Era of Universal Evolution Chapter 736: The last level!

Of course Lin Zhen can’t kill this tens of billions of people, let alone he can’t kill them, no one can kill them all.

Because these are not ordinary people, they are all warriors, and they all have a certain combat effectiveness.

Because of this, they felt that they had the chance to win, and they boldly attacked Lin Zhen. Even if they paid hundreds of millions of people, or even a billion people, they would surely be able to kill Lin Zhen!

What about a person who loses a tenth, he may not be that tenth.

But they would never think that the real killer was not Lin Zhen, but a volcano erupting from the ground.

They forcibly cut off the volcanic magma pool and the core magma, which is the real cause of the disaster.

Lin Zhen is here, playing the role of a guide.

The moment when Lin Zhen’s gravity shrouded and successfully broke the partition, disaster happened.

The magma that has been held in the depths of the earth for several days soars into the sky, turning into a huge fire dragon flying all over the sky, swallowing a radius of tens of miles in an instant!

The old crater has reappeared, and the magma is back!

At this time, the faster people have already reached Lin Zhen, and they are the first batch of unlucky people.

You must know that these magma are not even dared to enter by other immortal warriors, not to mention that most of these people cannot reach the realm king.

Whether it is an official, a soldier, or a civilian, there is only one ending at this moment, dust!

Lin Zhen stood in the middle of the volcano, letting the magma scoured by, watching a person twist, vaporize, and disappear in the magma, without sadness or joy in his heart.

This cannot be counted as wrong. There is no absolute right or wrong in the world. Since these people want their lives, they will be eliminated.

It’s nothing more than more people. If a person wants to kill you, you have to fight back. Is it possible that a group of people want to kill you and you just wait and die?

What about ten billion people? It’s all the same.

At least more than two billion people gathered for dozens of kilometers around him, and the smoke disappeared during this volcanic eruption!

Moreover, the eruption of a volcano does not end when it is sprayed up. The magma still has to fall, and the coverage area is even greater!

Countless hot magma fell into the distant crowd, and there were voices of crying fathers and mothers, and countless people were buried in the magma forever, sleeping forever under the volcano.

The first eruption killed more than two billion, and the subsequent magma fall wiped out more than one billion.

As soon as they fell together, almost four billion people were reduced to dust.

At the beginning, it was taken by a camera, but as the volcano erupted, all nearby cameras were wiped out.

There are some scenes that were taken by people from far away, but they were all hells on earth where they were crying fathers and mothers, and I couldn’t see what happened to Lin Zhen at all.

Don’t look at it, everyone knows that this time the campaign to encircle and suppress the forest is over.

Among the billions of people who died, not only civilians, but more than a dozen elite troops were also buried here.

Liang Zhihuan’s action to encircle and suppress Linzhen is considered to be a loss, and even Nanliang’s national strength will be exhausted.

In the smoke and dust, Lin Zhen’s figure flickered a few times. He knew that there were still a few people alive at the scene, that is, the official longevity warriors. At this point, Lin Zhen didn’t want to leave him any trouble. , The continuous teleportation caught up with these several longevity realms, one sword at a time, killing them all.

When Shi Zhonglie’s screams came, Liang Zhihuan, who stood in front of the palace gate, had cold palms.

“It’s over! It’s over! Shi Zhonglie is dead, the Qingye faction is also dead, and the people are billions of dead, but Lin Zhen has not been killed yet.”

He couldn’t help but sighed up to the sky: “Isn’t Lin Zhen my nemesis?”

Ning Qingxuan stood beside Liang Zhihuan. She wanted to say, wasn’t all this because you asked the people to besiege Lin Zhen?

But she can’t say, she doesn’t know in what capacity she helped Lin Zhen speak, because she still can’t remember anything.

Shi Xiaomao came to Liang Zhihuan’s side and whispered: “Your Majesty, Aunt Tie is here, are we now?”

Shi Xiaomao’s words reminded Liang Zhihuan, and he also calmed down.

This is the end of the matter, and he has no turning back. Lin Zhen will be coming to the palace soon. He must hurry up.

“Go, follow me in!”

Liang Zhihuan strode forward, Ning Qingxuan hesitated, but her teacher Tie Aunt had already come behind her, making her feel like she had to follow Liang Zhihuan’s footsteps.

The gate of the imperial palace was slowly closed, the queen’s bedroom was being laid out in full swing, and the emperor and the queen wanted to round the room, and these servants became busy.

And Aunt Tie came to the palace where the queen was, moved a chair and sat there.

“Senior, everything here depends on you.” Liang Zhihuan said to Auntie Tie.

“The emperor can go without worry, as long as there is an old man here, this Nanliang will not be able to turn the sky.”

Liang Zhihuan finally calmed down after hearing these words, he turned around and walked into the Queen’s Palace.

Aunt Tie closed her eyes slightly, and twisted a string of rosary beads in her hand. The rosary was not shining at all, it was as dark as night, and she didn’t know what quality it was.

