Eternal King Chapter 1057: Respectively

It is equally difficult to transform the physique of Ning Xueyao into Divine Feather Clan.

  , for example, ordinary people, want to get the powerful physique of Immortal Clan, Barbarian Clan, Demon Clan

   At present, Luo Tian is difficult to do and needs many treasures to assist him. He can let Solitary Spirit Sect collect a lot of Feather Clan, and he can also pay more attention to it.

  Luo Tian wants to make the worst plan, maybe Ning Xueyao can only live for more than two hundred years, and it needs to be replaced with a new container.

  He must help Ning Xueyao complete the Divine Feather Clan physical transformation within two hundred years.

   “God Luo, in the future you will be boss, I am your younger brother.”

  Night Wind suddenly said.

   In the past, he regarded himself as boss, after all, he brought Luo Tian into Underworld Cave, and his cultivation base was also higher than Luo Tian.

   But it’s different now.

  Not only Half-God Heavenly Goldflower Luan behind Luo Tian, he also has another wife Half-God Rank!

   “boss, when will we leave, or will you stay in Solitary Spirit Sect?” Night Wind asked.

   “I will go with you.”

The Ning Xueyao at rest is suddenly sober.

   “No, ancestor, you cannot leave us.”

   “Where do the ancestors go, we will go…”

  Old Feather Clan and other Feather Clan‘s face changed greatly, and they begged.

   Their only belief is the ancestor. If the ancestor left, their existence would be meaningless.

  Night Wind looks excited.

  Many Feather Clan powerhouses, including an Half-God, followed Luo Tian.

   can also be exposed to light.

If    encounters the **** Black Crow, the other party doesn’t know what it will cause.

  Luo Tian stares at Xueyao, and she sees attachment and reluctance from her expression.

   At first, Pale Ring was different. The two hadn’t seen each other for decades. During this time, they experienced a life-and-death crisis.


   Now Luo Tian and Xueyao, they can’t live as they please.

  All the people of Solitary Spirit Sect were killed by Feather Clan. Among them, Ning Xueyao, which inherited the power of the ancestors of Divine Feather Clan, was the primary goal!

  Feather Clan is a racial force that is more than ten times stronger than the human race. In face of such racial forces, the personal power of Luo Tian and Ning Xueyao is too small.

   And Luo Tian, there are also many feudal families, the entire human race and major forces have been offended almost all over.

  If the two are together.

   their respective enemies will also gather, which will undoubtedly be more dangerous.

   So the two are better separated.

  Ning Xueyao needs to restore the power of Half-God as soon as possible. In the face of Feather Clan’s pursuit, it can be self-protective.

  Luo Tian should also practice hard, help his parents avenge, and rescue his father Luo Xiao.

   “Xueyao, the separation is only temporary, we are all in Divine Territory Continent, we can meet often!”

  Luo Tian vs. Ning Xueyao.

   Ning Xueyao eyes flashed with frustration, and her eyes nodded tenderly.

   She was supposed to die and was rescued by the people of Feather Clan and inherited the power of the ancestor of Divine Feather Clan. After getting so much, she must also bear the corresponding responsibilities and face the strong enemy of Feather Clan.

  Luo Tian is too dangerous with her.

  She cannot harm Luo Tian because of her own selfish desires.


  Solitary Spirit Sect‘s seniors were all relieved.

  They are willing to follow Ning Xueyao, but not Luo Tian.

   They were a little disgusted with Luo Tian in their hearts and were reluctant to accept it. After all, it was because of Luo Tian that their ancestors were integrated by outsiders.

  Night Wind sighed regretfully, unable to pretend to be happy.

   “After one month, return to Underworld Cave headquarters.”

  Luo Tian Shen channel.


   This month, Luo Tian is used to accompany Ning Xueyao.

  The two are always together, living a two-person world, ignoring the people around them.

  Single Night Wind can’t stand it anymore, and is determined to retreat for a month.

