Era of Disaster Chapter 118: Killing

Yu Han stood up slowly, shaking his body, suddenly raised his head, and looked at Bai Yi with grim eyes.

Bai Yi was also at this time, his eyes opened again, no sympathy, no mercy!

Bai Yi will not continue to make mistakes, no matter who it is, it is impossible to endure making mistakes again and again. Just as Ning Xue felt before, how terrible Bai Yi, who buried his kindness and gentleness, is not just strength, but a change of mentality.

Reverse Flower Eyes!

When Yu Han looked at Bai Yi ferociously, Bai Yi‘s eyes opened again, and blood continued to flow down. Using Reverse Flower Eyes, the first and second stages are fine, but once the third stage is used and Alien Energy assisted, the eyes of Bai Yi will bleed. After everyone’s unanimous exploration and research, it is believed that this is because the eyes of Bai Yi are not gradual Specialization, several times Mutant Evolution, which causes some dark injuries to the eyes of Bai Yi.

Anything is fine, even if you are blinded, it doesn’t matter, you’re going to be killed anyway.

Bai Yi walked towards Yu Han, and Yu Han also stood there blankly, seeming not to see Bai Yi coming towards him. When walking around, a handle Willow Leaf Knife appeared on Bai Yi‘s hand. This is not the handle given to Hong Qihua, but the style is the same. In fact, Bai Yi didn’t even have a chance to get back the Willow Leaf Knife that was sent to Hong Qihua, and could only choose an identical one as a replacement.

Yu Han, Yu Han, wake up, bastard.” Gaute roared loudly, and leaped towards Bai Yi. However, Woolf stopped him directly, and the two sides were deadlocked together.

“Don’t think about the past!” Woolf was stained with blood, and his whole body was full of evil spirits.

“Asshole!” Gaute looked at Woolf fiercely, his teeth crunching.

Yu Han said just now that everything was his fault, but from Gaute‘s point of view at this time, it was clearly Bai Yi that they were aggressive. Look at the cruel way of killing. Evelynn was directly beheaded by Bai Yi. Ning Xue was still a friend of Bai Yi and they were also pierced through the heart by Bai Yi. Yu Han said that it was his fault before, and they have not seen the genuine situation, but now, Bai Yi is the murderer and the devil!

That’s it, absolute is it!

Gaute looked at the Woolf blocking in front of him, gave a violent roar, and tore his own clothes. The torn part of the muscles in his left arm squirmed quickly, and a huge tentacle grew out quickly. And the other four people are similar to Gaute, and they also regard Bai Yi as heinous bad guys. Regardless of the other things, they will not be the wrong absolute after the meeting.

Who is right and who is wrong?

Bai Yi grabbed Willow Leaf Knife and walked towards Yu Han, both eyes and Yu Han kept looking at each other, blood was constantly flowing out. All the roars and screams around seemed to have nothing to do with them. Even if the other five teammates of Yu Han were caught in the Brutal state at this time, they couldn’t help but stop their heartbeat and wanted to shout and wake him up.

Yu Han!

It’s over!

Bai Yi sent Willow Leaf Knife to the front and said this in his heart. But at this time, Bai Yi suddenly noticed the python that was still bleeding. At this moment, the eyes of the giant python entrenched on the left shoulder of Yu Han were slightly narrowed, and only suddenly, can you see the cold light inside.

Bai Yi suddenly bounced towards the outside. When Bai Yi‘s body moved, Yu Han ripped fiercely, and the giant python bit at Bai Yi at an unimaginable speed. With a swish, Willow Leaf Knife flew out directly from Bai Yi‘s right hand. Although the python avoided the mouth in time, it was still inserted by Willow Leaf Knife from the original wound.

At this time, Yu Han had already rushed forward, and the tortoise shield slammed into the front door of Bai Yi.

With a dull clang, Bai Yi’s hands hit the tortoise shield of Yu Han heavily, and the tortoise shield was swung away.

Left and beat!

A punch in Taichi.

However, Yu Han had the same weird posture, vented its strength, and then fought back fiercely at Bai Yi. In the research institute, Yu Han also stayed in the upper level for a long time, and the information obtained was not less than that of Bai Yi. Bai Yi they are practicing Taichi, Yu Han is also practicing, and to match his own special left arm, they also made a unique modification.

The left arm is Black Tortoise Arm, and now Yu Han‘s grief and frantic emotions have made him resist Bai Yi‘s hypnosis. Bai Yi judged it the moment it saw the python on the left arm of Yu Han. Because Bai Yi has a deeper understanding of his Reverse Flower Eyes. Hypnosis is not a kind of powers, as long as the other person’s expression is more alert, the more difficult it will be to take effect.

