Eternal King Chapter 1167: Tian Luo Di Wang?

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  The five True Martial Realm Martial King here, only one commander is dead.

   He said with despair: “The information is wrong. The one who broke Liangmu World and Sanyang Realm is definitely not Sword Monarch Tian Luo, but the terrorist helper he invited!”

  As for the realm level of the Luo Tian’s helper… he is difficult to estimate.

   “Don’t kill, I surrender!”

   Commander shouting sadly and powerlessly.


  Xuesha Ghost Emperor noticed the commander, waved his claws, and the violent brilliance of the chaotic crimson rushed away, giving the commander to instakill.

After killing the commander, the blood Ghost Emperor reacted.

  Luo Tian said just now, the enemy stopped when he surrendered.

   So he immediately stopped.

   and the body of the commander who fell, staring at the blood evil Ghost Emperor, never looked back.

  Bloody Ghost Emperor is much crueler than Luo Tian, killing nearly 20,000 Flower Monster Clan, but the intention is still unfinished.

  And blood evil Ghost Emperor like this, is more scary, the deterrent effect is much better than Luo Tian, and there are more urine pants.

   “Obviously wait for the army of Limitless Saint Court to rule this place!”

  Throw the next sentence, Luo Tian goes to the next goal “Tiger Gate World“!


   Sword Monarch Tian Luo broke the news of the three worlds, and soon spread to several interfaces around, including Tiger Gate World and Monster Forest World headquarters.

   Monster Forest World headquarters, all are angry voices.

  A Sword Monarch Tian Luo, I don’t know how much damage they caused, and may even reverse the war.

   “Lishui World commander summoned before death, Sword Monarch Tian Luo is not terrible, the terrible thing is the helper he brought!”

   “No matter how strong his helper is, the last Tiger Gate World must be won!”

   “No more errors this time!”

  Monster Forest World headquarters, issued one order after another!

  An endless stream of troops and powerhouses gather in Tiger Gate World!

   Such a big movement naturally shocked the human race.

  Three Great Saint Courts, Five Great Ancient Clans, Ten Great Major Aristocratic Families…The top forces of these human races all held meetings quickly.

  They decided that Flower Monster Clan was going to do something big, maybe they would declare war directly to a certain major force!

   These clan powers were a little panicked and worried that they would become targets.

  Limitless Saint Court is the closest to Tiger Gate World. Flower Monster Clan really wants to do a big job, and Limitless Saint Court is the most likely.

   But as time goes by.

  These great forces found that a steady stream of powerful men and troops gathered in Tiger Gate World, and did not come out again after entering.

   followed immediately.

   A few superpowers got news.

  Sword Monarch Tian Luo broke the three worlds in a row, Flower Monster Clan was furious and encircled Sword Monarch Tian Luo at Tiger Gate World!

  ”Who is Sword Monarch Tian Luo?”

  overwhelming majority people are very new to this name, they even heard it for the first time.

  Only Limitless Saint Court, almost everyone is familiar with Sword Monarch Tian Luo.

  Saint Court When they got the news, all the senior executives were shocked and dull, and could not speak for a long time.

   “It turns out that Liangmu World was really broken, no effort is needed!”

   “Not only Liangmu World, Sanyang Realm, Lishui World are all captured by Luo Tian!”

   “This is too fierce!”

   It’s ridiculous that they had received relevant news before and they thought it was fake and nobody believed it.

   When Yan Feixiao heard this, the scared soul was not at home, thinking about whether to resign and go back to the family to hide.

   “Did Sword Monarch Tian Luo come back?”

In    the hall of deliberation, Dean War Martial Court said.

  Obviously, Flower Monster Clan killing intent is very strong, and we will definitely lay the world network on Tiger Gate World and wait for Luo Tian to join the network.

   Dean of War Martial Court doesn’t want such a talent as Luo Tian to fall into the trap of Flower Monster Clan.

   “There is no clue that Sword Monarch Tian Luo is back.”

  The elders responsible for intelligence.

   In this case, Sword Monarch Tian Luo probably went to Tiger Gate World.

