Era of Disaster Chapter 440: Phone

“To treat her with all his strength, at least to ensure that she is alive. Although she is not Luigi’s right-hand man, but she is also a powerful subordinate. She is also very important to the other party.” Sabbatino said.

Almost when Sabatino said this, the people below him guessed what Sabatino’s plan was, and used the Marisa as a bait to attract the other party to rescue and set up an ambush.

“However, we can’t guarantee that it will be Bai Yi.” Someone asked a question below.

“This requires our allies.” Sabbatino said.


Obviously, except for a few core members, no one knows who Sabbatino’s allies are. However, Sabatino was obviously not in the mood to explain, he just began to discuss the incident carefully. Setting ambush is not something that can be done with a single word, especially for opponents like Bai Yi. In addition, it is also very important how the news is revealed to show that it was only an accident, not deliberately.

In addition, the choice of place, the steps of the ambush, what weapon to use to carry out a fatal attack on Bai Yi, in addition, if the ambush fails, whether to conduct a second ambush, and how to evacuate.

In short, Bai Yi is a very important opponent.

However, while Sabbatino was planning, he suddenly received a message from above. The above asked him to continue his plan, but the above will negotiate with Bai Yi once. If the result is good, then maybe there is no need to fight. Sabatino didn’t know what his plans were, but although he is now the commander of the Italian Evolution humans, he is still not a core senior.

Negotiating…what is it?


On the second day, not long after Bai Yi and Alodia woke up, Carolina came to look for them again. Carolina’s complexion didn’t look very good, and she knew that she must have not slept all night last night. I want to think about it. In such an important war, I don’t know how many things need to be dealt with. It’s strange to be able to sleep.

Obviously, yesterday’s time was inappropriate. It is estimated that today, Luigi will officially arrange a meeting between Bai Yi and the senior executives of the rights.

It didn’t take long for the two to come outside the meeting room, and then Carolina knocked on the door.

“Please come in!” Luigi’s voice came from inside.

A few people all entered the meeting room, and then Bai Yi and Alodia immediately saw eleven people sitting in the meeting room. When the two of Bai Yi came in, these people immediately set their eyes on the two of them. However, a few of them, especially Palmiro, had a bad attitude towards Bai Yi. Luigi frowned secretly, wondering why Palmiro had always been hostile to Bai Yi and said Bai Yi was very ferocious, as if as long as Bai Yi came here, then the country could not guarantee independence.

“Let me introduce, this is the president of the Council of Light, Bai Yi.”

“This is the secretary general of the council, Alodia.” Luigi stood up and introduced. Although Bai Yi and Alodia have multiple identities, it is obviously the most suitable to use the Bright Council to appear here now.

Everyone who heard the introduction stood up and greeted Bai Yi and Alodia politely. Even Palmiro is no exception. This can be regarded as a basic social etiquette. I won’t say whether we can’t understand each other, but people in the upper class will not lose their basic etiquette in this kind of place.

Bai Yi and Alodia also nodded to these people in return.

“This is the former President of Italy–Palmiro Napolitano.” Luigi pointed to Palmiro and introduced.

Bai Yi understands as soon as I hear it, just like the former Chinese chairman of Ning Xue, he represents the country’s light and the leader of the shady resistance. Although the people on Devil Island are strong, they lack a name. If you forcefully occupy a country, it will look like an aggressor, and it is estimated that ordinary people will not accept it. However, if it is in the name of the former peace ruler, then this kind of war is considered a just war.

Of course, if you take it all at once, you don’t have to worry about resisting, but most people don’t have this kind of strength.

Leave aside whether genuine will be replaced in the future, at least for now, many times we still have to use their image among the people. Of course, Bai Yi knows that on the Chinese side, the former Chinese chairman completely handed over the power to Ning Xue. And his request is that Ning Xue guarantees the peace and reunification of China and treats his grandson well. However, there are still very few people who know the righteousness of the former chairman of China. At least it seems that Palmiro still occupies a very important identity here.

After that, Luigi introduced other people, all of whom are considered to be more important people here. After everyone introduced, Bai Yi and Alodia also sat in their positions.

