Eternal King Chapter 1195: Soaring insights

  Immortal Clan is mysterious and aloof, Luo Tian knows very little, plus the previous Su Family old people are all eliminated, so Luo Tian contacted Qiu Wanwan that night.

   who is most familiar with Immortal Clan is definitely Immortal Clan.

   Of course, Qiu Wanwan refused at first.

   So Luo Tian used one of the two human relations owed by Qiu Wanwan, and Luo Tian didn’t expect the two human relations to play any role.

  Qiu Wanwan was not angry, she really did not plan to help Luo Tian much, but it took her a favor to let her be a guide. How much did she despise her?

  Under the gaze of the audience, Luo Tian and Qiu Wanwan left.

   “What is his relationship with Qiu Wanwan?”

   “Every human being, when he first came to Immortal Clan, he had a relationship with Immortal Clan person Qiu Wanwan.”

  Everyone was jealous of the Luo Tian’s results. After seeing this scene, the jealous fire was even more fierce.

   Dong Ma froze for a while, and then said: “He has nothing to do with Qiu Wanwan, Immortal Clan does not intermarry with foreigners. What’s more, which of the many Immortal Clan people who pursue Qiu Wanwan is not stronger than him?”


  Immortal Clan people are relatively small compared to ordinary races.

   But Immortal Clan secret realm is extremely wide, and the place where Luo Tian and others live is the outermost.

   lives in this neighborhood, and there are Immortal Clan lower floors.

  The lower layer of Immortal Clan is either cultivation base below Martial Venerable, or it is poor in knowledge and has a low status in Immortal Clan.

   “In Pale Ring, Limitless Realm Martial Venerable is a super great expert, but its status is low…”

  Luo Tian couldn’t help feeling.

  In the flight room, a wall appears in front of you, and inside are several huge and elegant buildings.

   “This is ‘Immortal Academy’. Almost every week, the upper Immortal Clan comes to this duty to impart various knowledge. The lower Immortal Clan and you outsiders can come here for free.”

Introduction of Qiu Wanwan.


  Luo Tian thinks this is not bad.

   “Immortal Clan has three Immortal Academys in total, this one is the closest to your outsiders. In addition, there is a library near Immortal Academy, and the books inside can also be borrowed for free!”

  It didn’t take long for the two to come to the Bookstore.

  Luo Tian was surprised.

  Whether it is Limitless Saint Court, Underworld Cave headquarters, or Fire Spirit Clan Luo Family, etc., the book collection places in these places are too small in front of the Immortal Clan book storage.

  Luo Tian cannot estimate how many books are in it!

   And all are free to borrow!

  Just because of this, I don’t know how many powerful forces it is.

  However, the books in the collection are not of high value. There are exercises martial skill(s), generally only to the Emperor Rank inferior products, the ones above are not.

   “All exercises martial skill(s) under the Emperor Rank lower grade are free?”

  Luo Tian has been step by step from the sanctuary of Shattered Ring to the present. With his experience, in the face of such welfare treatment, the heart has been unable to calm down for a long time.

  He wanted to go into the Tibetan bookstore for a while, but he could bear it. He would be familiar with Immortal Clan with Qiu Wanwan first.

   “This is the cultivating spirit tower”. Outsiders have one year of cultivation time, and they can only get it by other means after using it. Two days of cultivation in Cultivation Tower, only one day passed outside.”


  Luo Tian cannot help but marvel.

  You don’t need to know that Immortal Clan’s cultivation spirit tower must have extraordinary cultivation effect, and it also has a huge advantage in time.

   “Here is “Martial Arts Training Palace“, you can practice martial skill(s) exercises, and Martial Arts Training Palace can create a puppet enemy for you according to your needs!”


  Having strolled around for a long time, Luo Tian learned a lot and was deeply shocked.

   All in all.

  Immortal Clan‘s “welfare treatment” is so good, no wonder so many people rush to enter Immortal Clan, no wonder Immortal Clan is so strong!

   In addition to many free things.

   is naturally higher, and it takes spirit crystals and contribution points to enjoy.

