Era of Disaster Chapter 452: Meet me

Luigi also retired with his own people, and told him not to disclose any related news. Although Luigi was very curious about this matter, he still knew where his focus should be now. He is mainly to stabilize his situation now, as for the rest, let’s put it later.

After two days of deep sleep, Bai Yi woke up again. At this time, Bai Yi‘s spirit was still a bit unwell.

The Visualization Technique of Bai Yi is itself, this is because Momo is visualization originally, which breaks into LV3. However, although many people initially chose themselves as the goal of visualization, few persisted in the end. How should I put it, visualization itself is not ineffective, but the effect is very weak. Although there is no danger, the progress is very slow. Compared with the visualization map in some so-called myths and legends compiled by Wang, it is much slower.

After all, oneself is oneself, no matter how you think, it is too far from the things in myths and legends.

However, although Bai Yi has not fully recovered at this time, it has found that there is a trace of Specialization in its Visualization Technique. From the table above, the Bai Yi of visualization is still Bai Yi, but in essence, Bai Yi feels that Bai Yi has a slight difference, which is very mysterious and cannot be described in words. Bai Yi didn’t know exactly what was going on, but they knew that they did touch something. But before he knew what these things were, he was still at a loss.

“What’s going on outside?” Alodia knew immediately after Bai Yi woke up.

“It was fine outside. Both sides were more restrained and there was no major conflict. However, many people felt the pressure from the adults at that moment, so they were a little curious.” Alodia said.

“If you are curious, it doesn’t matter.” Bai Yi said indifferently. Those people are curious as they are curious, and he doesn’t need to explain anything to others. “Does the meeting between the opposite and the Mafia know where it is?” Bai Yi asked again.

“Inquired, it was the news that Anderben found out.” Alodia said.


“After five days, the other party will negotiate in Rome.” Alodia said.

“Rome!” Bai Yi was surprised.

Rome is the capital of Italy. Even now, there are many people living in it. Obviously, even if the other party is a secret meeting this time, they will not choose a place where there is no one. Bai Yi walked outside while asking about Specialization for these two days. When Bai Yi first came into the hall, a little bit outside suddenly raised his head.

“Oh, Bai Yi, you are awake.” Yeye/nightly raised his hand and said hello.

Yeye/nightly?” Bai Yi said suspiciously.

“It’s me.” Yeye/nightly said excitedly.

Bai Yi thought about it. It has been several days since letting Bellamy come here. If there were no exceptions, they should have arrived. Now that Yeye/nightly is here, it means that Bellamy has also arrived here safely. However, Bai Yi did not expect that a clone of Yeye/nightly would come here, and it could be manipulation from such a distance.

“Nothing happened on the road, right?” Bai Yi asked casually.

“Nothing happened.” Yeye/nightly shook his head. The two of them flew over on a special plane, and in general, it was impossible to be discovered regardless of speed or concealment.

“What about Bellamy?”

“Detoxifying those people and having a fight with a little girl.” Yeye/nightly said in a loli manner that the other party is a little girl, no matter how you look at it, you violated it.

“Little girl?”

“Luigi’s announcement called for outsiders to help detoxify. More than a dozen people applied. Then Luigi asked a few questions to test their skills. Finally, three people were selected. One of them was a girl. , Her name is Donna.” Alodia explained.


“No, a local girl, just called this name. Nineteen years old, the information is complete, she doesn’t look like a liar or a spy. At that time Bellamy just arrived, and originally wanted to directly use the purification Capability to help them To get rid of the toxin, as a result, under the stimulation of that Donna, the two sides bet to see who can get rid of the toxin first.” Alodia explained.

“It’s not two parties, but five people. The other two were selected, and that Seldan.” Yeye/nightly reminded.

“Five Medicine Master games?” Bai Yi smiled.

“Yes, yes, Bellamy is very popular. I vowed to defeat that Donna. Of course, it was Medicine Master to learn it. Bai Yi, you don’t know, that Donna was called aunt Bellamy. At that time, Bellamy was so funny. “Yeye/nightly jumped up and said excitedly.

“Auntie!” Bai Yi‘s face twitched slightly.

“Yeah, isn’t that Donna only nineteen years old, Bellamy is more than twenty years old.” Yeye/nightly looks like this.

Bellamy is indeed in her twenties, after all, she is a bit older than Momo. However, Bellamy has always been innocent in the team, and now after assimilation Activated Cells, aging and growth have become very slow. Plus Bellamy is very petite, so it still looks like a sixteen or seventeen. Usually no one cares about this problem. This time the other party was called an aunt. It is estimated that Bellamy was stimulated…that cat-like character.

