Eternal King Chapter 11: Rapid growth

   The difficulty of practicing Ningxingjianzhi lies in two points:

   First, the true qi operation line is dangerous and complicated. Before Heavenly Book was perfected, it was still a broken piece.

This is how many people have lost their practice.

   Secondly, the strength of the body, or the head, is very high.

  Because, true qi should be condensed between “one finger”, and the pressure on the finger is extremely great, so if you accidentally break your finger.

  Other cultivators, to practice this fingering, first practice the finger strength.

   Luo Tian practiced without any scruples.

   The perfected “Ning Xing Jian Zhi” greatly reduces the risk.

  As for the strength of the fingers, after Divine Vein is turned on, his physical strength is far more than ordinary people.

   the next night.


  Luo Tian mobilized true qi in the body, a light blue qi light was condensed on the middle finger, and a sharp scream was issued.

   “”Ning Xing Jian Zhi” one layer, successful entry!”

  Luo Tian was surprised, when did his insight become so strong.

  You need to know.

  This is Spirit Rank martial skill(s). I only used it for more than one day to get started.

If you change to a general Vein-Opening Realm, even if you perfect this martial skill(s), it will be difficult to get started in a month or two.

   “It should be “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art“, cultivation base divine soul of destiny, so that the perception is also greatly improved.”

  Luo Tian analyzed the answer.

  咻! call out!

  Luo Tian continued to practice, and the fingers were like Star Glow, flying and blooming.


  He stabs the slate in front of his finger, and he has a feeling of “pulling tofu”. With a sneer, he pierced the slate.

   “Good penetration!”

  Luo Tian surprised.

  The attack power of this finger is probably catching up with Vein-Opening Realm 3rd layer.

   Two days later.

  Luo Tian’s “Ning Xing Jian Zhi” one layer, preliminary training, with a certain level of enthusiasm.

   At this time, he remembered that he hadn’t been to the school for a few days.


  Qingfeng School, advanced class.

  Luo Tian walked into the classroom and caused a shock and discussion.

   “Luo Tian is coming to class!”

   “Listening to the rumor, a few days ago, Luo Tian defeated Liu Yuanba.”

   “Is this true?”

  The students looked at Luo Tian’s, turning their contempt into consternation and fear.

   Not long.

  Lin Xiaofeng walked in, and the classroom was quiet for a while.

   “Luo Tian!”

   “Hello brave, haven’t come to class recently!”

  Lin Xiaofeng‘s cold and disgusted gaze locked on Luo Tian and burst into anger.

  Luo Tian sat in the same place, indifferently, quietly watching him spitting.

   “If you feel that my class is not necessary to listen to, you can go, you don’t have to come again in the future!”

  Lin Xiaofeng was irritated by Luo Tian’s attitude.

   “This is what I meant.” Luo Tian got up with a smile.

   In fact.

  He came to the university this time with a purpose.

   “Luo Tian, do you still want to absenteeism? Believe it or not, let the college expel you!”

  Lin Xiaofeng was completely angry, his body exploded, and there was an invisible whirlwind around him.

   “Then Liu Yuanba can not come to class, why can’t I?”

  Luo Tian is at ease.

   “You are at the bottom of a senior class, and you dare to compare with the elite of the school.”

  Lin Xiaofeng sneered and mocked.

   “Liu Yuanba? That’s Vein-Opening Realm martial artist. It has privileges, so you don’t have to take basic courses.”

   “Privilege? So, I have this qualification now…”

  Luo Tian is a slow and gentle way.

After the words came out, the classroom was quieter, and all the students looked at Luo Tian.

   They heard: A few days ago, Luo Tian defeated Liu Yuanba of Vein-Opening Realm.

   This matter, Liu Yuanba himself is humiliating, there is no rumored, informed Liu Family children, and they dare not say bad things about Liu Yuanba.

   Therefore, there are only a few rumors, and the students are skeptical.

   “Don’t be delusional! You, a waste person, can never have this qualification!”

  Lin Xiaofeng strikes mercilessly.

  He has long determined that Luo Tian has a waste vein and is destined not to be Vein-Opening martial artist.

   Luo Tian and Liu Yuanba fight, Lin Xiaofeng did not know.

   The voice just fell.


  Luo Tian spread his palms, a light blue true qi suddenly rushed out, exuding a chill!

  true qi!

   There was an uproar on the field, and all the students’ eyes protruded slightly.

  Lin Xiaofeng‘s complexion changed suddenly, his body was shocked, and he looked incredible.

   “How is it possible? Luo Tian really broke through Vein-Opening?”

   “Don’t you say that the waste vein cannot be developed? How could he break through Vein-Opening Realm?”

   “Is this waste suddenly awakened?”

   All the students were shocked, jealous and questioned.

   “true qi! You… did you really break through?”

  Lin Xiaofeng has a pale face and a hard voice.