One by one, the longevity warriors who came by order and urgently came to **** them.

But Aunt Tie waved her hand, everyone backed silently, and they all went to the front door to intercept.

The warriors of Nanliang know that where there is Auntie Tie, there is no need for other warriors to appear. As the current head of the Aoba Sect, Auntie Tie’s strength is beyond doubt.

The battle of Hell Volcano is over.

In the smoke, Lin Zhen walked out with a sword.

Standing in the void, Lin Zhen sighed slightly as he watched the crowds quickly going away below.

People who can’t see their strength, can’t tell right from wrong, and blindly follow, why bother.

After this incident, Lin Zhen knew that his murderous name would surely spread throughout the mainland.

“Fine! Whether it’s a bad name or a bad name, reputation is a good thing after all, which can save a lot of trouble.”

In a blink of an eye, Lin Zhen moved towards the palace with a sword.

“Xuan’er, I am coming!”

After a teleportation, Lin Zhen is already thousands of kilometers away!

At the place where people fell, people could only see the figure shaking in the sky, but no one dared to say anything. They were afraid that once they said it, Lin Zhen would really appear.

The people of Nanliang who had yelled at Lin Zhen before, are now like docile sheep, and dare not say a word.

Even the dimensional universe, which has always been lively, suddenly became deserted at this moment.

“A big event! A big event! The first murderer of the Metaverse was born!”

“Nine million people were slaughtered for the male Zhongxiong. Have you seen the real slaughter? Four billion people in Nanliang were killed by the hands of Lin Zhen!”

“Daliang, Dazhou, Dawei and other allies issued a joint statement that Lielin is really the No. 1 most wanted criminal, offering a huge reward!”

“The first strongman in history, the super king, the first person under the longevity! I adore him!”

Several scrolling posts appeared on forums in various countries.

The title of Lin Zhen’s massacre of 4 billion yuan has once again become a hot spot in Metaverse.

In this period of time, Lin Zhen’s name has appeared continuously, and he has gained great popularity in Metaverse.

Daliang and other countries were shocked by this incident. They began to think that Nanliang could handle the matter well, but I didn’t expect the matter to evolve to this point.

The Lin Zhen massacre also shocked the world. All the allies related to Liang have begun to want Lin Zhen and demanded that the border defense guards closely to prevent Lin Zhen from entering the country.

They even sent masters to Nanliang to support, but they couldn’t quench their thirst. Nanliang’s current destiny still depends on his own.

Countless people have focused on the Nanliang Imperial Palace. Lin Zhen has now left Hell Volcano. Everyone knows that his next stop will be the Imperial Palace. How will Liang Zhihuan as Emperor Nanliang solve it?

One thing is certain, if the Lin Zhen incident cannot be properly resolved, then Liang Zhihuan’s emperor will have done it.

Either Lin Zhen was killed or overthrown by the people. An emperor that even a realm king couldn’t deal with was not qualified to be an emperor.

In front of the Nanliang Palace, the bows and knives were drawn out, and the swords were drawn out. The army of soldiers seemed to be heavily guarded, but they wanted to turn their heads and ran away.

Many people are okay to deal with others, but is it really useful to deal with Lin?

Four billion people are wiped out in ashes. What can tens of thousands of them do? Keep it between Lin Zhen’s teeth?

Even the officers and soldiers had communicated in private. If Lin Zhen arrived, they would at best wave the flag and shout, to let them die as cannon fodder, it would be absolutely impossible.

In the panic of people, the figure in the distance gradually became clear.

Lin Zhen is here!

With the sword of Zhan Kong in one hand, Lin Zhen seemed to shrink into an inch. A step was a long distance, and it was a step from appearing to the palace.

With both feet landing, Lin Zhen has come to the gate of the palace.

In front of the palace gate, there is a huge protective shield, which is forbidden.

Felling in front of the door, the surrounding soldiers hulled back, and some even fell on the spot in fright. No one dared to get within ten meters of Lin Zhen.

“Open the door!”

Lin Zhen said that an officer holding the key almost peeed his pants without scared, and trembling to get the key, but couldn’t get it out.

Lin Zhen frowned, raising his hand with a sword, and the gate of the palace burst open!

The officers and soldiers ran far away~ Do whatever you really like Lin, we don’t care.

Lin Zhen saw the surrounding army as if nothing, and strode into the palace.

He knew where Ning Qingxuan lived, three steps in two, and he came to the door of Ning Qingxuan’s bedroom in a few seconds.

Hidden Moon Palace!

This is Xuan’er’s residence.

Just about to step in, under a big tree, an old woman stood up.

“Lin Zhen! Nowhere!”

Lin Zhen’s eyes narrowed, he knew that the final challenge was coming.

This old woman is the head of the Qingye School, Xuan’er’s master Tie Aunt, before Xuan’er broke through to the Sanhua realm, she was the number one master of Nanliang!

The pinnacle of longevity!


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