Era of Disaster Chapter 1212: Batch processed products

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Qianshou withdrew far behind, bringing up a violent air current before stopping. ±, when he raised his head, Qianshou’s eyes were very shocked. In fact, although he seemed to have lost an arm, it was not a serious injury at all. genuine shocked Qianshou, it was the way Bai Yi was before.

Cruel and excited killing gesture.

Thousands of Hands: Warsaw Sect-Da Zhi Shi (lv6→).

In Bai Yi‘s mind, the news from Kanda Kiyokage flashed. If the anger of Bai Yi before was like a tsunami, then the current Bai Yi has gradually eased, and the anger and craziness have gradually subsided, as if it was in the bottom of my heart, and the face became cold. Just like a dormant volcano, deep tyranny is hidden under the coldness.

Even if the person in front of him is a great power of the Warsaw Sect, with a strength of lv6, he has already been sentenced to death by Bai Yi.

Thousands of hands on the opposite side also suffocated anger, and the repeated encounters have been unsuccessful since they first met Guan Shile. And just now, I was slammed by Bai Yi. Although I didn’t suffer any damage from genuine, Qianshou felt extremely lost face. At this time, he just wanted to vent his anger completely. And the best way, of course, is to show your genuine power and crush Bai Yi under your feet.

Like Dharmakaya! (Warsaw believes in time and believes that in the eternal flow of time, you have your own life. Of course, it may not be a human being, but it may be other creatures. Time is like the real body, which is to find a powerful image in the past time flow. Be condensed and become your own law body.)

Countless golden palm shadows opened behind Qianshou, forming a huge ring, mysterious and atmosphere.

Bitter wheel!

Laws with you!

In an instant, ten thousand palms fell heavily. This is the power of lv6. Under the golden palm, the whole world is shattering. The Bai Yi that was under pressure had no room for evasion. At this time, Bai Yi didn’t even use the blur, and just like that, he used his own strength to withstand this blow.

Bitter wheel!


The sea of ​​reincarnation!

Continuous attacks continued to fall, one move after another, and the whole world was almost completely suppressed by Qianshou. With a bang, an earthquake occurred almost on the entire star ring, and it began to vibrate violently. The people on this star ring don’t know what happened, and the nearby creatures may know what happened, but they can’t escape at all, and can only be completely covered with the attack of Thousand Hands, along with the world below.

Among these creatures, there are many evil beasts and spirit beasts whose strength has reached lv4, but under the attack of Qianshou, there is no room to resist.

No matter how they struggle, they seem to sink into the sea of ​​reincarnation.

Yes, the mountains that were originally towering into the clouds are not just as simple as collapse. Under the attack of Thousand Hands, it melts like a sea of ​​mud with a continuous black whirlpool, as if the essence of substance has been completely Changed the same.

Several times in a row, Qianshou stopped, and his breath increased by two points. However, Qianshou felt very outraged. This is the right way. This is the right way. How could the ruler of a small star field be his opponent. After he took a serious shot, the other party should have no resistance.

Slowly, the golden palm shadow gradually lifted from the sea of ​​suffering and rebirth, and then Qianshou looked at the black mud sea vortex in the center.

Bai Yi is not dead, of course it is impossible to die, but it is injured.

In fact, Bai Yi has never made any decent resistance in previous attacks. At this time, blood is flowing slowly and continuously towards the bottom.

“It’s so painful!” Bai Yi murmured like a low voice.


After Senshou heard Bai Yi‘s words, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, do you know the pain? Do you know my strength.

“It’s really painful, this feeling.” Bai Yi trembled all over, whispering as if sickly.

“Always want something from damage, tear something up, you…” Bai Yi looked at Qianshou on the opposite side, and when the opponent was shocked, Bai Yi looked at his hands again. The fall of the three people made Bai Yi‘s heart a little sick, and a strong self-blame seemed to be eating away at his heart.

“Also, myself!”

Qianshou immediately took a step back. At this time, Qianshou was already certain that Bai Yi‘s mental state was very abnormal. Bai Yi at this time has a crazy and pathological mood, and even has a tendency to self-harm. Therefore, in the previous attack, there was not even a decent resistance. After feeling this, Qianshou didn’t know what was happening in his heart, and suddenly panicked.

Frankly speaking, no one wants to face such a mentally ill opponent.

Just the death of a captain of White Nether Building, is it enough to make Bai Yi look like this?

It’s just that, obviously Qianshou has no chance to know the answer to this question. Because, the opposite Bai Yi was dripping with blood, just like the last Godhead, spreading his hands.

Biology?? Immortal!

Half outfit!

