Eternal King Chapter 103: Zhengfeng Gold Student

   “Ten Breaths? I think Senior Xie is preserving his face.”

   “Luo Tian has not yet been promoted to 7th layer, and is considered normal by Jiuzhong Battle Spirit instakill.”

   “Three interest time, no more!”

   Several Silver Students laughed.

  Xie Lin could not help shaking his head, these people should be jealous of Luo Tian ascending Military Achievement Stele first.

   Because he is the same.

   If it is the general Vein-Opening VI, 7th layer.

   The judgment of Xie Lin is the limit to stick to the three-interest time.


  Luo Tian can top Military Achievement Stele, but luck alone is definitely not enough.

   Judging from the shot before Sect Business Hall that day, the strength is slightly better than the average Vein-Opening 8th layer.


   Xie Lin is estimated as high as possible, giving a ten-interest judgment, which is almost the limit that can be reached by the general Vein-Opening 8th layer peak.

   Soon, the three interest times have passed.

  Luo Tian did not go out.

   “Yeah, you guys, like dog eyes to see people low.”

  Xie Lin criticized.

  He has a faint sense of superiority in his heart.

   “Senior Xie is worthy of being Gold District! His eyesight is too hot!”

   “It seems that Luo Tian can really stick to the seven or eight breath.”

   All the students were taught with an open mind.

   has to admit that the gold gangster is powerful, and his vision is extraordinary.


  Battle Spirit Pagoda sixth layer.


In the formation aperture, a slim woman Battle Spirit appeared, holding a soft whip.


  Luo Tian found that this woman’s Battle Spirit looks lifelike, like a real person, with a strong momentum of Vein-Opening.

   “Come on, baby boy!”

  Girl Battle Spirit chuckled, and the soft whip in her hand turned into a green whip like a shadow, each whip can powder gold and iron, the offensive was violent, but still flexible.

   is so strong!

  Luo Tian changed his face, and urged seven qi vein true qi to perform “Heavenly Star Swordsmanship“.

  Pursue the Star to Catch the Moon!

  Luo Tian hands [Wind and Snow Sword] shaking, several gorgeous Star Mark sword lights, staggered advance, collide with the women Battle Spirit.

  Peng! Poof!

  Two forces collide and annihilate each other.

   “A little strength.”

   The woman Battle Spirit movement technique unfolded, her figure flickered, and she was whizzing like a scent of blue clouds, and her ears were roaring from all directions.

   “Whip method and movement technique are both Spirit Rank martial skill(s), and the heat is very high.”

  Luo Tian is slightly surprised.

   This woman’s wisdom is like a real person, advancing and retreating freely, whip and movement technique cleverly cooperate.

   The average Vein-Opening Jiu Zhong does not necessarily beat her.

  Unless Divine Vein is fully exploded, or a trick is used, Luo Tian can hardly achieve an overwhelming advantage.

  sixth layer, inside another formation aperture,

   “This **** woman!”

  Yang Xi yelled low, and was also dealing with the same female Battle Spirit.

   “Dare to scold me!”

  Battle Spirit woman tweeted, soft whip in her hand, like a violent cyan dragon, attacked violently.

   is not good!

  Yang Xi‘s complexion changed a lot, true qi martial skill(s) broke out with all his strength, and could withstand the offensive.

  See this scene.

  Luo Tian has a strange face, if words violate this woman, she will make her offensive more fierce.

   this time.

  Nangong Yu also stepped into sixth layer, and whispered: “This Battle Spirit girl is a genius who existed two hundred years ago. The strength of the formation simulation is not enough to be 60% of its cultivation base at that time.”

   “Simulated by real people?”

  Luo Tian is a bit surprised.

   “Well, he is a disciple of the founder of Chasing Sun Saint Mansion.”

  Nangong Yu nodded.

  Starting from the sixth floor of Battle Spirit Pagoda, all Battle Spirit images are simulated by the real characters.


The formation aperture where Nangong Yu is located ushered in the same Battle Spirit woman.


The six floors of Battle Spirit Pagoda, the three major Silver Student, are all struggling with Battle Spirit women.

   The fierce fighting dynamics can be heard outside of Battle Spirit Pagoda.

