Empress with no Virtue Chapter 57: Rescue

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Ji Wu Jiu waited in the barracks until evening.

Ye Leiting led his army back with a great victory, and the main force of the Jurchen tribe fled to the northwest and northeast in two directions. When he walked into the barracks and saw Ji Wu Jiu alone, he couldn’t help but ask:

“Where is Zhen Zhen?”

“Where is Zhen Zhen?”

Two voices sounded at the same time, and Ye Tingting suddenly realized that something was wrong, and he had to untie Ji Wujiu first. Ji Wu Jiu didn’t have time to explain to him, so he ran out and looked around for Ye Zhen Zhen. But no one had seen her, and she was not among the wounded soldiers.

Ji Wu Jiu was like a headless fly for a moment. He would ask questions when he saw someone, and his face would turn pale when he saw him. Ye Tingting saw that his face was frighteningly pale, and he was so anxious that he had to stop him first and comfort him. He said, “It’s a bit chaotic right now. Maybe she’s in a group and will come back to you soon.”

“No, if she is here, she will definitely come back to show off to me first.” Ji Wu Jiu replied anxiously, broke away from Ye Tingting, and went to ask others if they had seen General Zhen before.

An outspoken soldier replied, “We have never seen General Zhen. I’m afraid he died for his country…”

This is actually the most reasonable guess, but no one has the heart to say it.

Ji Wu Jiu stared at the soldier so hard that he felt terrified, turned around and ran away.

Seeing that his mind was a little abnormal, Ye Tingting had no choice but to have someone call Lu Li over. Among the people in the entire military camp, Lu Li was the only one who could beat Wu Jiu. Lu Li had not yet changed out of his blood-spattered armor, and Ji Wu Jiu almost went crazy when he smelled the strong smell of blood all over his body. Lu Li quickly restrained him before he went crazy and slashed him with a knife, causing Ji Wu Jiu to faint immediately.

Because he spent a lot of effort, Ji Wu Jiu fell asleep and didn’t wake up until noon the next day. Ye Tingting was sitting by his bedside. Seeing him open his eyes, he said before he could speak: “Zhen Zhen is still alive.”

Ji Wu Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes brightened a lot. He sat up, took a bowl of water from Ye Tingting, and drank most of the bowl in one breath.

Seeing that he finally returned to normal, Ye Leiting felt relieved. He also ordered someone to bring some food. Ji Wu Jiu didn’t want to eat, so he took a few mouthfuls and looked at Ye Tingting.

Ye Leiting said, “Don’t worry, Zhen Zhen’s skills are pretty good and she won’t be easily injured on the battlefield. I asked all the brothers from the fifth military camp to go out to collect the corpses from yesterday’s battlefield. I’m afraid they won’t be able to see clearly at night. I checked again during the day and couldn’t find her. In other words, she should still be alive, but she just didn’t come back, so she was either lost or…captured.”

“Even if I got lost, I should be able to find him after such a long time.” Ji Wu Jiu said.


“So, she was captured,” Ji Wu Jiu sighed, “I lost my composure yesterday.”

“If you care too, it will lead to chaos.”

Ji Wu Jiu thought for a while and said, “Something’s wrong. Capturing prisoners usually occurs when the battle is won. Yesterday, the Jurchen army was completely defeated. He couldn’t even run away, so how could he go to all the trouble to capture a prisoner?”

“This is also my doubt.” Ye Leiting replied.

Both of them are smart people, so there is no need to explain at this time, because there is only one explanation: this prisoner has value.

Thinking of this, Ji Wu Jiu felt a little more relieved. The other party should not be too embarrassed for the valuable captives. But the thought of a beautiful woman falling into the hands of the enemy made him feel relieved again.

Ji Wu Jiu closed his eyes and thought back to Ye Zhen Zhen’s outfit yesterday. She was wearing armor and a scarf, so on the surface there should be no suspicion.

Never let the other party find out that you are a woman, Zhen Zhen.

Maybe the other party already knows that she is the queen? In this case, it is expected that they would not dare to touch her.

In short, if Zhen Zhen is any good at all, I will personally lead my troops to crush the entire Jurchen. Ji Wu Jiu thought, his eyes filled with a fierce look.

Ye Tingting saw something wrong in his eyes and thought he was going crazy again, so he reminded him, “Then what should we do now?”

