Era of Disaster Chapter 1264: Kill you, I will

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On the other side, Jinjira is different from Raymond. After discovering the hidden person, he took the initiative. “,

The demon cry!

The stern cat cry made everyone feel uncomfortable and wanted to commit suicide.

It’s just that Jinjira stopped quickly because, on the opposite side, Jinjira saw a familiar figure-Dongxiangyu. At that time, when White Nether Building was not yet reborn, Jinjira delivered the restaurant he opened. Not only did Jinjira recognize it, but even the Xiu Bing recognized it. Because it was at that time that Xiu Bing went from being a noble star ring master to being squeezed and squeezed by Jin Jila.

“Winter Fragrant Jade!” Jin Jira spoke slowly.

“Boss.” Dongxiangyu who was opposite also spoke, still respecting.

Jingila looked at Dongxiangyu quietly. After so many years, Jin Jila became more and more simple after returning to White Nether Building. But Dongxiangyu seemed to be more and more accustomed to the secular world, and it seemed more enchanting. However, at this time, Dongxiangyu appeared here, and appeared as a member of Papua, which really surprised Jin Jira. Reminiscent of the existence of the Seven Religions behind the scenes, Jinjila’s eyes became deeper.

“You are here, it means, are you going to be my enemy?” Jinjira said.

“To be precise, it’s White Nether Building behind the boss. I still respect the boss.” Dong Xiangyu said.

“Hehehehe.” Jinjila laughed softly, and her breath became coquettish and enchanting. It seemed that she had gradually changed back to the proprietress who opened a restaurant in an unknown town.

“It’s going to die.” After smiling, Jin Jira said lightly.

“The lady boss herself, please be careful.” Dong Xiangyu gently raised her hand.

The expression on Jin Jira’s face was faint. After a brief exchange, Jin Jira had confirmed that Dongxiangyu did not seem to be manipulation. However, appearing here at this time cannot be described as accidental. Of course, if she didn’t know the existence of the Seven Sects, maybe she would really treat it as accidental. Are you careful? Are you a casual response based on previous respect, or a reminder to me.

No, it doesn’t matter anymore!

I came here to die.

Jingila suddenly disappeared after a ghost flash step. It was not a surprising move, but it was very familiar. It was just like Jinjira taught the staff in the restaurant at that time. The Dongxiangyu on the opposite side was obviously the same, also without any special means, the battle between the two was like a drill.

Xiubing calmly watched the battle between the two from behind. Of course, in fact, the two weren’t fighting at all.

While watching, Xiu Bing was thinking calmly.

As the deputy captain of White Nether Building, no matter what Xiubing’s previous status was, since he became the deputy captain, it shows the trust of White Nether Building. Therefore, Xiubing also knows the Seven Religions. Of course, Xiu Bing was shocked for a long time when he was told the news. Because in his heart, he was always separated from White Nether Building. However, perhaps it is precisely because of this trust that the repair soldiers are now completely free of barriers.

At this time, Xiubing was thinking carefully about the current situation. It seems that the beginning of Specialization will appear in this Dongxiangyu, so what exactly is it?

After a short fight, there was a crackle and the two swung apart at the same time.

Standing quietly, Jin Jira and Dong Xiangyu were a little silent, because they both knew that the next battle would not be this kind of nostalgic drill.

Jingila opened her palm and gently moved it, and the sharp cat’s claw slowly stretched out from the fingertips. Then, Jinjila’s eyes gradually became cold.

The Dongxiangyu on the opposite side seemed to know something, and stretched out his right hand. Dongxiangyu actually doesn’t know anything, but she has a vague feeling. Today, she is estimated to die here, in Jin Jira’s hands. She didn’t know exactly why, maybe it was the kind of subtle induction after experiencing countless mortals, she didn’t know anything, but she also had this kind of induction.

The next moment, the two intertwined.

Only this time, it is completely different from the previous battle, genuine, the battle of life and death. Moreover, that Dongxiangyu, which was originally only a small Expert among ordinary people, actually possessed almost the same level of power as Jingila.

The surrounding air was swept away by the fighting between the two, swaying outward like a spiral.

Fighting, aura!

After this aura broke out, other people outside the armistice were also involved. This is not simply a battle between two people, but a more massive and cruel battle.

Even the leader of Papua, Frida also appeared on the battlefield.

Height of one meter four, but still bumpy, as if it was only reduced by one size. And beside Frida, is the guardian beast known as the highest spirituality, Didou. Since the time of the Broken Age, Frida has rarely taken shots, but no one has ever dared to underestimate her. This is not only the identity of the seven leaders of the humanoid race, but her powers is indeed so mysterious.

Actually, the seven teachers outside didn’t know that if Frida really did it, maybe they wouldn’t need their power at all to leave Jinjira behind. No, if you don’t count the gap of the meditation, you can keep Jin Jira one hundred percent. Although Jinjira was ranked as one of the captains of White Nether Building, in White Nether Building, he was only a junior. Frida, is the kind of person who usually doesn’t show up, but genuine‘s shot will surprise you.

