Era of Disaster Chapter 304: The opening battle (eight)

The truth, what is it?

After seeing scene in the screen, countless people began to inquire. However, with the exception of a few people of good standing, ordinary people outside have lived in a muddle-headed illusion for more than ten years. How can they know the so-called truth at this time? After asking, everyone found that almost no one knew what the so-called truth was, and it was precisely because of this feeling of being deceived that countless ordinary people felt extremely angry.

However, for more people, the truth is not worth caring about. For more than ten years, they knew that Specialization hadn’t happened much in their lives. Those so-called truths were too far away from them. As long as it is not directly related to him, whether he is fighting for justice or calculating evil, it has little to do with them. What they care about now is the powerful power displayed by those people.

Yes, powerful force!

The power to stir the sky and tear the earth!

Just as Bai Yi originally thought, most people don’t care about the truth at all, only the power they have in Bai Yi. When this power is not in the fantasy and has become within reach, most people cannot bear it. At this time, countless inquiries have appeared on the Internet, and they want to know how to obtain such a powerful force.


The genuine battle has progressed a bit faster than the outside world knows. When the outside world first saw the genuine battle, the Qatar battle had already entered a fierce battle. Because I had made a plan a long time ago, taking advantage of the buffer at the beginning of the battle to let the other party tell the truth, so the initial battle was relaxed and there was still something to say from time to time. But in the back, after genuine started to fight, there was not so much kung fu chirping nonsense. Go all out, both sides want to be the victor on the battlefield, and the result of the loser is death!

Momo summoned five fierce beasts, then stood on the moxibustion bird’s head and looked at the five people on the opposite side.

The five people on the opposite side had already mentioned their minds when the five beasts first appeared. This is the fierce beast of Devil Island, the creature that started Evolution with all Evolution humans. It would be a big mistake to think of these guys as animals that have no wisdom and can only be killed. These guys who survived through natural screening and then entered lv3 together are all extremely powerful.


In a simple word, Momo took a step back, and the five fierce beasts immediately rushed toward each other fiercely.

Devil Great Snake, this guy is the kind of scary guy they met at Bai Yi in the first place. Originally, these guys were very rare. Now, it is estimated that there are less than three heads on the entire Devil Island. Moreover, after Specialization, even Devil Great Snake is completely different. They didn’t choose any special Bai Yi either. Rather, they were lucky to find one.

As soon as it appeared, Devil Great Snake dived into the ground, and then began to approach the opposite side quickly.

“Careful!” Bazer said, in fact, everyone’s spirits were raised without reminding.

There was a bang. As soon as Bazer‘s voice fell, a huge crack appeared on the ground, and then burst open, and a huge head was bitten fiercely from the ground. Several people were shocked. It was too fast. Devil Great Snake just got into the ground, so why did it get right below them. However, despite their astonishment, the five of them evaded outside one after another.

This time, because of the previous orders, the five people chose the same direction relatively tacitly.

The snake swallows!

But, in the next instant, the five almost wanted to curse. I thought it avoided the big mouth of Devil Great Snake, but suddenly, Devil Great Snake aimed at this side with a crazy inhalation. In an instant, the originally bursting rocks, mud, and various building debris all flew upside down, towards The big mouth that looked like a bottomless pit flew back. The five talents had just jumped in the air, they were suddenly attracted by the attraction, and then suddenly flew back. This attraction, absolute is not an influx of air, but like forcefield, which makes it impossible to escape.

My grass!

The five people looked at the big mouth that was approaching quickly, and they scolded in unison. No one thinks it would be a good thing to fall there. The idea of ​​getting into the stomach and attacking Devil Great Snake from the inside, let’s forget it, looking at the Devil Great Snake which is several meters long and full of fangs, they don’t know if it is the big mouth or the part of the mill, they lost it. The courage to take risks.

Big Warping!

Bahleton was torn frantically. forcefield was suddenly torn and deflected suddenly. The swallowing attraction of Devil Great Snake fluctuated suddenly. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the five immediately jumped out again, and then quickly dispersed. At this moment, the other four fierce beasts also pressed over, and several people looked at each other helplessly, and then took a deep breath.

“I’ll deal with this guy!” Bachl looked at Devil Great Snake over there. That kind of suction is like forcefield. I am afraid that except him, no one else can handle it.

“Then I will deal with the sky.” Jermaine said in his mouth, and he quickly met the moxibustion bird in the sky. While still running, the black decayed Capability surged out, and then under Jermaine’s manipulation, it rose wildly into the sky. At this time, Moxibustion Bird also took a deep breath from the air, and then spouted a madly flame toward the bottom. With a pop, the blazing high temperature instantly swept around, everyone around was taken aback, it was so hot!

