End of the Magic Era Chapter 1089:

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Byron broke through to level 5 Titled Magic Scholar, and then has reached the edge of contact with the rules, but he has been unable to go further. The rule’s perception of this kind of thing, there is no way to steal it.

So Byron thought of other methods. Since he could n’t realize it, he would make a big contribution and let the strong men of the Shadow Tower guide him little by little.

Then Byron used the accumulated wealth, borrowed the shadow cloak of Dilas, used the shadow cloak, plus his plane shadow Magic Guiding Rune, and his shadow stealth approaching Exteme Magic Spell Rank

He successfully infiltrated other forces in the Kingdom of Odin, and then found plane link leading to the Ragefire plane. Originally he just wanted to infiltrate the Ragefire plane through plane link, and then & amp;. {m} there, using special Magical Treasure records the coordinates of the plane and hands them to the Tower of Shadows.

However, when he sneaked into plane link, he suddenly discovered the true use of plane shadows!

After mastering this Magic Guiding Rune, and then talking about Shadow Stealth after mastering Exteme Magic Spell, you can actually lurk into the shadow of plane link!

His shadow stealth has not mastered Exteme Magic Spell, but with the addition of the Shadow Cloak, he can barely exert the power of Exteme Magic Spell.

plane link is closed, but in Byron ’s eyes, he can still find the shadow cast by plane link to the opening location. As long as there is any shadow, it is equivalent to leaving him a portal, he can follow the shadow, Smuggling to plane link, and then smuggling over easily!

Obtained the coordinates of the Ragefire plane, the Shadow Tower naturally rejoiced, and let an Heaven Rank strong person personally guide. Guide Byron little by little, using extraordinary power. It’s like soaking Byron into a pool of water, and then let him feel the water …

This method is too laborious. But he can’t stand up to his credit, and as long as this reward, there is nothing to say, the strong Heaven Rank of the Shadow Tower is very happy to help him.

Since then, Byron ’s strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has quickly advanced to level 9 Titled Magic Scholar Rank.

Now Byron happens to see that Lin Yun has opened a plane link, and plane link is known where the DD4DD is closed. It ’s not a big deal, where it ’s a smuggler. This is his most powerful ability, even those of the Shadow Tower are not clear, just know that Byron’s Shadow Stealth is very strong.

No one knows at all, the essence of Byron ’s smuggling in the past is that he stole the plane, not the stalkers who were mixed in and were not discovered. This difference is so big …

With a confident smile, Byron sneaked quietly to the closed place of plane link, if it was ordinary Mage. There is nothing here, everything is normal.

But in Byron ’s eyes, it was like seeing a closed gate, but the shadow of the gate projected into the space. These shadows are connected to the gate, and also to the gap between the gates.

The tiny gap is where the plane is connected to the world. If it is completely closed, the plane link can no longer be opened. The equivalent of plane link here completely disappeared.

Byron looked back at the dozen or so Mages that followed, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth. The most proud thing is to stole the plane in front of other people. No one else will understand what is the essence of the matter, only think that this is also shadow stealth …

Use the shadow cloak to wrap all the people behind, and then a group of people will be fully integrated into the shadow. These people are led by Byron, sneak into the shadow of plane link along the shadow of the earth, and then follow the plane link gate. The gap, quietly integrated into it.

In the view of others, there is an plane link in front of them, but they are hidden. They have now opened the hidden door and entered plane link easily …

In the endless darkness, Byron led people to sneak into the shadow of plane link, and soon, a plane door appeared again in front of him.

Deep into the gap through the door of the plane, and immediately saw a flat stone platform, on which sits a rudimentary building with countless various Alchemy tools.

Obviously this is a Alchemy laboratory, and around Alchemy laboratory, there is a thick **** mist, but these **** mists are blocked by the outside of the Alchemy laboratory as if they were blocked by some force. .

And Lin Yun is holding a test tube in the Alchemy laboratory, frowning and thinking about something …

Seeing this scene, Byron ’s eyes glowed amazingly!

Alchemy experiment, this is Mafe Merlin researching the blood of beast god, the secret of his research is here!

As long as I find this secret, I will have the opportunity to break through to Heaven Rank, haha, it ’s too easy …

No wonder Mafe Merlin is so confident that no one can steal the secrets he holds, no one can steal his research results. It turns out that he has a semi-plane, and all the research is in semi-plane.

