Era of Disaster Chapter 358: Lost

nbsp;As Bai Yi was injured, the attack was greatly reduced. An air shock only shook the surrounding area around, causing a few cracks in the surrounding buildings. m♠Behind the crystal wall of Alodia, Momo scratched Bai Yi, and a few huge black claws appeared on the ground, lingering around Bai Yi‘s body, and grabbing it towards the outside. Bai Yi, who originally wanted to struggle, was immediately bound to the center of the crystal.

Soul bondage!

Although the Soul of Bai Yi could not be caught, it also caused the Soul of Bai Yi to fluctuate, and it was impossible to continue to resist.

At this time, Nancy also came here, holding a silver injection in his hand, in which assimilation contained the antidote of Joyful Union Datura, as well as thick grass dew jīnghua, which can repair the body of Bai Yi. Although it may not cure the root cause, it still has some effect. As for the detailed treatment of Bai Yi, only after Bai Yi calms down.


After the voice of Nancy fell, a small gap appeared in the thick crystal surrounding Bai Yi. Nancy immediately pushed the injection to Bai Yi‘s arm and pierced it. The crystal is very thick, everyone can only see the fuzzy figure of Bai Yi, so no one has noticed. At this time, the eyes of Bai Yi are slowly Specialization, and the rotation of Reverse Flower Eyes gradually stops, but it is even more frightening.

Nancy had just pushed the injection into half of Bai Yi‘s body, and suddenly a huge danger rose from the bottom of my heart. There was almost no hesitation, the three of Nancy dodged towards the outside in an instant, this is the instinct formed by walking on the edge of life and death countless times.

In the next instant, the crystal that originally wrapped Bai Yi was instantly torn apart by countless scrolling wind blades. There is no trace of the invisible wind blade, and the range is not very far, just more than two meters away from the body of Bai Yi, but the tearing force is unimaginably powerful. The hard crystal is in front of the invisible wind blade of Bai Yi, which is as fragile as tofu. With a bang, a group of broken wind blades exploded, cutting through the surrounding buildings, leaving small but extremely deep scratches.

Bai Yi instantly rose from the ground at this moment and flew outside.

“Dad!” Momo yelled nervously, and then quickly caught up. Of course, Nancy and Alodia did not hesitate to catch up.

After a while, the talents of Ning Xue came here and were speechless. The core area of ​​the black market is damage such as Bai Yi, which is basically almost as ruins. Moreover, many people died and the trouble was so big that even after the restoration, it is estimated that this black market will not continue. Obviously things are going well just now, as long as it is not long before the black market can change hands in secret, people outside will never know. As a result, it took less than ten minutes, and the result was completely changed. Now Yan Lilong and the others have not figured out what is going on.

“Report what happened here to Master Ning Xue.” Yan Lilong patted his head and said in annoyance. What a shame, the first mission was such a result. Although it was not his cause, he still felt that he was a failure.


“That’s it, Lord Ning Xue…Yes, yes.” Meng Qin ended the conversation with Ning Xue after a while. After the call, Meng Qin looked at Yanlilong. Yanlilong was next to him just now, so he heard Ning Xue clearly. There was no blame in Ning Xue‘s tone, and there was not much anger, as if he had expected such a thing to happen. Fortunately, although it was miserable by damage here, the high-levels of the black market were basically dead. To some extent, it could be regarded as occupying the black market.


On the other side, Bai Yi and Momo fly very fast and have no obstacles, so Alodia and Nancy are quickly thrown away. The two Nancy were still detouring from the ground at first, and after finding that they could not catch up, Alodia immediately ran up from the outside of the building. Nancy followed Alodia, and the two quickly rushed to the top of the building, and then suddenly found Bai Yi and Momo that were about to fly far away.

As Nancy said, even if Bai Yi is injected with medicine, it needs to vent to relieve the medicine of Joyful Union Datura. And now, only Momo is catching up, which means….

Alodia looked at the two figures in the distance and couldn’t help gritting their teeth.

Suddenly, Alodia grabbed at the railing on the edge of the building, a large piece of railing suddenly shattered, and then Alodia jumped out in an instant—Bukong! Alodia‘s body stepped on in the air, and the air under his feet suddenly swayed, and then continued to chase in the direction where the Bai Yi flew away.

Alodia!” Nancy was in a hurry.

