Era of Disaster Chapter 577: Seed core

Watching Bai Yi walked out unharmed, Zhou Shengmu’s embodiment giant immediately grasped the epee, and then slightly moved his body to maintain absolute‘s alert. Even if the strength of Bai Yi had been estimated for a long time, Zhou Sheng only felt a huge pressure when genuine faced it. The Capability bomb just now has consumed a lot of his Capability, but he didn’t expect that Bai Yi was unscathed.


The initial composition of a life: Soul, conscient. With the continuous life of Evolution, on top of these three, Absolute Life Field, Life Field, Consciousness are derived, in addition to this, there is also the insight of Laws. And now, lfforcefield is obviously based on the most basic life essence, a higher level of Evolution.


Zhou Sheng didn’t have time to think more, because at this time, Bai Yi had already cracked his smile, and then disappeared instantly.

Ghost flash step!

Completely manipulation air, forming a fast movement without resistance, which is impossible to catch with the naked eye. Only Life Field can keep up with the movements of Bai Yi. But Life Field can keep up, it doesn’t mean the body can keep up.

Zhou Sheng moved at the same time when Bai Yi disappeared, and his huge body brought a huge Capability flow. The huge epee is just like an genuine God spirit weapon, easily creating a huge damage. It’s just that, whether it’s in Zhou Sheng’s own eyes or in the eyes of outsiders, it just seems to be useless. Because no matter where you look from it, Zhou Sheng can’t catch up with Bai Yi‘s movements.

In the astonishing attack, a afterimage passed through the sky in an instant, and then Bai Yi suddenly appeared on the wood giant’s forehead. If it is not for afterimage, which is slowly disappearing behind Bai Yi, I am afraid that some people will think that Bai Yi itself is in this position.

Through the giant’s eyes, Zhou Sheng saw the cracked smile on Bai Yi‘s face, silent, but with a shuddering chill.

Through?? Bee sting!

The Bai Yi‘s long knife was aimed at the bottom, and then it pierced out instantly. Zhou Sheng didn’t see the movement of Bai Yi himself, but only saw the posture of the long sword slowly retracting. In the ear-splitting sound of fighting, there was a chuckle and a penetrating sound completely inconspicuous. The original oppression amazing wooden giant suddenly stopped, and his whole body fell heavily towards the back.

However, the giant embodiment, which was about to fall, suddenly stopped, as if trying to hold it forcibly.

When he fell down, both the giant’s left hand and Aoki Dragon attacked Bai Yi. However, it is obvious that Bai Yi had anticipated this situation a long time ago. The wood series Capability is really amazing to restore powers. I did not expect that the core body has such potential. The bee sting just now has clearly penetrated the most central body. If it is not for strong restorative properties, then it should be…

Bai Yi completely ignored Zhou Sheng’s attack, and slashed the epee heavily on Bai Yi‘s back, but at this time, a subtle manipulation spiral bullet in the left hand of Bai Yi was also heavily pressed on the brow of the wood giant.

The strong impact instantly erupted from the head of the wood-like giant, and the epee slashed heavily on the three ten-star beads on the back of Bai Yi. Then from Bai Yi‘s hands, the giant’s forehead suddenly heard a click, and Began to smash quickly.

Go down!

Bai Yi‘s small body carried a powerful impact, and pressed the huge wooden hundreds of meters high against the ground. From under the left hand of Bai Yi, a more powerful impact than the previous Capability bomb exploded instantly, and everything around was crazily torn apart in this impact, and then ground into powder. And that huge giant was also in the eyes of everyone, constantly crashing from the head, then disappearing, and finally being completely submerged in the huge impact.

However, at this time, Bai Yi‘s actions did not stop, but instead condensed a spiral bullet again, and then the eyes flashed with excitement.

The second shock broke out again, and on the basis of the original, this shock was even more crazy. The surrounding ground all continuously collapsed around Bai Yi, and then swept out towards the surroundings. Just when everyone thought Bai Yi was crazy, a few huge thorn vines suddenly protruded from the ground, and then a huge Capability bullet was also condensed, and it slammed into the Bai Yi spiral bullet.

In the battle in the shock, everyone did not see clearly, but everyone could find that the original shock suddenly doubled again. And within this crazy impact, it seemed that an astonishing battle broke out again, but the people outside couldn’t see clearly.

Suddenly, a circle of dark red ripples broke out in an instant, not only swept away the impact and smoke, but even Bai Yi retreated back for thousands of meters.

