Eternal King Chapter 1069: Diyong City

Flying Feather Ship.

Luo Yesi looks worriedly into the distance.

“In order to protect me, Young Master God Luo has dealt with the monsters after padding… He hasn’t returned yet, is there any accident?”

Luo Yesi feels nervous and nervous.

If she killed Luo Tian because of her mistakes, she would feel guilty all her life.

After a long wait.

The red eyes of Luo Yesi suddenly light up, shouting in surprise: “Young Master God Luo, are you okay?”

“Do you think I look like something?”

Luo Tian smiled and asked.

Luo Yesi only discovered that Luo Tian’s looked a little messy, but there was no injury.

“Great, Young Master God Luo successfully dumped the monster.”

Luo Yesi was relieved and completely relieved.


Luo Tian threw a big purple bird, which was the majestic Limitless Realm late stage monster just now, but it was dead at the moment.

“Ah! Why is it dead?”

Luo Yesi was dumbfounded. The wounds left by the sword above were killed by Young Master God Luo?

In the early peak of Limitless Realm, the monsters of Limitless Realm late stage were hunted alone. How did this happen?

Luo Yesi is in a big family and has a very high talent. He is also a little genius in front of ordinary people. But at this moment she really understood what a real genius!

“Roast the bird to eat, its meat will benefit you a lot.”

“Okay, let me bake.”

Although Luo Yesi comes from a big family, after all, it is a woman. The cooking is much better than Luo Tian, and it will be cooked in a while.

After eating a lot of purple bird meat, Luo Yesi feels warm and full of power.

She practiced retreat for a while, made great progress, and physique and strength has a certain increase.

Luo Tian should be a pure enjoyment of food, and the flesh and blood of Purple Yin Bird has not much effect on him.

Two months after the Flying Feather Ship flight, he stayed in a dangerous place again, and Luo Tian decided to hone it here.

Young Master God Luo, please advise me on martial skill(s).”

Luo Yesi makes a request.

Luo Tian can kill the monsters of Limitless Realm late stage alone. The swordsmanship is so powerful. If she can get Luo Tian’s instructions, she will definitely make rapid progress. Talent Gathering will not be too shameful.


“Thank you Young Master God Luo.”

Luo Yesi is grateful and grateful, and then exercises his sword skills.

With the current state of Luo Tian, he can give instructions without asking Heavenly Book.

However, some questions still need to be considered. Luo Tian is too lazy to think about it, and asks Heavenly Book directly. The consumption is almost negligible.


Ten months later, Diyong City!

This is the place where Four Great Clans Talent Gathering is held!

With only six days left from Talent Gathering, Diyong City is overcrowded.

The territory of Fire Spirit Clan is a situation where many races coexist, and Fire Spirit Clan is the strongest side.

Four Great Clans is the strongest family power of Fire Spirit Clan. The situation of Four Great Clans genius can reflect the strength of Four Great Clans in the future to a certain extent, which is naturally worthy of attention.

On this day, Luo Tian and Luo Yesi arrived at Diyong City!

“It’s here, let’s go and meet with Luo River brother.”

Luo Yesi shouted.

Just entered Diyong City.

Luo Yesi saw two old Los Angeles patriarch and other Luo Clan geniuses.

Younger Sister Yesi, where did you go this year?”

“You can count Yesi, are you okay?”

Many Luo Clan geniuses are concerned about inquiries and find that Luo Yesi is in good condition.

Not only that.

The cultivation base of Luo Yesi actually broke through to Limitless Realm.

Look at Luo Tian again.

cultivation base has actually broken through, it is already in the middle of Limitless Realm!

The geniuses of Luo Clan have a slightly bad complexion.

Originally I thought that Luo Yesi might have been in distress. Even if I didn’t worry about my life, it would be very unsatisfactory, otherwise I should have arrived early.

“Just come back.”

The chunky elder smiled lightly, then looked at Luo Tian and nodded slightly.

Younger Sister Yesi, you have been with the kid this year, how is he doing to you?”

The grumpy man gave Luo Tian a cold look.

He also questioned that Luo Tian was sent by hostile forces, and the monsters were all brought in by Luo Tian, and then took Luo Yesi out of chaos.

Now Luo Tian came to Diyong City with Luo Yesi, his conjecture is no longer true.

But the grumpy man still thinks Luo Tian has a problem.

The rest of the Luo Clan children are also staring at Luo Tian, dislike this bodyguard.

“I am fine.”

“Master did not treat me well, but took care of me.”

Luo Yesi laughed.


The geniuses of Luo Clan have wide-eyed eyes and are surprised!


Luo Yesi actually worshipped Luo Tian as a teacher, how is this still not for you?

Luo Tian must have made a conspiracy, tricked, and accepted Luo Yesi as an apprentice!

Luo Family is one of Fire Spirit Clan Four Great Clans, experts as common as the clouds and Luo Yesi are the youngest daughters of the family. If she wants to go to school, at least Heaven Connection Realm Martial Emperor on the famous side!

What qualifications does Luo Tian have to be a master of Luo Yesi? This is completely cheaper than Luo Yesi, which hurts Luo Yesi!

“Asshole, what did you do, dare to let Younger Sister Yesi worship you as a teacher!”

“I advise you to draw a line with Younger Sister Yesi, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind to you!”

The irritable men threatened Luo Tian with anger and released a vigorous momentum. If it were not for Diyong City to prohibit private fighting, he had already shot Luo Tian.

“You misunderstood.”

Luo Yesi blocked in front of Luo Tian and explained: “I want to worship Young Master God Luo as a teacher.”

That’s true.

She asked Luo Tian for martial skill(s). Every time Luo Tian‘s instructions make Luo Yesi out of the blue, I suddenly realized and improved fast!

She is eager to become stronger, and then often asks questions about Luo Tian‘s cultivation, and finally asks herself that she is a little embarrassed and takes up too much for Luo Tian.

At the same time, she believes that Luo Tian is very knowledgeable.

Finally, Luo Yesi offered to worship Luo Tian as a teacher, otherwise she would be embarrassed to continue to consult Luo Tian.

The Luo Tian felt troublesome at first, then Luo Yesi mentioned it several times and agreed.

Younger Sister Yesi, don’t be fooled by this person!”

Grumpy and manly.

“Yes, Yesi cousin, you are too simple, there are many bad guys in this world…”

Younger Sister Yesi, you sever ties with this person and dismiss him. He is definitely not a good thing.”

Other Luo Clan children have persuaded to have a worse impression of Luo Tian’s.

Luo River stepped forward, and said to Luo Tian with the tone of command: “You are no longer the bodyguard of Younger Sister Yesi, nor his master, let’s go!”

He didn’t care about Luo Tian before, and he can no longer ignore it at this moment.

Luo River issued a threat!

If Luo Tian is disobeyed, Luo River will then be the enemy of Luo Tian.

“My task is still your turn.”

Luo Tian responded coldly!

Luo River will not say more, since Luo Tian rejected his proposal, then he will definitely make Luo Tian regret for life!

“What is noisy? Go back first.”

Pudgy old man loudly shouted.

He also thinks it is not good for Luo Yesi to worship Luo Tian as a teacher, but now Talent Gathering is important, and he will deal with it later.

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