master Song’s face changed, and the original face was restored. The sharp-faced man recognized it at a glance, and suddenly his face was horrified, and he kowtowed for mercy

The man with a sharp face finally understands the intention of Luo Tian’s, is to hit him hard, so that Great Master Song can kill himself by himself


Great Master Song didn’t listen to half-faced words of a sharp-faced man, and smashed his head with a hammer to avenge his dead wife

Luo Tian, thank you.”

Great Master Song was grateful, and tears burst into tears.

He really did not expect that he would be able to avenge his hatred so quickly.

Near the Longyue Mountains, there are onlookers of various forces of the human race.

They didn’t get too close and were worried about getting involved in the war, so they just watched from afar. After the war is over, we will witness the picture of Luo Family after being extinguished.

Suddenly, they felt the earth shaking violently, and the roar of chaos and shrieks came.

“The war has begun”

“I guess, in two hours, Luo Family will be broken”

Luo Family is also considered as the top strong family under Ten Great Imperial Families, with deep background and should be able to support a day.”

Look at the lively discussion.

But soon, the smoke billowed from far and near, and they actually saw the army.

“What happened”

“Did Luo Family have been attacked, members of Luo Family fled scattered”

“Quick retreat, lest it be treated as Luo Family remnants, it will suffer.”

Watching the lively cultivator be alert and step back a lot.

After a while.

Many watching the lively cultivator, and seeing the escaped team, they are actually Mei Family people

“Isn’t that Mei Family person running away”

“How could this Mei Family be defeated”

This scene surprised all the lively cultivator, and even wanted to rush to ask for details.

An Heaven Connection Realm Martial Emperor was so bold that he caught an order Mei Family martial artist and asked for the truth.

Mei Family lost”

Qian Mei Half-God fell patriarch also died”

This Heaven Connection Realm Martial Emperor is dumbfounded.

It’s hard to imagine that Ten Great Imperial Families’s Mei Family lost.

As the war ended, the results of the Mei Family and Luo Family battles soon spread.

Qian Mei Half-God fell, patriarch died tragically, Mei Family was defeated, half of the army cultivator surrendered and surrendered

These news quickly set off waves in the Terran

The other nine Emperor Clan, and Six Great Sects, and even the disciples or seniors in Two Great Divine Sects, after hearing these news, they all showed incredible colors

“This is absolutely impossible, how can Mei Family lose to Luo Family

“I heard that Luo Tian and Luo Family teamed up, Luo Tian also asked Spiritual God for help”

“This is even more impossible, how could the supreme Spiritual God help Luo Tian

The whole human race shook violently.

There are many people who can’t accept the news they hear, and think that there are false or exaggerated elements.

“Impossible, how come Mei Family

Mei Yanyu also got the news.

She used to search the enemy’s clues with her companions before, so she didn’t attack Luo Family with the army.

At this moment, she learned that it was Luo Family that destroyed the three teams of Mei Family in a row

Not only that, Luo Family also defeated the Mei Family army, killed patriarch and Supreme Elder, and Mei Family was over.


Mei Yanyu immediately returned to the family, hoping that Mei Family will be as good as ever, everything is fake.

After defeating the Mei Family army, Luo Family began to rectify.

There are too many enemies who surrender and surrender. Luo Family needs time to digest, otherwise it is easy to bury hidden dangers.

Up and down Luo Family, a joyous and festive atmosphere.

Break the Mei Family army, Luo Family is famous in all directions

And it can be expected that after absorbing part of the power of Mei Family, Luo Family will grow stronger and is expected to rank among Ten Great Imperial Families and reach an unprecedented peak

And all this is because of a criminal who was expelled by Luo Family and wanted by Mei Family

At this moment, when almost all the eyes of Luo Family touched Luo Tian, they did not dare to look directly at them and immediately withdrew, awe and fear appeared in their hearts.

patriarch, it’s time to fulfill another agreement between me and Luo Family.” Luo Tian said.

He teamed up with Luo There are two main things.

The first is to destroy Luo Family

The second is to kill the enemy of father Luo Xiao in Luo Family


patriarch‘s face was dull and he nodded immediately.

Today’s World War I, Luo Family won and harvested abundant fruits, but at a corresponding price.


Inside the Luo Family, a cleaning started

All those who hunted Luo Xiao were guilty

Luo Guang, you know Luo Tian, please plead for me.”

Yanzhuang woman finds Luo Guang and cries and pleads.

It turned out that she had an affair with the grandson of Mei Family patriarch. When Luo Family hunted down Luo Tian’s, she was very active.

Yan makeup women worry that they will die.

Luo Guang didn’t think too much, and found Luo Tian to plead for the girl with beautiful makeup.

Luo Tian instantly felt the inner thoughts of the gorgeous makeup woman, she was very unconvinced, if Mei Family did not lose, she reported to Mei Family, when the death is Luo Guang.


Luo Tian spoke coldly, Second Elder Luo Youlan immediately shot and beheaded the girl with gorgeous makeup

After explaining the reason to Luo Guang, Luo Guang looked at the body of the woman with gorgeous makeup, showing a disgusted look.

One month later.

Luo Family is cleaned.

Luo Family meeting hall, the high-level leaders gathered together, the discussion was intense, and many matters were discussed.


The meeting hall was quiet, and everyone’s eyes were gathered on the Luo Tian at the entrance of the hall, with deep awe in their eyes.

“Next, take the last step and destroy Mei Family

Luo Tian lightly said.

Luo Family executives have been looking forward to this for a long time, and have long wanted to attack the Mei Family territory, but Luo Tian has not spoken, and no one has proposed it.

“Follow the orders of Master Luo Tian

At this moment, all the high-level Luo Family leaders stood up and agreed.

After three days.

Mei Family assembled a large army and set off under the leadership of Luo Tian and patriarch.

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