Eternal King Chapter 1230: Luo Tian’s points

Before Fishing Palace, it was Li Huanshan‘s turn soon.

In the last minute of Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting, with the help of Luo Tian’s, he harvested six more prey.

“Your points are 903.”

Li Huanshan left contentedly.

Both sides were lined up to check for loot. He came to the middle area, where there was a huge smooth jade with many exchangeable items listed.

The first line, weapons!

The first weapon category is “Half-Divine Artifact“, which requires 20,000 points!

Li Huanshan saw the three characters Half-Divine Artifact and was very excited, but just looked at it, and didn’t have half the hope.

“I don’t know if the loot of Brother Luo can be exchanged for a Half-Divine Artifact!”

Li Huanshan thought, looking at Luo Tian.

“Your Excellency has been very fruitful. According to my experience, I hope to enter the top 100.”

high-level deacon, who was very cold on Li Huanshan, talked to Luo Tian actively.

After entering Immortal Clan for a few years, breaking into the top one hundred in Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting is simply amazing!

You know, among the foreign anglers of Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting this time, overwhelming majority all opened a thousand.

Li Huanshan ranks 896 with the help of Luo Tian’s.

Few of the top five hundred.

In the first two hundred, there is no one except Luo Tian.

“I can’t convert the value of this fish, but it is definitely a rare species. For the time being, it is calculated by six times the points of the common cultivation base common species.”

“If you disagree, I can give this fish to Spiritual God to judge.”

high-level deacon carefully observes Spirit Duck Fish and then explains to Luo Tian.

Let Spiritual God do this?

Okay, Immortal Clan features.

“Hand it over.”

Luo Tian lightly said.

high-level deacon put this fish in a water tank and asked the maid to send it.

Inside Fishing Palace.

More than 20 Spiritual God gathered here.

Because of the emergence of Immortal Duck Fish, several Spiritual Gods were alerted.

Spiritual God are also looking forward to, maybe the innate Spiritual God will appear.

At this time, a water tank was delivered.

“Well? Is this the fish that God Monarch Xue Guang said?”

“I don’t know if it’s true or false.”

On the spot overwhelming majority Spiritual God, none of them recognized Spirit Duck Fish.

But Immortal Clan is good at Destiny Path.

Two Spiritual God divinations.

The final result, this fish is indeed “Spirit Duck Fish“, which is inseparable from Immortal Duck Fish, a magical fish species that lives and dies!


“Not counting that unknown fish species, your points are…12400 points!”

high-level deacon smiles thicker.

This score has already entered the top 100, ranking 87.

What an amazing result!

For the first time to participate in Immortal River fishing, he ranked among the top 100 Immortal Clan fishing masters.

Brother Luo, congratulations!”

Congratulations on Li Huanshan.

Luo Tian’s points are more than ten times that of him.

However, Half-Divine Artifact cannot be replaced.

It is said that every time Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting, only the first three have the hope to exchange Half-Divine Artifact.

The Zhuang Yuying in the distance can’t sit still.

Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting has regulations, you must use your own Immortal Spirit Bamboo Pole to catch prey to be your own loot… The fish I gave Luo Tian’s are not in this category.”

That is to say, if the Luo Tian takes out the fish of Zhuang Yuying, it will be considered to violate the rules and cheat.

Immortal Clan has strict rules and strict punishment.

Especially the grand event created by Innate Spiritual God!

Deprivation of achievement is the most basic, and may also expel Immortal Clan.

But Zhuang Yuying did not see Luo Tian being checked for violations.

“Impossible, Brother Zhuang, I’m sure those fish are in the Luo Tian’s fish basket!”

“Yes, after you left, we have been next to Luo Tian’s and we know his actions clearly.”

“How could this happen?”

The other three Immortal Clan are puzzled.

From the beginning to the end of Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting, Zhuang Yuying did not encounter a good thing, was humiliated everywhere, and the backlog of anger reached its peak!

He walked to the high-level deacon and said, “Is there any problem with his loot?”

high-level deacon knows Zhuang Yuying, but he checked very carefully just now, absolutely no problem.

Zhuang Yuying, what do you mean? Do you suspect that I cheated in violation of regulations?”

Luo Tian asked back.


For normal times, Zhuang Yuying will not be so reckless. But at this moment, he could not contain his anger.

And he must bring down Luo Tian.

As long as Luo Tian cheats at Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting, you will be deprived of all points and even expel Immortal Clan!

At that time, Zhuang Yuying and others can kill Luo Tian and destroy that piece of Photograph Jade.

“Okay, let me check it again.”

high-level deacon does not dare to ignore Zhuang Yuying and sinks.

In the process, Zhuang Yuying has been staring.

However, when the inspection of high-level deacon was completed, Zhuang Yuying did not see the fish that he gave Luo Tian’s!

Where are those fish?

Based on his knowledge of Luo Tian’s, he is definitely not clear about the details of Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting. If you know, you won’t ask him for loot.

After that, the three Immortal Clan have been around Luo Tian, and all of them think that those fish are still in the Luo Tian’s fish basket!

But why are those fish suddenly missing now?

Zhuang Yuying even suspected that high-level deacon helped Luo Tian cover up the evidence!

Zhuang Yuying, are you looking for these fish?”

Luo Tian takes out several fish belonging to Zhuang Yuying from the storage props.

“Adult deacon, Zhuang Yuying wants to plant and frame me, and secretly puts his loot into my fish basket, which I noticed in time.”

Luo Tian reverse report.

“You…you spit on people!”

Zhuang Yuying was shocked and panicked!

high-level deacon inspected several fishes from Luo Tian. The traces left on it proved that it was indeed the Immortal Spirit Bamboo Pole from Zhuang Yuying.

This is the trophy of Zhuang Yuying, why is it here in Luo Tian?

Yes, Zhuang Yuying is likely to blame!

Zhuang Yuying, I will report on this matter, you still have time to surrender now!”

high-level deacon seriously said.


What’s special… Zhuang Yuying‘s head is a little dizzy.

Probably because of many anger attacks.

At this time.

The water tank equipped with “Spirit Duck Fish” was delivered with a wooden sign on it, with a string of numbers written on it!

This string of numbers is the result of Spiritual God‘s judgment.

high-level deacon glanced at it, suspecting that he was dazzling, and stared away!

“Twelve thousand points!”

“Your total points…24,400 points!”

high-level deacon froze in place~ stiffly pronounced.

Zhuang Yuying was already recognized, but after hearing this score, I almost jumped!

“24400 points, impossible, absolutely impossible, shady!”

Zhuang Yuying exclaimed.

This score is too shocking. Zhuang Yuying once dreamed of dreaming about Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting‘s fame and daring to dream of this point!

The shouting of Zhuang Yuying shocked many people.

At the same time.

Immortal River Fishing List” over Fishing Palace, the first place was suppressed, a new name and new points emerged!

First place: Luo Tian.

Points: 24400!

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