Era of Disaster Chapter 946: Relief

Wendi and the three of them don’t know at all, the siege just now was entirely because Shalu helped them out. After leaving the encirclement, the three of Wendy immediately discerned the direction and rushed in the direction of Li Lan and the others. At this time, it was even more dangerous with Li Lan and the others. Although Wendy and the others have been spotted by the aliens, everyone’s main goal has not changed absolute, which is the cotton ball.

Now, the cotton ball is in Li Lan’s hands.

Krobbie, Li Lan, and Qiao Yu, the chasers they met were the strongest”.

Fortunately, there was a mysterious fortune teller who helped a few people in secret before, otherwise, with the power of the three of them, they would have been arrested by this time.

However, after Shalu and the others arrived, the fortune-teller secretly backed away. The other people who had been led away from the direction suddenly reacted, and then surrounded the three of them. Moreover, the people who come here are not miscellaneous soldiers. Emperor Kuiluo, the great priest of the Baqi star field, the great elder of the industry snake star field, the Top Level conscient structure of the Domi star field……. When the three rushed out of an alley and entered the arena at the end of a street, they were immediately dumbfounded.

Four different people floating in the air, but they all have a frightening aura without a doubt. At this time, from several other directions, it seems that more people are approaching.

This place is a place for gambling games, and most of the people who walk around in this city are unruly people. Some more sensitive people have found that something is wrong, but unfortunately, there are more people here who drink a lot of alcohol. The brain has been drunk by the alcohol for a long time, and they don’t know what the situation is. Even in the eyes of these dizzy guys, the sudden appearance of these guys is really an eyesore.

“Hey, hello, where the **** are you, is this the place where you are standing.” A tiger-headed man with a mouth full of fangs and squirting alcohol arrogantly headed towards the Big Star Territory. The priest walked over.

“Biao, Brother Biao!”

The people around who weren’t drunk all opened their mouths blankly, looking at this guy with horrified and deadly eyes, but this guy didn’t feel at all. However, to everyone’s surprise, the great priest of the Bucky Star Region was not angry, but smiled and apologized, and naturally stepped aside.

This action made this brother Biao even more proud, and he continued to walk towards Emperor Kuiluo.


“Get out!” It’s just that the Great Emperor Kuiluo is not as good at talking as the Great Priest of the Bach Star Region. This Biao brother didn’t say a word clearly this time, and the Great Emperor Kuiluo suddenly spit out a word. It was just a word, but this brother Biao flew out as if hit by ten locomotives, and smashed the wall of a bar nearby. Of course, he himself has completely become a blur.

As soon as Emperor Kuiluo exhaled, the three of Crobies started to move. Must escape, quickly escape, Crowe’s feeling is clearer than theirs, that kind of aura, that kind of completely irresistible aura, is stronger than the Expert of the East Star Territory they met before.

It’s just that, with the strength of the three of them, facing this kind of Top Level Expert, there is no chance to escape. In fact, if the people of the various star regions were not restraining each other, they would have been arrested as early as the moment they appeared. Living. And even now that the few people are restraining each other, in just over ten seconds, the three of them have been caught up before they ran a few hundred meters. Seeing the huge right hand that fell from the sky, despair appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

“Quiet!” Suddenly, a voice came, and the surrounding space seemed to stop, and the big hand suddenly stopped in the air.

When this voice fell, another black figure appeared under the big hand at high speed, and the black long knife slammed into the sky fiercely. With a clank, this large Capability condensed hand was cut off in an instant, and a building in the distance was suddenly broken in two, and then fell towards the ground.

In the other direction, the floating dragon also collided with the Domi structure, like a small earthquake, and the surrounding buildings began to lean towards him.

“You are…!” The three of Crobbys were extremely surprised, because they all could see that although there are differences in form, the two people who appeared behind are clearly the same as the former You Xinzi. Belong to the same doll.

“Over there!” Shenwu said, without turning his head.

Although the three of Crobbys still don’t know Shenwu’s genuine identity, they immediately ran out in the other direction according to what Shenwu said. But Shenwu and the others are very solemn, unlike Krobi and them, Shenwu and Blade Lotus are more aware of how powerful these people are.

