Eternal King Chapter 1244: Predecessors spare life

Up and down Evil Moon Sect is congratulating Sect Master demon art great accomplishment.


   Suddenly, the demon vortex vanished from sight in front of him, several killers were released.


   “What’s going on?”


   “Does the Sect Master’s move not last long?”


  Evil Moon Sect many disciples and seniors were puzzled.


   Bingxue, Black Crow, Night Wind and others were even more surprised. They thought they would be trapped inside until they were killed by Evil Moon Sect Master. Why did they suddenly get break free?


   will definitely not be Evil Moon Sect Master suddenly showing mercy, let them live a life!


   “Just now, I felt a powerful amount of ice thunder power, I am afraid that other Martial Emperor shot.”


   Ice blood sinking voice.


   “Has another Martial Emperor been helping us?”


  Black Crow was pleasantly surprised, so I can be saved.


Who is the Martial Emperor who can help them? Why not show up?


   “Master Ice Blood, who is helping us?”


  Night Wind also asked.


   Bing Xue frowned slightly, glanced around, stayed a few breaths on Luo Tian.


  According to his feelings, Luo Tian should break through Heaven Connection Realm. There is no other known Martial Emperor present, probably Luo Tian.


   But the strength of Luo Tian’s cannot be so strong.


   When Luo Tian was in Underworld Cave headquarters, the ice blood was Heaven Connection Realm Martial Emperor, and Luo Tian’s cultivation base was only in the middle of Limitless Realm.


  Even if Luo Tian has an opportunity, it is advancing by leaps and bounds, and at most it just broke through Heaven Connection Realm, which should have a big gap with Bingxue.


  Ice Blood can’t find any flaws in the Mist Vortex. How can Luo Tian be easily broken?


   “Master Ice Blood, don’t joke, even if you haven’t broken this devil’s secret technique, Luo Tian is even more impossible.”


  Black Crow noticed Bingxue’s gaze and shook his head and sneered: “He has been far away from the beginning of the battle and he dare not go to the battlefield.”


   his group of little brothers, and Night Wind, do not think it will be Luo Tian.


   Perhaps there is a Martial Emperor master hidden in the dark!


   “This person…”


  Evil Moon Sect Master looks at Luo Tian.


  Only he and a few high-level executives saw the scene of Luo Tian‘s shot clearly, and the rest did not know.


  Evil Moon Sect Master was shocked by the scene of Luo Tian waving, and he was a little worried.


   But he still can’t believe that Luo Tian has such amazing strength, maybe he just happened to know the weakness of this secret technique.


  Evil Moon Sect Master decided to try again.


   “If you can take me, I will let you all go.”


  Evil Moon Sect Master points to Luo Tian.


  He is going to use this trick to test out the Luo Tian’s truth and reality. If Luo Tian has the ability, he will make things bigger and smaller.


  If Luo Tian is not capable, it will wipe out everyone.


   “This… what if he can’t pick it up? Can the senior kill him, can you let us go?”


  Black Crow begged.


  In his opinion, Luo Tian must not be able to take over, he does not want his life tied to Luo Tian.


   “Black Crow, what are you talking about?”


  Night Wind loudly shouted.


  Black Crow actually asked the enemy to sacrifice the lives of other killers in the organization and let themselves survive.


   “What I say has nothing to do with you.”


  Black Crow ignored Night Wind and continued to request Evil Moon Sect Master.


  Evil Moon Sect Master corner of mouth slightly warped.


   This group of people is a group, they must know Luo Tian better than themselves.


   “This kid’s associates thought he couldn’t get me a shot. It seems that he just broke my demon art secret technique, just an accident.”


  Evil Moon Sect Master is gradually at ease and is ready to wipe out this group of people.


   “Take the trick!”


  Evil Moon Sect Master robe fluttering, the majestic black magic mist condenses in the palm of your hand, and turns into a greasy claw, tearing the night sky and killing Luo Tian.


   “What a terrible blow! Quick withdrawal!”


  Black Crow felt deep weakness and despair in the face of this blow, and even ten of them would be difficult to resist.




  Black Crow and his younger brothers gave up to avoid being affected by Martial Emperor‘s attack.


  Night Wind is too weak. I can’t help Luo Tian. I can only follow the retreat.


   Bingxue is considering whether to shoot.


   At this moment, Luo Tian raised his arms, his palms were bladed, and gently chopped down!




   A tremendously frightening cold lightning ray blade exhaled a heart-wrenching atmosphere of destruction, instantly hitting the dark and scary devil’s claws, dividing it into two.


After the black devil claw was cut in half, the surface of lightning thundered and collapsed.




  Evil Moon Sect Master was frightened and quickly shot to condense a dark barrier to resist the Luo Tian’s attack!


  However, the defensive means he used, under the attack of Luo Tian’s, was like a paper paste, and it shattered instantly.


   Evil Moon Sect Master was sweating so much that he flew away quickly!


  嗤! puff!


   Nahan lightning ray passed the blade, splashing a lot of blood.


   I saw that the left arm of Evil Moon Sect Master, with shoulders and part of the torso, was cut off, and the whole person was missing a large piece.


  The arms, shoulders, and part of the torso that were cut off were bombarded into coke by lightning, and the possibility of continued connection was lost.




  Evil Moon Sect Master covered his wound and screamed sternly.


   He thought he had won, so the Luo Tian erupted such a terrible blow, instantly blasting his attack into scum!


  From this point, the strength of Luo Tian’s definitely surpasses him by one level, and it is his existence that is difficult to resist!


   and his heavy injury also confirmed this.


  Evil Moon Sect Master is frightened and angry!


  You are so obviously so strong, why do your associates still beg me? A look of despair.


   “Are you guys playing me?”


  Evil Moon Sect Master‘s angry eyes swept several killers, staying on Black Crow for the longest time.


   Black Crow is seen by Evil Moon Sect Master.


  He really didn’t act!


  He can’t believe what he saw now, Evil Moon Sect Master was hit hard by Luo Tian? He is suspecting that Evil Moon Sect Master cooperates with Luo Tian.


   Evil Moon Sect is quiet inside.


   The sect gate looked up and down to the sect master, and each face was dull and terrified!


   Immediately afterwards, everyone looked at Luo Tian, revealing a deep awe!


   “Great!” Night Wind was shocked and overjoyed.


   “It was really him just now…”


The guess of    Bingxue was confirmed, but he couldn’t laugh.


  The Luo Tian, which was once so weak, has not been seen in decades, and has surpassed itself!


   Bingxue is the 40th killer of Nether Assassin List. The strength of Luo Tian shows that entering the first thirty of Nether Assassin List is not a problem.


  However, when Luo Tian left Underworld Cave headquarters last time, it was only 50th in Blood Rank Assassin List.


   This growth span is too big!


   “Predecessor Rao Let’s get out of here.”


   Evil Moon Sect Master bowed his head for mercy.


  Black Crow looked at the scene and shivered.


Although    was saved, the fierce and powerful Evil Moon Sect Master all bowed to Luo Tian for mercy.


  He couldn’t help but recall his grievances with Luo Tian’s, the purpose of this trip, and what he just said to Luo TianBlack Crow felt that his end would not be better than Evil Moon Sect Master.


   “You can’t escape, you are my goal, and you have been hit hard now.”


   Drink cold blood.


  Evil Moon Sect Master ignored it, even if he was hit hard, he was not afraid of ice blood.


  As long as Luo Tian agrees to let him go, he will definitely be able to leave.

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