Era of Disaster Chapter 796: Want to subdue

Chapter 796 wants to be subdued

Part of mentality development!

Hearing Alice say this, some people suddenly thought. If I understand, I certainly understand the importance of the point Alice just said, for example, Carma Dovich. The success of White Nether Building for so many years, absolute is not a fluke, it is the qualities displayed in these subtle places that enable White Nether Building to gradually accumulate great power. Of course, some people disagree at all. After all, it is impossible for everyone to understand this essential pursuit.

“What is Randolph’s powers.” Celamie paid more attention to this question.

“Agile, integrate your own power to the maximum, you can make full use of your own power in every attack. It is the ultimate embodiment of a’technique’.”

“Smart, it turned out to be like this!” After hearing Alice’s explanation, Serami didn’t know why, and suddenly he was in a good mood. Indeed, the blow to her from the previous battle was really big enough. If Randolph didn’t even use his own powers, Serami would not be able to accept it anyway.

“What are the hidden powers in White Nether Building?”

Stanni also asked another question, but this time, Alice did not answer. At the beginning, Stanni was still waiting, but soon, he realized that Alice did not intend to answer him at all. What’s this, it answered Serami’s question, not to answer him, is it treated differently? With the Stanni thinking about this, plus the left arm cut off by Sharpei in the previous battle, the anger in my heart suddenly rose.

The depressed breath emerged instantly, but the others did not move, just quietly preparing to watch the show.

“How many battle captains does White Nether Building have, and how many mentors are there?” Just as Stanni was about to break out, Carma Dovich suddenly spoke. It was as if the same stone fell into the calm lake, instantly disrupting the breath of Stanni.

“Eleven captains and 27 mentors.”

“Where is White Nether Princess?”

This time, Alice was silent again. At this time, everyone could already see that, although Alice answered some of their questions, there was a measure of her own in Alice’s heart. Generally speaking, I don’t seem to mind speaking out, but when it comes to more secret questions, Alice won’t say anything.

Carma Dovich looked at Alice, her eyes turned slightly…very tricky woman.

Because there is a scale in Alice’s heart, what can be said and what can not be said, it is very clear. What can be said, as long as you ask questions, then Alice will not cover up. But for things that cannot be said, it is estimated that even with torture, it is impossible to get any answers. This is more difficult to deal with than those who pretend to be tough guys and don’t say anything. Because once those people passed the critical point, they would spit out everything in tears.

Really an excellent girl, I don’t know how many people have such qualifications in White Nether Building.

“What is your status at White Nether Building?” Carma Dovich asked.


“Subordinate?” Everyone on the other side didn’t quite understand.

“There are no specific plants. Except for the tasks specifically assigned by White Nether Building, other time is free and you can do whatever you want.” Alice explained. In this way, other people also understand that subordination seems to be an idle job.

“What is your powers?”

“Spiritual gathering!”

“Can you demonstrate it.” Carma Dovich asked again.

Alice looked at Carma Dovich, but didn’t say anything. However, the others cast surprised glances at Alice. No, is it?

Alice didn’t understand what they were thinking, just put her hand on the ground.

Spiritual gathering? ? puppet!

The cracking sound sounded, but it was different from the cracking sound. The original neat ground seemed to move on its own, gradually shrinking and bulging toward the inside, and then climbing up a stone man more than one meter high. After the stone man appeared, he staggered behind Alice.

Oh, summoner!

Everyone on the other side said this in their hearts, and this scene was so familiar in everyone’s hearts. Regardless of the magical work or the game, there will basically be such a profession, which belongs to the summoning system, recruit some pet meat shields, and then attack the enemy, while hiding behind. This profession cannot be said to be bad, but generally speaking, the summoner himself does not have much power.

Carma Dovich felt the same way at first, but soon shook his head in his heart.


If it is really a summoning system, White Nether Building will not give this kind of powers this name. There is also the subordinate identity, which on the surface seems to be the identity of an idler. But if you think about it carefully, although the right of free activity does not have any clear status, there should not be many people who can enjoy this right in White Nether Building. Carma Dovich thinking this way, couldn’t help but look at the stone man seriously-most Top Level Consciousness knows powers.

