Enduring the Winter Chapter 64: Captured

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The Frostbolt hits the spear directly, and the body of the gun wrapped in green by the blades of grass immediately has a blue deceleration effect, and the speed of the gun’s release instantly becomes like a tortoise!

“Damn, this little girl is really troublesome!” Feeling the strong wind behind him, Xiao Ning flicked the gun and directly activated [will to fight].

[The Will to Fight]

Pardon all negative states for 2s

Consumption: Half Anger

CD: 10min

Then jumped out of the range of the arrow rain.

The swordsman pursed his mouth in a pity, sticking out his scarlet tongue, licking his dry lips, and said: “You guys are not bad, let’s fight for another three hundred rounds!”

However, Xiao Ning didn’t pay any attention. His eyes were all on Yan Ling: This girl looked soft and weak, and she was pretty tight, but she didn’t expect it to be really capable.

“Hey! What do you mean!” It seemed that I was ignored and felt a great insult. The swordsman directly turned on Mad Slash, his face was hideous, his face was flushed, from blush to neck!

“Is this angry?” Xiao Ning tried to dodge to both sides, but was blocked by the howling arrows, so she hurriedly backed away. Suddenly, he felt a burst of heat in front of him, and saw an arrow with flames coming towards him! scare! He hurriedly rolled sideways, only then barely escaped.

But at this moment, I heard the eager voice of Song Lao in the distance: “Don’t let them go!”

It turns out that the swordsman’s anger turned on mad slash was fake, but in fact it was to make him retreat. During this period of time, both parties have come and went, and they have already forced Xiao Ning to the intersection. Yan Ling used continuous arrows to suppress him so that he could only dodge and retreat, and the last rocket was already placed in front of him.

Yan Ling speeds up all the way, pulling up the swordsman who has released the mad slash, and the long bow in his hand keeps attacking, so that Xiao Ning can’t lift his head.

Faced with the last powerful rocket, he instinctively flashed sideways, but he just made room for the two of them to escape! Just as Xiao Ning reacted and got up to chase, the horse galloped past him, and instantly ran away!

“Damn it!” Xiao Ning stopped after a while, two legs faster than four legs. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by him, and he looked up and saw that it was Lao Song who flew over his head. “Fortunately, Lao Song is a mage and can fly! See where you can go!”

After a while, the people behind also chased up, but Xiao Ning stopped: “Let’s go back and get ready to meet the general. Let Song the rest!”


Liu Gan hesitated for a long time, took a deep breath, and said: “Do you have to do this?”

“Do you have any other choice?” Qiu’er was expressionless, just staring at him.

He bowed his head again, organized his language, and wanted to save people, but he didn’t expect that at this moment, Qiu’er moved.

In Liu Gan’s surprised eyes, he walked up to the knife man and dropped the knife in his hand.

“You turtle grandson…” I don’t know who he is scolding, but when it comes to this, the words stop abruptly.

Then Qiu’er slowly turned around: “My words are not for questioning, but for execution!”

Liu Gan looked shocked and didn’t care about the swordsman. He walked slowly to the corpse of the swordsman, looked at those angry eyes, and felt guilty in his heart. However, at this moment, a white light flashed, and the swordman’s body was shrouded in colorful beams of light, and a phantom appeared. If it weren’t for the illusory figure, Liu Gan thought he had been resurrected. Soon, the phantom rose higher and higher, and finally disappeared.

This is also the first time Liu Gan has seen the death of a player. It is as gorgeous as an appearance, but he is already a little panicked in his heart.

Su Yun’er, Xiao Bai and others watched this scene in surprise, not understanding why such a spectacle appeared.

Although Qiu’er was surprised, she quickly calmed down, and muttered: “I didn’t expect this to be a son of bad luck, but I misunderstood it. It’s a pity.” The reason why he valued Liu Gan was nothing but him. Because he is the son of doom, the biggest variable in this world lies! He looked at Liu Gan and said coldly: “Are you outsiders from the same place? No wonder you can kill easily. Monsters and people, including me, make no difference to you? It’s ridiculous, but because of one The death of your companion is so sad. But! You have come to our world, no matter how honorable your status is in that world, you must follow the rules of this world!”

Qiu’er’s words are very shocking, which shows that he is very familiar with the son of doom, and Liu Qian suddenly has the illusion of being seen through.

But Qiu’er didn’t care about this, but saw him soaring into the sky without turning his head back. He faintly left such a sentence: “Outsiders, or, in other words, nameless, I’m very optimistic about you, I hope you’ll have The choice will not let me down!”

Qiu’er is gone, besides Liu Gan, there are Su Yun’er, King Kong, and Xiao Bai. Su Yuner idiotically walked to Liu Gan, tugged at the corner of his clothes, weakly said: “Well, Liu Gan, is your name in that world?”

“Yeah,” Liu Gan nodded and collected his mind. Looking back at the two people who were a little confused behind them, they laughed and cursed: “Don’t get out yet, hurry up to Fengming Town!”

Liu Gan is still not at ease. Although he has just angered Qiuer, he has to go, otherwise he will leave a regret forever, or it is more appropriate to blame himself. What’s more, Yan Ling, but how can the woman he likes be so bullied?

A few people got on the horse and set off again for Fengming Town!

“Boss, would you kill us like a monster for no reason?” Xiaobai asked this sentence tremblingly on the way!

“Yes!” Liu Gan was angry and funny, and said, “As long as I get angry, kill all whoever is!” He was so aggressive that Xiao Bai shrank his neck in an instant, and King Kong was also a little embarrassed. .

But there was one person who was not among them. Su Yun’er didn’t care about the situation, Xiao Man boots kicked Liu Gan, and he hurriedly avoided. Going to see her again, I saw the eldest lady with her hands on hips, her eyebrows erected, and she stared at him viciously. Liu Gan had to correct his mistake embarrassingly, and pleased: “Of course it does not include the eldest lady. Even if you give me 10,000 courage, you will not dare to hurt your little aunt and grandma!”

Su Yun’er was amused by Liu Gan’s funny words, and the atmosphere of the four people became harmonious for a while.

But Liu Gan knew that what he said was true.

When I came to Fengming Town, the sky was already full of stars, and torches were hunting in the evening breeze.

The Qiuer was surrounded by a group of little brothers, and there were a lot of teams from various cottages next to him. The entire Fengming Town was occupied by bandits, and the townspeople came out to deliver food and drinks. Those who didn’t know thought it was a warm welcome. Even Liu Gan and others received the food from the townspeople. Looking at the bread in his hands, the expression on his face looked strange and strange.

Soon, he heard the news that Yan Ling and the swordsman had run away, and he felt quite relieved.

However, after a while, there was a commotion in the crowd, and a person flew up in the sky. Liu Gan didn’t care, it was Qiu’er undoubtedly. But his right hand clearly grasped a person, the exquisite figure that was vague but more charming, who was it if it wasn’t Yan Ling?

Liu Gan only felt that his heart sank, and his face seemed to be covered by a cloud of clouds. Under the firelight, he looked very gloomy and terrible. (To be continued.)

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