Eternal King Chapter 1003: 1000 Luo Tian

The order of Luo Tian shots is from easy to difficult.

Sky Yeqing, got it in half an hour.

The second type of spirit wine takes more time.


The ugly bird stood on Luo Tian‘s shoulders, screaming very excitedly, but only made a faint “ahhh” sound.

Luo Tian felt for the first time that it was so clean.

“Say what you want, I will definitely satisfy you…” Luo Tian lightly said.


The ugly bird barked, glaring at Luo Tian.

“What are you saying? I can’t hear…”

“You definitely don’t want Tianyeqing!”

Luo Tian endured a smile, in fact he understood the meaning of ugly bird.

The crow’s anger quickly deteriorated, and the wine awoke a lot.

At this time, Luo Tian took out Tianyeqing and gave half to the ugly bird.

After all, the ugly bird has made a lot of credit this time, and he can’t even speak.


The ugly bird directly drank all the half of Tianyeqing.

Luo Tian was a little shocked, and if the amount of Celestine just drank from the ugly bird, if all were given to Nie Yuner, the other party might be sleeping for more than ten years.


After the ugly bird drank, the drunken hiccup hummed, and there was a buzzing sound in his body. It seemed that some kind of metamorphosis was taking place. It suddenly had a thick black smoke on its surface, and it was a bit smoky.

The ugly bird showed tiredness and wanted to sleep.

But it widened its eyes and stared at the wine cabinet in front.

Next Luo Tian will get other spirit wine, it must not fall asleep and missed.

After more than one hour.

Luo Tian opens the second wine cabinet, which contains a small wine jar.

Luo Tian learned from Heavenly Book that this wine is named “Ardent Cloud Wine” and it is characterized by… good wine, fragrant wine, spirits!

Luo Tian thought that Heavenly Book was joking with himself.

Ardent Cloud Wine does not have any magic effect, it is pure wine.

In the eyes of a wine-lover, Ardent Cloud Wine is far more valuable than Tianyeqing.

Luo Tian knows a little about wine, not much love, so this Ardent Cloud Wine is of little value to him here, and can be sold to wine lovers after going out.

“Ah! Ah!”

The ugly bird yelled again.

Luo Tian did not see that the ugly bird is a wine lover.

So he gave half of it to the ugly bird.

The ugly bird said nothing, he was bored!

Half the amount of Ardent Cloud Wine, enough to let Nie Yuner sleep for 30 to 40 years…the ugly bird is still not a big deal.

Luo Tian came to the third wine cabinet.

This time.

It took more than three hours for Luo Tian to crack the formation on the cabinet door.

He took a blue jade bottle out of it, and it contained “Ice Glass Wine“, which contained a strong ice-cold atmosphere and was beneficial to Luo Tian’s Divine Vein.

The quality of Ice Glass Wine is the same as that of Tianyeqing.

Put up Ice Glass Wine, Luo Tian came to the fourth wine cabinet.

It’s getting more and more difficult here.

Unless you let the ugly bird curse again.

However, the ugly bird has not spoken a word until now, and it is difficult to speak in a short time.


At the same time.

In the giant palace, there was chaos, many geniuses were killed together, and the casualties were heavy.

The decorative saber has fallen into the hands of Ouyang Chan, the strongest disciple of Wanfamen.

The wooden weapons on the two-row weapon racks have also been contested.

Now, major teams are competing for the ink, ink, paper and inkstones on the table, and that ancient book.

In the stone palace.

Seven Purple Sun Sect disciples are sleeping, unconscious.

Suddenly, Nie Yuner‘s fingers moved slightly.

In a moment, he opened his heavy eyelids, feeling dizzy and dizzy.

“Damn, why am I asleep!”

Nie Yuner climbed up hard, and it took a while to recover, remembering what happened just now.

Junior Brother Yu, wake up!”

Nie Yuner pushed the male disciple beside him a few times.

Then he got up and kicked the other five disciples, but none of them kicked.