Bukong, using Life Field manipulation, instantly step on the air to form an impulsive step. If you use it in Bai Yi, you can run zìyóu in the air, but other people can’t. At most, they can use this pace to slow down the impact of falling. After all, other people are not like Bai Yi. Life Field itself is manipulation air. Alodia jumped out like this, it is impossible to run far in the air.

Sure enough, after Alodia was in the air for a few steps, although it slowed down, it was still falling towards the ground. But at this time, Alodia suddenly flew out of the fragment of the railing held by the hand. The solid substance is always much stronger than the air. Alodia immediately caught up with the debris when the debris flew out, and then stepped on the debris.

The strong impact force spread from under the feet, and Alodia‘s body was pulled up again, and the fragments under the feet were completely broken. Utilizing this sudden rising power, Alodia took a few steps again and finally landed on the roof of the opposite building. Without hesitation, Alodia jumped out again in this way.

Nancy can’t help but be surprised at this scene, Alodia, manipulation are so good.

Even at the same pace, everyone’s level of mastery is different. Originally, when Alodia entered the team, it didn’t have any characteristics. I didn’t expect it to grow to this level. Nancy smiled, really, she probably couldn’t do it to this degree. However, although there was no confidence in his heart, Nancy still grabbed a piece of debris, and then stepped out.

Although Alodia chased forward in this way, they still lost Bai Yi. When Nancy caught up shortly afterwards, they found Alodia standing on the top of a building, quietly looking at the front.

Bai Yi they……!”

Nancy just wanted to ask Bai Yi where they went, but immediately shut up. Because at this time, Nancy found that Alodia was looking at the dim sky in the distance, tears streaming out silently. Alodia now looks extremely attached, but her tears can’t stop. At this time, Nancy realized that Alodia looked very pitiful. The torn clothes draped over her body, completely unable to cover Alodia‘s slightly trembling body.

“Don’t be sad, don’t be sad.” Nancy hugged Alodia slightly and comforted.

Nancy‘s comfort seemed to have completely broken through the last line of defense in Alodia‘s heart, and Alodia suddenly cried out with great sadness. The kind of stubborn desire to hold back the tears, but no matter how can’t hold it, makes people feel extremely distressed. Alodia seems to have felt it, this time it did not catch up with Bai Yi, then in the future, it will lose the opportunity forever.

At this time, Nancy found that Alodia‘s left leg twitched slightly, and blood slowly dripped on the ground. Nancy suddenly squatted down and looked nervously, only to find that the front side of Nancy‘s left leg was pulled open with a wound, which was very serious. Thinking of the crack in the top of a building before coming here, Nancy suddenly understood what was going on. No wonder Alodia will stop here, no wonder Alodia will cry so silently.


At this time, after running for a while, Bai Yi gradually slowed down. It temporarily entered LV4 and broke through the restraints, but Bai Yi also instinctively felt that if it stayed in that place, it would still be caught. Because he has no powers that broke out again, Bai Yi will escape in an instant.

After escaping, Bai Yi flew for so long, and the medicine of Nancy injection has gradually begun to take effect.

Bai Yi‘s self-hypnosis killing slowly disappeared, and conscient began to gradually recover, even the Joyful Union Datura stimulation of yùwang has weakened a lot. However, although it weakened, but was suppressed by the killing before, now Bai Yi feels as if they are all stirred in their heart, not strong, but deep into the bones. At this time, Bai Yi has gradually recovered sober, but this feeling makes Bai Yi more and more unbearable.

“Dad!” After the Bai Yi speed dropped, Momo had already caught up.

Bai Yi turned around after hearing the eyes of Momo were filled with incomparable yù. Bai Yi clearly knows that this feeling is wrong, but it cannot suppress the influence of Joyful Union Datura. At this time, Momo was slightly shuddered by the hot eyes of Bai Yi, thinking of what Nancy said about Bai Yi that must be vented, as if something in the heart had been moved, Momo suddenly appeared shy, and the heart thumped and thumped. Up.

“If it’s Dad…!”

“What stupid thing to say, don’t leave soon.” Bai Yi was stimulated by Momo‘s father, what he was thinking about.

“I’m serious….”

Suddenly, Bai Yi and Momo turned their heads to the left at the same time. At this time, from the left side, a figure suddenly flew up, and then lightly landed on the edge of the building. After this person looked at Bai Yi and Momo, he was a little surprised. At this time, Bai Yi and Momo can’t be described as stunned, because the woman who flew up on the opposite side was clearly Hong Qihua.

“Excuse me, do we know each other before.” Hong Qihua looked at the two of Bai Yi and Momo, always feeling a strange familiarity.

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