Era of Disaster Chapter 1241: 7 circles

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The saint red jade brushed her right hand, and the surrounding scenery immediately changed, as if changing the sky and the ground, everyone was shocked. Especially those people on the battlefield immediately flew towards the outside, for fear of falling into some terrifying formation. However, this is obviously futile, or in other words, everyone can no longer get out from the moment they step into this area.

A circle of transparent ripples swept across the air, just like the dividing line of the world, in an instant, it became another world. At the moment when this circle of ripples swept across, the world’s Specialization and others flew away like a freeze frame. Whether it was already flying into the air, falling into the ground, or retreating, all stopped immediately.

Yufenghu-Taima did not move at all, lying quietly in the air, the surrounding air flow moved freely and gathered around Taima.

Below the white clouds is a majestic mountain range. Emperor Yuan Yongwu sits on the top of the mountain holding a stick.

On the side of the mountain, there is an endless bamboo sea. Some simple bamboo houses in the bamboo sea look simple and delicate. Zhan Panda-Black Eyes stood in the wide bamboo sea, gently punching a set of punches.

On one side of the bamboo sea, and on the other side of the mountains, there is a swamp beyond sight. It’s obviously a swamp, but it’s not gloomy at all. The calm water swayed rippling circles above the swamp. The swallowing snake swam gently on it, extremely soft and comfortable.

Among the bamboo sea and swamp, the one that occupies one third of the angle of the mountain is a huge insect nest. The special Zerg scenery is very strange. No one found the parasitic emperor-Kajia, but it was clearly inside the Worm Nest.

Outside this vast land, there is a vast ocean of mist. The Kraken-Saana and the Whale-Hai Shari are obviously already in this sea.

As for the humanoid temple, it seems to disappear completely into this sky.

In an instant, the surrounding scenery has completely changed, and everyone who came here fell silent. They didn’t want to act rashly before confirming what exactly this place was. In fact, at this time, many people thought that this place should be an illusion. Only an illusion can completely change the surrounding scene in such a short time. Otherwise, it is really unreasonable.

It’s just that, in some people’s hearts, there was a sudden jump.

The few people who went to the Xigu Star Region together were all startled. Humphries, Bright, Basil Garman, everyone who fell into the formation of Tianxi Zudi at the beginning, must have their own gains. But they didn’t expect Hong Yu to get the array spectrum of the formation. But it seems that something is wrong. It should be only a part of it, and then assimilation has improved it with its own insight and understanding.

Xian Liuluo’s eyes also condensed. This is the great formation of Emperor Tianxi Zudi’s microbial evolution of the universe.

But it’s different!

Although it is different, Xian Liuluo also knows what such a formation means. If it hadn’t been for Tianxi to be tricked into the sealed world, it would be too sudden, absolute would not die so fast. Many people think that the picture that appears now is an illusion, but Xian Liuluo is very clear that everything here is real.

Although it is true, Xian Liuluo did not hesitate at all and waved her right hand.

The subordinates in the Xianli Palace instantly became excited or awe-inspiring, and suddenly flew out. At this time, people in the other directions did not hesitate at all. The two great priests of the Bach star field, as well as the few remaining priests and servants; the negative abyss creature that Fitch carried with him in the abyss; and the close guard of King Quero entered different worlds at almost the same time. What was even more shocking to everyone was that those who originally wanted to hide behind to pick up the bargains were forcibly drawn into a different world at this time.

As soon as the enemy entered, the seven saint chiefs immediately changed. It was completely opposite to the previous posture of waiting quietly, all turned into a fighting posture, the seven saint chiefs of the humanoid race. The seven saint chiefs are all humanoid races, and are also the earliest group of humanoid races that followed Hong Qihua. Unlike the seven human-like countries, Hong Qihua only regards them as subordinates, but not their cronies. The seven saint chiefs are the core combat power of the humanoid temple that Hong Qihua personally cultivated.

Taima took a step forward, suddenly roared, and then ran. As Taima ran, the surrounding air flow immediately began to surging violently, and the originally calm sky instantly turned into the top of the storm. A terrifying storm followed Taima’s side.

Yufenghu-the storm follows!

Suddenly, Taima appeared in front of him, slamming a claw down. The storm following Taima immediately rolled and crushed in front, completely involving the enemy who had just fallen into the air.


People who fell on the surface only felt a beautiful singing sound in their ears, and the surroundings became thick fog. Even with their eyes, they could not see through this fog. The soft and beautiful singing in the ears made many people lose their way. In the moonlight, Saiana sang softly, and her beautiful singing made people more and more sinking.

The vigilant man immediately dived into the bottom of the sea, but did not expect that this seemed to be the worst decision.