So, let’s get started.

Holding the respect for the saint Xiaoyu, and the resent for White Nether Building, Jin Jira stayed here completely. (Frida’s face is extremely cold, but there is a mischievous smile in her heart)

Frida suddenly jumped down from the sky, and the soldiers below immediately greeted her. During the period of White Nether Building, Xiu Bing has completely integrated the previous strength, has become more precipitation, and the strength is also very high.

The fleshy armor?? Demon sickle!

Even the fleshy armor, Specialization occurred under the influence of the power of White Nether Building. It is no longer a pure external force, but has become the strength of the soldiers themselves. Originally, the Top Level fleshy armor of the East Star Territory had the strength of lv5. At this time, of course, the power of repairing soldiers was not much better. Otherwise, simply because of Jinjila’s recommendation, there is no strength to be the deputy captain of White Nether Building.

“Young man, did you only learn this strength after entering White Nether Building.” It was almost a coincidence. The two crossed over, and Frida stood on a demon sickle behind Xiubing . The petite body was so heavy that Xiu soldiers almost couldn’t stand up, but what surprised Xiu soldiers the most was how Frida got behind him.

The body shakes slightly, and the body of the soldier disappears.

Wind to death!

When the battle started here, the battle between Jin Jira and Dong Xiangyu also became extremely fierce. Without knowing what kind of mood she was in, Jin Jira finally killed Dongxiangyu. Because, by now, Jin Jira almost knew that Dongxiangyu must die.

Unlike her suspended animation, Dongxiangyu must die.

The blood dripped from Dongxiangyu’s chest, and it was contaminated with Jin Jira. At this time, Dong Xiangyu smiled slowly, but with some sadness. Even Jin Jira didn’t know whether this winter fragrant jade really still maintained his complete sanity. Otherwise, why would he still stand here knowing he is about to die.

“I really am not the opponent of the boss.” Dong Xiangyu said, slowly closing her eyes.

There are no more sad images, but the atmosphere is still very sad.

At this time, a group of Charon in the distance was coming quickly. As ordinary Charon, they can’t catch up with Jinjira and Xiubing. This group of Charon just prepared to enter the battlefield, but suddenly one of them changed his face and jumped out of the team and ran towards Jin Jira.

Xiaohe looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.

The one who died in Jinjila’s hands was Dongxiangyu, right? absolute was Dongxiangyu’s sister.

Xiaohe was the little cat who chose to follow Jinjira to the outside. Jinjira became the captain, and Xiaohe also gradually grew into a member of the 11th Charon, although only an ordinary player. At this time, Xiaohe couldn’t believe what he saw. Xiao He looked at Jin Jira, looking forward to Jin Jira’s explanation, but Jin Jira just looked at Xiao He quietly, with extremely calm eyes.

“Return to your own team.”

“Why?” Xiaohe asked excitedly.

“Are you questioning me?” Jinjila looked at Xiaohe with upright pupils.

Before Xiaohe could continue to say anything, the teammates of Xiaohe’s team rushed over immediately, saluted Jinjila, and then forcibly pulled Xiaohe away. What a joke, as a team member, even if Xiaohe was brought into White Nether Building by Jinjila, he is not qualified to question a captain at this time. Of course, White Nether Building is not arbitrary, usually afterwards, you can ask why.

Jingila looked at Dong Xiangyu’s body with sad eyes.

When I left, she left a trace of her strength. It was originally to make Dongxiangyu adapt to the world there better and faster. Unexpectedly, it now became the reason for Dongxiangyu’s death. Taking this strand of power that originally belonged to Jin Jira as a guide, Jin Jira could feel that her other assassin was sealed.

Nine Lives Tmall Soul!

Cats have nine lives. It’s just a legend. Of course ordinary cats don’t. However, Jin Jira, who is a demon cat, has cultivated his nine lives, genuine, through genuine. Originally, this was regarded as Jinjira’s killer feature. Jinjira, who has the nine-life Tmall soul, wanted to kill, and I don’t know how much more work it would But at this time, Jinjira’s power was Was gradually sealed up.

So it is, it is really far-reaching.

Suddenly, Jin Jira pretended to be very surprised, and instantly threw Dong Xiangyu’s body away, and then looked at her right hand. The original blood, as if turned into a curse, continued to wrap around Jin Jira’s body. Because it is based on Jinjira’s power as the source, even Jinjira can’t stop it in a hurry. When trying to distinguish, this curse has been completely completed.

“Damn it, I’m looking for death!” Jinjila’s eyes flashed a bit of cruelty, and her heart became cold.

With a sneer, the tyrannical force directly tore Dongxiangyu’s body to pieces. As Jin Jira’s original subordinate and friend, Dong Xiangyu was already very cruel when killed, and now Jin Jira has completely damage Dong Xiangyu’s body. In this way, the anger and anxiety in Jinjila’s heart were completely expressed. Even the people of the Seven Sects couldn’t help but flash in their hearts after seeing this scene.


This Jin Jira must have discovered that her Nine-Fated Tmall Soul was sealed, so she was so angry.

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