Empress with no Virtue Chapter 102: Prank Extra Part 2

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Welcome to the award ceremony of “The Queen Has No Virtues”. First of all, we would like to invite our host, the handsome and charming Seventh Brother. Everyone welcomes you with applause,,,

Are the words “handsome” and “charming” really compatible in the audience’s mind?,,

The audience was stunned, but the host still didn’t say who said the first paragraph.

The audience felt a big S in their hearts, and they were horrified to think about it…

Dang dang dang, Seventh Brother appears. (This is music, not an advertisement for an e-commerce company. Everyone understands the spirit~)

Seventh Brother: Welcome everyone to the award ceremony of “The Queen has no virtue”. I am Jiu Xiaoqi. People in the world call me Seventh Brother, Seventh Sister, Seventh Uncle, Seventh Master and Seventh Uncle… You can just pick any nickname. Now, Seventh Brother has published many works besides “The Queen Has No Virtue”. For details, please log in to the website at the bottom of the screen. The three big things are *The big thing is that Aixi Dian Nai She (Nani? I don’t understand such a high-end atmosphere and class) Birdsong, right? Bracket reminder: 123 Romance Author Column = 370124) Enter the author column to dig deeper. Brother Qi is currently filming the large-scale costume palace drama “Your Majesty, Please Respect Yourself”. Visitors and onlookers are welcome~

Seventh Brother: Okay, enough gossip, let’s have the award ceremony. First of all, Best Actor and Best Actress——

Ye Zhenzhen:(^o^)/~

Ji Wu Jiu: (*^__^*)

Seventh Brother: Ah, there is no suspense about the Best Actor and Best Actress. Let’s just skip it and award the Supporting Actor Awards next.

Ye Zhenzhen: …is this a crew? ! !

Ji Wu Jiu: Ignore them, let’s do something meaningful.

Ye Zhenzhen: Okay.

(Ye ​​Zhenzhen and Ji Wujiu left early)

Seventh Brother: Now our version is the Best Supporting Actress! The exciting time has arrived! There shouldn’t be too many female characters in our drama. There are six people nominated for this award. Which beauty can win the trophy? Now I have the list of winners. Do you want to see it? Do you want to see it?

Audience: You should watch it!

(Brother Seven wildly tore open the envelope and pulled out the list of winners)

Seventh Brother: Hahahaha, it is indeed her! In “The Empress Has No Virtues”, she is just a soy sauce. She appears four times and occupies less than 3,000 words (this is estimated by Brother Qi with his fingers, so I don’t have to count carefully), but she is ! She gained a lot of attention with a very small amount of space, and even at the end when Seventh Brother was in a **** mess, everyone was still paying attention to this passerby who had already received a box lunch. That’s right, she is His Majesty the Emperor’s emotional supporter, Miss Hongyun! We invite Miss Hongyun——

(audience applause)

Hongyun: Thank you host, thank you all.

Seventh Brother: Miss Hongyun is so beautifully dressed today. Where did you buy the clothes?

Hongyun: Oh, is it really beautiful? Thank you, Brother Qi. This is a haute couture piece from my own ready-to-wear shop. Since I made a lot of money from handsome guy Ji, I left Cuifang Building and opened two silk and satin shops and a ready-to-wear shop. Now the business is pretty good.

Seventh Brother: So Miss Hongyun is now a rich man? Congratulations, congratulations, rich people, let’s be friends!

Hongyun (laughing): Okay.

(Seventh brother awarded the trophy to Hongyun Guliang, and Hongyun began to give his acceptance speech)

Hongyun: Actually, I am a little surprised to be standing here today. I really didn’t expect that I would win this award. After all, there were women number two, number three, number four, five, six, and seven in front of me. I didn’t even know where I would rank. Without further ado, thank you all for your love. Everyone here today who goes to the store under my name to buy something will be treated as a high-level VIP, with a permanent 20% discount!

Audience: Ouch! ! ! (The applause is so loud)

Hongyun: In fact, I also wrote a few books in my spare time. You can browse them for entertainment. There are “Women’s Tips to Prevent Wolfs”, “Popular Books on Physiological Hygiene Knowledge”, “Popular Love Psychology”, “Man, Your Name is Animal”, etc. I have also published some books on silk identification, which I will not introduce here. Interested friends can learn more.

Audience: Girl, your book covers so many fields.

Hongyun: Thank you again everyone!

