Era of Disaster Chapter 595: Reward for the winner

Binging Stage, it’s started. When they saw the scene in front of them, everyone felt extremely emotional. Because at this stage, everyone has lost too much, and Specialization has lost too much. After feeling infinitely in my heart, all the people who fell into the illusion immediately started their actions.

“Where are you going?” Leopold couldn’t help asking when he saw Bakuru walking towards a car.

“I’m going to Hawera.” Bakuru Big Bear said dullly.

“What are you going to do in that place?”

“My family is in that place, I’m going to save them.” Bakuru Big Bear said, walking towards the car, wanting to know if this thing can drive.

“Idiot? You, this is an illusion, do you know that illusion, do you really think you have gone back to the past.” Leopold suddenly stopped. Indeed, many people have deep regrets at this stage, but after all, this is only an Illusion Art world. What is the use of Bakuru even if he rescues his relatives in this world.

“No, we can leave this place to try.” Basil Garman, holding a set of Tarot cards he just purchased, flipped it casually, seemingly casually said.

“This is an illusion, we all know it. Surviving is the first point, but just living is not enough. What we ultimately need is how to break this place. Otherwise, even if we survive, we may not be able to get rid of Bai Yi. Illusion Art. And now, we probably have two choices.” Basil Garman said slowly, and the other two couldn’t help but listen to his narration seriously.

“Which two?”

“The first one, to get closer to Bai Yi.” Basil Garman drew a card and placed it in front of him.

“That’s too dangerous.”

“The danger is certain, but the opportunity is relatively greater.” Basil Garman was noncommittal. “The second option is to leave here. This place is Hamilton, and Hawera, where Bakuru is going, is far from here. We can just see if this world is really flawless and completely becomes another reality. If not, maybe the farther we are from Bai Yi, the greater our chance of breaking through the illusion.” Basil Garman put down a card again, and then looked at the two.

Bakulu and Leopold both thought about it a little, and then said: “The second one!”

Expert, which was originally outside, was involved in Bai Yi‘s Illusion Art and appeared in this space. When I first came in, many people were scattered, but these people were not ordinary people after all, so I quickly found one or two teammates. At this time, it is obviously better to act together than alone. In this small team of three, Basil Garman quickly became the interim captain.


Jerome looked at Bai Yi and a loli not far away, and was slightly surprised. As a member of the United Nations, he had carefully checked the information of Bai Yi, so they knew that Bai Yi they started from this place. However, he never expected that he would meet Bai Yi so soon. And now Bai Yi seems to have become ordinary people just like them, without the kind of power afterwards. There is no doubt that people who enter here feel that if they die in this world, maybe they are really dead.

But what if it is Bai Yi?

If Bai Yi died in this world, it would certainly not really die. After all, he is the master of this world. But what about the Illusion Art world? If Bai Yi is dead, will Illusion Art be released directly?

Jerome looked at Bai Yi and Momo from a distance, and couldn’t decide easily. But in the end, he still intends to follow the vicinity of Bai Yi. If there is a chance, maybe kill this powerless Bai Yi and you can return to the real world.


With a group of Expert with original memories, it is destined that the New Zealand in the fantasy world will not follow the previous track development. At first, this group of people seemed very sober, but when the things experienced in this Illusion Art world became more, many people’s self conscient began to become blurred, and it was no longer possible to distinguish which is true and which is false. Up. This is not something they can be on guard if they want to be on guard.

Bad Soul Butterfly!

If you just bring people into a Illusion Art world, it would be too weak. Although everyone seemed to stay awake at the beginning, as time passed. Their sanity, their conscient, seemed to gradually sink in this world.

Nothing bad, really, at first all of them had a great fear of the world, after all, this stage is really chaotic and cruel. But when genuine re-experienced, all the talents found that there seemed nothing to be afraid of. With the memories of decades of future generations, knowing those detailed power systems, and powerful combat instincts, they now seem to have been reborn and left open.

That cruel world, that rough experience, how can this world be so comfortable now. To others, the cruel world is like a playground for them.

As they gradually indulged in this feeling, they also seemed to become vague about the past of the previous world.

At this time, Bai Yi and Hong Qihua are also moving forward according to a predetermined trajectory. Now the conscient at the beginning of this Hong Qihua has been very stable, watching those experiences like a bystander. But as the power of the Bane Soul Butterfly gradually attracted, she also sank into this world like everyone else. Even if it was Wuhua beside her, it was impossible to continue to wake her up. Because Wuhua is only an artifact after all, and does not possess her own conscient, as long as Hong Qihua does not use Wuhua’s power, then she cannot wake up.

