Eternal King Chapter 1032: Fortune and Disaster

Ugly Bird encountered Heavenly Goldflower Luan unexpectedly after leaving Luo Tian, exhausted all kinds of strategies, and cheated Heavenly Goldflower Luan.

The ugly bird has been planned for a long time. After searching for benefits in Half-God Mansion, let Heavenly Goldflower Luan pick it up and leave handsomely.

But apparently, Heavenly Goldflower Luan always has doubts about the identity of the ugly bird, and he will ask questions when he meets. Every time the ugly bird simulates the peak state, he can bluff.

“Where are you going?”

Heavenly Goldflower Luan inquiries.

“Go to your cave house!”

The ugly bird shows a cunning look.

There are definitely a lot of treasures in Dongfu of Heavenly Goldflower Luan, which can help it restore its strength as soon as possible.

You can also live with Heavenly Goldflower Luan without being ashamed or impetuous.

“My cave house, not in the human race…”

Heavenly Goldflower Luan traveled in all directions and came to the human race six years ago. Its cave house is in the territory of the demon race, which is very far away from here.

“That, master, shall we go outside the human race?”

Uglybird transmission inquiry.

It wants to go out and be happy, but worried that Luo Tian will put it into Heavenly Book again, it would be suffocating.

“Last time I let you out, I said, give you five years of freedom, go where you want to go.”

Luo Tian still wants revenge. He doesn’t want to leave the human race, and he will not imprison ugly birds anymore.

The treasure he harvested in Half-God secret realm is enough to use for a long time. The ugly bird stays with him, and he has to allocate resources to it. It is better to let the ugly bird go out and find resources for himself.

As for Half-God Heavenly Goldflower Luan, I disdain Luo Tian, and I haven’t said a word to Luo Tian.

Luo Tian is difficult to get benefits from Heavenly Goldflower Luan, and he thinks that the ugly bird is a bit unreliable. In case of a tumbling with Heavenly Goldflower Luan, this Half-God will be in trouble for Luo Tian’s.

“Good, love concubine, let’s go!”

The ugly bird was overjoyed.

After putting down Luo Tian, the ugly bird left with Heavenly Goldflower Luan.

“This place is half a year away from Underworld Cave…”

Luo Tian decided not to go back first.

The fact that I sneaked into Half-God secret realm will surely spread within Underworld Cave.

Underworld Cave is a gathering place for killers, everyone has it, there will definitely be a killer staring at the treasure in the hands of Luo Tian.

So Luo Tian intends to retreat and practice for a while, digest the gains in Half-God Mansion, and improve its strength.


Luo Tian suddenly thought of something.


He took a large popsicle from the Immortal Clan ring, which contained the frozen Mei Qianzhe.

Mei Qianzhe also has consciousness. When he saw Luo Tian, many complex emotions flashed in his eyes, which eventually turned into deep fear.

“I don’t want to die!”

Mei Qianzhe is howling.

After using Luo Tian, he will definitely kill him.

Luo Tian was originally intended to kill Mei Qianzhe.

But now, his thoughts are less intense.

“It seems that every time I meet you, there are good things.”

Luo Tian mouth corners are raised.

In the appearance of Heavenly Cold Mine and Mei Qianzhe, the status of Luo Tian was promoted and escaped smoothly.

In Purple Sun Sect, Luo Tian met Mei Qianzhe and replaced his identity. The task went further and successfully assassinated Lie Qian.

Even when he finally escaped, Luo Tian was hunted down by Purple Sun Sect Great Elder(s) and other high-level officials. He also used Mei Qianzhe to attract the attention of the hunters and escaped successfully.

Last time was besieged at Martial Town.

The appearance of Mei Qianzhe made Luo Tian successfully escape, and even accidentally entered Half-God secret realm!

Thinking like this, Mei Qianzhe is simply a lucky star of my own. I have helped Luo Tian too many times and I am not willing to kill Fuxing.

But when Mei Qianzhe heard the words Luo Tian, he was about to cry.

Every time you meet me there is a good thing, but every time I meet you there is no good thing!

Mei Qianzhe believes that Luo Tian is its own disaster star!


The ice on the surface of Mei Qianzhe melted and his imprisonment was lifted.

Mei Qianzhe was taken aback, he was ready to die, but the behavior of Luo Tian at this moment… Is it that he intends to torture himself?

“Let’s go.”

Just when Mei Qianzhe was desperate, he heard this sentence, and the whole person was shocked.

He stared at Luo Tian in disbelief, doubting his ears.

He froze for a while and turned away.

Flying thousands of miles away, Mei Qianzhe glanced back, then accelerated and disappeared into the sky.

“I will never see this disaster star again in my life.”

Mei Qianzhe keeps repeating.


“I didn’t kill you. Whether I can live or not depends on your life.”

Luo Tian low mumble.

After all, “Mei Qianzhe” killed many geniuses in Half-God secret realm and offended Six Great Sects and Two Great Divine Sects.

This time, it may be difficult for Mei Zhenwu to keep Mei Qianzhe.

Luo Tian didn’t think much, it doesn’t matter whether Mei Qianzhe is dead or alive.

He flew into the air, away from this place, while looking for a suitable place to retreat.

After half a day.

Luo Tian came to fight a barren plain. In a gully, a temporary cave house was opened and closed.

He took out the Emperor Essence Blood Crystal, and after extracting the energy essence in it, he ran “Heavenly Essence Condensing Water Art” for purification and washing.

The purified energy essence is absorbed by Luo Tian.

The true essence and blood in his body boil and absorb the essence of power.

true essence runs fast and the cultivation efficiency is amazing.

Luo Tian’s body, absorb the blood essence in Emperor Essence Blood Crystal, improve and enhance physical fitness.

The energy contained in this Emperor Essence Blood Crystal is not much. After a long time, a lot of time has passed.

However, the level of Emperor Essence Blood Crystal is high. Before Luo Tian practiced in Half-God Mansion, it even broke through True Martial Realm late stage, and the energy essence in it was only consumed by more than 30%.

The remaining energy is enough to support Luo Tian cultivation to the peak of True Martial Realm late stage.

So Luo Tian made a decision and broke through the peak of True Martial Realm late stage in one fell swoop.


The other side.

The battle of Nine Heavens Evil Spirit is over.

Two Great Divine Sects actually wants to catch this Nine Heavens Evil Spirit alive, but it is too difficult, and a lot of manpower has been lost, so in the end it can only be ordered to kill!

“The monster that ran from Half-God secret realm, what the **** is that? Is it the original owner of Half-God Mansion?”

“That mysterious man is really powerful. So many senior masters have been besieging, and they can last for so long, and they have killed a lot of Martial Emperor!”

“Is he a human? Didn’t say a word from beginning to end, like a puppet machine…”

Four There are many doubts in everyone’s mind.

“How can the human race appear Nine Heavens Evil Spirit?”

The ordinary old man of Wanfamen frowned, thinking deeply.

“It’s useless to think about it. If we are naive to die, we can’t resist it.”

The serious womanishness of Xuanhuang Sect.

After that, Two Great Divine Sects and Six Great Sects each sent a few people to stay here, and the rest returned to their respective sects.

The onlookers outside were all dispersed.

Ouyang Chan did not leave, came behind the ordinary old man of Half-God, respectfully worshipped: “Master, Nine Heavens Evil Spirit, is that the legendary demon recorded in the ancient book?”

He once saw a dilapidated ancient book called “Destruction Prophecy“. The author predicted that the world would eventually die.

It is the most mysterious and powerful race in the universe, Nine Heavens Evil Spirit, that destroys the world!

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