   “This bitch! It’s so hard to tangle.”

  Yang Xi martial skill(s) means out, cold sweat oozes from the forehead, but there is no way to help the Battle Spirit woman.

   was before.

  He had been to seventh layer when cultivation base was insufficient and was crushed by this woman.

  Recall now.

  At that time, the Battle Spirit girl did not do her best to deal with Jiuzhong and below.

   “Sure enough it’s difficult!”

  Nangong Yu cast Spirit Rank movement technique, flicked a few afterimages, but was bitten by the Battle Spirit woman like a shadow, could not get rid of.

   Not long.

  Nangong Yu was at a disadvantage and was beaten by Battle Spirit women.

   is actually Luo Tian, playing back and forth with the Battle Spirit girl.

  Luo Tian’s swordsmanship and movement technique are both Spirit Rank and above.

   “Heavenly Star Swordsmanship” cultivated to the peak of “Star Mark” level, the offensive is sharp, and the explosive power is amazing, which makes the Battle Spirit woman afraid.

   “Cloud Travel Step” is approaching great accomplishment, elegant and illusory, and occasionally close, pushing the Battle Spirit woman.

  Luo Tian has not fully urged Divine Vein.

  Because he had just been promoted to Vein-Opening 7th layer, he played steadily, and through the confrontation with Battle Spirit women, he consolidated cultivation base.

   After a tea kung fu.

  Yang Xi is sweating, short of breath, and has several blood marks on his body.

  The Battle Spirit woman opposite had only a slight wound on her body, but she seemed calm and relaxed.

   “The same is Vein-Opening Nine Heavy, how can this **** have no physical strength.”

  Yang Xi shouted in exasperation.

   With this trend going down, he may have difficulty overcoming this Battle Spirit woman, at most tied.

   Draw a tie, that is, failing to pass the level!

  Luo Tian glanced at the eyes, a sneer lingered in the corner of his mouth.

  Starting from the sixth floor, Battle Spirit is a simulated real person, and it has a great future.

  This Battle Spirit girl’s true qi cultivation base was suppressed at the Vein-Opening Nineth Grade Elementary, but the martial arts realm was much higher than Yang Xi, making it easier to move.

  Yang Xi first entered the Vein-Opening nine-fold, with an eager attitude, naturally subject to restrictions everywhere.


The Battle Spirit woman opposite Yang Xi, with a sharp flash in her eyes, found the former flaw.


   The soft whip suddenly resembled a green snake, swiftly leaped and wrapped around the legs of Yang Xi.


  Yang Xi fell to the ground, struggling with anger, but was thrown out of the formation aperture by the woman’s whip.


  Yang Xi roared and was wrapped in one layer formation Guangxia. Invisible force moved him out of Battle Spirit Pagoda.


   Battle Spirit Pagoda outside.

  Xie Lin‘s face is a bit embarrassed.

  I don’t know how many times it has passed since he judged the “ten-breath” time.

  Luo Tian is still on the sixth floor of Battle Spirit Pagoda and has not been out.

  The students present stared at sixth layer with amazement and unbelievable eyes.


   At a certain moment, sixth layer‘s formation radiance, rolled out a figure.

   “Finally eliminated?”

  Xie Lin and the students are relieved.

   Even so, the time that Luo Tian insists on is scary enough, its battle strength is nine times more important than Vein-Opening.


   An embarrassed figure rolled onto the ground.

   Everyone took a closer look, and they were all shocked: “Yang……Yang Xi senior?”

The person who was eliminated is not Luo Tian.

   is the Yang Xi of Vein-Opening Nine Heavy.

  Xie Lin was stunned. The speed of Yang Xi out was faster than expected.

   “Did you anger the woman of sixth layer?”

  Xie Lin glanced.

  Yang Xi turned red and nodded.

   At that time, he did scold the Battle Spirit woman.


  Xie Lin shook his head and sighed. The Battle Spirit woman, after being irritated, added three points to her combat effectiveness.

   “Luo Tian, still sixth layer?”

   several students said in surprise.


  Yang Xi can’t wait to find a ground seam to get in.

  He Vein-Opening Jiuzhong, actually out of Luo Tian. Although he stepped into sixth layer earlier, the battle was long.

