Eternal King Chapter 1: Good Fortune Heavenly Book

  Eastern Chen Continent, the vast world of takes martial arts as honor practice.

  The legendary martial artist, traveling in the void, move mountains and drain seas, hand pluck the sun and moon, and swallow the Heaven and destroy the Earth have left various miracles.

Many countries on the mainland are based on martial arts and established many Martial Mansion and academies.

  Cang Yun Country.

  Qingchang City, Qingfeng School rear of foot mountain.


   A 15- to 16-year-old young student who flew backwards and hit a quaint boulder.

   The teenager couldn’t afford to fall, and his forehead was covered with blood.

   “This waste is not going to die?”

   “Quick withdrawal!”

  Some hands-on students, run away with their legs dropped.

After a few breaths.

   “It hurts!”

  Luo Tian climbed hard, Junxiu’s face was slightly bruised.

   The blood stains on the young man’s body penetrated into the blue boulder behind him.

   “Liu Yuanhu these bastards! Group fights every time!”

   “If my father is still there, I can open ‘martial vein’. How can these people who look up to me be so arrogant?”

  Luo Tian clenched his fists, showing resentment.

  The boy’s name is Luo Tian and he comes from a civilian Martial Path family.

When he was ten years old, he was admitted to Qingfeng School with an excellent score of Body-Tempering Realm six.

   was twelve years old. He broke through the Body-Tempering Realm ninth heavyweight and became a highly sought-after genius in the university.


  Luo Tian’s cultivation base, who stayed in Body-Tempering Realm for three and a half years, did not move forward.

   only because, he cannot open martial vein.

  martial vein is a spiritual chakra within the human body and a bridge to communicate Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth.

   If you can’t turn on martial vein, you will not be able to absorb Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. The more advanced “Vein-Opening Realm” becomes the real martial artist.

   Luo Tian’s‘s father said that he may have the legendary “Tianji martial vein“.

  martial vein is divided into four levels of heaven, earth, profound, and yellow from high to low, and each level is divided into lower, middle and upper grades.

  Tianjie martial vein, rare in the mainland for hundreds of years, is the legendary martial vein.

  However, since the Middle Ages, Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is thinner, the higher the martial vein, the harder it is to activate.

  Three years ago, my father Luo Xiao went out to find a good recipe for Vein-Opening, so far there is no news.

After the father left.

   Qingchang City‘s powerful family has hope for Luo Tian; in the past three years, he has given free resources and money to help him activate martial vein as soon as possible.

   Generally speaking, the harder it is to open martial vein, the higher its rank and the greater its future potential.

  The reason why these families “fund” Luo Tian is to get a return in the future.

  But three years later, Luo Tian still does not activate martial vein.

   This disappointed the family of Qingchang City, and finally concluded that Luo Tian is an extremely rare waste vein.

   Luo Tian is such a fast practice speed, who can think of him as a broken vein person?

   These families did a “loss-and-loss transaction”, and they hated Luo Tian very much. They went to collect debts one by one and beat them.

  Luo Tian‘s family, all valuable things were taken out of debt, but it was still not enough.

  For this.

  He was bullied by his family’s children in his college.

  Among them, Liu Family‘s “Liu Yuanhu” is the most tyrannical and cruel. He came over to find fault in three days, and he attacked at every turn.

   And Liu Family is one of the three major families of Qingchang City!



The Luo Tian in the memory of   , I heard a strange noise, coming from the blue quiet boulder behind.


On    boulders, blood stains from Luo Tian’s were absorbed, and numerous cracks appeared on the surface, scattering a mysterious glory.

   “This is?”

  Luo Tian is vigilant.


   Youqing boulder was exploded into powder without any warning, and a mass of nothingness rushed into the body of Luo Tian.


  Luo Tian is spinning around for a while.


  In his mind, there was a large group of divine glory, which turned into thousands of rays of light, wandering and interweaving, exuding an atmosphere of suppressing the universe of the heavens.

   followed immediately.