Song Yangxi, who was standing on the back of the floating dragon over there, gave me a wry smile: “I know, the master will definitely not make me feel better. Isn’t it that I didn’t come over to see me in the first time? As for, he throws me away. To this kind of enemy.”

Song Yangxi found Ning Xue not long ago. After seeing her disciple finally appeared, Ning Xue smiled brightly. The group of people at the top hasn’t woken up yet, like Song Yangxi, but they are very important forces. As a result, Song Yangxi hadn’t figured out what happened, and was thrown to White Nether Building by Ning Xue. Fortunately, Ning Xue also sent a floating dragon to this place, otherwise Song Yangxi felt that she should consider how to escape now.

Complaining and complaining, but Song Yangxi clearly felt the strength of the people on the opposite side, perhaps even stronger than the master. Sure enough, when he heard about aliens before, he was still listening to stories. When genuine faced it, genuine knew that absolute is not a story.

Emperor Quero and the others saw the three run away, but they didn’t chase them this time. They just looked curiously at the newly-appearing people from the local star field. It was not Shen Wu and Blade Lotus, but in another direction. There, Bright and Angrila didn’t know when they stood in the air, calmly looking in this direction.


Although they are escaping in the direction of the godless, but the three people of Croby have more doubts in their hearts. Just when the three of them wanted to say something, suddenly, a bun suddenly popped out of the air in front of the three of them.

Bun! ?

“Wow!” The bun that popped out of the object suddenly made a grimace, and his tongue stretched out, seeming to want to scare Crobby and the others. And Croby and the others… were really scared, but it had completely different meanings.

Suddenly, another mayfly also bounced out and smashed the ghost bun to the ground with a punch. “Don’t bother about this fool, I’m completely nervous.” Isn’t it just that I’m not nervous? With such a strong aura over there, even she is almost too scared to move, but this guy is still interested in pretending to be scary.

“Well, it hurts!” The ghost of the bun who was smashed on the ground suddenly pursed his face.

“We were sent by Lord Shalu to pick you up, let’s go with us.” The mayfly spirit that appeared later is much more reliable.

“Excuse me, who are you?” Krobbie couldn’t help asking as he ran away with the two mayfly spirits. Although, in his mind, there was already a guess, but he did not dare to confirm.

“Didn’t you guess it long ago, we are the mayfly spirit of White Nether Building, my name is Xiaoyou, and she is called Baozi.”

“Well, my name is Baozi.” The Baozi Mayfly suddenly leaned forward, his entire face suddenly enlarged, as if he had become fat for a long time.

The Crobys are completely stupid, and there are reasons why their guesses become true. There is also a part of the reason, of course, these two mayfly spirits are completely dissimilar. I always feel very unreliable. Although this mayfly spirit called Xiaoyou looks very calm, but in this bun… White Nether Building, shouldn’t everyone have a calm temperament, strong and handsome?

In the minds of the three people, the fantasy of White Nether Building seemed to become fragmented suddenly.

It’s just that the three obviously don’t have more time to think about this kind of thing. Before the three of them have left far, a huge shock suddenly came from the previous direction. With the powerful impact, a circle of surrounding buildings suddenly tilted toward the outside, and instantly rose from the ground. Before the three of them had time to react, they were immediately blown off by the shock. But when the three of them were thrown away,, they woke up. This kind of power, as expected, was caused by their battle.

And, looking at some other humanoid races chasing them. Crobby and the others only felt extremely bitter, and it was not so easy to escape. Even if the top figures are temporarily restrained, the bunch of subordinates below these people are not something they can handle.

It can be said that since the establishment of Diesel, it has never become so lively. However, this excitement is completely terrible.

The underground forces living in the city, assassination organizations, spies from various countries and the like have no idea what is going on in this world. When the fighting first started, the original rulers in these cities were very upset. You know, although this is a chaotic city, it is still a city with its own order. Under the gloomy order, the benefits of the black economy here are greater than imagined.

Fighting in the city is not in their interests.

In the beginning, these people even came out with oppression to find someone to settle the account. But it didn’t last a while. After encountering the genuine battlefield, these talents hate to have two legs. Damn it, where did so many non-humans come from… One or two is as strong as Adaptation.

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