After perceiving this seriously, Carma Dovich immediately discovered the clues.

This is life?

Although the aura on this stone puppet is very weak, there is no doubt that this stone puppet has become a life and possesses its own aura of life.

Spiritual gathering, spirituality, SoulCarma Dovich thought of something, and suddenly opened his mouth in his heart.

I just said that for people who can still walk outside at this time, absolute is not that simple.

“Are you interested in becoming my subordinate.” Suddenly, Carma Dovich asked.

The words of Carma Dovich immediately made everyone’s heart jump… as expected. In fact, just now, when Carma Dovich asked Alice to demonstrate powers, they were already aware of it. Because when Carma Dovich approached them, they also asked them to show their powers seriously, and then they were selected as subordinates by Carma Dovich. However, what they don’t understand is, is Alice’s powers really so good? Even if some puppets can be summoned, for Expert, the fragility of the body is not a huge fatal injury.

Others did not understand why Carma Dovich values ​​Alice so much, and Alice’s heart jumped.

Does he understand!

“I’m from White Nether Building.”

“That’s not a problem. White Nether Building is just a faction. You can choose why the faction is effective. Moreover, it is estimated that White Nether Building will no longer exist after this battle.” Carma Dovich said with a gentle smile. The qualities that Alice showed before, and the powers, which is comparable to life endowed to Laws, immediately made Carma Dovich happy.

“Sorry!” Alice shook her head.

“You can think about it.” Carma Dovich saw Alice refuse, and didn’t immediately raise an issue. If Alice was really so easy to take refuge in him, maybe he would not be relieved. “So, come here today, you will repair the damage yourself, sum up and sort out the gains from the previous battle. The genuine battle will be soon.”

“By the way, I don’t have much patience.” After speaking to the others, Carma Dovich looked at Alice.

After speaking, Carma Dovich left this place.

The others glanced at Alice, and then walked out too, preparing to repair their injuries. With the Devil Algae gene stock solution, although they don’t have the horrible speeding regeneration powers of Carma Dovich, as long as they absorb a lot of nutrients, it is not a problem to repair the damage quickly. As long as Undying, you can recover even if you break your hands or feet.

After these people left, Alice was also taken down, put on a restraint ring to limit her strength, and then closed.

Alice understands what the last sentence of Carma Dovich means. Now everyone is racing against time. Carma Dovich didn’t have so much time and patience to persuade her to surrender. It is estimated that the next time Carma Dovich comes back, she will have to face a choice.

So, what should she do?


At this time, when Carma Dovich went out, it was preparing to select several other subordinates. There are 13 drops of Devil Algae gene stock solution he isolated from the body. So far, there are seven subordinates that he has subdued, in addition to the five who appeared on the battlefield before, including the two who just sat in the position.

Now counting Alice’s position, there are eight people, so there are five places left.

Five places!

In the past, Carma Dovich selected Basically, the more precious and rare powers, the better, so the speed of selecting candidates was very slow. But after the previous five people’s battles, Carma Dovich felt that their thinking might have gone wrong. powers is precious and rare is a good advantage, but if the opponent just restrains or ignores this powers, then they will not have much use.

For example, Serami before. Seramy’s sinful desire is really a very powerful powers. When he perfected his own powers in the world before, Seramy really had no rivals. But this time, when facing Randolph, he was completely powerless.

Randolph didn’t know what method to use, ignoring this attack, Selami immediately lost the means of fighting. It was not that she could not fight, but after powers was restrained, she lost the fighting power that could determine the outcome. In contrast, if it were the most common flame frost, it might not be the case.

Yes, if it is other common powers, flame, frost, thunder and lightning, even if they are restrained, then relying on their already perfect Evolution background, they can completely use their mighty power to forcibly crush their opponents.

That’s why Carma Dovich felt that his thinking had gone wrong. In the past, he blindly pursued the rare powers, but seemed to have gone to extremes.

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