As soon as they entered the sea, the pressure on this group of people was heavier than expected. At this time, the surrounding sea had already rolled up and turned into countless terrifying vortexes. A flick of the dragon whale-Hai Shali makes people feel that the bones of the whole body are going to be completely crushed by the heavy sea water. With the huge body of the dragon whale and the control of the ocean currents, this is the perfect home for Hai Shali.


Relatively speaking, the ones that land on land are the luckiest.

However, it is only relatively lucky. Faced with the enemy, no matter who it is, there will be no one left.

Black-eyed standing among the bamboo sea, looking at the great priest Zhuang Hua in front of him, he couldn’t help but split his mouth. “After chasing you for a long time, now I finally don’t have to run around.”

“Deeply regrettable.” The great priest Zhuang Hua smiled gently, and then said. Although he was an enemy, Zhuang Hua didn’t hate the other party, and it was because Hongyu’s attitude also brought respect.

The Fist of Yuyuan!

The black eyes stepped out instantly, and the body moved with the heart, and the aura in the entire bamboo sea was simultaneously driven, and there was a rattling wind. Suddenly, it was a sudden fight. The surrounding aura suddenly gathered and separated. Amidst the swaying sound, the surrounding bamboo sea fell towards the surroundings, forming a Tai Chi circle.


Fitch, the lord of the Udi Star Territory, was teleported to the Worm Nest. Looking at this place more bizarre than the abyss, Fei suddenly felt that he and his opponent seemed to really match up.

It’s just that hiding is not like what your saints do.

Fitch made a heavy blow, and the huge insect nest was suddenly broken, and countless debris splashed around, and countless mucus was flowing down the edge of the broken.

It’s just that, even with this provocation, the parasitic emperor Kajia did not appear. Karga hung underneath, grinding his huge teeth lightly, watching everything. Kajia didn’t think there was anything wrong with this, because he was not a warm-blooded creature himself, or in other words, since the first stupid provocation Hong Qihua was beaten to death, he became extremely cautious.

(In the original research institute where Mother Body was located, seven people, nine beasts, and the parasitic emperor attacked Hong Qihua when they first met, so no one chose him as a partner. Now, other beasts have already become As the guardian beasts of seven countries, Cloud-Swallowing Ray Snake also followed Hong Qihua. After an era, the parasitic emperor who has not been very brilliant finally appeared in front of the world.)

Fitch didn’t realize that after he left, the originally broken insect nest was like a living creature, actively growing and connecting, and slime clinging to it.


The Great Emperor Kuiluo was teleported to the front of Emperor Yongwu. Looking at the vicious ape in front of him, Kuiluo couldn’t help but speculate slightly in his heart. White Nether Building had an agreement with him. If this ape knew about it, I’m afraid it would be impossible for them to fight genuine. The kind of battle that looks just like you do….

It’s just that, while thinking like this, Quero suddenly saw the eyes of Emperor Yongwu.

So, this is a militant guy, so he doesn’t care about any agreement.

In Quero’s surprised and delighted application, Emperor Yuan-Yingwu let out a long low groan, and the Treasure Tool-Ruyi stick in his hand instantly grew bigger, and then swung it down heavily. I will become the new legend, Emperor Yuan-Yongwu. With the fall of the Ruyi stick, Yongwu’s expression became extremely excited, and his fighting spirit and aura instantly skyrocketed.


On the last side, Wu Ling also looked at Xian Liuluo. Sure enough, he didn’t feel wrong before, it was really this woman. As a result, the group of Xigu Star Territories he caught was useless at all, but had something to do with White Nether Building. Wuling, who was thinking about this, could not help but slowly swim out, swimming towards Xian However, when Wuling wanted to find Xian Liuluo, a figure appeared in him. On his side, Maori Ling was stopped.


Worry Ling was incomparably astonished. He didn’t realize that there was one more person beside him. However, when Wu Ling looked at the figure around him, he suddenly realized that it was not someone else but the saint Hongyu who appeared next to him.

“Let’s find someone else, Xian Liuluo is the star of Xigu Star Region.” Hongyu said.

“Star Venerable, it’s no wonder that I don’t have enough eyesight.” A trace of astonishment flashed in Wu Ling’s eyes, and then he nodded and took the initiative to leave here. This is not the time to be aggressive, the star is genuineLV6, don’t look at the White Nether Building captain who seems to be able to challenge LV6, but that is very reluctant. It may not be possible to survive with another person. At least, Vortex does not have such confidence. However, if it is the saint Xiaoyu, as the head of the saint, of course he can only believe it.

“You are very nice!” Xian Liuluo smiled.

“But, it’s just not bad.” As Xian Liuluo’s voice fell, Specialization suddenly appeared in the surrounding atmosphere.

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