Era of Universal Evolution Chapter 931: 3 Eyes Condor

When a race proposes a Hall of Fame Challenge, it is often a provocation.

The situation on the eye of the storm just ended, and a post appeared in the dimensional universe.

The handwriting of this post is completely golden, and it will be automatically topped after it is posted.

The signature of the post is Dong Xuehan, and this name is famous throughout the endless battlefield.

100 million years ago, Dong Xuehan, the martial artist of the endless race monster race, rose strongly, defeating the once-first man, Tianyi, and became the first in the endless race hall of fame.

After the Skyfire War, Dongxuehan showed great power, and the ground races he fought were losing ground and became the first person in the two major race halls of fame.

Fifty million years ago, in the challenge again, Dong Xuehan won the first place in the Hall of Fame of the two races.

During the Second Skyfire War, Dong Xuehan killed the three top ten ground races in the Hall of Fame, and his status was unshakable.

Xingjing, the number one ground race now, rose 30 million years ago. He challenged him all the way to the number one. Although he was amazingly talented, in people’s minds, he would never be able to defeat the winter snow and cold. The real first.

The Hall of Fame Challenge is initiated by the last winning race.

The Endless Race has won two consecutive victories. As the first place in the Endless Hall of Fame, Dong Xuehan is eligible to launch a new round of challenge.

“I am Dong Xuehan. In view of the recent rampant performance of the ground race warriors, I decided to launch a new round of the Hall of Fame Challenge to prove who is the real strong. The challenge is carried out in the dimensional universe, and the time is fixed. Years later, the challenge rules have been released. You can watch it yourself. All members of the Hall of Fame on both sides must participate. Anyone who does not participate will be disqualified from the Hall of Fame!”

This is the rules of the Hall of Fame Challenge. No matter how big you are, you must participate in the Challenge unless you quit.

In fact, the challenge is the prelude to the Skyfire Battle. Fifty million years have passed, and the two sides have almost recovered. After 50 million years of training, the new warriors will be able to cultivate to the Divine Stone Stage or become Demigod, in fact, even if there was no such thing as Lin Zhen killing Surant, it was almost time for a new round of war to begin, and the Lin Zhen incident just happened to coincide.

Dong Xuehan’s challenge was issued, immediately causing an uproar in the dimensional universe.

The two-game losing streak of the Ground Race has made them suffocated. Now Dong Xuehan has launched the third challenge. If the Ground Race Hall of Fame does not give a resolute counterattack, it will be really shameless.

Xiong Jing, the first person of the ground race who has not posted in the dimensional universe for three thousand years, responded immediately.

“Dong Xuehan, you have to be grateful that you never met me in the first two wars, otherwise the position of the first person will not be your turn. In this battle, I will wait for you to see who is the two The first person in the Great Race Hall of Fame!”

Following Xiongjing’s counterattack, ground-race Hall of Fame powerhouses such as Ye Xingcai, Crane Shadow, An Luoqi, Augustine, etc. all spoke out, expressing their determination to fight the war.

And many of the top ten warriors of endless races have expressed their desire to fight in the dimensional universe.

For example, Tianyi, the second person of the endless race, although he lost to Dong Xuehan of the same race, he did not put the warriors of the ground race in the slightest, and his words were all contempt.

The rules of the game have also been released.

In order to ensure that all the Hall of Fame fighters are composed of strong men, there are not only these two hundred people participating in the challenge.

Among the two major races, there are some warriors whose strength is almost equal to that of the Hall of Fame, but they have no chance to enter.

So during the challenge, in addition to these two hundred people, there were another twenty people participating in the challenge.

There are ten people in each of the two major races. Although these twenty people are not members of the Hall of Fame, they have proven their strength in countless battles.

The ten people of the endless race will challenge the ninety-one to one hundred of the ground race.

If the challenge is successful, then the ground race hall of fame will be eliminated, he will be removed from the hall of fame, and his position will be competed by other ground race fighters.

If the challenge fails, even if the 91 to 100 of the ground race succeed in defending their status, then they can challenge the 81 to 90 of the endless race.

Once the challenge is successful, their ranking will automatically rise to replace those above them.

For example, if Lin Zhen is ranked 98th, he will challenge the opponent who is ranked 88th. If he succeeds, Lin Zhen is the 88th of the ground race.

The original 88 will advance to 78 if the challenge is successful, and the challenge will fall to 98 if the challenge fails.

After being promoted to 78, Lin Zhen can challenge the 68 of endless races.

This kind of challenge rule is more unfavorable for people with low rankings, because they have to accept the challenge of those quasi-hall of fame first, these people can be very powerful, every challenge, there are many dark horses Appeared from the quasi-fame warrior

Even if they pass this level, they still have to challenge the opponent’s higher ranked martial artist, and the higher the ranking, the more able to sit on the Diaoyutai, recharge and wait for the challenger to arrive.