The two fought close together. Yu Han lost a right hand, but had a more flexible python. Moreover, frankly speaking, the butterfly gene of Bai Yi assimilation does not add any other aspects of Bai Yi except for eyesight. So soon, Bai Yi fell into a disadvantage in hand-to-hand combat. However, Bai Yi did not retreat, and still fought fiercely with Yu Han.

Do you think this hurts? Do you finally know it hurts? Do you know what my mood was at that time, what was my mood when I buried my heart, what was my mood when I used Sword Fang to run through Ning Xue! Do you think I want to do this? Do you think who caused this ending?

Bai Yi grabbed the giant python’s neck with his left hand, and his right hand grabbed the cut from the Sword Fang, and tore it fiercely.

“Hiss, roar…” The python neighed, and the Yu Han roared madly, but the left hand was integrated with the python, which was really inconvenient. At this time, it was completely locked by Bai Yi‘s body. However, Yu Han didn’t hold hands, but bit on Bai Yi‘s left arm with its mouth, hard and hard, trying to bite off Bai Yi‘s left hand first.

Dead, kill each other!

Not only Yu Han thinks so, but Bai Yi thinks the same.

Now the two of them don’t have any moves at all, it’s just a physical instinct to fight. That kind of savage fighting is more cruel and bloody. The ghosts around who were originally watching the show were completely dumbfounded, and even Anna was shocked for a while. Because it’s not just Bai Yi and Yu Han fighting like this, other people’s fighting is not too much. Even the child Momo has a cruel image.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Bai Yi yelled fiercely and unconsciously, grabbed the wound on the python’s body with his right hand, and violently pulled off the upper part of the python’s body.

“Roar!” Yu Han also applied fiercely at this time, Bai Yi‘s left hand suddenly heard a piercing tearing sound, and the muscle on the forearm was directly torn off by more than 20 centimeters, revealing the cracks inside. Forearm bones.

The moment when the python’s head was torn off, Bai Yi twisted and kicked Yu Han hard with his right foot.

Whip the leg!

In the same way, Yu Han also kicked towards Bai Yi in the same position at this time. It is not only Bai Yi who has learned Taichi and used it in combat. The two powerful forces collided, and both legs suddenly heard a clicking sound at the same time, and then they snapped at the same time, and then they were bounced out by the powerful impact force between them.

The two fell severely on the ground, and then slowly got up again, without killing each other absolute will not stop.

Yu Han yelled loudly to the sky, and the torn-off body of the python kept spewing blood, and on the back of the left hand of Yu Han, the muscles and bones quickly gathered together to form a new head, the tortoise’s head. Black Tortoise has always had two heads, and it has always been dominated by tortoises. However, Yu Han always thought that the Specialization on his left hand would end here. He didn’t expect that in this situation, this new tortoise head would grow out.

Bai Yi hangs his left hand by his side, and the blood is dripping steadily towards the ground. On one side of the arm, the muscles are all torn off and spread to the back of the left hand.


The sound of metal rubbing. At this time, Bai Yi was standing beside Ning Xue, and his right hand directly grasped the handle of Sword Fang again, and slowly pulled Sword Fang out of Ning Xue‘s body. The blade rubbed against Ning Xue‘s sharp nails, and there was a slow and long rubbing sound. But this time, Ning Xue did not hold onto Sword Fang again, but lay quietly on the ground.

“Don’t hurt Ning Xue!”

“No, did you hear that!” Yu Han Brutal‘s eyes showed a trace of clarity, but instead he became even more angry.

At this time, other people around were also caught in a **** battle. At this time, no one is still looking for who is right and who is wrong. Everyone has only one thought in their hearts… each other! The brutal and cruel oppression made the surrounding ghosts involuntarily avoid it. Originally thought it was just a dog-blood drama for revenge, but now scene has completely exceeded their imagination.

Anna couldn’t help avoiding it at this time, but suddenly turned to the north, and then looked to the southwest.


The voice was that Devil Great Mosquito and Ominous Soul living in the city were alarmed. The two groups were fighting each other, and the roar of rage and the smell of blood spread far and wide in the quiet ghost town.

In fact, it is not only Devil Great Mosquito and Ominous Soul that are alarmed, but these two ethnic groups are the largest. Other creatures and humans still living in the ghost city Wellington also gathered here.

Bai Yi, Devil Great Mosquito and Ominous Soul are coming here.” Anna immediately appeared and shouted towards Bai Yi. You know, those killed by Ominous Soul will not even be left with Soul. Unfortunately, Bai Yi didn’t care about Anna at all, but pointed Sword Fang to the opposite Yu Han.

At this time, other people also didn’t mean to stop. The battle will not end unless one party is completely dead!

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