   The glorious interwoven center emerges from a huge ancient book.

  The huge ancient book presents four ancient obscure texts.

   “Good Fortune Heavenly Book.”

  He does not know these four words, but he can understand their meaning.


   The pages of the ancient book, one page at a time, radiate a breath of oldness.

   These pages are almost dim.

   has only the first page, lingering in the blue and gray light, lighting up a third of the area.

   “You know astronomy, you know geography.”

   “Everything you know, know everything.”

   “Deduction of all things, unlimited creation.”

On the page of the book, some mysterious ancient writing is beating, which is full of the ancient atmosphere.


   Suddenly, a huge message poured into Luo Tian consciousness.

   That is a practice called “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art“.

   “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” is a mysterious exercise of seizing the heaven and earth’s good fortune. If you repair divine soul of destiny, you can get Eternal and Inextinguishable, which is really detached from world’s myriad things.

   “Kung Fu? Eternal and Inextinguishable, transcends the world?”

  Luo Tian absorbs information and widens his eyes, unbelievable.

  In Qingfeng School, he only practiced the basic martial skill(s), and he had no access to advanced exercises.

   “Everything is omniscient, everything is solvable, what can you answer?”

  Luo Tian looked at the lines on the pages of the book and couldn’t help himself.

   hum! Uh!

On the page of the book, the blue and gray light flashed, sketching an ancient text.


   This Heavenly Book is actually psychic, and answers in words.

  Luo Tian was very excited. Originally it was just a subconscious opening. I didn’t expect that “Good Fortune Heavenly Book” is so magical and able to communicate.

  Since this is the case, try again.

   “Heavenly Book! Why, can’t I turn on martial vein?”

  Luo Tian is looking forward to his heart and is very nervous.

   Next moment.

A line appears on the page of the book.

   “The incomplete “Nether Dragon God Vein“, Divine Rank quality, with today’s Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, is extremely difficult to open.”

  Luo Tian read them one by one, and suddenly startled the swell.

After answering this question, the bright area on the pages of the book has been reduced from one third to one fifth.

   “God… Divine Vein?”

  Luo Tian froze, taking a breath.

   For nearly a thousand years, the entire Cang Yun Country has never been born with the tier martial vein, let alone the unheard of Divine Vein.

   “No wonder, my martial vein has never been able to open!”

  Luo Tian was ecstatic when he learned the truth.

   In today’s era of thin Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, the more advanced martial vein, the longer it takes to nourish, the more difficult it is to open.

   But the high grade quality martial vein, once opened successfully, will practice fast speed and soar into the sky!

   “Then… how do I turn on Divine Vein?”

  Luo Tian‘s mood is surging.

   “Cultivating “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” will help open Divine Vein.”

   “In addition, the method of opening…”

   At this time, the bright areas on the pages of the book suddenly dimmed, leaving only one tenth of it.

Some power on Heavenly Book seems to be rapidly consumed.

   “Heavenly Book’s Power is not enough to deduct.”

   “Cultivating “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” can promote Heavenly Book to restore its strength.”

  A faint handwriting appeared, and Heavenly Book stopped answering.


  Huge ancient books, slowly closed, the blue and gray light on the surface is exhausted.

  The next moment, Luo Tian consciousness returned to reality.

  He was startled, and then found that the content of “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” is still there.

   This is not an illusion!

  Luo Tian glanced down, the turquoise boulders under his feet had now turned into a pile of powder, and passed away with the wind.

   “”Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art“? Can it really help me open martial vein?”

  Luo Tian sits on the spot and tries to practice.

   “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” ​​is a marvellous practice of divine soul of destiny, divided into nine layers, plus an introductory chapter.

   Light is the introductory article, which makes Luo Tian feel very mysterious.

   But he is excellent in capital. He reached Body-Tempering Realm nine at the age of twelve. The introductory chapter of “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” is indeed complicated, but it has also been successfully cultivated.

   “Miao! Really wonderful!”

  Luo Tian soon entered the state of ecstasy.

