Emperor’s Domination Chapter 7103: A little bird

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(Fourth update today!!! The last day for double monthly votes, brothers and sisters who have votes, please vote!)

When standing under Chongming World Tree and looking up at sky, the entire Chongming World Tree is the sky of this world. Among the branches and leaves of Chongming World Tree, there are sun and moon stars, which can directly see Qingming.

This world is very special. It is also a world dominated by Chongming birds. It is precisely because this world is dominated by Chongming birds, one of the nine Divine Beasts, that there are more Chongming birds than any other world.

Here, you can see many magical birds, some are divine birds, and some are Immortal Bird. Many birds are difficult to see in other places in human world. For example, sky flies over a cold-blooded silver eagle that looks like an angry silver arrow; another example is the barbarian Heavenly Sparrow that spreads its wings and covers an side world, and folds its wings like a mountain; another example is that flying out of the abyss is accompanied by a volcano

The outbreak of magma magic dove… and other rare birds are difficult to see in other worlds.

Of course, in Chongming, in addition to many extremely precious birds, there are also various races, including Human Race, Bronze Race, Golden Armor, Holy Spirit, Monster Race… and so on. Race. In the entire Chongming, there are thousands of Hundred Clans, and every living thing has a number of hundred quintillion. And in the entire Chongming, under the shroud of World Tree, mountains and rivers is also extremely majestic. The entire Chongming is a race border country forest

Li, there are thousands of tribes and nations, and they are extremely prosperous. Although the Holy Heaven does not communicate with the outside world and is closed to the whole world, the entire Holy Heaven is still very lively and lonely. It is just the Divine Beast family, because the Divine Beast family has a large number of people.

There are so few now, even if they are standing at the top of the world, they seem extremely lonely.

Just like the Chongming Bird in front of us, the entire Chongming Tomorrow is dominated by the Chongming Bird. However, within the entire Chongming Tomorrow, there are not many members of the Chongming Bird clan, and it is possible that even ten of them can do it. Count clearly.

In such a huge world, there are only a very few Chongming Birds, and they are standing at the top of the entire world. This is indeed a very lonely thing for the Chongming Bird family. At the moment, Chongming, which was originally a lively place, also seems a lot cooler, because the entire Chongming has entered extremely strict martial law. Anyone who enters Chongming or has any dealings will be harassed by Dragon Clan, the servant of Chongming

Check, everyone will not be let go. As a result, the entire Chongming Tomorrow is filled with panic, especially for the strong cultivator players in Chongming Tomorrow. They can’t help but feel frightened, because such a thing has never happened before, and now suddenly, the whole world is in a state of panic.

Chongming Tomorrow is like facing a formidable enemy, which makes all the strong cultivators and exist(ence)s like Great Emperor Ancient Ancestor in Chongming Tomorrow understand that something happened to Chongming Tomorrow, big incident occured. As for what big thing happened, they have no idea.

The only person who really knows the inside story is, of course, the senior officials of Shi Dragon Clan belonging to Chongming Palace. However, the senior officials of Shi Dragon Clan are also tight-lipped about this matter and do not dare to leak any information to anyone.

Because for the servants Dragon Clan, they also felt as if the sky was falling, and they were also a little helpless. In desperation, they could only strengthen the defense of the entire Chongming Tomorrow to prevent any emergencies.

The Chongming Immortal Master, Chongming Bird, one of the nine Divine Beasts, has been banned. Such a thing is like the sky has fallen for the entire Chongming Shishi Dragon Clan.

Chongming Immortal Master is their master of Chongming Dragon Clan. He is their master of Chongming City. He is also the master of Tianzai Immortal Palace and the master of the entire Holy Heaven. exist(ence), one of the nine great Divine Beast like Chongmingniao, and exist(ence) who has entered Tianzai Immortal Palace. Logically speaking, she is already in control. No one in the Holy Heaven can shake her. However, now suddenly

During the period, Chongming Bird was banned. For the entire Dragon Clan guarding Chongming Tomorrow, this was like the sky falling. They were shocked and confused. In a short period of time, they could only take the approach of sealing off Chongming Tomorrow to prevent any outsiders from breaking in

Tomorrow again, something sudden will happen. As for the Chongming Bird clan, they are loyal to the Chongming Bird clan at all times, even if clearly knows Chongming Bird is banned, or even if other Divine Beast will take over the power to dominate the Holy Heaven,

However, without the order of Immortal Master Chongming, Dragon Clan, the servant of Chongming, cannot be loyal to other Divine Beast and will only stick to Chongming. It is precisely because of this that the entire Chongming Tomorrow has entered the strictest confinement and interrogation. If other Divine Beast or other servants Dragon Clan invade Chongming, then Chongming’s servant Dragon Clan will also defend Chongming