“I invite you two here this time to discuss what we should do next.” Luigi said.

“With the help of external force, there will be no good results.” Palmiro said dullly. However, Luigi just glanced at the old man, and the other party immediately settled down. Obviously, the quarrel and meeting last night were basically compromised.

“It depends on what your purpose is.” Bai Yi said.

“Our purpose?”

“Yes, we came here to relieve your crisis. If you are only satisfied with Sicily and Corsica, then the crisis has basically been resolved. If your purpose is to clear the shady forces, genuine If we completely re-rule Italy, we still need to work hard.” Bai Yi said.

“Can it really rule Italy again?” Luigi said with some uncertainty.

“Then specific methods and planning are needed.”

Luigi became excited. Originally, in his heart, the Council of Illumination did have some emergency powers, but Luigi never thought that the Council of Illumination could really help them restore the country’s rule completely. However, it seems that this matter is not so difficult in the view of Bai Yi, so Luigi immediately became interested.

What he didn’t know was that Bai Yi itself intends to eliminate the shady forces once and for all, and let people on his side rule. This will not only increase the strength of its own alliance, it is also impossible for Bai Yi to always come to fight the fire. And the final reason, of course, is that Bai Yi wants to eliminate the selfishness of shady forces.

“How many forces are roughly divided into in Italy now?” Bai Yi asked.

“Three parties, here we are, the Italian shady forces, and the Mafia.” Luigi said. “However, the Mafia has no clear place. The other side seems to have no intention of taking the opportunity to rise, and still wants to be an underground organization. However, their influence on the country is indeed gradually increasing.”

“Then, let’s start discussing what to do to restore your rule over Italy.” Bai Yi said.

Luigi nodded hurriedly. In fact, his ambitions don’t stop there, but for now, don’t go too far. Take control of the whole of Italy first, and then develop other things.

After that, a group of people began a careful discussion on this issue. Most people are more excited and motivated, and only a few people feel disapproving. And Bai Yi observed everyone in the conference room and found that Palmiro was also thinking about it, but it seemed very false. But Bai Yi just came here, and it’s not good to point out what happened here, just secretly pay attention.


After discussing the plan, Bai Yi and Alodia returned to the villa. The environment here is good, and Bai Yi is too lazy to change places. It is estimated that during this period, it will become the temporary residence of Bai Yi and Alodia.

Bai Yi took a shower after returning to the villa, but before it was finished, Alodia knocked on the bathroom door.

“What’s the matter?” Bai Yi certainly wouldn’t think that Alodia wanted to attack him.

“With your call, the other party is an Italian genuine senior, a shady force.” Alodia said.

The pupils of Bai Yi in the bathroom suddenly condensed. What’s the matter, this villa was arranged by Carolina only last night, and the other party actually called this place directly. In other words, is the whereabouts of him and Alodia actually under the control of the other party? In other words, in the high-level staff under Luigi, there are actually people from the other side? So, what is the purpose of the other party calling at this time?

Bai Yi thought to himself, still taking a shower without rush, and then put on a bath towel and walked out. Alodia handed the phone to Bai Yi. After Bai Yi picked up the call, he sat on the sofa and greeted the other person.


“’m Veneto de Medici.” The other side didn’t seem to be impatient, so he immediately introduced himself.

“The Medici family? It is rumored that the huge family of genuine ruling Italy has considerable influence in the military and political circles.” Bai Yi said lightly. In fact, Bai Yi still added a sentence in his heart, that is, the core family of Italy’s shady forces. And some other members constitute the shady forces throughout Italy.

“Absolutely praised.”

“So, I don’t know what Mr. Veneto is calling me at this time?”

“We want to know what the purpose of Mister Bai Yi is. If it is not particularly huge, we may be able to satisfy it. Even in Japan, we can recognize your legal rule there.”

“Are we… the United Nations, no, it’s not the shell organization, but the real powers of genuine countries. So, what is your purpose?”


“Hahahahaha!” Bai Yi suddenly laughed loudly.

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