   “How is Luo Tian fighting?”

   asked Xie Lin.

   “This…he should be, almost.”

   Yang Xi supports my way.

   At that time, he was suppressed by the crazy attack of the Battle Spirit woman, and he had no time to pay attention to Luo Tian.

  Xie Lin nodded slightly, Luo Tian should also reach its limit

  Battle Spirit Pagoda, sixth layer.

  The battle of Luo Tian and Battle Spirit women gradually gained the upper hand, and the sword offensive and movement technique were all suppressed.

   “Ruzi can be taught.”

  Battle Spirit woman’s face showed a trace of appreciation.

  At this moment, her body was slightly scarred by Luo Tian.

  Luo Tian did not say anything, worrying about angering the Battle Spirit woman and making her fighting power soar.

   the other side.

   Nangong Yu is struggling to support, leaving a piece of skin whip scar, and his status gradually declines.

   “Luo Tian, congratulations.”

  Nangong Yu jumped out of the formation circle.

  He gave up.

   “Hmm? You broke out, how did you not change…”

  Luo Tian was shocked, his face was puzzled.

  He remembers that Nangong Yu can unblock the power in the body, and the fighting power has more than doubled, becoming a little superman, which is comparable to Gold Student.

   Nangong Yu corner of mouth.

  The magical skill he cultivates is extremely special. He usually bans half of his strength.

   Only at certain breakthroughs can we temporarily lift the ban, otherwise the practice will be reversed.

   To put it simply, if you don’t advance, you will retreat!

   last time.

   In the face of the crisis of Blue Spirit Python, Nangong Yu made an exception to lift the ban, which would have made the martial arts state backward.


  Luo Tian’s Blue Spirit Blood came in a timely manner, let him break through Vein-Opening 8th layer, abide by the principle of “retreat without advancement”, and be blessed by misfortune.

   is now in the tower.

  Nangong Yu certainly does not need to lift the ban, its original intention is to sharpen cultivation base martial skill(s), wash away the evil spirits of Blue Spirit Blood.


  Nangong Yu was rolled up by formation Xiaguang and discharged Battle Spirit Pagoda.

  He just appeared outside the tower.

   “Why not Luo Tian?”

The students who watched the battle showed disappointment.

  Nangong Yu looks weird, why did Luo Tian offend people again?

   “How is the Luo Tian situation?”

   asked a few Silver Student eagerly.

   “It’s almost over.”

  Nangong Yu has a complex expression, looking at sixth layer. Before he left, Luo Tian had fully suppressed the Battle Spirit woman.


   Everyone heard the words and let out a breath.

  Xie Lin is also had expected Luo Tian to stick to ten interest at most.


  Luo Tian is the longest among three people.

   If Luo Tian really passed sixth layer and became Gold Student, it would be hitting him hard.

  Battle Spirit Pagoda, sixth layer.

  Seven Star Rapid Succession!

  Luo Tian urged Divine Vein’s power, and in his hand [Wind and Snow Sword] weaved seven splendid stars in a flash.

   poo poo!

  Battle Spirit woman’s complexion changed drastically, and her body was pierced through holes.

   “Very strong…”

   Battle Spirit woman’s body collapsed, the huge Battle Spirit gas poured into Luo Tian.

  At the same time.

The formation aperture at the foot of Luo Tian is also dim.

   “Break through.”

   Luo Tian breathed a little thicker, and his eyes turned towards the one layer stairs.

   and outside Battle Spirit Pagoda.

   All the students exclaimed: “It’s over!”

   sixth layer‘s light suddenly dim.

   represents the end of this level

   “It’s over.”

  Nangong Yu looks dignified, Luo Tian is faster than expected.

   “People, didn’t you come out?”

  Xie Lin is just loose, staring at the dim sixth layer, and it feels wrong.

  If you fail to pass the level.

  Passers will be removed by formation.

   one breath, two breaths, three breaths.

  Battle Spirit Pagoda did not throw out Luo Tian.

   is when everyone is in doubt.


  Battle Spirit Pagoda higher seventh layer, the light is on!

   “No…seventh layer!”

   everyone in the room was shocked and lost his voice, and his heart set off a storm.

  Xie Lin was shocked, and his eyes were horrified!

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