The flame of this moxibustion bird is at least two to three thousand degrees Celsius, which has reached the temperature of magma. Sure enough, in the next instant, the rocks struck by this flame began to melt. Even if I knew that Devil Island creatures could not be so simple, but the five people were shocked. Thinking of the Evolution humans that they usually know about the flames, one or two of them can burst out with a little flame, this group of people feels a little embarrassed.

“Great Erosion!”

Jermaine roared, and the black Capability all over his body rose into the sky, like a gushing black fountain, and instantly collided with the blue-red flames. For an instant, it seemed that the entire sky was divided into two halves by these two colors. Above it was a surging blue-red flame, while below it was the decayed Capability surging like a black cloud.

The other four people all know the horror of Jermaine’s decayed Capability, so they instantly dodge around.

The centipede, which is more than ten meters long, chased Grace towards Grace. The woman was running at high speed in the ruins when she suddenly saw a huge steel bar. This was originally used as a supporting steel column for the Olympic stadium, so it was very large and hard. When running past the steel column, Grace suddenly stepped heavily on the cocked section. With a clang, the steel pillar suddenly turned up and rolled in the air. At this moment, Grace opened her body like a big bow, and her right fist was received behind her.

“Go to hell!”

For an instant, Grace’s originally delicate body showed a completely different rigidity. With a loud clang, Grace’s body was filled with bright white light, and she hit the bottom of the steel column with a punch, and then the huge steel column slammed into the Centipede at high speed.

The steel pillar was about the same size as the Centipede Centipede, and with Grace’s punch, it hit the Centipede Centipede heavily. However, not only did the Centipede not evade at this time, but instead climbed directly toward the steel pillar, and then the whole body was instantly closed like a hooked sword. The black metal light flashed on the hook foot, countless bangs and clicks came, and the steel column was cut into dozens of segments.

The centipede, metal manipulation, but this guy is not very good at long-range manipulation. He drills underground every day, and all the metals he eats are transformed into a kind of bio-alloy, which is all used to strengthen his body. .

Even though the Centipede had cut the steel pillar, it was knocked down and flew out by the powerful force. After a steady state, it chased Grace again.

Glaettis saw the steel column cut off scene, and she couldn’t help feeling bitter. Her Capability actually protects powers very well. So she thought that as long as she pays attention to the toxins of the centipede, she can just hit the big centipede directly. But at this time, looking at the claws of the Centipede, as long as the head is not broken, I probably don’t want to be caught by that thing.

The toxicity of Centipede is not much Specialization, which is similar to ordinary centipede, and has no effect on Evolution humans. After all, each of Evolution biology’s strengthening directions are basically different. For example, Centipede is not good at toxins, but the flying winged poisonous scorpion over there is just poison Attribute subjugation. As soon as it appeared, there was a fishy smell around the poisonous scorpion, which was poisonous.

Bazer took the initiative to greet him when he saw the guy appear. Fortunately, he has also seen the information about the flying winged poisonous scorpion. As long as he fights this guy, the surrounding air cannot breathe. It is really troublesome for other people to deal with it. However, if he is in a static field, just end the battle quickly It can still prevent toxins from invading.

And the last Two-Tailed Lynx left is towards Salinger. This Two-Tailed Lynx can be said to be the most normal looking beast~ The body is not very big, only more than two meters long, and the body is very smooth and vigorous. The two tails are gently shaken. The hair flicked gently like a flame.

However, Salinger on the opposite side didn’t care about it at all. Guess it, how could Momo recruit ordinary creatures.

Flash step!

Two-Tailed Lynx‘s body that was walking slowly disappeared instantly, and appeared directly in front of Salinger almost at the same time. A claw blade tore, the invisible wind blade cut out in an instant, and Salinger was knocked into flight in an instant, and there was a cracking sound in front of him. Fortunately, the mental barrier was prepared long ago. As soon as Salinger thought of this, he suddenly found that the opposite Two-Tailed Lynx disappeared again. Directly caught up with his flying body.

Claw blade!

There was another huge impact from behind Salinger, and before he fell to the ground, he flew out again. At this time, Two-Tailed Lynx has disappeared from the place.

Yes, Bai Yi and their flash steps are actually learned from Two-Tailed Lynx. This guy’s flash steps are used by genuine instinctively. Once the Two-Tailed Lynx attack started, it almost seemed to be teleporting, and the action was surprisingly fast.

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