“It’s very interesting, why don’t you go?” Bai Yi asked. Isn’t the character of Yeye/nightly very active?

“I want to go, but Bellamy doesn’t allow me to go. What Donna said, she is just a small civilian, and her resources in all aspects are definitely not better than Bellamy. If you lose to Bellamy, it is natural.” Yeye/nightly jumped up . “Damn it, it’s obviously just an excuse. Bellamy is really irritated to not let anyone help. I didn’t intend to help. Actually, I was not allowed to see it.”

Bellamy is afraid that you will not help me.” Alodia said.

“How do you know.” Yeye/nightly looked like he had been guessed.

“Hahahaha.” Bai Yi laughed. I always feel that after these two people, Bellamy and Yeye/nightly, came here, the atmosphere would be much more active.

Bai Yi sat down in the living room and asked about the recent situation of Alodia, Yeye/nightly interrupted from time to time. After hearing about Bellamy and people betting, Bai Yi learned that all the executive officers of the Illuminati Council had arrived. So much time, it’s almost time to arrive, since everyone is here, then there should be no more time wasting.

“Notify them, come here to see me once in the afternoon.” Bai Yi said.

“Yes!” Alodia nodded.

Before the afternoon, Luigi knew the news that Bai Yi had woken up. However, knowing that Bai Yi would meet with other executive officers of the Council of Light in the afternoon, he immediately suppressed the move to discuss the assassination with Bai Yi. Even if you want to negotiate with Bai Yi, it should be after Bai Yi meets other people.

In the afternoon, everyone arrived at Bai Yi soon. After all, it is where Bai Yi lives, so it is quite spacious. Even if there are more than twenty people in the hall, it does not appear crowded.

In the past few days, the person who came first has obviously known each other, and the people who did not know are also looking at each other. They have all heard about this joint summit from their boss. Everyone here is a person elected to serve as the chief executive officer. Since they were elected, they are all quite good. Even if they can’t become CEO, they will be colleagues for a long time in the future, so each other is looking at other people.

When everyone arrived, Bai Yi walked out of it, followed by Alodia and Yeye/nightly.

Alodia is the secretary-general, there is no problem with his status, Yeye/nightly, Bai Yi can’t be kicked off. Bellamy over there has not let Yeye/nightly mess up. If Yeye/nightly is not allowed to participate here, it is estimated that Yeye/nightly will go crazy. Of course, Bai Yi also reminded Yeye/nightly not to be silly at this meeting.

“Sit down as you please. Seating doesn’t mean anything.” Bai Yi walked in and sat down in a position before saying.

The others looked at Bai Yi and then all sat down again. Alodia continues to stand behind Bai Yi sideways.

“I am Bai Yi, the chairman of the Illuminati Council. I believe that for me, you should have learned a lot from various channels. I won’t talk about the details. Next, let’s introduce yourself, including your name. , Basic powers. You will be colleagues for a long time in the future, so basic understanding is necessary.” Bai Yi said.

While Bai Yi was speaking, other people had been observing Bai Yi and didn’t interrupt randomly. Bai Yi can see that these people are not terribly cold with this Council of Light, and they don’t have much respect for him. Of course, after all, the Illuminati Council has just been established, and they have just joined in.

But it doesn’t matter, this is a necessary process.

Alodia——Secretary of the Bright is Crystallized Capability, the current level is LV3.” Alodia came out first and introduced himself.

After the introduction, Alodia returned. Originally, the next one should be the person closest to Alodia to continue the introduction, but at this time, Yeye/nightly suddenly jumped out.

Yeye/nightly——Light Council…Minister of the Science Department, powers is for the study of intelligent life.” Yeye/nightly was slightly excited and didn’t seem to have thought about it, and finally **** a science department.

Bai Yi knew it was going to happen when they saw Yeye/nightly jump out, but since they have already jumped out, then Bai Yi is not good to continue to pull it back. Fortunately, this introduction is not too outrageous. Although, everyone else didn’t quite understand this Loli Science Minister.

After the two people around Bai Yi introduced themselves, the tall man nearest to the right stood up. “Summerfield-Executive Officer of the Council of Light, my powers is a flame.”

The others were all looking at Summerfield. Obviously they had heard about it. Truman said that his subordinate Summerfield had the ability to become the CEO. However, isn’t the flame very common? It’s even the same as Truman’s powers. Is this powers really strong?

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