   “Sword Monarch Tian Luo made great contributions to Limitless Saint Court, we can’t let him die, pass me the order, all the people near Tiger Gate World, go to support Sword Monarch Tian Luo!”

The majestic voice of Dean War Martial Court echoed the main hall.


  Sanyang Realm.

  As soon as the Elder Ye army arrived here, they got the news that Lishui World had been wiped out by Luo Tian.

   “Come on, stay with eight thousand people, let’s go to the next place.”

  Elder Ye said with emotion.

  When they rushed to Lishui World, they learned that Luo Tian had not stopped, on the way to Tiger Gate World.

   “Damn, why doesn’t he stop? Tiger Gate World is too dangerous!”

  Elder Ye looks anxious.

   From the news he got, he can hardly imagine how many powerful terrorists Tiger Gate World has gathered!

  Originally, Elder Ye should rest at Saint Court. He only played for Luo Tian.

   But now, he dare not help Luo Tian.

  Tiger Gate World is definitely Longtan Tiger’s Cave, a life of nine deaths!


  Tiger Gate World, Luo Tian will arrive soon.

  When he arrived, he also met the army and the strong of Flower Monster Clan, so he beheaded and killed.

  The interface channel is empty, and the speed of Luo Tian’s has not slowed down, and even accelerated.

   less than a day.

  Luo Tian arrived at the place where Tiger Gate World Flower Monster Clan was stationed.

   The whole city is full of people, but it is as quiet as a cemetery at night.


   The magnificent and shocking people were so angry that they stirred up the turbulence in the dozens of miles!

   Immediately afterwards, a breath of True Martial Realm was released, and a figure floated into the air, blooming a colorful and gorgeous glow!

   Ten True Martial Realm!

   And, a Martial Venerable!

   “Have guts.”

   led by Flower Monster Clan Martial Venerable, is a pink middle-aged demon.

  For people like Luo Tian, Flower Monster Clan will generally persuade the surrender.

   But Luo Tian is an exception, he had a big disaster and must be compensated with death.

   “The deity shot, you can be honored to die.”

  Powder clothes Martial Venerable indifferently said, the whole body suddenly rolled up a violent tornado, the colorful colorful petals in the sky, like a sea of ​​death flowers, full of strange and terrifying atmosphere.

  At the same time, the other ten Flower Monster Clan Martial King shot one after another!

   The color of the wind and the clouds changes, and both the sun and the moon are covered.

  However, Luo Tian faced such a situation, but instead raised a smile on his lips: “Not bad, if Flower Monster Clan loses so many strong players at once, it should be able to teach them a lesson.”

   had broken the three realms before, in fact Luo Tian was bored.

  Now Tiger Gate World makes him feel a little bit meaningful.

   “Go, they stop when they surrender!”

  Luo Tian released the blood Ghost Emperor!

  Flower Monster Clan army is not surprised, they already know that Luo Tian has a helper!


   When I saw Blood Fiend Martial Emperor, the pink-coated Martial Venerable shuddered and panic spread out of control.

  Powder Martial Venerable face changed.

  He knows that Luo Tian has a helper, and his strength is not bad, but he does not know that the strength of the helper is so strong!

   Daddy, this is cheating!

  Xuesha Ghost Emperor is most interested in killing and killing without saying a word.

  The top ten Martial King and a Martial Venerable formation were instantly broken by blood Ghost Emperor!

  In front of Heaven Connection Realm Martial Emperor, these Martial King and Heaven Pool Realm ants are no different, and the powder coat Martial Venerable is the larger ants!


  Feiyi Martial Venerable was blasted hundreds of meters, two arms were cut off, leaving a dozen **** wounds on his chest!


   He was unwilling to scream in anger, his voice gradually weakened, life force was gradually extinct by the power of the blood Ghost Emperor, and it fell into a dry body.

   One face, Flower Monster Clan Martial Venerable fell!

   “Ah, dead, Lord Martial Venerable is dead!”

   “Impossible, impossible!”

   Immediately afterwards, the voice of the crying wolf howling all over the world!

   Not long.

  Tiger Gate World Flower Monster Clan army surrendered.

The time it takes    is not much different from breaking Lishui World.

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