Era of Disaster Chapter 916: Yeye/nightly was born

Inheritance hall of ancient times!

No one thought that this randomly fabricated reason would have such a huge influence. In fact, the current ring star field of the solar system is different from the ordinary ring star field. Although the history above is incomplete, many people have survived, and a large part of it is recorded. But even so, the news of this so-called Inheritance Hall spread out from Thurros, causing a large area around it to stir.

With the passage of time, the rumors of this heritage hall became even more outrageous, and even those who had survived began to think about it.

Inheritance Hall?

There is obviously no such thing, but if it is the original White Nether Building, it may be possible.

The final battle in the Broken Age is not clear to most people. However, anyone who survives can basically know one thing, that is, White Emperor is dead. The leader of White Nether Building, White Emperor, is dead! So, if even Bai Yi is dead, does it mean that White Nether Building also lost at that time. So, this so-called inheritance hall is obviously impossible to be a real inheritance hall, but what if it is the original White Nether Building inheritance?

After having this kind of thought, even ordinary people who survived the original era, those who knew a part of the history of that era, could not sit still.

If you can get the inheritance of the original White Nether Building!


If we didn’t know what was going on at the beginning, then after experiencing countless hunts, Fia and the others can already judge that there is some kind of force driving all this.

At this time, Fia has sorted out all the information he obtained.

There is no doubt that behind the scenes is the Eastman who has appeared in Thurros before. Originally, even the intelligent creatures of alien galaxies appeared in Fia’s heart, still retaining a very rational judgment attitude. Therefore, Fia did not regard the East as a friend or enemy from the beginning. However, judging from the current situation, the East people seem to have shifted in the direction of the enemy.

After making this judgment, Fia glanced at Amphora.

Although I don’t know what this White Nether Building doll is thinking, the three Amphora have a vague feeling, as if they are not good.

“That heritage hall doesn’t exist at all, but now it’s spreading more and more astonishing. It feels as if there are more things than we know.” Beima murmured beside her. Bema didn’t even notice the atmosphere in the team at this time.

“No, it exists.” Unexpectedly, Fia said.

“The Hall of Inheritance exists, and any big power at the beginning can be called the Hall of Inheritance. Seven nations of human-like intelligent races, various nations and major forces in the human world. In that era, Knowing that the world is about to break, they have worked hard to preserve their own knowledge system. For the outside world, that is basically the same as the inheritance hall.” Fia explained.


“These so-called inheritance halls must all have their masters. absolute is not what the outside world thinks. Once you enter inside, you can easily obtain the various knowledge cultivation technique inside, and even become the new inheritance halls. The master, and then a group of original old members will serve them as the master.” Fia did not have the slightest laugh or teasing on his face, but was calmly and rationally analyzing external rumors. However, whether it was Bema or Amphora, after hearing these words, they all felt the corners of their mouths twitched involuntarily.

I always feel that Fia’s words accidentally stabbed a lot of people in their painful feet.

Of course, if they are not in their current position, they might have similar ideas to others. That is to enter a certain heritage hall, and then all kinds of mine….

“Then, we should continue to act. Regardless of the chaos of the outside world, our goal is always the same, that is to enter the Sifangtian and find the adults of White Nether Building. In particular, give this token to Your ancestor’s Alodia sir.” Fia said seriously.

Hearing these words from Fia, the three Amphora, who originally thought the atmosphere was not good, were suddenly surprised.

Alodia, this is the first time they have heard of this name. Saying the name so surely from Fia shows that the owner of this VIP token can be determined. Is this sentence reminding them? Although I feel that Fia’s attitude has changed a bit, this sentence is also a promise: since they have tokens, Fia will treat them as distinguished guests. treat.


When the outside world became chaotic, Shalu, who got news from Devil Concubine, also began to arrange and prepare.

The Breath of Breeding: The inner universe breeds a new breath!

When Zhuxu met Devil Concubine, I was excited and confident, and I completely regarded Devil Concubine as a Chinese meal. In Zhuxu’s heart, he completely regarded this as a pity for Devil Concubine before he died, so he said something. It’s just that, even if it is, there will not be a lot of things to say, and Devil Concubine is just a rough idea from the mouth of Xuxu.

There is no more information, more detailed information.

