Eternal King Chapter 108: I did it on purpose

   After “Return to Origin True Art” was revised to the peak of the second floor.

  Luo Tian’s cultivation progress, slow down.

  If you want to break through third layer, you need a certain accumulation and precipitation.

   “Don’t worry, I can go to spirit pool to practice, it is not difficult to promote three layer.”

  Luo Tian is confident.

  He still has some contributions on hand. After becoming a Gold Student, spirit pool can be used for three days for free every month,

   walked out of the ancient Huanglou Pavilion.

In the courtyard, a middle-aged servant respectfully said: “When the adults closed, many people came to visit.”

   “Who are you.” Luo Tian asked.

  Gold District, live in a separate house, and there are servants waiting.

   learned from the servant.

   In the last few days, there have been one or twenty people visiting, both Baiyin and Gold Student.

  Since Luo Tian has become Gold Student, it is a moving list, attracting more and more visitors.

   this one.

   Know people include Li Yunxiu, Xie Lin, Mu Yuyan, etc.

  Li Yunxiu should be for treatment.

   “Sir, there is a challenge book here.”

  The servant said carefully.

   “Challenge book?”

  Luo Tian Meiyu picked it up and took over a book of war.

   Challenger is a Gold Student named “Yuan Song“.

  The challenge date is exactly today.

   “What is this Yuan Song?”

   asked Luo Tian.

   “Old brand Gold Student.” The servant said cautiously.


  Luo Tian is not in my heart.


   leave Gold District.

  Luo Tian came to Silver District on the mountainside.

   “Senior Luo.”

The Silver Student on the road greeted each other respectfully.

  Luo Tian went straight to Princess Yunxiu‘s residence.

   After knocking on the door.

   “Big Brother Luo……”

  Li Yunxiu shows his joy, that beautiful and elegant face is more and more charming, and there is a unique style in the air.

   Enter the governor’s boudoir.

  Luo Tian followed Li Yunxiu personal treatment once again in accordance with usual practice.

  This treatment.

   Luo Tian felt a little tenderness in the eyes of the lord of the county, and his charming style made him feel like a horse.

   But in my mind, a beautiful and picturesque graceful girl suddenly appeared, and the kind of love engraved into the depths of the heart made his feelings inexplicable.

  Leave the governor’s boudoir.

  Luo Tian Chang Song took a breath. Fortunately, Li Yunxiu‘s condition has been eradicated by more than half.

   The rest.

  Even if Luo Tian does not take action, with the recovery of martial vein of Li Yunxiu, with the prescription, it can slowly recover.

   leave Silver District.

  Luo Tian went to Forging Workshop again.

   A few days ago, he customized a treasure soft armor here.

   “Wait a moment.”

  A refining man who went back and forth and fetched a delicate box.

  Luo Tian looked forward and opened the box.

The    box presents a dark cyan soft armor with a one layer silver pattern on the surface and a crystal shell on the chest.

   This shell from Martial Town was completely attacked by Half-Step Spirit Sea last time without any damage.

   “According to your requirements, this treasure soft armor separately melts solid inscription and light body inscription.”

  Refiner Dahan Dao.


After reviewing Luo Tian, the dark green soft armor was put into the robe, and the whole person suddenly lightened.

  soft armor-type defensive treasures are generally weaker in defense, but they are more portable and do not affect flexibility.

   This soft armor is a fine product in the next class treasure. Its defensive power is more than twice as strong as before, and it has a light body effect.


  Luo Tian performed “Cloud Travel Step“, took a leap, felt speed and flexibility, and improved by 20% to 30%.

   After a while.


  Luo Tian’s movement technique is like a smoke, like a fish, so “Cloud Travel Step” half stepped into great accomplishment.

   “This should be the benefit of “Return to Origin True Art“.”

  Luo Tian is overjoyed.

   “Return to Origin True Art” focuses on the center of gravity method, which makes his foundation and true qi thicker and thicker, and can also promote martial skill(s) promotion.

  Luo Tian has a feeling that “Cloud Travel Step” can break through great accomplishment at any time in recent days, without the need to deliberately impact.