  With the surge of true qi, he felt a fluctuation of qi vein in Luo Tian.

   Obviously, Luo Tian is a real breakthrough.

  It stands to reason that Lin Xiaofeng should be happy.

   But he just let go, and at this moment Luo Tian released true qi, it was in front of all the students, he beat him a slap hard!

  The majesty he maintained for many years collapsed instantly.

   In fact, with cultivation base of Lin Xiaofeng, a little attention, you can see Luo Tian’s cultivation base.

   But he was too self-righteous, he didn’t take Luo Tian seriously, and even planned to drive Luo Tian out of the advanced class.

   “Teacher Lin, can I go now?”

  Luo Tian asked with a smile.

   “Can… to…”

  Lin Xiaofeng looks like constipation, gritted his teeth.

  After Luo Tian left, he could hardly accept this.

   for a while.

  Lin Xiaofeng eased over and his face became majestic again: “Okay, now class!”

   can be sudden.

  Luo Tian’s‘s voice came again: “Teacher, I remember the students breaking through Vein-Opening Realm, you can choose one martial skill(s) in the school, am I qualified now?”

  Lin Xiaofeng was interrupted by Luo Tian, tolerating anger, his mouth twitched and said: “Yes, go to the “Book Collection” to pick it yourself!”

  Luo Tian disappeared again.

  This time, Lin Xiaofeng waited for a while to make sure that Luo Tian would not appear again before starting the lecture.


  Qingfeng School‘s bookstore has various martial skill(s) exercises.

  On the number of classics, Qingchang City Three Great Families is not comparable.

   “Did you break through Vein-Opening?”

The teacher at    Bookstore is slightly surprised.

   Then he said: “Break through Vein-Opening Realm, you can choose one junior middle class martial skill(s), or two junior middle class martial skill(s)……”

  With the powerful attack of martial skill(s), “Star of the Sword”, Luo Tian intends to choose another type of ordinary middle class martial skill(s).

  In the view of Luo Tian, movement technique martial skill(s) is more practical than defending martial skill(s).

  Defense is too passive, and movement technique martial skill(s) can be used for both offensive and life-saving purposes.

   After a short screening, Luo Tian finally determined a Chinese product movement technique martial skill(s).

   “This is “Roaming Step“.”

After the transcript was completed, Luo Tian left.

  He came to Houshan of the school and was just preparing to practice the new martial skill(s), but hesitated.

   After all, he practiced attacking martial skill(s), rank up to Spirit Rank.

   By comparison, Luo Tian can’t help but feel that the middle class martial skill(s) seems to be a bit weak.

  ”Heavenly Book, can this movement technique martial skill(s) be improved?”

  Luo Tian cannot help but ask Heavenly Book.


A word appears on Heavenly Book.

   In fact, in this world, overwhelming majority martial skill(s) can be constantly improved and strengthened.

   “Begin playing!” Luo Tian does not hesitate.


On the page of the book, the cyan light suddenly began to decline.

   Fortunately, the level of “Roaming Step” is not high. The strength accumulated in these two days is enough to use when the bright area of ​​the book page falls to the bottom line.

   A brand-new “Roaming Step” is presented, and its rank has been upgraded from the top grade to the top grade!

   “Very good! Top grade movement technique martial skill(s)!”

  Luo Tian appeared excited and began to practice.

  The Houshan Mountain.

   rubbing! Whizzing!

  Luo Tian moves around in the woods at a strange pace, slowly and anxiously, like a smart swimming fish.

  Finally top grade martial skill(s) is much less difficult than Spirit Rank martial skill(s).

   only takes half a day.

  Luo Tian’sRoaming Step“, practiced to the “initial” state.

  General martial skill(s) is divided into four realms: early success, small success, great accomplishment, perfection.

  Has been completed in half a day, and the progress has been amazing.

  You must know that after the improvement of Heavenly Book, “Roaming Step” has become quite the realm of the original version.

   “Are I really a martial arts wizard?”

  Luo Tian is shocked.

   Although his previous perception was high, he was not so evil, and the effect of this Good Fortune Secret Art was too unnatural.

   Light possesses spiritual consciousness, which is the characteristic of martial artist above Earth Essence Realm.

  In the college, even if it is a so-called genius, it takes at least half a month to train the martial skill(s) of the top grade to the beginning.

  With “Ning Xing Jian Zhi” and “Roaming Step“, the overall strength of Luo Tian’s has improved by at least one level!

  However, although he is strong, he has little actual combat experience.

   “With my current strength, I can go to ‘Black Monster Range’ to hunt monsters.”

  Luo Tian intends to go to Black Monster Range to sharpen his actual combat ability.

   In addition, the materials on the monsters can be sold and sold.

  He has not forgotten his promise, he must not let Xueyao marry Du Yuncheng, he should pay off the debt of 20,000 gold as soon as possible!

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