   This world is so mysterious that it points directly to the wonders of the soul.

Every sentence in    is beyond his previous cognition, giving him a bright, divine feeling.

   blinked in the evening.

  Luo Tian’sGood Fortune Destiny Secret Art“, successful entry.

   He opened his eyes slightly and froze.

   wow! Hey!

   The wind and grass around, the sound of the leaves floating, came into the ears very loudly.

  His eyes can see a few tens of meters away, and an ant on the tree, even the patterns of the leaves, are clear.

   Moreover, Luo Tian also found that his spiritual consciousness can extend beyond the body.

   “Is this the “spiritual consciousness” that only high-end martial artist can have?”

  Luo Tian was shocked.

  Martial Path’s Road, Body-Tempering Realm is Martial Apprentice.

   Turn on martial vein and advance to Vein-Opening Realm before you step into the world of martial artist.

On top of Vein-Opening Realm, there are Martial Path realms such as Spirit Sea Realm, Earth Essence Realm, Heaven Pool Realm and so on. Above Heaven Pool Realm, almost only exists in legends, with flying power.

   It is possible to conceive spiritual consciousness, at least high-order martial artist above “Earth Essence Realm“.


  Under the hood of spiritual consciousness, Luo Tian can see things around more clearly than eyes, controlling a four or five meter circle.

   “”Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art” is just getting started, and there has been such a transformation.”

  Luo Tian was pleasantly surprised, but he couldn’t help but look forward to what would happen if he opened Divine Vein.


   At this moment, footsteps were heard nearby.

  Four teenagers came to talk and laugh, all wearing Qingfeng School costumes.

   “You said, would the Luo Tian waste really hit you?”

   is the first tall boy with twinkling eyes and a strong spirit.

  The tall boy is “Liu Yuanhu“. In the morning, he took the crowd to beat Luo Tian. After school, several people passed by nearby.

   “Hey. Even if he is really dead, he can’t blame us. He couldn’t think of it and hit him with his head.”

Beside   , a pockmarked student laughed badly.

   “A few more Liu Family bastards!”

  Luo Tian saw four people of Liu Yuanhu, their anger rose.

   in previous years.

  Liu Family is the most stubborn Luo Tian’s Funding many resources not to mention, I hope to marry the family’s money to Luo Tian, but Luo father refused.

   Nowadays, Liu Family turns his face unrecognizable, and is also the most powerful family to suppress Luo Tian.

   “Luo Tian?”

  Liu Yuanhu four people, who also saw Luo Tian, were shocked.

   “Hum! You’re a waste thing. I pretended to be dead before and deceived Master Young!”

  Liu Yuanhu glares his eyes, with a ruddy face.

   “Little beasts, but can’t kneel and admit mistakes to Big Brother Hu?”

The pockish student on the side yelled.

   This numb boy, with Body-Tempering 9th Layer cultivation base, is the follower of Liu Yuanhu.

   “Luo Tian.”

   “You kneel down and beg for mercy, and give yourself a slap in the face, Master Ben will let you go.”

  Liu Yuanhu stands proudly, showing off his face.

   “Joke! You few Liu Family running dogs, are you still awake?”

  Luo Tian chuckled.


  Liu Yuanhu was furious and several people were deeply surprised.

  The Luo Tian, which used to be so cowardly and weak, has become so stiff?

After Luo Tian practiced the introductory chapter of “Good Fortune Destiny Secret Art“, the quantity of spiritual power was a qualitative leap.

   his daring spirit has grown with it!

  I don’t know why, Luo Tian is inexplicable in my heart, and I have no previous fears for these people.

   “Big Brother Hu, it seems that this kid has no long memory, and the skin is itchy and beaten.”

  The sneering boy sneered.

   “good good good! Dare to bump into the boy, and later I will smash your mouth and break your leg!”

  Liu Yuanhu shows a cruel look.

   As soon as the words fell, the four of Liu Family approached Luo Tian with great force.

   (new book upload, new starting point and journey, thanks to all book friends who support fast food~~)

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