   This natural breakthrough is the most ideal state of Martial Path practice.

   leave Forging Workshop.

  Luo Tian returned to Gold District again.

   “Luo Tian! It’s time to fight!”

   A Gold Student with a dangling eyebrow and a cross-browed eye, standing in front of the Luo Tian’s courtyard.

   at this moment.

  Near the courtyard, there are some students watching the lively, Gold Student is not a few.

   “He is Luo Tian?”

   “7th layer cultivation base becomes Gold Student, kills the list?”

  Some Gold Student, this is the first time to see Luo Tian, a little doubt appeared on his face.

   “You are the Yuan Song?”

  Luo Tian thinks of the challenge book and glances over at Gold Student with a raised eyebrow.

   “It is Yuan Mou.”

  Yuan Song has a bad look, a trace of scrutiny and jealousy in his eyes.

   “We have a holiday?” Luo Tian calmly said.

  He and Yuan Song have never met before.

   This person sent him a challenge.

   “Humph! Yuanmou wants to learn about the strength of the list of 89.”

  Yuan Song sneered, don’t want to talk in detail.

   “Yuan Song was the 100th in the previous list, right?”

   “This time because Luo Tian’s appeared, Yuan Song was pushed out of the list.”

   Off-site, some students commented.

  Yuan Song heard the words, and suddenly became angry and sullen.

   That’s right!

   He was the 100th in the last issue.

  Luo Tian, the Gold District newcomer of Vein-Opening 7th layer, was ranked eighty-nine and pushed him out of the list of people. His heart naturally succumbed.

   Follow the rules of the leaderboard.

  Yuan Song can replace his place as long as he defeats Luo Tian.


  Luo Tian is simply fighting.

   When he first entered Gold District, he would naturally be despised by some old Gold Student.

   Not long.

  The two came to the top of Gazing Sun Peak and were on the Yanwuchang.

   “Haha, there is a good show.”

   A lot of Gold Student, arrived at the wind.

  Luo Tian first entered Gold District, but he was ranked No. 89, and many people questioned his strength.

  Gold District gangster Xie Lin also arrived at the scene.

   “Yuan Song challenge Luo Tian?”

  Xie Lin showed a little interest, more is to see the real strength of Luo Tian’s.


  Luo Tian and Yuan Song are ten meters apart, and the challenge begins.

   Neither of them moved.

   “Make you three tricks! lest others say I bully newcomers.”

  Yuan Song sneered.

  Luo Tian shook his head and said: “No, if you let the move, you may not have a chance to shoot.”


  Not only Yuan Song was furious, but some of the Gold Student who watched the game were disgruntled.


  Luo Tian is a newcomer to Gold District, or the only Vein-Opening 7th layer, and has no awe to the seniors.

  Crouching Tiger Strike!

  Yuan Song Nine Articles qi vein erupted, sending out a loud whistle, turning into a dark shadow of vigour, volleying a paw at Luo Tian.


   Some Silver Students below the Vein-Opening nine weights were tumbling and bloody, and they were unstable.

   “”Crouching Tiger Strike” contains sonic qi, shocking qi and blood, is a very special Spirit Rank martial skill(s).”

   “Generally Vein-Opening Nine Heavy, if faced with this whistle, it will immediately reveal flaws and even be defeated by one blow.”

  Several Gold Student, with solemn faces.


  Luo Tian felt a puffing sound wave coming from the face, as if the monster tiger at the peak of 1-Star had arrived.

   Change to wait for idle Vein-Opening seven 8th layer, I am afraid that true qi will collapse, there is no resistance.

The true qi in the Luo Tian body is as steady as a mountain, and it can’t afford the waves.


  Luo Tian is not slow, and the palm of the hand is full of one layer thick crystal yellow qi light.


   The local air was so loud that Yuan Song volleyed with a paw and was shocked to withdraw.

   “So thick true qi, how is this possible!”

  Yuan Song was embarrassed, drifted back nearly ten meters, and his blood was churning.

  Luo Tian smiled slightly, just hit a hand just now, did not use Divine Vein, nor did he use attack martial skill(s).

