Eternal King Chapter 1271: 1 small thing

cultivation base breakthrough is not surprising.

Surprisingly, Luo Tian was so young that he practiced until the middle of Heaven Connection Realm, and drove the genius of Luo Family dozens of streets!

What’s even more amazing is that the refiner can also make cultivation base breakthrough?

Luo Tian, the second team of Mei Family, has been resolved.”

Supreme Elder reports the results.

“Good job.”

Luo Tian’s voice came out.

Supreme Elder did not leave, waiting for the following, but Luo Tian finished speaking this sentence.

Nothing? What about divine crystal?

Luo Tian, the divine crystal you said before…”

“To deal with this group of little kids, this is the simplest thing. For this little thing, do you want divine crystal?”

Luo Tian is slightly contemptuous.

Supreme Elder‘s face is a little distorted. How can he be ridiculed by Luo Tian if he is the pinnacle of Heaven Connection Realm late stage and Luo Family is the strongest Martial Emperor.

“…the divine crystal you said before, help me keep it first, and the old man will get it with his true ability.”

Supreme Elder right color channel, then spill away.

In Refining Room.

Luo Tian has just broken through the middle of Heaven Connection Realm, and after stabilizing, continue to assist Great Master Song in refining Half-Divine Artifact.

“The refiner can also break through? Why am I not?”

A thought flashed through Great Master Song‘s mind, and he focused on the forge.


The estimated time for the second team of Mei Family is approaching again.

Luo Family up and down already knows that the first team of Mei Family suffered an accident, the second team must be prepared for it, and will not fall into the same pit.

But why did the Mei Family team not arrive on time?

“What is going on?”

“Why haven’t the top executives of Mei Family come yet? Do they not want Luo Tian and Luo Xiao anymore?”

Luo Family up and down, wondering.

Luo Guang was ready to see off for Luo Tian as early as a few months ago, and it has not yet been sent out.

“The previous Mei Family team was said to have been attacked by powerful monsters and beasts in a dangerous mountain forest. The whole army was wiped out… Could it be a problem again this time?”

Luo Guang cannot help guessing.

As he expected, after waiting for more than a month, the team of Mei Family did not come and can be sure that something happened.

For whatever reason, Luo Tian’s is also very lucky, and can live at least a few more months.

“What happened again?”

Yanzhuang woman is a little angry, she has been waiting for the arrival of Mei Family senior, and then reported Luo Guang.

Now she is worried that the Mei Family team has had an accident twice, and then does not come back. Let Luo Family **** Luo Tian and Luo Xiao.

patriarch knows the inside story and is very calm.

He sent a message to Mei Family, saying that the team of Mei Family was missing and did not come to Luo Family.

Mei Family may allow our family to **** Luo Tian and Luo Xiao, and we must find ways to prevent this.”

patriarch also ordered several of his confidants to spread rumors everywhere.


Mei Family, in the solemn hall, more senior executives gather here.

The team sent to Luo Family twice in succession was blocked by mysterious enemies and the whole army was wiped out.

The combined losses of the two teams are large, and the high level is furious!

“Who the **** are you, who shot our team twice in a row, what is their purpose?”

“Be sure to seize the real murderer and punish you severely!”

“Will it be the ghost of Luo Family?” Some people have speculated.

The other seniors glanced at him and thought about it.

The top management did not suspect Luo Family at the beginning, because Luo Family seized Luo Tian and Luo Xiao and offered to Mei Family to show their good intentions.

If Luo Family is against them, why should Luo Family catch Luo Tian and Luo Xiao?

In addition.

Luo Family is so weak, dare to fight against Mei Family?

Luo Family is unlikely.”

A tall and strong Han Dao shaped like an iron tower.

“In addition, recently, people from various races are talking about our race, saying that we have no skills.”

“Said that we haven’t caught Luo Tian, Luo Xiao, now Luo Family has caught it, we just went to get individuals, and everything went wrong…”

Another senior official said that he is mainly responsible for Mei Family‘s intelligence agencies, and he is fully aware of the current state of public opinion.

“I also heard that my family fell twice in a pit.”

There is a high-level response.

The Luo Xiao and Luo Tian’s incidents have attracted much attention. Mei Family lost twice, and it became a hot topic after cultivator tea and dinner.

Among them, there are certainly other forces that deliberately spread and promote the situation.

But Mei Family also has no doubt about Luo Family.

All in all, the Emperor Clan of Mei Family is seriously damaged after two losses!

If this problem cannot be solved perfectly, it will have a great impact on Mei Family.

“Would you like to let Luo Family **** people over?”

A young senior suggested.

“If Luo Family is done, people will only laugh at Mei Family incompetence, Ten Great Imperial Families is not as good as a small family!”

A one-eyed old man sneered.

The scene was quiet, and the seniors felt tricky.

“This time, the Emperor will go in person!”

The one-eyed old man said suddenly.

“If it is Elder Youqian, there must be no problem.”

“How many manpower does Elder Youqian need?”

The rest of the senior executives spoke one after another.

One-eyed old man Mei Youqian, Mei Family Law Enforcement Hall top power, cultivation base Heaven Connection Realm late stage pinnacle, lofty position in the family, patriarch all give courtesy three points.

Originally, such a trivial matter will never send a big person like him, but Mei Elder Youqian has nothing to do with it, and he is in a bad mood.

The senior executive who had just guessed that Luo Family was a ghost was completely relieved.

The strongest Luo Family is Supreme Elder, cultivation base is the same as Mei Elder Youqian, but there is no doubt that Mei Elder Youqian is better!

If Luo Family is really a ghost, then Mei Youqian can’t help!

“I just need to bring a few to fight.”

Mei Youqian looks Then it’s troublesome to run Elder Youqian in person. “

Mei Family patriarch nodded slightly.

The next day.

Mei Youqian brought three Limitless Realm late stage peak men and set off for Luo Family!

Originally, no one wants to mix this matter, let alone the danger, if you fail, you have to bear the infamy.

Kemei Elder Youqian leads the team, and will surely become famous.


Luo Family Patriarch waited for many days, Mei Family did not reply any.

But he knew that Mei Family must have taken action, but this time he was extremely cautious, and nothing was revealed.

So patriarch still tells Supreme Elder and Luo Tian his guess.

Supreme Elder, this matter is up to you.”

Commanded by Luo Tian.

“A small thing.”

Supreme Elder easily agreed.

“This time, you will also bring Second Elder Luo Youlan.” Luo Tian continued.

Supreme Elder disagrees.

You can solve it by yourself. What should you do with Luo Youlan? It will only get in the way.


A silver and white beam of light emerged from Refining Room and entered the eyebrows of Supreme Elder.

He knows that this is enemy intelligence information given by Luo Tian.

After the last ambush attack, he suspected that there was a Luo Tian’s undercover in the Mei Family high-rise, otherwise how would Luo Tian know the enemy situation well!

“Well? This time, there is a little information.”

After browsing Supreme Elder, I feel strange.

Only the road map, the recommended ambush locations, the number of the enemy, cultivation base and other information are not.

Supreme Elder didn’t care.

The enemy is definitely too weak. Luo Tian thinks he can solve it easily, so he has not given this information.

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