Oh my god, fight to the bitter end. Of course, no matter how tight Chongming’s guards are and how impenetrable the blockade is, it is impossible to stop Li Qiye’s. When Li Qiye enters Chongming, there is no one among Chongming’s attendants Dragon Clan

Discover him.

even if It’s true that Tomorrow’s servant Dragon Clan discovered him. In the eyes of servant Dragon Clan, he was just a mortal, and no one would pay attention to such a mortal. Li Qiye entered Chongming Palace. Standing under Chongming World Tree, raise one’s head glanced at Chongming Palace, which was far away on the top of the sky. He couldn’t help but show a faint smile. Chongming Palace was exactly where he wanted to go, and this was also in the

The entire top of Chongming Palace has to go from the mortal world to the divine realm before reaching Chongming Palace.

Just as Li Qiye was preparing to go to Chongming Palace, I heard the sound of birds chirping “chirp, chirp, chirp”. This bird’s chirping was very childish, as if it was coming from somewhere.

“Stop hiding, come out.” Hearing such a childish bird call, Li Qiye narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly. Li Qiye’s After the voice fell, a furry head emerged from the grass. It was a little bird. This little bird was still very small, about the size of a fist. It looked like a chicken.

The same, the whole body is furry and very cute, but one of its legs is red, like a flame. At this time, when this little bird stuck its head out and looked at Li Qiye, its curious eyes were spitting out Grand Dao True Fire. Not to mention all living beings, even if, the strongest people in the world, all bear it

I can’t stand the gaze of its eyes.

Of course, such a little bird, even if the Grand Dao True Fire it spits out from both eyes can burn everything, it will not have any impact on Li Qiye.

When this little bird looked at Li Qiye’s, it was also very curious, and looked at Li Qiye from time to time, because Li Qiye had thing that attracted it.

Seeing such a little bird, Li Qiye squinted his eyes, looked it over, and said: “It’s really a pure and original Bloodline Chongming bird. human world outside, I really see it.” Less than. ”

The little bird in front of me is the Chongming bird with the purest and original Bloodline. It is a Chongming baby bird. Such a Chongming baby bird is impossible to see outside human world.

This young Chongming bird is also very curious about looks at Li Qiye and Li Qiye, which have thing that attracts it. However, it does not dare to approach Li Qiye and seems to be afraid of Li Qiye.

“What, thing attracts you?” Li Qiye looks at looked like a young bird of Chongming. He smiled lightly, took out the Chongming Order and said, “This is it.” As soon as he saw the Chongming Order in Li Qiye‘s hand, this As if seeing a relative, the young Chongming bird cried out, spread its small, plump, and furry wings, and flew towards Li Qiye.

It looked like a suckling bird returning to its nest. Such a young bird flies just like a chicken. However, no matter how young it is, it is a Chongming bird of the Divine Beast family with pure and original Bloodline, one of the nine Divine Beast families.


So, when this young Chongming bird cries happily, its cry is as loud as tearing through the blue sky. Moreover, when it spreads its wings and flies up, it has the momentum of wind and clouds, and its momentum is very powerful. scary.

This is indeed a descendant of Divine Beast with pure Bloodline. At such a young age, it is already so powerful terrifying. When it grows up, when it reaches big accomplishment, it will be such a powerful terrifying exist(ence). It’s no wonder that in the Holy Heaven, the Divine Beast family can rule the world Eternal unchanged. In this world, they are the Supreme race. They are the proud sons of heaven born in this world. They are called

It’s not too much to be the Highest Beginning family of this world.

This young Chongming bird flew onto the palm of Li Qiye’s, and couldn’t help but use own‘s head to rub the Chongming Order in Li Qiye‘s hand. It was so affectionate, as if it was meeting own‘s most affectionate elder.

Then, this young Chongming bird chirped, and looked at Li Qiye with a pair of bright and ignorant eyes, as if asking where their fairy master was. Li Qiye reached out and touched the fluffy feathers of the young Chongming bird, smiled faintly, shook his head gently, and said: “I don’t know where your fairy master is, but I will know it soon. , I am exactly

Come for her. “Said, raise one’s head glanced at the Chongming Palace at the top of the sky.

At this time, the young Chongming bird also pointed at the Chongming Palace with its own wings, and then pointed at the Chongming Order.

Li Qiye smiled lightly and said: “I know, this is exactly where I want to go. Do you want to go too?”

The young Chongming bird thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

Because, in Chongming Tomorrow, not everyone, not even the Chongming bird family, can enter the Chongming Palace. Unless there is an order from the Chongming Immortal Master, this young Chongming bird cannot enter the Chongming Palace. “Chirping a resonate sound, at this time, the Chongming young bird felt that someone was coming, and immediately got into the sleeves of Li Qiye’s and hid.

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