  Only by the thick true qi and palm strength of “Return to Origin True Art” can Gold Student be suppressed.

   “It’s my turn!”

   Luo Tian urged Return to Essence True Qi, his figure fluttered like smoke, and suddenly flickered.

   So fast!

  Yuan Song‘s complexion changed suddenly, a cold hit on his side, and his hair burst.


   A touch of elegant figure, less than half a meter away from his back.

   “What a wonderful movement technique!”

   present at Gold Student, moving together.

  Luo Tian is based on Return to Essence True Qi, and exhibits Cloud Travel Step of Half-Step great accomplishment, which has the speed of Vein-Opening.

  Peng! Wow!

  Yuan Song barely resisted capacity, but was beaten by Luo Tian‘s majestic Return to Essence palm strength.

   “This…how is it possible…”

  Yuan Song barely stabilized his body, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked horrified.

   He was not seriously injured.

   But on the spiritual level, such as being hit by a heavy hammer.

   originally thought that the Luo Tian’s ranking is not true. Even if you can’t win, you won’t be defeated.


  Clashes, both true qi and movement technique, are ruthlessly crushed.

   “What kind of exercises Luo Tian practice, true qi is so thick and powerful.”

  Some Gold Student, their faces are shocked.

   “This true qi feature is like “Return to Essence Art” which is one of Three Great Mansion Protecting Cultivation Techniques.”

  Xie Lin has a strange face.

  Even so, true qi of Luo Tian Vein-Opening 7th layer should not crush the old Gold Student.

   It is said that “Return to Essence Art” pays attention to the fundamentals of practice and the defense is good, but its power is not outstanding.

   “Aren’t you going to challenge me? Is that the only way?”

  Luo Tian was disappointed.

  He first learned Earth Rank exercises, and wanted to use this person to sharpen cultivation base.

   did not expect it.

   “Return to Origin True Art” is so powerful, greatly increasing the power of movement technique martial skill(s), generally Gold Student can not withstand a blow.


  Yuan Song looked embarrassed, and his blue muscles burst, feeling a strong shame.

   Fuhu Tiansha style!

  Yuan Song snarled and roared, true qi twitching all over his body, two claws danced a black claw, forming a black and gray churning wind, rolling towards Luo Tian.

   “Come well!”

  Luo Tian‘s eyes are getting colder, and his body looks like a light smoke, disappearing from the place.


   A touch of cold Star Mark sword light, cut through the black and gray wind, and cut a claw shadow in two.


  Yuan Song screamed, hurriedly retreated, one arm fell hiss!

The spectators nearby    took a breath.

  Yuan Song launched a unique move, the strength reached the zenith of Vein-Opening, and was actually a sword instakill by Luo Tian.

  Xie Lin eyelids are all a jump.

  Luo Tian can win this person without a sword.

   with a sword, cut off the arm of Yuan Song.

   “Forgot to say it!”

  Luo Tian has a smile on his lips.

   “At the time of Silver District, all those who challenged me were scrapped.”

   said this.

All the students present, whether it is silver or Gold Student, have a cold heart.

  Luo Tian This is to bring the domineering style of Silver District to Gold District?

   “Luo Tian, you dare to abolish my arm, Zhou Chen boss, I will never let you go–“

  Yuan Song is full of resentment.

   He took the initiative to challenge Luo Tian and was cut off by the other side, and the Saint Mansion tutor would not take his place.

   “Luo Tian, you are too impulsive, Yuan Song is under the hands of Gold District gangster Zhou Chen.”

  Xie Lin channel.

   “Impulse? No! I did it on purpose.”

  Luo Tian said lightly.

  His Good Fortune Secret Art, felt the strong maliciousness of Yuan Song, even a trace of murderous.


  Luo Tian was so decisive that he cut his arm with a sword.


  Yuan Song picked up his arm and just wanted to leave.

   “What else do you want?”

  Yuan Song looks pale and scared.

   “Go back and talk! Three days later, this Luo will challenge your boss Zhou Chen.”

  Luo Tian stands hand in hand, indifferent.

   Challenge Gold District big brother?

Around the Yanwuchang, many students were in shock and inexplicably.

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