Here is the safest place. As long as he brings out the results to the outside, no one can find out the specific Alchemy technology and secrets. Even if he turns over his camp whole , he ca n’t find anything valuable. .

Unfortunately, he met me, met my plane stowaway Byron, his secrets, his achievements, all belong to me!

Damn, that golden yellow Alchemy Potion is the legendary Potion that can help Mage complete the transformation?

As long as I steal this bottle of Potion, I can become a strong Heaven Rank. Then I will go wherever I want, all planes, as long as I know where the door of the plane opens, I can Get everything I want …

Byron was fiery, blending in the shadows, diving out of the plane door, and then wanted to slowly approach the past.

At this moment, he just glanced at the research of Lin Yun, and the world in front of him suddenly changed. The whole world seemed to become blurred in an instant, and even the space seemed to fluctuate slightly.

Byron blends into the shadows, and there are even dozens of shadows Mage, as if they were kicked out of the stealth state by a force, their bodies instantly condensed into shape and returned to their original state.

The Alchemy laboratory, not far away, disappeared, and the surrounding stone platforms disappeared …

On both sides of their bodies, there are two plant walls with a height of more than three meters. The walls are like dense holly plants that have been trimmed, and the leaves of densely packed are piled together.

Only before and after the road ahead, the ground is also covered with a layer of turf, and stepping on it is like floating in the clouds.

The sudden changes suddenly surprised these shadows Mage. They are all kings in the shadows. The best thing is sneak attack. If they are put on the bright side, their fighting power is not even as good as an element of Standard Mage.

Now there has been a change here, obviously something has inspired.

“Byron Your Excellency, what should we do? Have we been found?”

Byron tried to blend into the surrounding shadows, but the result made him feel awkward that he could not blend into the surrounding shadows, even those shadows of absolutely clear that could be seen would not work …

It ’s like the shadows are only visible, but they do n’t exist at all, and it ’s like there is a force preventing him from blending in.

“We may have stepped into what Alchemy Array, look at it here, it should be a labyrinth Array, as long as you walk out of the labyrinth.”

An Mage on the side wanted to try to fly, but flew long time , but found that the plant wall of more than three meters high on both sides was always a little taller than him, and could not fly out at all.

“No need to try, here is a labyrinth Array, unless you find the right path, you can never go out, unless the power is strong enough to destroy the whole labyrinth Array at one time, otherwise, only the result of being trapped . “

Byron has also seen a lot of labyrinths Array, but it ’s such a weird one, but it ’s the first time I saw it. Any labyrinth Array I saw before can find a shadow that can be integrated, but here, it is a little I ca n’t find it, shadow stealth has lost its effect …

Unable to perform shadow stealth, Byron is very insecure, like a bird who has always been particularly good at flying, and suddenly his wings were pulled off …

With people walking cautiously, after walking for more than twenty meters, he encountered the first turn. By the time the corner was turned, Byron suddenly felt a fire light in front of him.

In an instant, there are more than three meters thick, almost Fire pillars as high as the whole labyrinth channel, rushing to flood a shadow Mage walking in the front …

The black and gray light flickered in Fire and disappeared. After Fire disappeared, only one Staff was left in the shadow Mage and the body seemed to have been burned into Ashes

Byron was cold and sweating and forced herself to calm down, then took out Staff and released a dozen shadow arrows in a row.

In the firelight, an angry scream sounded, and the firelight slowly dissipated, and a fiery red monster with a head that occupied half of the body was entrenched in the corner.

One of the monster ’s eyes was blinded by a shadow arrow, and the other small eye-sized fingernail was full of vicious and ferocious light. The four small short legs were supported on the ground, and then the huge mouth Opening again, another fiery flame burst out.

Byron ’s strength is the strongest. He propped up a shadow shield, resisted in front of everyone, and forcibly diverged the pillars of fire. Those pillars of fire did not enter the plant walls on both sides, but they seemed to be directly integrated into them. Those deep The green plants still have a watery luster, with no signs of being burned.

“Quickly kill this monster, what are you stupid, what are you waiting for? Waiting, we will be burned alive here!”

Byron roared with horror. In just one second, he felt that the Shadow Shield was devouring his magic power madly, and magic power was consuming very fast.

Behind dozens of Mage, he quickly raised Staff, the rapid spell sounded, and a large shadow arrow flew out, shooting the monster into a hedgehog in less than three seconds. (To be continued …)

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