The Breath of Breeding sounds very ordinary, and it seems very unusual, but what about it? Shalu needs to collect more complete information by itself. Shalu had to do this, because it was the same as Devil Concubine thought when he heard the news: if the gestation breath can give birth to a new life, does it mean that Lord Bai Yi can be resurrected?

The death of Bai Yi and Beginning Mother has different opinions from the outside world, but in the hearts of White Nether Building‘s own people, absolute is a huge regret. However, the formation of the Sifangtian world at the beginning also represented the fragmentation of the original world. Therefore, Momo Shalu, they did not even have time to be sad, and fell into a deep sleep. However, falling asleep does not mean forgetting, but burying this shortcoming deeply in my heart.

At this time, there is a chance to make up for this shortcoming. One can imagine what kind of throbbing Shalu‘s heart will be.

The news of Breath of Breeding came from the mouth of the Void. If you want to know more news, of course it is more convenient to know from the mouth of the Void. However, since this biting virtual can fight Devil Concubine to a similar level, and finally even more powerful than Devil Concubine, Shalu knows that absolute will not be the opponent’s opponent. Moreover, since the goal of Devouring Void is Breath of Pregnancy, why do you want to devour Devil Concubine?

What kind of connection is there?

Shalu carefully thought about the manpower that can be dispatched in White Nether Building. They must be at the level of Devil Concubine. Otherwise, wanting to obtain any information from the mouth of a Powerhouse like Chuxu is completely self-defeating. However, people at the level of Devil Concubine can only be adults of White Nether Building, and they are all still sleeping… Maybe, Yeye/nightly can?

The strength of Yeye/nightly can be seen in the final battle. And because Yeye/nightly‘s body is always special, he woke up a long time ago. After waking up, Yeye/nightly sank into his own world. At the beginning, in the final battle, with the incomplete Pluto system against the source, it always left unwillingness and regret in the bottom of Yeye/nightly‘s heart. If, if what she had was not this incomplete power, but the complete Pluto system, maybe Bai Yi wouldn’t need….

Just…no if!

However, as long as it is power, it is the most powerful means at any time, so after waking up, Yeye/nightly began to repair itself, and worked hard to perfect its own Pluto system, even the reconstruction of White Nether Building was completely committed Gave Shalu. Because in the heart of Yeye/nightly, now this little White Nether Building does not need her to manage it.

When Shalu came to Yeye/nightly, he suddenly found that Yeye/nightly‘s body was floating quietly in place, and behind Yeye/nightly, there was a hollow like a dark ripple.

At this time, Yeye/nightly‘s state is still relatively quiet, after all, it has been awake for nearly a hundred years. In the early days, Shalu often saw countless materials disappearing in this corrugated cavity and entering the Pluto system. Up to now, even Shalu does not know what Yeye/nightly has built its Pluto system into.

Shalu, you are here, what’s the matter?” A voice rang in the workshop of Yeye/nightly.

“Yes, Devil Concubine has awakened and brought a very important news.” Shalu said.

“Huh?” Yeye/nightly asked slightly curiously.

Soon, Shalu will tell everything. Then Yeye/nightly‘s body immediately began to change, the dark corrugated hole gradually shrank, and then Yeye/nightly‘s body gradually began to shrink and heal. Soon, Yeye/nightly opened his eyes again, and then said excitedly: “If it’s really what Devil Concubine said, then the bitterness is an alien. Is it just strength? Does it show any different technology? , For example, how did he come to the ring star field of the solar system?”

“ I don’t know this.” Shalu shook his head.

“Tsk, really, you don’t want to ask more. Then, I will go out, I really hope to get extraterrestrial technology.” Yeye/nightly said, went out directly, looking very excited and looking forward to it. .

Shalu understands why Yeye/nightly looks like this. Because Yeye/nightly has said decades ago, her power has reached a bottleneck. The original technology on the earth has been fully understood and applied to Yeye/nightly itself. To achieve another breakthrough, a huge advancement in technology is necessary. However, this is not something that can be achieved simply, even if Yeye/nightly is very smart, it is impossible to make this breakthrough alone. With the current situation of the solar system ring star field, it may take a lot of time to catch up with the original earth’s technology in a short time.

So, at this time, seemingly foreign technology suddenly appeared. One can imagine how excited Yeye/nightly is.


Don’t say anything, I will make up!

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