Eternal King Chapter 1153: We are all wiped out

  Luo Tian speculates that two arrests against Luo Xiao set off two world wars in the human race of Pale Ring.

  From Luo Xiao talking about the self-blame revealed during the war, it can also prove this.

   “Since it was caused by my father, I will end it.”

   In order not to bring disaster to the Pale Ring‘s human race again, Luo Tian decided not to take action in a real capacity, to avoid attracting Storm Ring or Divine Territory Continent killers.

   It’s a bit troublesome to change identities. Luo Tian put on a mask to perform a killer mission in Divine Territory Continent, which is enough.

Ten days after flying the Void Ship, Luo Tian encountered another Flower Monster Clan patrol, and his ship was stopped again.

   Obviously, this large area was occupied by Flower Monster Clan.

   These Flower Monster Clan cultivator patrol searches are on the surface to perform their duties, but in fact are to have fun and search for treasure.

As long as they are not friends, they will surely be robbed of all their wealth. If they do not return to Flower Monster Clan, they will also be robbed of their lives.

   Because of this.

   During the war, very few people ran outside, and even the bandits hid.


  This Flower Monster Clan team, just like the team that was encountered before Luo Tian, went directly to search Void Ship.

   Then there is an Flower Monster Clan, to review the identity history and camp of Luo Tian’s.

   “Take off the mask!”

   this Flower Monster Clan commanded.

   “It must be too ugly to wear a mask.”

   “I want to see how ugly this human race is.”

   “I think this person might look handsome. After all, we have a lot of Flower Monster Clan men here, who are very’sexual’ to men who are patriarch, so he wears a mask.”

A few Flower Monster Clans next to    teased.

  Luo Tian did not take off his mask, and ignored these remarks. He indifferently said: “Tell your senior executives.”

   How many Flower Monster Clans were shocked, could it be that Luo Tian was a friend, and knew their seniors?

   “Tell your high-level, you have been wiped out by a mysterious human race.”

   But the next words of Luo Tian made all Flower Monster Clan dumbfounded and immediately laughed!

   “Hahaha, what is this kid talking about?”

   “We have been wiped out by the mysterious person? Who is the mysterious person? Is this kid?”

  Flower Monster Clan everyone was amused by Luo Tian.

   In order to convince these people that he was not kidding, Luo Tian immediately acted to prove it.


  He was suddenly surrounded by cold mist, and the Flower Monster Clan, the Luo Tian’s, was the closest, and was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant.

   Centered on Luo Tian, everything around is frozen.

  Flower Monster Clan felt that something was wrong, and immediately attacked Luo Tian, but their attack fell into the cold fog, and they were all crushed by the ice, and even Luo Tian did not touch a single hair.

   This horrifying scene makes all the people of Flower Monster Clan creepy.


   “I have told you to send the message to the top of the family, don’t kill me!”

People in Flower Monster Clan panicked and panicked and fled.

  But no one managed to escape, and all of them were frozen in Void Ship and turned into ice sculptures.


   Immediately afterwards, all the ice burst into flakes of ice and drifted away.

   If you want to end the war and restore peace, you must not be able to do it in three words, you must rely on force to deter all enemies.


  Monster Forest World.

   was once the territory of the human race, and was later occupied and renamed by Flower Monster Clan.

On this day, within Monster Forest World, a high-level deacon from Flower Monster Clan base camp received a message.

   The courier is a Heaven Pool Realm martial artist that Zeng Baji had him.

   “Really take yourself seriously, come to me when you are in trouble?”

  high-level deacon was disdainful. If things were too troublesome, he was too lazy to help.

  spiritual consciousness poured into the token, and a word came out: “We were completely destroyed by a mysterious human race!”


  high-level deacon is very speechless.

  What are you doing to me? After being wiped out, how can you still summon me?

   However, he still sent someone to contact this team to investigate the situation.

Five days after   , high-level deacon got the news.

   The team could not be reached, and it may have been destroyed by the human race!

   They are active in the Terran Territory, and they may naturally encounter the Terran Team, and they may be destroyed.

  But high-level deacon didn’t think it was so simple, and reported the news it received to the top.

   The destruction of a team did not attract the attention of the senior level, and they also thought that this message was very strange. If it was completely destroyed, how could it be delivered?

   is at this moment.

  Flower Monster Clan also found out that more than half a month ago, a team disappeared strangely and had no contact with other teams or headquarters.

   Ten days later.

  Another team of Flower Monster Clan was slaughtered, and before it was completely destroyed, there were several members who sent a message to some senior officials in the base camp: “We were completely destroyed by a mysterious human race!”

   Finally, this matter has attracted the attention of Flower Monster Clan executives!

   They think that the “mysterious man” was hunting Flower Monster Clan, and before the massacre, he also arrogantly let Flower Monster Clan send out the message of total destruction.

   This is provocation and humiliation!

   “Catch this person, reward 30 million Spirit Essence Coin!”

  Flower Monster Clan‘s high-level command!

   The amazing reward of 30 million Spirit Essence Coin has stimulated many Martial King to take action in person.

  At the same time, Flower Monster Clan also issued an order to the patrolling team abroad, met the so-called “mysterious person”, and immediately reported to the top.


   As long as Luo Tian encounters foreign clan enemies along the way, they will all be killed, and they will be sent to the top of the clan before they die.

   Fear these enemies, they will naturally escape from the human race.

  On this day, Luo Tian slew another team of foreign clan enemies.

During the process, Luo Tian learned that Flower Monster Clan gave him a reward of 30 million Spirit Essence Coin!

   “Thirty million Spirit Essence Coin, that is, three thousand spirit crystals.”

  Luo Tian has more rewards in Divine Territory Continent than this.

  If Luo Tian didn’t know that the prices in different regions were different, he even thought that Flower Monster Clan deliberately insulted himself with a low price.

   This reward makes Luo Tian feel nothing and even want to laugh.

  But Flower Monster Clan cultivator, and other hostile foreign clan don’t think so, they are very interested in the reward target, and search for the trail of Luo Tian’s.

  This causes the probability that Luo Tian will encounter enemies more frequently.

  Luo Tian is happy to see this. All the enemies encountered are beheaded, and one is not left!

  Because they were all destroyed by too quickly, Flower Monster Clan lost nearly a thousand cultivator, including two Martial King. But for the “mysterious man” information, but not much.

   the massacre continues.

  As long as you encounter Luo Tian, you are dead, you are all destroyed!


  A legend that made foreign clan fearful and troublesome was born.


   three months later.

  Luo Tian can’t remember how many foreign clan enemies he killed.

   But now, he has encountered fewer and fewer enemies because he is about to reach Limitless Saint Court.

  Limitless Saint Court, as one of the human races Three Great Saint Courts, has a deep background and strong strength. More than a dozen interfaces around it are under the control of Limitless Saint Court, which is still quite peaceful.

   “Are you in Martial Town Spirit Temple?”

  Luo Tian looks from a distance, in the sky stands a giant Spirit Temple. Seeing this building means that it is not far from Limitless Saint Court.

  Luo Tian used to come to Martial Town Spirit Temple when he was in Limitless Saint Court.

   But this time.

   Inside this Martial Town Spirit Temple, Spirit Temple Temple Master is having unpleasant negotiations with a VIP. …


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