  Among them is Shushan.

   cost one thousand contribution points, or 50,000 spirit crystals, you can enter Shushan once, where you can learn to study retreat, the time limit is one year.


  The two came to a bustling area.

  Immortal Clan is quieter in most places, here attracts the attention of Luo Tian’s.

   “This is Trading Area…” Introduction of Qiu Wanwan.

  Luo Tian was walking on Trading Area, and his eyes swept across a room of Refinement Store. It was really selling everything.

  spirit materials, which is rare in the human race and Fire Spirit Clan, is very common here.

   There are many more. The strange spirit materials and Luo Tian studied and cultivated by Immortal Clan were unheard of before.

The spirit pill(s) of Immortal Clan can also be purchased freely here.

The spirit pill(s) refined by Immortal Clan is of higher quality and better efficacy.

   There are still some outside reports, and the special spirit pill(s) unique to Immortal Clan can also be purchased at some authoritative Refinement Store.

  Luo Tian heartbeat again.

  He felt that the 500,000 spirit crystals given by Su Family might not last long.

  When Luo Tian came to the refiner Refinement Store, he suddenly thought of one thing.

  The top grade Saint Artifact [Profound Gold Saint Armor] on him was damaged in the previous confrontation with Mei Longjiao.

   After Luo Tian entered Storm Ring, the entire Storm Ring, it is difficult to find a master who can repair top grade defensive saint artifact, and even if it is found, the craft is not easy to say.

   But in Immortal Clan, Luo Tian can rest assured please Immortal Clan Refining Great Master to repair!

  Qiu Wanwan introduces Luo Tian to a store.

   “Repair top grade to defend against Saint Armor.”

  Luo Tian takes off [Profound Gold Saint Armor].

   A Immortal Clan man with a hammer in his hand took a few glances and said, “This defensive saint artifact‘s refining method is somewhat similar to Immortal Clan‘s refining method, but somewhat rough.”

  Luo Tian looks surprised, this defensive treasure armor is made by Great Master Song of human race, he actually has a relationship with Immortal Clan?

   “I will repair it for you, refine it by the way, 150,000 spirit crystals!”

  Luo Tian is happy to repair and refine, but it consumes 150,000 spirit crystals so quickly, he is worried about what to do in the future.

   “After my patching and refining, even if you are hard against general Heaven Connection Realm mid-term attacks, this defensive treasure armor can help you reduce 50% of the damage!”

  Immortal Clan Dahan added a sentence.

   “Okay, according to what the master said.”

  Luo Tian agreed.

   Damaged defensive treasure armor with reduced performance.

  Mending and refining together are more cost-effective. And the powerful defensive treasure armor can even save one’s life at the critical moment.

   is like when facing Mei Longjiao, without this [Profound Gold Saint Armor], Luo Tian could not come to Immortal Clan.

  Leave [Profound Gold Saint Armor] here, Luo Tian and Qiu Wanwan leave.


   Come down a few Tian followed Qiu Wanwan and walked through most of the area.

   “The front is Immortal Clan Core Area, you must not step in.”

  Immortal Clan Core Area, you need to contribute to Immortal Clan to enter.

   “Within Immortal Clan Core Area, there is Spiritual Gods Area!”

   Hearing this, Luo Tian was thrilled.

  He has seen an Spiritual God so far, that is, the white-haired Immortal Clan at the time of the test, and at most one Book Mountain’s Spirit, or two.

  Luo Tian still knows little about Spiritual God.

  Immortal Clan Spiritual Gods Area, what is it like?

   “It’s almost time to shop, and I’m tired.”

   Qiu Wanwan and Luo Tian said goodbye and left.

  Luo Tian returns to the residence.

He walked in and looked at    as he walked through the library.

  Most of the 1,000 people who have just entered Immortal Clan are here, some are reading ancient books that are lost to the outside world, some are learning about the history of Immortal Clan, and others are looking for martial skill(s) and secret technique.

  Luo Tian also read it.

  Since all the books here are free to borrow, Luo Tian has emerged an amazing idea, let Heavenly Book include all the books here!


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