Ji Wu Jiu turned to look at him, “Bring the map over and tell me about the Jurchens’ troop deployment yesterday and their escape direction.”

Ye Leiting then asked Lu Li to walk into the barracks with the map. He unfolded the map in front of Ji Wu Jiu, pointed to an area outside Guangning City and said, “The three Jurchen armies encountered our army here, here, and here. After a fierce battle, the left army fled to the northwest, and the middle army fled to the northwest. The army and the right army fled to the northeast.”

Ji Wu Jiu looked at the map and said, “Zhen Zhen set out from the military camp and wanted to join in the fun at the front line. She would not seek far away from the near. The first thing she encountered should be the opponent’s left army. If she was captured, she would naturally be captured by the left army. Abducted by the road army.”

Ye Tingting said, “I will lead the troops to pursue him immediately, and I will definitely rescue Zhen Zhen.”

“No,” Ji Wu Jiu shook his head, “You have to lead people to chase Alhatu.”

Ye Tingting was a little confused.

Ji Wu Jiu explained, “Have you ever thought that after Alhatu became famous as a young boy, he fought in the East and West for more than 20 years without ever losing. Such a person must be very conceited. This time he is in We have suffered a huge loss at our hands, so how can we be willing to accept it? According to the secret reports from the army two days ago, Alhatu’s cousin came with 20,000 elite troops to help in the battle. How could Alhatu like this have any intention of being defeated and running away? ”

“What do you mean…”

“What I mean is that he will definitely find a way to counterattack. Besides, the Ulan tribe is expected to attack Jizhou under his instructions. This is also a great opportunity for Alhatu. Moreover,” Ji Wu Jiu’s index finger He moved slowly along Alhatu’s escape route and stopped at a place. “Look at this mountain pass. It is a very suitable place for an ambush. Alhatu is a smart man and if he fails to counterattack, he can completely escape here and set up an ambush.” .”

Ye Leiting’s eyes lit up, “Then we will use his plan to defeat his ambush.”

Ji Wu Jiu nodded, “So, you will still have to work hard for a while. I will wait for you to come to me with Alhatu’s head.”

“So over there with Zhen Zhen…”

Ji Wu Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly, “I will naturally save my woman myself.”

Ye Tingting understood Ji Wu Jiu’s feelings very well, but he disagreed with Ji Wu Jiu’s actions. However, Ji Wu Jiu was very stubborn this time. No matter how Ye Tingting tried to stop him, it was of no avail. Later, when he directly brought out the imperial edict, Ye Tingting was unable to do so. After all, the reason why he successfully kidnapped Ji Wu Jiu a few days ago was because Ji Wu Jiu sold him face. This emperor is a measured man, but now that his wife has been taken away, how can you talk to him about what is measured?

Having no choice but to order 20,000 elite soldiers for Ji Wu Jiu, Ye Ting Ting ordered only 10,000 for Ji Wu Jiu. Ten thousand was enough to chase thousands of deserters. He couldn’t ignore the war in Liaodong just to save Ye Zhenzhen.

However, Ji Wu Jiu agreed to take Lu Li with him. Ye Tingting finally felt relieved and repeatedly told Lu Li to protect Ji Wu Jiu.

Ji Wu Jiu couldn’t wait until tomorrow, so he set out that day with ten thousand troops. It was almost evening, and a red sun was sinking in front of us, spreading thousands of golden lights on the earth. In the vast wilderness, hunting the east wind, with the flags fluttering, ten thousand soldiers advanced in an orderly manner towards the golden crow leading the light in the world. Most of them didn’t know the goal of their mission this time. They just thought they were following General Wu to pursue the poor bandits. No one could have imagined what kind of nightmare such an army would bring to the alien race.


When Ye Zhenzhen woke up. The first thing that catches the eye is a bald head that can tell the difference.

She didn’t realize what it was for a moment. She blinked her eyes, then blinked her eyes again, and the bald head moved, turned back, and a face appeared in front of Ye Zhenzhen, “Are you awake? ”

Ye Zhenzhen realized that she was tied to a wooden frame. Because the wooden frame was relatively high, she could only see the top of the other person’s head. Now he looked up at her, his face showing. This man has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a bulbous nose, and a thick black beard on his chin. Combined with his bald head, at first glance, one might think that this man’s head is upside down.