Nie Yuner‘s gloomy eyes, staring at the underground channel directly in front of him, he sensed that there is still spiritual qi in the depths of underground, and Mei Qianzhe is still inside!

However, I was in a bad state at the moment and did not act lightly.

Maybe underground also has traps arranged by Luo Tian.

He is here, waiting for the brothers to wake up.

No matter what benefits Luo Tian gets in underground, it will fall into his hands.

Senior Brother Nie, I am… what’s wrong?”

Beside Nie Yuner, Limitless Realm‘s Junior Brother Yu, first restore consciousness.

“The following is a wine cellar. You and I just slept.”

Nie Yuner Road.

“Wine cellar of Half-God great expert?”

Junior Brother Yu looks excited.

There are many rare and rare spirit wines in the human race, which are rarer than some worlds spirit materials.

The legendary Drunken God Wine, Spiritual God will be drunk with a drink.

There should be no Drunken God Wine in the half divine wine cellar, but other rare and rare spirit wine is also an unimaginable treasure for the two early Martial Venerable of Limitless Realm.

Junior Brother Yu sat for a while, sobered a little, and said: “Not waiting, go in!”


Nie Yuner glanced at him, and Zheng focused on his head.

Two of them Limitless Realm, haven’t you gotten a Mei Qianzhe yet?

In addition, both of them are selfish.

While the five other teachers and sisters did not wake up, they won the treasure in the hands of Luo Tian and searched for divine wine in the half of the divine wine cellar to become the biggest winner!

Oh! Whoosh!

Nie Yuner and Junior Brother Yu rushed into the underground channel.

The two of them saw Mei Qianzhe and the black ugly bird, their expressions were very exciting!

Mei Qianzhe, you have no way to escape!”

Nie Yuner loudly shouted.

His voice just fell.


The complex formation on a wine cabinet shone with golden light, then quickly gathered up, and then the wine cabinet opened.

“Get it! Illusory Spirit Wine!”

Luo Tian takes out a delicate metal hip flask.

Nie Yuner and Junior Brother Yu have hot eyes. This is a wine cellar of Half-God. How easy is the privately held wine of Half-God?

Mei Qianzhe, as long as you surrender all spirit wines, we can put you on a path!”

Nie Yuner looks dignified.

He didn’t shoot directly, because he was afraid of destroying spirit wine in Luo Tian.

“Okay, I will.”

Luo Tian said with a helpless tone.

Nie Yuner and Junior Brother Yu smiled, Luo Tian actually compromised so fast, it was really weak and timid.

The two looked at each other, and when they got spirit wine in the hands of Luo Tian, they would kill Luo Tian without hesitation.

“However, I only hand over two drops!”

Luo Tian opened the metal hip flask, and two drops of purple wine flew out of it, and flew to Nie Yuner and Junior Brother Yu!

Nie Yuner and Junior Brother Yu were caught off guard. I did not expect Luo Tian to come here.

The two became very upset and flew backwards.

But it’s still late.

Peng! Punt!

Two drops of Illusory Spirit Wine liquor, within ten meters of Nie Yuner and Junior Brother Yu, burst suddenly and alcohol smell spread.

Nie Yuner and Junior Brother Yu condensed out True Essence so useless, Illusory Spirit Wine‘s liquor penetrated True Essence Cover and penetrated into them.

The two are pale, won’t they be poison bars?

It’s impossible. How could Half-God hide poisonous wine here?

And seeing with Luo Tian’s, I may not even know what kind of wine it is, just to scare them, and then take the opportunity to escape.

Wait for a while.

Nie Yuner and Junior Brother Yu did not feel half the same, it was a false alarm!

The eyes of the two people who contain killing intent are fixed on Luo Tian, ready to start.

“Well? Why did I see three Mei Qianzhe?”

The flower in front of Nie Yuner not only showed three Mei Qianzhes, but also saw three black crows.

Nie Yuner what nonsense you are.”

Junior Brother Yu loudly shouted opposed, very affirmed: “It is clearly one thousand.”

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