Not only Hong Qihua, Bai Yi also sank into this experience. The experience during this period is roughly the same as before, but slightly different. Because New Zealand has a few different guys, and this time, in the research institute, there is one more enemy, Jerome who has been following Bai Yi.

At this time, Jerome seemed to have forgotten his original identity and purpose, but felt that he should kill Bai Yi.

The battle in the research institute seems to be more cruel than before.

It seems to have returned to the situation that day, Bai Yi grabbed the straight knife, borrowed force on Jerome’s arm, vacated again, and jumped directly to the ceiling more than ten meters high. With both legs on the ceiling, Bai Yi exerted fierce force, carrying the force of gravity and downward thrust, and the straight slashing knife rotated and inserted into Jerome’s head. At this time, Hong Qihua also just slipped across the ground below, and a long knife turned and rolled and slashed to another Bentham fiercely.

Although it doesn’t seem to have the memories afterwards like others, but the battle instincts accumulated for a long time cannot be forgotten. Therefore, both Bai Yi and Hong Qihua are getting stronger at this stage. However, the enemy has one more Jerome, and Bai Yi the enemy they face is also more dangerous.

It seems that it has reached the most critical point again.


The battle goes on…can’t fall here!

At this time, Woolf and others are fighting desperately for the chance to survive. Blood splattered throughout the research institute, and fierce fighting spirit permeated. When Bai Yi discovered that Yu Han wanted to leave the gate of the institute, it seemed to have awakened something in the memory, and suddenly felt instinctively: Cannot let Yu Han leave like this, otherwise something very regrettable will happen, absolute!

Bai Yi turned around instantly, no matter what, Jerome directly tore off his left arm, but Bai Yi caught up with Yu Han. At this time, the blood of Bai Yi‘s whole body was completely boiling, and the astonishing fighting intent on his body was directly transformed into strength, and the straight slashing knife was slashed from the air with astonishing power.

Yu Han looked at Bai Yi‘s non-stop attitude if he didn’t kill him, and knew that he had no way out. Between him and Bai Yi, one must die here. Pushed up with the tortoise shield of the arm, and at the same time the giant snake on the arm of Yu Han also bit at Bai Yi in an instant.


Bai Yi and Yu Han both shouted frantically in their hearts, and then in the next moment, the two smashed into each other fiercely.

Bai Yi!” Hong Qihua stretched out his right hand and exclaimed.

Following this eager call, the obscure things in Hong Qihua‘s eyes kept flashing. Some things seemed to be covered up, and it seemed that some things were drawn out. It was very important. This feeling makes Hong Qihua seem to be completely blind to the surrounding battle. Re-experiencing a similar trajectory, at the last moment, the intense tension and worry, the sleeping memory, finally couldn’t help but want to surface.

At this time, the voices of people around, Woolf, Sharpei, Momo, Mavis, etc. seemed to gradually fade away, and the breath of Hong Qihua gradually began to Specialization.

Suddenly, Hong Qihua‘s eyes condensed, then rushed out in an instant, and then inserted into the battle between Bai Yi and Yu Han in an instant.

With a chuckle, the long knife passed directly through the front of the chest, and then the sharp tip of the knife was exposed from behind.

The whole world seems to be completely frozen at this moment. Whether it’s Woolf or the enemies around, they all looked at with a look of consternation. However, their consternation expression has gradually faded with their shadows, leaving only the center. Bai Yi and Hong Qihua.

Hong Qihua pushed the long knife with both hands, supporting the weight of Bai Yi, a calmness gradually emerged in his eyes, suppressing another memory that was about to emerge again.

Bai Yi showed a miserable smile, as if his body had lost weight, pressing on Hong Qihua‘s body, blood continuously flowed out of Bai Yi‘s heart. What a pity, Bai Yi‘s right hand slowly lifted up, and then stroked it down from Hong Qihua‘s cheek. The blood on the fingers left bright red marks on Hong Qihua‘s face.

“To…the winner, reward!”

Bai Yi‘s mouth slowly shed blood, and then slowly approached Hong Qihua. Bai Yi got close to Hong Qihua, and then kissed it gently. It seemed that the kiss had arrived, and it seemed that the difference was a little bit different. Suddenly, Bai Yi‘s body completely lost its weight and completely pressed against Hong Qihua‘s body.

At this time, Hong Qihua‘s eyes were extremely cold, but there seemed to be a little more confusion inside. This confusion is not a memory of Hong Qihua before, as if it was only now. Hong Qihua looked at Bai Yi, which had completely lost its breath of life, and seemed to be able to feel the touch of the interlaced lips at that moment.

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