(Hongyun exits)

Seventh Brother: Okay, now let’s award the Best Supporting Actor. This award is also very competitive, not inferior to Best Supporting Actress. So who can win this honor? Is it Lu Li? Ah, student Lu Li, don’t get excited, I haven’t opened the envelope yet. Is it Liyou? The role of Li You is quite complicated. There is still room for your acting skills to be used. The director said that you were not distracted. Is it Duoduo? Duoduo, why are you crying…

Seventh Brother: Okay, now I’m going to look at the list of winners. Our Best Supporting Actor this time is – Zhen Ben! ! !

Audience: (⊙_⊙)

Zhen Ben: (⊙_⊙)

Seventh Brother: That’s right, that’s right, it’s Zhen Ben. Next, I’d like to invite Brother Ignatius Zhen Ben to appear!

Zhen Ben: It’s true that I am a male myna. Ever since the emperor found out that I was a male, he didn’t allow me to enter the queen’s room and only allowed me to be hung in the corridor. It’s so cold in winter…T^T

Seventh Brother: Zhen is stupid.

Zhen Ben: But why did I win the award? I’m just a bird. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Seventh Brother: Do you suspect that our awards process is speciesist?

Zhen Ben:……

Seventh Brother: Don’t worry, even if you had doubts before, today’s winning result can just break that doubt. Right?

(The seventh brother flicked Zhen Ben’s head, causing Zhen Ben to somersault and fall under the table. The seventh brother took Zhen Ben out with a smile and put it on the table)

Zhen Ben:…Okay.

Seventh Brother: Okay, take the Zhen Ben Trophy.

(Zhen Ben stood on the trophy and began to deliver his acceptance speech)

Zhen Ben: In fact, I am more surprised today than Sister Hongyun. I didn’t prepare an award speech at all…Thank you everyone for giving me the opportunity to stand on this stage. I will continue to work hard in the future and promise that I am not afraid of hardship and death. , and strive to strive for excellence in the business of repeaters. Oh, and I wrote a book, too. Every corner of the Forbidden City is full of secrets. Do you want to know whether Ji Zhengze is the emperor’s biological child? What did the emperor do with his empress’s bellyband? Where is Su Yue’s private money hidden? I can answer all of these for you. Everything is in my recently published new book “Decrypting the Forbidden City”. Everyone is welcome to join in.

Audience: Don’t leave! Tell me clearly what you did!

Zhen Ben: Thank you again everyone! …Which kind-hearted staff member can help me and carry the trophy down with me…

(With the help of the staff, Zhen Ben left the scene)

Seventh Brother: What, everyone thinks this is the end? NONONO, we also have another important award, that is – Best Supporting Role of Both Men and Women!

Seventh Brother: Because the gender of eunuchs is difficult to define, we simply set up this award. This also reflects the humane side of the organizer. Okay, without further ado, who will win the best supporting role that is neither male nor female? In fact, I think this suspense is not too big compared to the first two awards.

(Brother Qi opens the list of winners)

Seventh Brother: Well, our best supporting actor, both male and female, is—as expected—Feng Youde! ! !


Seventh Brother: Please invite Mr. Feng to come to the stage. Come on, come on.

Feng Youde: I still think the name of this award is a bit sexist.

Seventh Brother: Don’t worry about those details. Manager Feng is an important character whose name appears second only to the two protagonists in the book. What do you think?

Feng Youde: It’s nothing, the main thing is just to be familiar with each other.

Seventh Brother: Manager Feng is so humble. Okay, now that you’ve got the Manager Feng trophy, let’s listen to Manager Feng’s acceptance speech!

Feng Youde: Actually… there is nothing to say. As I said just now, I won this award mainly because of the number of scenes I played. Relatively speaking, other winners are more spiritual than me.

(The audience applauded Feng Youde for his humility)

Feng Youde: By the way, I also wrote a book about the emperor’s exclusive decryption. No one else can write this book, only I can write it. The book is called “Records of Life in the Imperial Harem: Walking Between the Good and the Not Good”.

(Thunder applause)

Feng Youde: Thank you everyone.

(Feng Youde exits)

Seventh Brother: Well, that’s it for today’s award ceremony. Thank you all for your attention and support. The Spring Festival is approaching. Brother Qi is here to represent the crew of “The Queen Has No Virtues” and wishes everyone a happy New Year! Good luck in the Year of the Horse!

(Flowers scattered throughout the audience)

The author has something to say: Thank you for the wood and stone mines.

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