Eternal King Chapter 1078: You can start together

   The Luo Family head still cares a little about Luo Tian, so he sent someone to stare and wanted to see the Luo Tian practice of Emperor Rank and judge the Luo Tian’s talent.

  But Luo Tian did not practice the Emperor Rank exercises “Saint Essence Art“?

   “Why is this?”

   Luo Clan‘s owner is puzzled.

   As a killer organization, Underworld Cave is far from the level of sect and Luo Clan. It is difficult and expensive to practice martial skill(s).

  It stands to reason that Luo Tian picked the Emperor Rank exercise “Saint Essence Art” in Luo Clan, and should be overjoyed and immediately study hard.

  As a result, Luo Tian doesn’t practice at all.

   “Maybe he tried to practice, too difficult to give up.” Chunky old man can only think of this reason.

   But he quickly denied it.

   is a little talented, cultivation base reaches Limitless Realm mid-term and can practice Emperor Rank inferior exercises.

  And he has seen Luo Tian cast Emperor Rank swordsmanship!

   “The biggest possibility is that he had originally practiced a Emperor Rank method that is no less than “Saint Essence Art“. He chose the Emperor Rank method from our family, purely wanting to make a fortune and selling it!”

  The Luo Family owner’s face is slightly dull.


   The chunky old man was surprised and thought it was very likely.

If this is the case, the character of Luo Tian’s is too bad.

   “No matter what he does. Cultivation Lingshan is open to him at most for another year, and then let him go.”

  After all, he sees that Luo Tian is a bit unsightly, and his talent may be good, but his moral character is definitely not good.

  As for her daughter’s apprenticeship, after a while, let Luo Yesi go to see the real master teacher, she knows that the previous master is not useful, and she will agree to her proposal.


  Luo Tian didn’t plan to stay long in Luo Clan.

   practiced for another month. During this time, no one monitored, and Luo Tian did not notice other problems. He left Lingshan, and quit to the Luo Clan senior.

   “Master, if you have time to come to Luo Clan to see the disciples, the disciples will often visit you.”

  Luo Yesi didn’t expect Luo Tian to leave so fast, and said goodbye.

  Leave Luo Clan and take Flying Feather Ship to Underworld Cave headquarters.

   has just flown for more than one hour.

  Luo Tian saw a figure in front, arrogantly floating in the sky, stopped on his way forward.

   The figure was dressed in black, his back turned to Luo Tian, his hands were behind him, and he seemed to wait here for a long time.

  Luo Tian stops Flying Feather Ship.

  ”Your Excellency is there something for me?”

  Luo Tian feels that this person is for himself.

   “Shi Clan, Shi Youquan!”

  The Fire Spirit Clan man in black slowly turned around, with a handsome and suave face, a determined and dignified look, and raised his hands and feet to exude a sense of pride.

   “Shi Clan? Come to avenge?”

   “You can understand it this way.”

   “I came to learn from you. If you lose in my hands, I will invalidate you, which means revenge. If I lose, you can leave safely.”

  Shi Youquan indifferently said.

   “It’s not fair, if I win, I’ll lose you too.”

  Luo Tian chuckled.

   “As long as you can do it.”

   Shi Youquan‘s words fell, and the whole body burned blazing fire, instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, burning the world!

  He launched a palm technique like a giant mountain of flames, which came quickly and unmatched!

  Luo Tian felt a pressure.

   This Shi Youquan cultivation base Limitless Realm late stage peak is much stronger than Shi Aolong, and it is not very old.

  Luo Tian can’t help but think of the four sons of Fire Spirit Clan that Shi Aolong said.

   Could Shi Youquan be one of the four sons?

   was able to deal with Fire Spirit Clan‘s top genius, Luo Tian‘s blood boiled, and his heart ignited fighting spirit.


  【Thousand Seal Ice Breaking Sword】Cut out the violent and violent shocking sword sword, and Shi Youquan‘s flame palm technique is hard, the ice and fire burst suddenly.

   “Sure enough, I am a little able.”

  Shi Youquan commented lightly, the offensive was even more fierce, as if the volcanic group suddenly erupted, the flames of light flooded the world and drowned everything.

  Luo Tian fully urged Supreme Yin Ice and Lightning Body to exhibit Cold Thunder Absolute Ice Domain, surrounded by a few hundred meters in the grayness of silence.


  Under the circumstances that few people know, Luo Tian and one of the four principals of Fire Spirit Clan played.

After a hundred strokes.

   The ground is covered with devastation, and some areas become scorched earth, and some areas are frozen into ice.

  In a huge ice pit, a figure lay, it was Shi Clan Shi Youquan.

  He looked up at the sky blankly, powerless feeling said: “I actually lost.”

From the moment    was ranked among the four eldest sons, he had never lost.

  He thought that he might lose to three other people with the same name, but he never thought he would lose to a human race. It was really unpredictable, there is human beyond the human.

   in the sky.

  Flying Feather Ship left.

  Luo Tian defeated one of the four princes of Fire Spirit Clan, and the process was not difficult.

   But Luo Tian actually has certain advantages.

   That is Divine Vein of own Yin Cold Attribute, restrain martial vein of Shi Youquan.

  Luo Tian did not abolish Shi Youquan because it felt that there were others nearby.

  Unknown circumstances, Luo Tian did not do too much.

   But the most fundamental reason is that it is too weak. Compared with Shi Clan of Fire Spirit Clan Four Great Clans, the power of Luo Tian is too weak.

   Luo Tian’s has enough enemies, do not want to blindly make enemies.

  If you have enough strength in the future, come to find Shi Clan to vent.


   three months later.

  Luo Tian returned to Underworld Cave headquarters.

   “God Luo is back!”

   “God Luo? The one in the 50th place of Blood Rank Assassin List? I want to challenge him!”

   “However, in the order of the challenges, we may not be able to rank high, and there are too many people challenging him.”

   For a time, Underworld Cave headquarters boiled.

  Night Wind got the news as soon as possible, greeted Luo Tian, and wondered anxiously: “How come you came back so quickly?”

  Luo Tian left Underworld Cave in less than four years.

   It stands to reason that Luo Tian can borrow that bodyguard mission and stay outside for six or seven years to avoid the wind and improve its strength.

   “The task is completed, I will be back.”


  Night Wind is speechless.

  Elder Jiushe came out to help Luo Tian break free and went outside to avoid the wind, but Luo Tian did not cherish it at all.

   “God Luo, you can count it back, remember me, there is a challenge between you and me!”

   A killer with a beast I don’t remember. “

   challenges the Luo Tian’s killer too much, he is too lazy to remember.

   “Very good, I dare to provoke me when I die. Let’s fight!”

   “The fierce tiger, let’s stay there for a while. God Luo, accept my challenge!”

   “I was the first to challenge him, I will come first!”

   There are three killers arguing, all wanting to fight Luo Tian first.

  It seems to them that God Luo has been away for less than four years. How much can its strength change? Whoever first fights against God Luo will be able to board Blood Rank Assassin List and become famous.

   “Actually, you don’t need to fight.”

  Luo Tian smiled lightly.

  The three Blood Rank killers were shocked.

  Could Luo Tian have lost to other killers, Blood Rank Assassin List‘s ranking was taken away?

Who is   ? Action is so fast!

   The three killers were a little annoyed and lost interest in Luo Tian.

   If Luo Tian is not on Blood Rank Assassin List, how many of their Blood Rank killers will challenge the Silver Rank killer, are they full?

   “The three of you can go together, so it doesn’t solve your dispute perfectly?”

  Luo Tian continued. …


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