When the crazy shock subsided, everyone found that the ground had almost disappeared for hundreds of meters. In a deep depression several kilometers in a radius, a dark red plant was standing in the center, shaking slowly. At this time, most of this plant has been broken, but just this miserable look, everyone can feel the amazing breath of this plant. At this time, the bud in the center of the plant gradually opened to the outside, revealing half of the body from the inside.

“Ha, ha, ha…!” Zhou Sheng’s exposed half of his body gasped heavily, looking at Bai Yi solemnly.

Zhou Sheng appeared, and everyone understood what was going on with this plant. It turns out that this plant is Zhou Sheng’s body. And he turned out to be the plant gene of assimilation, a creature between plants and animals. And it is obvious that Zhou Sheng has not restored his human appearance, or rather, completely abandoned his human appearance. However, this also shocked countless people even more. Before the Bai Yi had already shown the form of the Bane Soul Butterfly, the power was shockingly powerful. And now, this Zhou Sheng has completely abandoned the human appearance. Could it be said that some powerful Capability is hidden in this new form?

“What is it called?” Bai Yi asked suddenly.

Zhou Sheng was stunned for a moment, then realized that Bai Yi was asking him for the name of this body.

“Strain of Charm!” Zhou Sheng hesitated for a moment, and then he answered. Just a name, it didn’t make much sense, and the name was just taken by him, so Zhou Sheng didn’t hide it.

“It’s really a good second form. My second form is called Bane Soul Butterfly.” Bai Yi said, her wings slowly opened. And this is the first time that the outside world has learned the name of the second form of Bai Yi. However, when Bai Yi said the name of the Butterfly, Zhou Sheng suddenly felt a heavier pressure from Bai Yi. Obviously, when Bai Yi asked for the name of his second form, he wanted genuine to kill him completely.

At this time, the body of Bai Yi also gradually changed. Except for the body shape, the other places are basically the same as the second form that appeared before-the evil soul butterfly!

Showing the second form to kill him, is this Bai Yi‘s respect for him?

Zhou Sheng felt that he had suddenly guessed the idea of ​​Bai Yi, but he would rather not have guessed it. Because this means that it will be even more difficult for him to keep his life in the hands of Bai Yi.

Ning Xue!” Without any hesitation, Zhou Sheng suddenly said a person’s name. Because he was later, he was not sure if he still had a chance to speak out.

“What do you mean?”

Ning Xue is not here, don’t you wonder where she is. There is still a certain amount of time, as soon as the time comes, she will die genuine.” Zhou Sheng said immediately. Sure enough, after hearing the news of Ning Xue, Bai Yi stopped immediately. Although he clearly knew that the other party said the whereabouts of Ning Xue at this time, it was basically destined to be a trap.


Bermuda Islands!” At this time, Zhou Sheng didn’t dare to hesitate at all, delaying time or something, even more so. Because the more Bai Yi stays for one point, the more dangerous he becomes.

“The signal was received. It came from Bermuda.” At this time, Yeye/nightly also heard a voice from the pendant in Bai Yi‘s ear. At the same time, Yeye/nightly projected a simple picture in front of Bai Yi. The picture was obviously Ning Xue, and the surrounding environment also happened to be the location of Bermuda.

“It seems that there is no lie!” Bai Yi nodded.

Zhou Sheng breathed a sigh of relief immediately, but when this breath did not fall on his chest, he immediately hung up again, because Bai Yi suddenly looked over here. Worse, even if he told the news of Bai Yi Ning Xue, Bai Yi might not leave immediately, I am afraid he would have to resist the deadliest attack.


The charm of…life recovery?? seed core!

The Bai Yi in the form of the evil soul butterfly stared at Zhou The space around it seemed to become stagnant in an instant. At this time, Zhou Sheng originally wanted to struggle to fight back once, but just after this thought came up, his conscient seemed to disappear completely. At the last moment when conscient was about to disappear, Zhou Sheng did not hesitate to adopt his last life-saving method. At this time, he can only hope that fluke luck, and hope that Bai Yi will leave quickly because of worrying about Ning Xue.

Bai Yi, after a scourge, was still worried, and appeared again in front of Strain of Enchantment, the long sword was fleeting. The plant of charm in the center slowly hung down, and the breath of life gradually passed away. After doing all this, Bai Yi opened its wings in an instant, and then jumped into the sky.


Bai Yi suddenly left the battlefield and was immediately noticed by countless people. The people on the Illuminati Council immediately learned the reason from Yeye/nightly. After knowing it, they can’t say anything. After all, the personal relationship between Bai Yi and Ning Xue is really good, and now on the battlefield, they have already taken advantage.

On the UN side, after Bai Yi left, he breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, the most terrifying guy at the moment has already left, and there is enough confidence in the subsequent counterattack.

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