“The shave is so clean.” Ye Zhenzhen praised.

“…” The bald-headed cup could not have expected that the first words she said when she woke up would be like this, and he could not guess whether she was flattering or mocking. He smiled coldly, “Now that you are about to die, let’s see how long you can continue to be arrogant.”

Ye Zhenzhen was not afraid of his threats, “If you want to kill me, why bother to try so hard to kidnap me?”

Baldiao was stunned by her words, with an angry look on his face. He took out a dagger and put it on Ye Zhenzhen’s neck, “Tell me, who are you?”

Ye Zhenzhen smiled and said, “Do you believe me when I say I am Sun Wukong?”

Baduo said, “If you were Sun Wukong, I would be Erlang Shen.”

Ye Zhenzhen said, “If you are Erlangshen, I will be the Queen Mother.”

Tu Lao thought for a while, the Jade Emperor was Erlangshen’s uncle, and the Queen Mother was Erlangshen’s aunt. This person obviously wanted to take advantage of him. So he said, “If you were the Queen Mother, I would be the Jade Emperor.”

Ye Zhenzhen said, “If you were the Jade Emperor, I would be the Jade Emperor’s mother.”

Baldiao: “…”

This is so shameless!

Bald Lao slapped Ye Zhenzhen’s face with a dagger and said angrily, “You pretty boy, Rabbit! You don’t think of yourself as a woman anymore!”

Ye Zhenzhen finally realized that she was now a woman disguised as a man, and that she had made a mistake when she spoke like that. Fortunately, she was dressed very carefully now, and even thickened her eyebrows, so as not to make the other party suspicious.

Ye Zhenzhen said, “You don’t understand. This is how we Central Plains people curse, in order to insult our opponents.”

After much thought, Tu Lao felt that he could only be the one to curse and insult people like this. However, he did not know much about the Central Plains culture, so he did not want to show his timidity in front of this person, so he had to pass by casually. Then I thought, no, he was obviously interrogating this person, so why did he make such nonsense about the Jade Emperor and his mother. So he put the dagger on Ye Zhenzhen’s neck again, “Stop pretending, tell me, who are you!”

Ye Zhenzhen thought that this man had a bad temper, and if she took advantage of him again, she would be stabbed twice by him, so she stopped talking.

But Bald Lao suddenly held the dagger and stabbed Ye Zhenzhen hard in the abdomen!

Ye Zhenzhen felt a dull pain in her abdomen and groaned involuntarily. The bald gourd withdrew the dagger and saw that there was no trace of blood on the blade. He waved the dagger in front of Ye Zhenzhen a few times and said, “You are a handsome young man, dressed in silkworm clothes. You are the emperor of the Central Plains people, right?” At this point, Tu Lao couldn’t help but feel proud. During the chaotic battle the day before yesterday, he saw a young general suddenly rush in, holding a musket in each hand, riding a horse and charging through the chaos. Although he was not killed by a gun, his bullets were not missed, and the Jurchen soldiers around him were beaten. Don’t start. He knew at a glance that this person had an extraordinary identity, and he had heard a secret report that the Emperor of Da Qi had come to Liaodong in person. When he observed it, he looked more and more like him, so he ordered his people to surround this person with all their strength and capture him alive. After losing the battle, he fled in panic with this man.

Looking back now, that decision was extremely wise. The value of this person was worth as much as an army of 100,000 people.

When Ye Zhenzhen heard what Tu Lao said, she was very shocked. Ji Wu Jiu appeared in Liaodong wearing silkworm clothes. How did he know such confidential things? Could it be that there is a traitor in the court?

Seeing Ye Zhenzhen’s surprised expression, Bald Lao further confirmed his guess. He no longer pressed her, but stuck the dagger into his waist and said, “His Majesty the Emperor is wronged to come with us. As long as your people are obedient, I will naturally let you go.”

Ye Zhenzhen thought to herself that this kind of obedience was nothing more than ceding the city and paying compensation. Fortunately, she was not Ji Wu Jiu, so there was no need to agree to ceding land and paying compensation. Then she thought again, why didn’t she stay put and let this fool be happy first? Then everything would be ready, but she found that the cornucopia she got was actually a chamber pot, and his expression would definitely be very exciting.

So Ye Zhenzhen followed his words and said, “Since you already know my identity, I’m afraid it’s against the rules to treat me like this, so why don’t you let me down quickly.”