  Solitary Spirit Sect‘s Feather Clan and others, looking at the ancestors of Jingruo Spiritual God in their hearts, and other men and women, their emotions are more complicated, and they all went to retreat.

   So it really became a two-person world, no one disturbed.

   This month.

  Luo Tian always pays attention to Ning Xueyao and finds that her mental state will be abnormal every few days.

  The soul of the ancestors has been merging souls for tens of thousands of years, and the spiritual personality is already confused.

  Even if Luo Tian chopped it up and then was fused by Ning Xueyao, it still has a profound influence, and it is difficult to completely remove it in a short time.

   There is no way to deal with this Luo Tian.

  He is not very good at Soul Path. The ancestors merged too many souls, and there are huge hidden dangers in themselves, which is also one of the costs of continuous rebirth.

  What Luo Tian can do now is to accompany Ning Xueyao so that she will not lose herself.

  One month passed. At the request of Ning Xueyao, Luo Tian stayed for another month.

   “Hey, really can’t underestimate the enthusiasm of the couple’s long-term reunion…”

  Maybe this month has passed, and there is another month. Night Wind is not going to wait any longer.


   another month passed.

   Ning Xueyao‘s cultivation base broke through Limitless Realm and caught up with Luo Tian.

  On the strength, she is not as good as Luo Tian, Ning Xueyao cultivation base breaks too fast, she can not fully control the power at this moment, just like a child wielding a giant hammer.

  嗖! Whoosh!

On the sky dome, the arms of Ning Xueyao spread out and turned into holy wings, like noble and elegant divine bird, traveling through the sky.

  She has just broken through Limitless Realm, and her flying speed exceeds the initial peak of the normal Limitless Realm. If she is skilled in control, she can compare with the general Limitless Realm mid-term.


  Ning Xueyao practiced martial skill(s) again. During the swing of the arm, countless light plumes condensed into a hundred-meter-long feather blade and cut through the sky, leaving a gully on the earth.

After a short drill, Ning Xueyao flew off the cliff and laughed: “cultivation base is growing too fast, and it is still not suitable for now.”

   “I was the first to hear that cultivation base is growing too fast.”

   “Your cultivation base is about to surpass me, to avoid being hit, I should go.”

  Luo Tian stood up.

  Not much to say about Ning Xueyao this time, nodded gently.


  Feather Clan‘s people, in this wasteland, re-established a small sect.

   Of course, it is no longer called Solitary Spirit Sect. Just change the name, so as not to be found by the When I learned that Luo Tian was going away, many Feather Clan were happy.

   “I have been with your ancestors for so long, should I give some compensation?”

  Luo Tian said with a laugh.

   These ancestors of Feather Clan were once loyal to Divine Feather Clan, protecting the ancestors of Divine Feather Clan from escape. Although it is a bit miserable now, there must be many good babies.

  Feather Clan is speechless, you accompany your wife, and you still want to compensate us?

   “You guys are so poor? Then my wife will go with me.”

  Luo Tian said again.

  Feather Clan When everyone heard this, I was in a hurry.

  ”What does Little Friend Luo want?”

The Sect Master immediately spoke.

   “Take out the movement technique from the bottom of your press box and see.”

  Luo Tian eyes are excited.

  Feather Clan is famous for its speed Divine Territory Continent, the speed in Myriad Clans can be compared with Feather Clan, very few.

  Feather Clan all the powerhouses gave Luo Tian a glance, and then showed a proud look.

  Feather Clan‘s many movement technique martial skill(s), flight secrets and escape methods are famous throughout Divine Territory Continent.

   Many racial forces come to Feather Clan to trade, all of them come to trade these.

   “The Feather Clan exercises martial skill(s) are not easily rumored, you can only choose the same.”

  He waved his hand and more than ten copies of movement technique martial skill(s) appeared in front of him. ()

  . m.

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