The blood around, even the blood stains that had been submerged in the sea of ​​reincarnation, returned instantly. Not only that, but a set of meditation costumes appeared on Bai Yi‘s body instantly. The gloomy colors, complex patterns, non-golden and non-cloth materials, and a few gorgeous tail feathers floating towards the back, on the body of Bai Yi, appear unusually noble and solemn.

This is the ghost costume of Bai Yi-Soul Butterfly!

Suddenly, the emotion in Bai Yi‘s eyes faded completely, and nothing was left. Heartache, self-blame, sadness, nothing is left. At this time, Bai Yi is White Emperor, the leader of White Nether Building. Know clearly what you should do and what you can do.

Quick flash step!


As far as Warping, Bai Yi instantly appeared behind Qianshou. Although Qianshou had been fully on guard for a long time, he had not completely defended it. Almost instantly, a piece of his transfiguration was torn off by Bai Yi again. It was as fragile as the hands of ordinary people.

Walking between reality and illusion, Bai Yi is tearing the flesh and blood of Qianshou indifferently and ruthlessly.

It’s as cruel and ruthless as a terrifying behemoth is eating away.

Senjue was still resisting at first, various attacks appeared one after another, almost completely shattering the surrounding world. The battle is astonishingly fierce. One side is the supreme power of the Warsaw Sect, and the strength has reached lv6. The other side is the most Top Level existence in the solar system. Although only lv5, Bai Yi cannot be regarded as lv5 at all.

He didn’t fall under the wind, but Qianshou became more and more frightened. His attack is very strong, but it has no decisive effect. Bai Yi is just like Undying, no matter what kind of injury, it can recover quickly. Even, he suspected that if Bai Yi didn’t appear on purpose, he would not even be hit by him at all. On the contrary, it was himself, like the prey of a wild beast, constantly being eaten up.

Thousands of hands who discovered this, finally got scared. He didn’t expect that this would be the result.

After a part of his body was ripped off by Bai Yi again, a strong unbelief and despair rose in Qianshou’s heart.

How can it be so powerful with a mere lv5.


In fact, people from other sects who avoid this place far and still watch the battle here also have this question. The power displayed by Bai Yi is really ridiculously powerful. Obviously, he hasn’t reached the boundary of lv6, but in the battle, he suppressed the thousand hands to death.

“Senju might really die here this time.”

“Where is Xiao Bi, isn’t he coming?”

“Just kidding, Xiao Bi is too late to protect himself. His world of fire is broken, and now I am afraid that he is seriously injured. If he dares to come here to save a thousand hands, I am sure that Bai Yi absolute will kill him with him.” Said with a joking smile.

“Really, although I didn’t agree with that very much, but I never thought that the strength on the solar system actually has such a foundation. On the surface, they all have only boundary of the level of lv5, but why are they fighting? In the middle of the world, the strength shown is so much stronger. Are they too strong or are we people too weak?”

“Well, I know something.” said the old man of Buddhism.

“Oh, what’s the matter.”

“There are also disciples of Buddhism who entered White Nether Building. When he was studying there, he brought back some of the teaching theories. I think it is very valuable.”

“What theory?”

“The cultivation technique that best fits my strength and universality.”

“The most suitable strength and universality cultivation technique?”

“Yes, whether it is Warsaw Sect or other sects, the power system has been mature for a long time. There are many ways to advance at each stage. Even, in order to make it easier to advance, at each stage, There are also some universal advanced methods. These advanced methods can indeed make it easier to enter the next boundary, but because of universality, they lose their power essence.”

“You mean…”

“Don’t you think lv5 and lv6 created by the “Book of Fortune” of the Wheel of Fortune are too similar. The universal advanced method is indeed easy, but it is lost With its own characteristics, it is like batch processing.”

Eslow was taken aback for a moment. He had never thought about this before. Because their power system has a long history, they usually practice whatever cultivation technique they get. Even if it is chasing some cultivation technique, it has already appeared. It seems that everyone thinks those cultivation technique are the best. But no one has ever thought about whether those things are the most suitable for them.

Is it a batch processed product?

Eslow couldn’t help laughing silently, and described lv6 as such. However, he can’t deny it at all, because including himself, it is the “Wheel of Doom” of the wheel of fortune for cultivation; the Thousand Hands is the “Samsara Scroll” of the practice of Warsaw. Both of these two types of cultivation technique are more precious than “The Book of Suffering”, but they are still not unique. There are still many people who practice this.

“Thank you!” Eslow nodded to the old man of Buddhism as if he understood something.

The old man of Buddhism just nodded with a faint smile: “You should thank White Nether Building.”

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