“Young face, you can put on airs so quickly, you are indeed from the Central Plains.” Although Tu Lao was disdainful, he actually called a few people in, put Ye Zhenzhen down, and only gave her an anklet to prevent her from escaping. .

The few people who came in also had their heads shaved to show off their appearance. Like the previous bald leader, they all only had some hair about an inch above the back of their heads, braided into a small braid and hanging down. Each of their bald heads and braids looked like giant tadpoles.

As soon as Ye Zhenzhen was put down, she called for food and drink. Seeing that she was so at ease and not at all aware of being a prisoner, the bald head felt suffocated again.

“You really don’t regard yourself as an outsider.” The bald leader complained when he saw Ye Zhenzhen biting into a piece of roasted lamb leg.

“This is called home… Now that you know who I am, can you tell me who you are?”

“Guess? I want to test your eyesight.”

“Duoduo Ulatu, Alhatu’s eldest son, is also his most valued son.” Ye Zhenzhen replied.

When she said this, Bald Lao was shocked. You know, this man had just woken up not long after he captured him. How could he guess his origins as soon as they met? The emperor of the Central Plains should not be underestimated.

“Duoduo? This name is quite delicate.” Ye Zhenzhen said, glancing at his big head that was upside down.

Bad Lao was glanced at by her meaningful eyes, and felt a little ashamed for no reason, “You, how did you know?”

Ye Zhenzhen naturally wouldn’t tell her that she could understand Jurchen’s words, and she just heard those people calling him the eldest prince. She just replied, “It seems I guessed it right… Go and get me some sauce.”

Duoduo listened to her words inexplicably again, turned around and brought some sauce back to her. After handing it to her, his face darkened, “Why should I listen to you!”

“How do I know.”


“However,” Ye Zhenzhen comforted him, “if you make me fatter, you can get more money.”

As soon as Duoduo heard that what she said was reasonable, she stopped pursuing it and sat aside to watch her eat. This pretty face is pretty and she eats delicately too. She is more elegant than the aristocratic women in their royal court.

After resting for a while, Duoduo ordered the march to continue. Ye Zhenzhen was locked in a wooden cage with her head and hands exposed, placed on a cart and pulled by two horses, and was treated well. She carefully observed the terrain and marching direction along the way, listened to the soldiers talking in Jurchen dialect, and roughly understood the goal of this group: the Ulan tribe.

It seems that Duoduo wants to meet up with Bo Riechina first, and then take the hostages to Jizhou City to call the door. This is not a bad choice.

In the next few days, Ye Zhenzhen shamelessly made many requests, such as persuading Duoduo to take off the chains on her feet and asking him to get a few soldiers who could understand Chinese as guards for her. She could Relieving yourself alone, soldiers not allowed to peek, etc.

When Duoduo heard the last request, she felt that the emperor was probably a pervert. A normal man, who would peek at a man relieving himself…

The amazing thing is that Duoduo inexplicably agreed to all her requests.

Ye Zhenzhen was afraid that the other party would be suspicious, so she deliberately relieved herself several times every day. On certain occasions, she would stand far away with her hands covering her crotch, pretending to be a man urinating, leaving her back to the guards. soldiers.

Standing by the river, Ye Zhenzhen maintained this slightly obscene posture, closed her eyes tightly, feeling the wind on the grassland as strong as sorghum wine, and began to think deeply.

Ji Wu Jiu has no plans left, and he doesn’t know if he can figure out Duo Duo’s marching direction.

Whether you figure this out or not, I still don’t want you to come in person.

You are my husband and the emperor of Daqi.

Just thinking like this, Ye Zhenzhen’s thoughts wandered a little far. After not seeing each other for a few days, Ji Wu Jiu appeared in her mind more and more frequently. He laughs, he gets angry, he is dazed, he plays tricks, he acts stupid…

His various things.

Every time she thinks of him, Ye Zhenzhen’s heart will heat up slightly. This feeling was very new, she had never experienced it before. It was as if there was a string between her and him, and this string was always touched inadvertently, reminding her of her longing for him.

Ji Wu Jiu, I miss you, for real this time.

The author has something to say: Thank you Xiaoxiaowewei, Anhao sll629, and Zhuyeqing for mines, okay?

By the way, Brother Ji is about to eat meat~

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