This can also be regarded as a privilege for the high-ranked fighters. After all, ranking is not a decoration. It is very rare to be able to give low-ranked people a challenge.

Wait until the end of the challenge, after the top ten warriors of both sides accept the challenge, the remaining twenty people will compete for the top ten rankings of both sides to determine who is the king of the king!

The rules of the game have not changed, everyone is familiar with it.

Since the challenge is about to begin, the list of battles is what the warriors are more concerned about.

In order for everyone to see the battle situation clearly, the two major races have all listed the Hall of Fame list.

One hundred people in the ground race and one hundred people in the endless race. In addition, there are ten quasi-hall-of-famer warriors on both sides. They are the original challengers.

These ten people are not randomly selected. Their names were nominated even a long time ago and were not finalized until the last moment. Everyone is very powerful.

For example, the original Ruthless King, his strength almost has the strength of the Hall of Fame, and he will not fall behind in the face of the Hall of Fame like Blood Shadow.

But even if the ruthless king is alive, he is still inferior to the current ten quasi-famer halls.

Some of them have even had the experience of beating the Hall of Fame head-on.

So no one dares to underestimate these twenty people. Their names will arouse heated discussion, and their resumes will be picked up by people in detail and analyzed carefully.

The Dimension Universe Company will broadcast the entire challenge.

The eye of the storm incident was immediately overwhelmed by this incident, and people’s attention was all shifted to this major event.

On a planet of endless races, a man with a gloomy face is looking at the battle list.

This person has a third eye at the center of his eyebrows. It is a condor.

The three-eyed eagle is a mutant of the Shenying clan, and is very powerful.

His eyes fell on the 98th rank martial artist in the ground race, Lin Zhen!

The palms of both hands were gently rubbed, and there was a hint of cold light in the eagle eyes.

DiDiDi~~~! !

The dimensional universe sounded, three eyes opened, and immediately connected: “Master Tianyi!”

There is a black-robed warrior over there, the whole body is covered by black robe, and he can’t see his face.

“Three eyes, this time put you in the eighth place challenge position, do you have any dissatisfaction in your heart?”

Three eyes bowed his head and said: “My subordinates dare not dare, my subordinates are very grateful for the arrangement.”

“Don’t say this to me, I know you’re a little unconvinced. It is said that with your strength, you can rank first in this batch of challengers, but I force you to rank eighth, which is actually It’s not fair to you, but I hope you can understand what I mean.”

“The subordinate understands that the adults arranged for the subordinate to be in the eighth position to snipe Lin Zhen.”

“It’s best for you to understand this. In addition to our original intention to initiate this challenge, there is also the factor behind Lin Zhen’s killing Surant. Surant is ranked fifth in our endless race. Ten, they were killed by Lin Zhen, which made the people of the ground race very arrogant, and our race seemed a little passive.”

“The son of Lin Zhen is powerful. If he wants to snipe this person, ordinary people can’t do it. If he passes the first round, then this person can even get to the top fifty. I hope to see, so I will arrange you to play against him in the first round.”

Three eyes nodded: “I fully understand that to eliminate Lin Zhen in the first round, this is my task this Yes, after eliminating Lin Zhen, with your strength, you will definitely be able to become A dark horse, through all the thorns and thorns, is even expected to be in the top 30, I am very optimistic about you.”

Hearing the top 30 rankings, the three eyes of the three eyes flickered, obviously tempted.

“Work hard, Three Eyes. In this challenge, our Endless Race must win three consecutive championships. Try our best to beat the confidence of the ground race. As long as our morale is strengthened, we will definitely be able to win the Skyfire War. .”

Tian Nie smiled happily: “The Skyfire War is really exciting. Then the ground race hall of fame will be killed, and it will come when our race returns to the earth!”

“Return to the earth?” Three eyes were taken aback.

“Yes, this time the Great Emperor Jue Tian has made up his mind. As long as the Skyfire War is won, we will completely occupy the mining area, and then we will kill to the ground!”

Three eyes also showed enthusiasm. It seems that this war is different from before, and it is not just a matter of the allocation of mining resources.

The endless races longed for the earth too much. Although they had lost to the ground races before and were forced to retreat into the endless star sea, their ambitions inflated after the victory of the two sky-fire wars.

If they can win three consecutive victories, it proves that their strength surpasses the ground race, then maybe it really is the time to counterattack.

Tian’s figure disappeared, and three eyes squeezed his fist fiercely.

“Lin Zhen…the reputation is not small, but your reputation will be the stepping stone to my fame!”

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